A ars my a did Vv. NO. 30. — fp os ho AA HH For the Grand and 9 ato i PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA.,, THURSDAY, J UNE IT L Ww. COOK S DE REPORT of Patton Borough School District FROM JUNE : 7 1807, TO ume 13, 1898 The Cant of Each Papll Ver Monih. sOHOOLA, Whole number of Sehoole ! A | Averige number of montis taught. L % TEACHERS, | Number of Male Tonchers employed... 2 . Nombey of Female © ; 5 A vitoge sin ries of Atos par moth J “ Permaios por month, HH #H BOHOL ARS dained by the Burgess Cotnell of Patton Borough, and it is bonds at the Inst election for erection | { Nomber of Male Scholars attending aif the aehonds in the distrivt., Namber of Fence Seholary altel bit Average perventage of witendn Gee Bor J the all the se hools io the distri Whole number in attendnnde Avemge daity attendance of Scholars in the district why | Average cost of such pupl! per month. #e | And Hurrah for the Headquarters of North { Oaiiturla, anil Rout Olonrietd ng you want from le fire cracker to a cannon - at the large stores of ! Pi, eo, TAX AND RATE PER CENT. | Number ed mite bey fit for sehool purposes | 1 “ haiiaing for sehen! purposes o pailding © Hi "a : I Xmmennt levied #5 i Axes TD Total amount levied RECEIPTS. From: State appropriation oo Coliector, taxes of ail Kinds tmp. Pea, Cash 47 AL E Xomesstinn ja ay 41% | 0 inom Calton a Ss : ern ¥ Taio 151 90, Sundries os die . = n hy sarFifth and Beech avenues, Oppo- | Suilding. site Seta ora hon Pgs want, of all Bulngeoe doe Tras, i806... § a vr col | © Pee fram Crdbeotor few : ra Tax dow from samen ted lund fonWiL: : ho 8 pre Wr: ar At EX PENDITY RES, DPurnshiing falidis CTenchery wales Janie’ * Fuel anid sonst ingens os : C Exemeraiions glowed Codivelor, viz Imig, I ; Pup. a fowm | Recrotary’ ® smiary ki Th ie Printhgr ‘ oh ¢ Debit and Interest pad WX 0% Water pont is od } Inui 5 Bawoein, sta tinrery. sie, 431% Total Recwiptn EE Total 4 a # RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES ARS ETS, rap. 18 sis 67 FT RE BT A ba : : is , 2 — 4 1 Pave frown Bargoss, gael eet Brox. i 6 8 1.358 " a hat Total TIABILITIFER A mows iit dae Treas tote hed aBYWhere.-ome and treat Orden cutsanding mother, sister, aunt or i { Fstimutad Value Setunst Property find it trae amd corre | Knowledge. Hr ED FIRERE the a load ihe y by {ak the home of John Tru Bilis 5 Bonds Total... Be We, having eXandined the frei ng saan] tir tie hem ol sep Eire RWALE, | Wa, MELLoN, Additors } Rersinr, of | sof tore than July 17th or H, Solivite 5, wil be [Ha ORDINANCE NO. 43. Relating to the Pavi of Mage: Aveoun in Patios crough. ' An Ordinane for the grading, paving and curbing of Magee avenve from the Pennsylvania railroad west 0; schools and length of term were de- the western side of Fifth avenue, and providing for the collection of rate was fixed at 28 mills, as follows: | ick. Schools, 13 mills; the conts of the same, SecrioNn 1. Be it enacted and or hereby enncted by authority of the same: That whereas a majority in } interest and number of the property owners on Magee avenues in Patton Borough, bave petitioned Council that said street be graded, paved and cartwad; setting forth that the street is in such a condition that some perma. sent improvement is necessary, and resprotfuiiy asking that the same be paved witie brick or other suitable mate rin. Therefore be it enacted and ordained that « ol bvanis radivosd, and extending west to the western side of Fifth avenue, be properly graded, curbed and paved with vitriled brick or other suitable material to the width of furty feet Sec. 2. That grading, curbing und paving be dune according io the plans and specifications prepared by the For. ough Engineer, which are hereby approved, and ander his supervision, along with that of the Street Com- mittee Sec. 2 That the grading, paving and curbing shall be done by conlrpel Contract to be advertised and et to the contractor who submits the lowest estimate or bid, offers the best terms and submits a sofficlent bond for the fuithfol performance of his daty ander the pontret REC, 4 The cost of grading, curbing and paving the same to be ascertained and aesssaed to the ow ners of adjacent property and the Borough sesonding bos Law, hy Court for that purpose, game bo coliected by the Borough and forned into the Streel Fund in the bhavds of the Borough Treasurer to pay for the sume. Rec, 5 The Borough Engineer is hereby directed and empowered to adverts: for bids for the grading, pav- ing and curbing of the same, and report the bids sabmitted to the Bur ems and Town Council, who will enter into a contract with the jowest and best bidder for the grading, paving and curbing of the same. Enacted and ordained the 20th day and that the “of June, 1588. ALEX. MoNTiiTa, President of CO ‘ouneil, Attest: EE Wii GREENE, Clerk of Council. Approved by the Burgess the 0th day of June, 1888 Gyn BE PRINUIBLE, Burgess. Low Hates fo Ruftuio, On account of the Baptit Youog Peoples America inlerasl otal convenlon to be held at Buffalo Juiy 14 Wo '7, “the Beech Crew railroad hue arranged for very ow excarsion rages frome all polnie on 8 oe via i as # Lok 3 LE Clearfield and the Buffalo, Kochester & futway. hd Fa of fare | Dames i CHD Benen Beech Creek, rock, Look | ious Snow Shoe, Philipsburg, Mun. are 'oodland and Wallaceton. $6.24 and Gazzam 33. Slell- | hry 12th, 13th, 1 retarning leaving ket with joint agent at and payment of fee ‘ourth of July c milion. Following are the officers and mem- bers of committees who will have » of the 4th of July cele- ve Feld in Patton: A. E tary; 8. 0. Daggett, treasurer; Com mittee of A menta-Josse E Dale, W. H. H. , C. W. Hodgkins, BF Wise WA Mellon, W.J Don- nelly, J. E Parnell and C. C. Grenninger: - Advertising Com. ~-F. H. Kin h 8. and the important of Cincinatti. The {irom gi | great ree © 8 of troops mediately began to march againet On Busway 1 while Joseph Hubbard Bi bowing 3 of wood with a £58 t was quite and Mr. Hub- will be compelled to “rest up” for Thought he Was at Ground Hog. : Albert H. Yon, of Altoona, who, Lissingen, of has prospecting for coal in the vicinity of Glen W hate, Blair county, was shot in the upper part of bod of buckabot oo ove day week, and seri AL ally wounded. He had "te his work and gone down to the spring to get a drink, when a hunter named Charles Croft mistook him for 3 a and hog | and fired at him. Brad radley, © Gallitzin, dressed the wounds. Carpet Weaving. Any person wishing Be ob be accomodated wil i i gh caltng 4 Whete E Jones and E Will Greene; Enter- tamnment Com. J. W, Lapfer, W, E Probus W. E. Merriman, John Yuck ¥. Decorating Com. J. J. Donnelly, J. R. Cordell, W. Kessler, W. H. Moore ‘and H. E. Barton; Reception Copy. -- E. C. Brown, W. H. ford, WwW, dag 4 De. Worrell, Harry Todd and Pennsylvania Chaotaugne, ivania Chautanqua, to be hold at Mt. ¢ retna, Pa, July 1 to August 4, 1808, i Pennsylvania rail- , road company will sell tickets to the public on June 20 to August 4, to return antil August 10, inclus- ve, from stations on its line in Punn- ivania and from Washington D. Ge Mma Md., and Canandaigua, N and principle intermediate stations iretna and return, at reduced Toe Democratic Convention. For the Democratic State convention to be held at Altoona, Va, June 29 the Pennsvivania BRadroad company will sell special excursion tickets trom stations on its line ia the State of Pennsylvania, to Altoona and returu, at rate of singie fare for the round trip minimum rate, 25 cents. Tickets will be solid June 37, 29 and 29, and will be good to return until July 2, 1898 chatre. Episcopal Church Services. Rev. Cann, of Barnesboro, will on- i duct Episcopal church services in the Buck hall on Fifth avenue next Sun- day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sunday aE | oct will be held at 9:30 a. m. of the is invited to juitia, day. Everybody and Town said street, beginning at the Peon. viewers ap ranted by the youn In £ , and 13th, Buffalo on or | July 19th, except that by de- stations on its lines to ‘Tickets wi July 2to 5; returni 8. Bell secre. | good to leave MNashv ibe to July 14, in. Ed. A. Mellon, Geo. E. Prindibie, Cornelius and RE Somerville; erected around the grounds, : Patton can boast of as respect | becoming a place to bury its dead as partake ‘when all ‘be in operation in a few weeks. in Patton. Mr. travelin oi 5 SO AAA SCHOOL BOARD NEETINGS. Teurhern Elected fir the Coming Term | Other Rosluess T . Patton Schoo! Board met in iar | session Monday evening, June at which time the tay rate and number of cided, as follows: On motion the tax interest and debt, 3! mills; building, 10 mills. This in view of the failure of the citizens to vote | of additional school building, which is absolutely necessary for the accommo. | dation of the school-going children. it was decided, by unanimous vote, to fix the length of term at 8 months, | beginning the first Monday in Sep tember. The nuonsber of schools to be ten, graded as follows: Foor Primary, four intermediate, one Grammar and e one High School, with teachers’ salaries as follows: Principal, $75.00 per month; ried that the communication received of prices when you get a glimpse at 23, 1898. AR PA 55 pow a Ak A A ANS. SAAS CALS councit PROCEEDINGS. Sireet Paving Ordinance Paserd Rasiness Traremetod. Patton, Pa, June 20, 1588 - Patton | Bo ‘Council met this evening with the following members nt as per | ‘roll call: Monteith, Hu 3d, Al son, Blair, Jones, Scheid and McCorm.- | The minutes of lar meeting | beld on Monda % May 16th, and specisl meetings held May 27th and June i3%h were read and approved, On motion it was carried that the Council meet in a body at 7:30 Tuesday | | evening at west end of Lang avenue to | investigate said street, A petition signed by P. P. Young, L. | Goldstein and G. C. Yeager, asking that their names be withdrawn from streat paving petition, was presented to Council, and on motion it wus car- ried that same be laid on table, : On motion it was ananimoasly car . Other ARR, $1.00 PE R YEAR. = iia TPARTMENT STORE, ALTOONA, PA. A AT a Ny New DENTIST FUR PATTON, of in Oia pane 1 In liwwtont in the Sodoowon Jansing opposite | Chey Hesmtaurant, where he is prepared to kinds of Dental workl, soch as FILLING TEETH, PLATE WORK, CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK, EXTRACTING ETC, Offies fittesd thremghout with al) modern -p Rianieen. Uff hon will toe frism % a ww. slp mo tesp mand pom to RID Mm. gh work gusranised snd a Hbersi share of | your patronage wolleited. Se Great Reduction in MILLINERY You will be able to form some idea Grammar School teacher, $50.00 per from J. Watt Miller and E. 1. Miller our month; all other grades, $40.00 per month, The annual report was pre. sented showing work done during the year as very satisfactory. be own in waste basket. tition was read to Council signed by citizens of East Magee avenue ask SHOW WINDOWS On motion ing that a fire plug be placed in that and yet this is only an idea what we ard adjourned to meet Tuesday ! vicinity for fire protection. On motion have in stock. evening for the purpose of election of teachers Patton, June 22 School Board met in special session this evening for eleo- inn of teachers, with members anit as follows: © C Crowell, WH. Sand- ford, OC. C. Holter, Reuben McPherson | and G. H. Carfman. The secreta presented 35 names as applicants wit shnly several recotnmendations, from which the following teachers were chosen amd elected by ananimous vole of ail present: For Principal, T. J. Fulton; for Grammar School work, C. Mitchell: for Intermediate, Miss Josephine Weise, Miss Blanch Pifer, Miss Sara Jones sod Miss Violin Me- Mahon; Primary work, Mins Alloa M. Cis, Miss Loretto E. Prindible, Mins Katherine May and Miss [da Deckert Another Hatt ieship Maine, There was a wholesale christening at the Navy department at Washington, Monday when Secretary Long supplied Gieans for no joss than 35 war oralle All of these wore provided for in tbe inst naval appropriation bill, asd while contracts for their constraction have not yet been lel, the advertisements have been issued, except in the cam of the monitors, aod ail the boats will i. under way before cold weather. Firw in the list of the big battieships is the Maioe, for Congrves has provided tbat that name shail be continued in the naval list. The other two big battle. ships will be called the Missouri apd the Ohio. The first of the torpedo boats Dears the name of the brave ensign Bagley, who was on the deck of the Winslow isd of Cardenns, the first - American naval officer to loose bis life in the war. Four states have the privil- -ege of giving their names to monitors, Arkansas, Convecticul, Florida and Vyoming, The names given to Lhe 18 torpedo bout destroyers are those of America 8 Tauous Gay al heroes, Baia bridge, Barry, Casaney, Dale, Decatur, He pring, Holl, Law Penee, Mebionough, Pati Jooss, Perry, Preble, Stewart, & Truxton, Whipple and Worden. The <i the boats are those of AS] Jena push but etill of glor- Besides y's they re: ida, Long, are; Barney, ' Brien, ubrick, Stockton Thornton, y and Wilkes. There | is not only one Tee either building | or authorised jolt without a name, » gunboat officially known as No. 18. Reduced Hates ~ Nashville. On account of the Christian Endeavor | of will he | International convention, to be beld at | Nashville, Tenn., Jul : Pennsylvania Railroa . pall excursdon tickets of the continuous. 5 to 12 the! company will | passage, ironclad signatare form, from Nashville, at rate of single fare for the round trip. be sold, and 4 ets will 5 c¢lusive, except that by depositing ticket with agent of terminal line at Nashville on or before July 15, retarn limit may be extended to leave Nash. ville to August 1, 1588, inclusive. The Faitlon Cemetery. W. T. Robinson has secured the contract for the clearing of the public cemetery east of Patton. The stumpa, | logs, Bekah ete, will be removed and the tin pro At once. Thetoies uk br proper shape and is beautifully situated on an elevated knob | overlooking the town. After the above work is completed a neat fence will be | any town for many miles around. To Operate Near Patton. Abe Byers formerly of Patton, but who now resides at Mineral Point, Pa, is making arrangements to pat in a saw mill at Beech Siding, three miles north of this place, where he bas se- cured the contract of manufacturing an into lumber, for the Mountain City Lamber com y, of Altoona, over 800,000 feet of hardwood. The mill will Save Your Laundry Ball. J. T. Stringer, of Houtadale, has been in town the past few days intro- ducing a new kind of collars and cuffs, shirt fronts, ete, which are manufac- tured from a composition of white rubber and liven. Any person wishing any of the goods can be supplied by calling at the store of O. Oleoson, opposite the Central hotel. Geo. H. Lam, representing the Pills- pury flour of Minneapolis, transacted ness in Patton Tuesday. yy W. Black, represen T. C. | Jenkins, of Pittsburg, ies : Black is the tallest man on the romd and al many friends who are alwa {8 Dlouted : | to see his pleasant face when he “makes his towns.” i miscreant who it was carried that the pstition be Me { farred to the Fire and Police Committe On motion it was carried that an order he granted H. 8. Woomer to the amount of $031 for costs in suit of Commonwealth va Strom On motion it was oa ed that the following bills be accepted and orders drawn for sane: Hunter & Baughman, $58. 80 for lumber per hills Rg ‘J. E. Kirk Hardware company, §i0 oe for merchandise, per two a ie Patton Clay Manufacturing Co., ga for sewer pipe; BE Jones $12.00 for Services as Board of Health officer, por bill rendered; Wns Armstrong, $200 for special police services for May 30th; John Yahner $4.75 for merchandise, ser bill rendered: CO. A. Repsher, $2.00 or auditing school acconnt; W. A. Mellons, $2.00 for anditing shot account: BElmer Smale, $1.00 for audit ing school ae sunt: Patton Water Ca, 54 for water rent for the month of May; John Seheld, £5.75 for car fare lo Clearfield, Curwensville and Philips burg; E Ww ill Greene, $5.00 for clerk services for month of May: R Samer. ville, $30.00 for Solicitor's ssisry for six months to June Ist, 1888: H. A. Witherow, 86.00 for blacksmithing, por bill rendered; and the following for street work per Street Convmissioner 8 E Jones’ account: 8 E Jonm, 8: Sampson Hewlet, $1.50: Win, KRomerville, $3.30: Geo. Edmiston, $1.30; Joe Marks, team, $1.75: John Witkins, 75 cts: Enoch Short, horse, 50 of; John Click, $1. #5: Geo. Tem $2.80; Vie Laver, $1.05; joe a howe £10; Wm, Lucas, $1.35: Jax Mulligan, Sesh, 38 cents; Jus Plat, 25 cents, n motion it was ananimously car- — that Ordinanoe No. 43, relating to the paving of Magee avenue from P. R. to west side of Fifth avenue, He sn] Council then adjonrned. Next regu- lar meeting night, Monday, July 4th, Westover Waifs, Bark = coming into the tannery quite lively. Rev. E. C. Maria, of the Evangeli- cal charch, an interesting Qui Susde gh the le te a num peop are attending their associ at Reyn- . oldmville this week. Times are quite dull here on account of the tannery not running full quota of hours, bot still a number of new buildings are n completion. The So Gaited Bran teal chumeh will be rely EE a ] The street commissioner is aking improvements ou our streets. Cutyy Bros, proprietors of the M itan hotel, are accommodating the public in a manner satisfactory to all, De. worthy of your patronage. | postmaster, i attends to his duties in a satisfactory manner. His daughters assist in the office, but he does his own writing with the pen in his teeth. Woe to the misbehaves in the office—he is very handy with his fest, Mrs H. Kitchen, who was accidently shot last week, is still living and muy | waibly recover. The Woman's All| reiety is caring for her wants. Masonic Gathering. About twenty members of the Masonic lodge in the Good ball Tuesday night where an itn. prompta on was held in honor of Wm. H. of Philipsburg, who was stopping in town over night. Later in the evening the party as sembled at the Commercial hotel to | Osten, homes having spent a most enjoyable evening. Pourth of Jaly Excursion Rates. The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg railway, with its customary liberality, will issue excursion tickets Bat wass two stations on ita line at rate a. Sh fare one way for round . except that no excursion ticket at the reduced rate will be issued for less than 985 cents. Tickets to be sold and good going July 2, 3, and 4, limited fbr return passage “antil July Sth, 1598 Business Trausfer. On Monday John RB. Cordell, former proprietor of the Central hotwl, pur- chased the interests of P. P. Young in the butcher business and meat market next to the post office on Magee ave. nue. The firm now will be Messrs, Cordell and Bart Young, and the Cov. RIER wishes the new partnership abundant success. H. A. Morgan, of Brazil, [nd., wan = visitor to Patton Friday. John Wolfe, returned Saturday from a visit to friends at Johmsonburg, Pa. | R. N. Hill, the hustling little travel ing salesmen of Pittsburg, was seen on | | our streets one day last week. rious The midsummer touch is certainly tempting. Some Very New Styles in sailors fost come in at Mrs. Anna Dartt's MILLINERY STORE. Fine Feathers May not always make fine binds bot yon will fad a nel Bind always alliacts more nvirnble oointaent than the spmrrow, WHY Is IT? It must be in the feathers. It's not upwise to look the best you can. It costs no mom to have vour clothes made well and it you perfectly when Jou consider the satisfaction and sery- they give you. We aim to you and put up the best possibile for the least possible movey. See our elegant line of suits at $17, and $30. Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, PA. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. THE WAR CRY Should not prevent you from taking advantage of the EXCELLENT BARGAINS we are offering in CLOTHING, SHOES, CAPS, SHIRTS, GENTS FURN- ISHINGS. If war should prove se- you will need money and will find it to your advantage to buy while the your saving prices are on. Wolf & Thompson. He SRE Rnd kaa
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