S—— ibn suess Vor. v. NO. 32 $1.00 PER YEAR. Lenn mip Aa A Sp ar mS Rah ad SAG SSR ea FH SE So COOK SD DEPARTMER F NT STORE, ALTOONA. PA. SAH Latest War New . Manila, July 10.—The American navy has captured Grande island and Subig | Mullis, B the ciel barbor on the J July 7 Dewey dispatched the | Raleigh and the Concord with an em- phatic order to Captain Coughlan to take Grand island and capture the garrison. The cruisers shelled the island, utterly destroving the earth- (works and other fortifications, and ; iaying the torpedo station in ruins. | Captain Coughlan sent a lsunch de- . manding surrender. There being no | response, a shell was sent through the commander's house. The white flag i went ap instantly, Lientenant Rodman ‘ of the Raleigh and Endgn Knepper of | the Concord, with a landing party, Gn ‘manded absolute surrender. The | Spanish colonel, Rio, Raw 8 Sp! Bs ego, ‘Checks! the garrison of 509 were mde | prisoners. Their #ifies. with $6. 10H) rounds of amunition and one Hotch- on ) Janey 1st, 1899, de owe te will g ive to the person return- Tne Spaniards were endeavoring to 1 e largest number of my ' protect Subig bay with mines. Dewey's Cash Register Tickets a possession of the bay defeats Ger many's supposed plans to interfere in 50 the Philippines. ARLOR ORGAN, Birthday Surprise Party. Of fHtandard make, which will be on T. N. Nagle, the big good-natured | liveryman of this pisce, was given a exhibition at my store Beptember nts 1808. : ing ape H. - Description: | B. McMullen, wife and children, John © instrament ho ; manufactured by | & even sto ioe. Five The can cane is Chest Springs, on SBatarday, July 8th, {it being his 56th anniversary. Foliow: those who were present: toona: J. UO. McMullen, wife and oil daughter, of Dysart; Geo. Biller and wife, of Loretto; Mrs. Michael Nagie, Mrs. C. A Gray and son, of Hastings; {Frank Yingling and wife, Michael Karibeim, Mra. Jobn Karibeim, Sr, Mrs. Kunkle, Mre. T. N. Nagle and idanghter, of Patton: Martino Manion | and wife, Aaron Nagle, children, Miss Minnie Nagle, Kirk Irvin, wife and dasaghter, Misses Katie and Ida Koonsman, and Dr. H. Somer. i ville, of Chest Springs; Edward Kari beim, of Ashville; John Nagle, of St. | | playing muosic, games, singing, etc, after which an elegant dinner was a very pleasant time. Mr. Nagle received many useful and handsome TPE. win Koon Arvive, The new handle and spoke machine company, which is ander course of construction at Williamsport, will be completed in about ten days, when it will be placed in the company’s large mill at this place ready for operation. | The company, besides manufacturing all kinds of hard wood handles, spokes, | ete, will also manufacture all kinds of finished wood work for building purposes. Long Let Her Wave! ’ Ken How. Co's to buy sommes JOY YF wnsiareonrm | od Stock is Complete. Pal Hasy-For Cash. fmm “What You Need. | Rimd to goin 2 letter, but Bo space. borrow, i hers.” your neighbor is was filled by an unknown correspond. ent, who, judging from the tone of his letter was awfully envious of from which now floats Old Glory. — {H. C. Warren, regular Tye. to Cresson Record. Gone 0» Hospital. Mrs. J. H. Dizon left Wednesday for Philadelphia where she will enter a i hospital for the treatment of catarrah of the stomach which disease she has suffered from for a long time. She is ‘under Dr. V. A Marray's care who accompanied her to the city. It is hoped that sbe will retarn shortly much relieved aud benefited i in health, Improving § Rapidiy. bis right hand while putting off a ily and the glory of the great National | holiday, is reported by Dr. 8S W. Worrell, the attending physician, as oil improving rapidly. c's Farnitore it For Sale, A number of bran new alcohol and p barrels and kegs. Will be sold eb oo re cote pd Inquire at Patton Pharmacy, W. Hodgkins. tasking] © with var easy ne stove List of Unclaimed Letters. cme have a aine Dut on YOU | cor 5, eT Somain i the 3 ne Are Art a i at Patton for the week end- Ih dow't have & 0 Thursday, July 14, 188s: "| Bryan & Co., John S. Filer, James | Hollis, Sterel Jones, Miss Mary Jones, | i Jas. % Mayhew, James Price. for the above letters | ; wil Pose in and see us ey ud A. MEuloxN, P. ML bay. The latter next to the bay of | birthday surprise party at the home of his mother, Mrs. Catharine Nagle, of Karlheim, wife and daughter, of Al- wife and | Bonifavins. The day was spent in served. All departed having enjoyed of the Patton Wooden Manufacturing r created on their part. The maa, * canght, will be severely dealt with. 51 » cannon fire cracker on the evening of Jaly 2d for the edification of his fam- ER FST CENSUS OF PATTON t ber 6th, 1893. WERE BUT 1 1.537 SOULS The Fopulstiom Snes That Time Has Nearly Doobded, i The Cormier bas frequently been asked ‘what population has Patton 7’ After a careful estimate taken from the assessor's report and the number of votes cast at the different elections the Cormier would safely put it at about 2.500, J any say 3,000, but the Cot. inn taken with it i a halal people have ate of towns in wisoeh stated in Ey Pe par, Liab CN for 18 errors A TY Id mE mane of res to gain a reputation of prefers hal s thing from which none ame free: be on the conservative side, Om December ist 1993, RK LL. Goff, a sali former resident of Patton, kindly vol unteered to make a house to house ‘eomnt snd completed bis task December Sth, five days ater, which appeared in the third issue of this paper Detwmber 7th, 1593. as follows: “In this third beoe the CoUnIER Is -abje to inform the public that the new- has a population of 1,537, and that the figures were obtained by a bouse-to- house count, the ardoous tesk being number of people are making their homes within the boroogh limite Its confidently stated by thoes in a posi tion to make socurste estimates that the popalation within a radios of two miles of the business centre of town I pambers not ees than 2.000, The enamerstor foond in making his | [canvass twenty people lying in one house of four rooms, pairs of twine were found among the infantile inhabitants.” ‘and sarroundings within 8 radios of two miles ap © the present fime is over 3,000, Another Penusylvanis town connot be named which bas grown from noth- and public improvements as can be : foand and seen in Patton. A Ranawasy Giri. : | The town of Barnesboro was treated | toa little excitement Saturday night Lover the disappearance of a Miss Lewls, popular young lady of that place, | aged but 15 years, who was reparted to have made & sudden exit with a man | | Ary arrangements have been made in| by the name of Watson Avery. They were chased to Hastings, and from there to Patton where all trace was ‘lost until Monday. Constable Jones of this place then took charge of the af.’ fair and by Monday noon the girl was landed safely at ber home at Barnes ‘boro, but the whereabouts of the | young man was not learned. There were some Gueer incidents cotinected with the affair which the CorriEs will refrain from making public at this time. The parents of the young lady are of the best people in Barnesboro and therefore much sympathy was Patton Hardwire Co. The Patton Hardware company is the name of a pew business firm which = aboot to lagnch forth in Patton. The large store room in the Yeager build- ing, opposite the Palmer house on Fifth avenoe hax been secured and ie ‘being properly fitted up, and in aboot ‘two weeks will be open to the public. | The members of the new firm are all ‘well-known, being citizens «f this ‘oounty for many years, and are men of years of experience in mercantile business, especially in the hardware ‘and tinning line. They expect to carry an immense stock of goods and when Dr. J. B. Noonan, who had the mis- ready for business a liberal share of of fortune to loose the first two fingers of your patronage is solicited infant Dead. and avenue, died of cholera infantum on Thursday of last week at the age of five months. The funeral services were held at the home at 2 o'clock Fri- day after whith interment took piace in the Protestent cemetery of Patton. The parents have the heart (felt sympathy of their many friends ‘ during their sad bereavement. Recelv ell Another Contract. D. H. C. Warren has again niweived another cortract for the painting of ‘several more new houses for Thos. - Barnes at Barnesboro, and bis corps of painters departed for that place oa i | Wednesday to do the work. : a ————————— § {at Mrs. Dartt's? Soames Taken by R. T Goff Decem- were * est town in Northern Cambois county | : ground; : fighting. We clothed about 80 of them, | besides farnishing them with Spring. And ss another items of intervst be reports thut four 5 this time. The population of Patton Boroagh ensily. ing to a population of apwards of 3,000 within the past five years, and at the sane time has as many good buildings awhile. | yOu soon. if Miss Besse Lingle, secretary; Miss Dorothy, the infant daughter of Mr. Mrs. Jobn Dinsmore, of Beech Have you seen toe new line of C China ™ UNCLE $A sas x navy, An Interesting Letter from Wm. Marts His Parents in Paton. On Board the Craiser St. Panl, New | York, July 2, 1998. Dear Faraen ann MoTHeER: — We! received your welcome letter and was | glad to hear from you I am well and | feeling tip-top. Hamer has just recoy- ered from an attack of fever; he came out of the sick bay this morning and looks pretty bad, hut he will be all We arrived in New York last night and were right in a couple of days cheered the whole seay up the bay, as the people thought we had been sunk in that fight at Ran Joan, Porto Rico. Well, we had a litle fight there, but 200 muck’ for the Dons, not withstanding there were two againet We crippled the torpedo destroyer, Terror, and it ran into shore 5% ander the forts and we did not dare go ton near, as the fort is a big one, and after we crippled ber the gnnboat ran into the bay ont of our range. destroyer We had a good tee raaning around the islands down there. We often see | a group of Spaniards along the shore, | cages Lhe slightest change in the (Hans for power, but when we fire one of onr fivedinch swells into them you sbhoold see them fiy. Wo are compelied to sleep nuder our guns every night. | haven't slept but two or three nights in my bed since we first left Norfolk itell you it is pretty bard to see * those [tthe boys who fight in the Cubans | performed by Mr. RL. Goff. That I saw one little Glow about! ze of Etta: his sword touched the that is very young to be army. fhe size field rifles snd small assunition, ales a large amount of provision, We broke w be resche] before they have all bad sa opportunity to do sone Sghting one of our engines Juriag the trip avd I guess we will be here about nine days Jacob thet it" with as ora Well, Annie fell the Spanish are not “in minute, even when board the Terror, bul they thought, for | .& while, they had ux “dead to right,” bat they found that we were the hotest across for “would Bave been witnessed by han | oo etein hall BY day night in | of pebbles they had run With best regards to you all and the boys I will close, hoping to bear from Your Son, Winiiam Max Anctiwr New Chireh A movement is on foot WW erect an- ‘other church in Patton. It will be the | Episcopal church and an organization | has already been formed and prelimio- regards to the erection of a place of worship. Rev. Cann, the pastor, re | cently called a meeting of the organ | fzation, when an execulive commities | wan chosen to select a lot at once and take all other necessary steps towards type. Besides the executive com- mittee appointed a ladies saxiliary was also chosen and the following wer chected officers: Mm EM. Dill, presi- dent; Mrs. M. G. Lewin, vice president; Places for Farsaers Isstilales. 4d. J. The Agricultors; John lloyd, of the Ebens- burg Agricaitaral Society, H. J. Kru- of the Agricultural Association, and John Ricketts, of Flinton, representing Cambria County Pomona Grange, met at Cresson on Saturday for the pur pose of sslecting pisces for holding institutes shoald be held at Elton and Patton, each to be two dayw sessions, Ste aves Yo be Sut by the State Board Agricaiture later. Chearieil Raliroed haitered. A charter was issued one day last week to the Clearfield Southern Rail. road company, of Clearfield, capital $30,000, to build a line 18 miles long in Clearfield x sats , the mouth of Little Clesrflewd ¢rewk b : Beltaa Mills AW. Lee, of Clearfield, bv president EGE Laws Pore A lawn fete snd festival at the home of W. UO. Lingle avenue Tuesday night, July will be held on Beech bh, for the begefil of the Episcopal church of Patton. #30.00 Reward. A reward of $60.08 will be jHven to the person furnishing the necessary party who set fire to our coal tipple ‘and burned the same to the ground. MosaanxoN Coar Co, Patton, Pa -/LOGAL ND It was a locky escape for it, ss it would have | received the same an the torpedo boast | goverament soting for Spain and that more whipping it go Ew two are agmiost | ome, for we can make them “git” very We killed very pearly all on Cambria County ‘in a first-class grocery A wo A a eh BG 5 5 EN ants Wh i sad the “Courier” WASH INGTON Written by © Moss Periins” tram aire Washington, July 11, 1598 — The destruction of Cervera’s fleet andl the pending surrender of the Spanish at Santiago has made peace talk very prevalent on the other side of the Atlantic, but op to this time thers has Reporter. LETTER for te Pw been no official word from Spain on the subject. Members of the Diplo hoat | matic Corps say that the peso: talk is being encouraged by ihe Bpanish gov- ernment, ax a “feeler” of public sti meni, in both Spain and (bis comvtry. In administration clrcles, it is suid that nothing short of a request from the government of Spain will casos this | government 10 name its terms of peace ~tiey will not be named 10 any other nothing short of an absolute and an.’ qualified acceptance of those terms will the farther crushing of Spain's itis stated at the Navy De partment that the feet of Commodore Wateon will start for Spain this week, and that the campaign sgaingt Forte Eioo is to be pushed abend as rapidly | as possible. Some tink that pesce is im sight, but those who koow the Spanish character lesl, say thal pome he necessary lo bring it aboot. The whipping will be dome ail right, as fast a» the oppten is given our bove In fant, « idiers are only afraid that peace wil aa Was Congress came very close 10 adjourn. ing in the midet of & fght on the floor of the House, between members. Fite tingly sscugh the would-be bellige- | rents were Cannon, of [linois and Bail. of Texas Cooler beaded men succended in keeping the Cannon and | Bail from getting at esch other, until. they had a chance to oool dows « little, | thus escaping a disgraceful scene (hat dreads of school teachers from every section of the conatry, who ame in Washington in connection with the : National Educational convention, and | who crowded the galleries at the Vapi | tol, to witness the closing of the ‘of Congress. Representative Canon | withdrew his remarks from the Rocord | and apologised for having called Rep resentative Rall a liar, but Representa | tive Ball did not withdraw the language | that provoked the epithet. The whole incident was based upon 8 “tempest in a tea-pot’ started by the attempt of Representative Handy, of Delaware, F we are nol equipped vet from concuammes LA Short Letter tow On W. 1th Reg. Pa Vol. Tufastry. Chickamangs Park, July §, 1805 'Gleaned Here and There by | Eprom Covmigr, Dear Rrother:— ‘1 received your paper last night and also received 3 letter from mother and both paper amd letter found me enjoy- ing the best of health. The rest of the boys from our old home were glad to - get the Coumaer and all send their kindest regurda Wa are sil very anxious to leave this place and go to Caba, Porto Rico or the Philippine Islands but when the time arrives we may possibly not be quite so eager to depart, but that is what we are bere for and | think the Sixteenth is oqgoal to the emergency. [ see by the papers that we are going to Cuba and Len again we are going to the Philippines. The other day a paper statedi {hat the 16th Reg. P. V. 1 was already in Cuba IR appears ihe papery do not know asyibing shout it; not as much ax we do. At this writing wa ootild pot go ontil we receive 44 ‘more met lo fill ap the regiment to war guoto, wnich is L272 men We have now ooly 545 men in the Six. teenth. Esch regiment is sapposed So bave 12 compunics, each company con- taining 108 men, and then besides this, Of sourse the above mentioned shortage of men and equipments may be filled st soy moment and we may be away from this place before this lefter resches Vos, it riot pear so warts down here as the people of the north imagine We have very good food to eat, such as beef, side-pork, fish, tomatoes coors, beans, bread, rice. ost meal, tes and offen, I will have fo close for this tive as i is time to get ready for dress parade, . which mall we have to do on Sandays, bat on week days we have five hours drill every dsy and does parade in the 148 me hear from you soon. Crarexcg W. Granve i Since reviving the above letter the evenings. Sixteenth regiment has departed from | Chlckamaniga and is enroute to Saati- ago de Cabs to assist Gen. Shafter ~ } A Delightful Party A delightful party wis held in the Miss Lydia Cregg, whe reosstly re tarned home from Pittsburg, sad the | Misses Stroop and Wright, of Miles burg, Pa, who are the goests of Mr. ‘aod Mra. E. . Brown on Beech ave i A large somber were in attend ail report having enjoyed a very pleasant evening The following Spangler were in attendance: Thomas McClain, Misses Nannie and Mamie McClain, Harry Beers, John McCormick snd Mr. Coate. Row hoes This Suit Your At the Cash Grocery from July I © TAOS ance ‘to have the House order stricken from | July 10, or while the goods lasts: the erection of a charch building. The | she rid § 8 of & speech; | orgasization will erect a building of oo i » either brick or stone at a probable cost i .n pa sha of $1500 which will be of the moders |, onmision acthoried by the Hawaiian aanexation recommend the Congressional jegiula- tion made necessary by annexation, and to be composed of three Ameri! by Representative Champ Clark, of The President lost no lime in naming resoliation, to cans and two Hawaiians Those | chosen ure Senators Callom and Mor gan, Representative Hitt, President : Dole and Associate Justice Frear., The mas, of the State Board of last two ¢ sf Hawaii Celebrates His First Mass On Sunday Rev. Francis Hertsogs | enlvhrated his frst muses in SU Michael's | Catholic church at Loretto The ‘ehareh was crowded with people many | of whom came a long distance. The young minister presented a fine ap- pearance at the altar and bore up very {well during the entire ceremony. Ferdinand Kittel], the resident pustor, preached a splendid sermon on the | oocasion. Cresson Record. Anything Fou Wins, Cash Grocery, viz: Mackerel, herring. | codfish, salt sid, bam, shoulder, break- | fast bacon, lard, potatoes, cabbage. onions, SYTUp, vinegar, tea and coffee, cakes, scapes. canned goods, spices flour, corn meal, broums, wash hoards, sweet and sour pickles, maple sfrap, canned meats; m fact Sve ying kept ail and see for yourself Finger Lavpatabesd. Alex Monteith, mine foreman, 34 the Flannigsa Run colliery, had the mis fortune Tuesday %o have his first finger of his right hand crushed in such a . manner as to necessilale amputation below the first ‘evidence for the coaviction of the working around the engine ali the i mine, his finger being caaght in the moving machinery. The amputation | was made by Dr. Worrell. The accident Monteith was Joint. bappened while Mr. '# Iba soup beans . 3 ibe, good loose coffees 9 calves Hamper soap 5 ibe. good ten i Everything in the grocery line at | Highest grade flour . -f1 8 Best winter wheat floor wa 2 4 iba good rice 9 caltes Calvimet soap ENRBRRR ¥ On Wednesday, Jane 28h, 1898 at the home of the groom's parents Dear Patton, by Rev. E H Witman, Mr. El Steaz, of Paticn, and Mim Mildred oF | Fine Feathers Bao mt adeas ake Roe hinds Pay vest will Sal a pal Band always ailimcis Deas WHY 8 IT? It mast be in the feathers. It's anwise 0 look the best you can. a costa mo more to have your. . made well and 8t you perfeedy vou consider the satisfaction aod serv- oe they give vor. We aim Wo please you aud put up the best possibie Sotiem for the least possible money. See our elegant line of suits at $17, $15 and $20. Dinsmore Bros. PATTON, PA. GUARANTEED 8 Pere he wir bide oa ALL Wolk
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers