Th pA oo el 13 AMERICANS KILLED. Mining is Superior Pores of Spaniards Rested by Weasted Boi. ders - United later Troops Sera Ambush Methods On the Threshold of Bantiege. it LS : Dismounted American cavalrymen | forced their way over the rough moun. tain trail Friday marning. encnunter- od the Spanish infantry in a dense thicket on a high plateau almost over. lroking the city of Rantiago. and rout. therm after a sharp battle lasting one hour. Amsrican cavalry is now reported as having moved into the Hines of the ene. my. They scornsd the methods of the Spaniards who were hidden in ambush but rode openly to the attack, losing | more than a dozen men in thagresull- ag conflict, The American loss was 13 end, at least M0 wounded, including Mariia Bay I» shown In the offing victory over the Bpaninh Mest on Mav rEY i 5 Te fg $u$ J $90 MIX officers. Several wounded will dic. $ habit ig ir asd ae ani Pelve Spantirds were found dead in if the SlHamsh Deel. hah . ribie pounding tive Bush The loss, doabtiess 8 ter The Bpaniards had every ad- | Wantage in numbers and positions : OUR WAR WITH SPAIN. { Pour troops of the First Cavalry, four Troops of the Tenth cavalry and | Hight troops of Flooseveil s Flough | Riders. less than 1.0066 men in ail dis. | mounted and attacked Co Spanish 5 thirkets within five on i The Americans Beat the enemy back into the city, buat | they left the fudlowing dead upon the field P fromm were javged ¢ Hough Riders—Captain Allyn K. | 17700" were landed in {uba apron, of Troop 1. Sergeant Haw | Baturday ail the ton Fish. Jr. Privates Titman and | Vago had een atand ween, both of Troop 1. Private aris Beamish soldiers ia | Dougherty. of Troop A. and Private | ‘ » Etwin of Troop F. First Cave ; bean paid for nie mon he martin an Hx. York Bejork, Kolo | during that time Peritn and Ler mock, Tenth Cav g Spain fesis homitiated P Americans made such an easy | at Bantiags last week ft fs reported in Madeid that faver haw amiready atiancked The Cadiz fleet reported failing toward the Thus far there tiam of beulies ly the Spain in energeti ally i mtrengthening ail of harvoast se bptter frat IW pen Bax bean Philippines Poan vy Bsa riinr haw recy rutile ploy 3. the SLR w hes 4] IRE WN defences shoul Ban. fred by wr py hnye snd Hy Fut fed ‘ube thn ber muse the mnding pn and was with the regulars, | while Colonel Wood directed the sper | tions of the rough riders, several ir : A tiles west. Both parties siruck the | American soldiers in Vala Hpaniards about the same time, and | 11 has been powitively dectded that he ag lasts an hour. | Gen. Miles will go to Cuba and take panintds opened fire from the charge of the American troops. itn But the troops drove The Vesuvius pe said 10 have sta oan. Back from the start, stormed the | fully passed the wre k of the Merriman in se around which they made snd entered the harbor of Santiags . final stand; and een them atl The Egyptian government would He cavaiezmen were afterward re. | FTE Admiral Camas of Ih Ber oh {aforced by the Seventh, Twelfth and | har J. fisventeenth infantry, part of the paniards are afraid to sleep in Mor init Cavalry the Recond Mas i fo {‘astic at Santiago at night. The tts and the Beverty first New i them of the Vesuvins has unnerved : them. ork. Practically twa battles wer fought | The landing at Cota of heavy arti a t the same time. one by the rough | ery from the transport was Aninyed Mem, under LA immediate command | LaWing to the lighters having been lost if Colonel W ors the top of the at wea. Piatean, and the other on the hillsides | go qoqyr $ : ¥ Long asseris that the Ha- Hever ry * Gene by the a sulars, vena Blockade i tightly nal ntained, PR Pp iwors : hreatoil oT Bantiage with| ones . going forward constantly, | " 7 ae reside nis ot Havana are Jeg 2 reaps witheve through theit pewspapery hm 4nd pon be, £1 preparing a final assault the Spauiards are winning viotories Edward Marshall. correspondent of | “FoTY here the New York “Journal” was serious. Bpaniards sre glopting oven the fact iy wourided in the small of the back that the spol wherr the American : mote oust have been nearly I, =n | troops land in Cuba l= prodaitive Td Ia in front and to the sides of | yellow fever Llentenant Colunel Roose eit On board the Spanish prize Pedro diprussing the fight a rocantly captured by the Americans a held the ridges with rifts pits and | complete pontoon outfit was dis over: he Suna, ang had a hody of men od 8 few days ago. n the ok fungi on he ts : a q of the road over which we were Wai buon ing his a ae 8 Our advance guard striek | 10 Lastie auting Puna 4 recat p . bombardment of MNentiage. None of n ambush and drove them ‘ t they lost Captain Capron, the men were injured. nt Thomas and about 15 men Te . Xtrangers trom Saresions w hee, or wou aeenriing To jo Momriiali RUthaaiiios, Spanish firing was scourate, oo | Ste supposed to be “American spins,” 5 indend, that it surprised mr, have heen arrested at Bolearios heir fing was fearfully heavy A Brother of Weyler, the Spanish to sy A word for our awn “Butoher,” i= going io fh! in tee continued lieutenant Colonel | {'nited states Army sgninet Bpain, He Li Every hands. ang ta man is now at Tamps waiting to embark for up O he Cuba. % . = Trinidad. & port on ihe Porieg rin have bien const of Cuba Bas been iy are lying And mas Biockaded, The Rpunish Ak yelionw govern soul heen decinred | sivg iter anchored Spania 3 nijers the gulley he tilek u ar Puristrea Coneepoion is of the enesny was foented. there. eR af Uaplain Two shipe with cargies of coal for A 8 ean, Tiders Killed were | Dewey. lei! Philadelphia 8 fea days Saturday morning on the field { age The coal is valued at $10.00 but : r bodies were 1aid in One | he freight charges will be double (had sum, each wrapped in a Blan. ivey lined the trench. 80d | pp, gecond Mantis ox be : * podition was in profuston S¥ey TH and sights by the steamer Pora which ar Brown a aan | nived at San Francia jast Saturday. | burial servic ar or reported “all well” on board the transports. and, as | he Jeselt In prayer, every Lu Bpenish say that the cruiser Felina Christina has escaped from the sup pogedly bottled gp harbor of Santiago Khe in reported Having taken supplies 10 Havana. | Ths baste of the Spanish evacustion at Jurafua near Santiago was shown by the fact that bacon was frying for preakiast which our soldiers of course, appropriated. Fpain is reported fen stock of cond at Chili. This sould in. dicate that a Spanish eet intends sailing around the Horn and stlacking Pacific const cltive After the Texas shelled several Butter Barbed of ran dep bass voices of the men most impressive ren ot Hon Fish, Jr. one of he killed. 5 one of the voung New Yorkers dd position snd family who went front with Roosevelt's rough laving in a great pat ssc ess fully «in the nelgh- fas! week Ba shed ut over her dak, an pppreniics derided hisiey Ware hy the row yYejoling. the mio: forsaidalis defence atout Santiag: harbor, has Leen abandoned by the Foasiards. By hs fight the stiemy Bas left the en. france tn the harbor a1 Admiral Samp. sans PREY. A vessel winich has arrived gt Cadiz reports that she met in the English channel #n American vessel, whikh gave “hase. This report Jeads 13 the belief that the Americans intend to bombard Spanish ports The telegraphic instruments in the war room at the White House now make direct connection with General Shafter's headquarters at Guantans- mo bay. Cuba, and messages can pass between Washington and the come manders of the Santiago expedition in less then an hour. General Castillo, with 2008 Cubans, reports Raving defeated the Spaniards at Guarima with heavy losses. The Cuban losses were leas than MM. The insurgents captured two railroad trains faden with food supplies and 1% tons at coal Further reinforcements of Cubans are expectsd shortly, Owing to the great number of war vessels required about Santiago. blovk- ade runnipg on the southern coast of Cuba has continued without hindrance Qwift war vessels are now again main. raining a stout blockade. Tune 14 an engepement took place be tween Cuban and Spanish forces al Punta Alpere, lasting 33 hours. Over 30 Spaniards were Killed. The Cubans jost nine men, They were unable tn follow up their victory owing to lack of ammunition, The auxiliary cruiser Yale, with the Thirty-third Mic Higan regiment and spe battalion of the Thirty-lourtn Michigan, salted from Old Point Lee arsdny evening for Sanuaro New York “City. milton | was over six feet tall of hercul- id, na rowed as No. 7 of the tia # from the enemy buy killing FP. J. Blakelei, The legal authori that solgtery oy pu nid beer without Fei? of al “in keepers whe nbia College in Its winning race over the Poughkeepsie course, hayes rihase » LEE aon ang s from Guantarams bay 1 for the past f=» days the 1 marines had not been fired “the Epania: at Whe seem to be ly cowed, : secure who have beep through | VE) in the weighborhood of MeCalis estimate that fully 300 % were killed in the three ghting there. Th The Kpaniards no attempt to bury their dead marizes had no me to du Morro Castle. it possible now to go within of the valley where the big- fight took piace. Thousands of hover over the valley gorged food war ; he capeizing of a boat n which a of youug people were rowing on river, at Flushing. Mich, a few ago Chpuncey Cook, aged 15: ‘Loup. 14: Odalina T.oup, 18, and : Packard, aged 2 years, were ned. Arthur Maxwell, a young 20 years old, in attempting to rescue the purty, w was 8l%0 drowned. i Hawaii Will Pay ths Cost. om’ source high in the Foreign 42 learned that the RNepubit: Hawaii has assured the British nsul that fn case the potion of the ffan Government in offsring hers as an ally to the United States uid resu't in the bombardment of ‘ adh any ‘damages dose to Engiish er Riatens woull be paid Lg matter 4 ten for Cor. Haw alin Gove ges averse of Havana, seignd and } rRYVETIGs sole | HARBOR, SEA WALL AXD BATTERIES OF MANILA. PRILIPPIXE ISLANDS. where Admiral Dewcy won his signal I As #5 as the frat expedition ar wii be taken and the pune hfe shown suid to be the way to Mania » ree ¥® regiment, nm mohitigiae Al The Sixth vofuanteers, Tenn Twenty thousand haven sh igeyerad seddivrs ot Santas The ganlice and 3 Havar wihead and raay teovalads at ¥ Favt Monday several Soanish wary said Bt austion at Key Perri pis anounted fo $5 00 Fromm (ulmre it has fast tes the Yankcs sank # waibeas tue weeks BR al Ulenlucghs Pe IF frited Siates Nashville HENRY EN Bits the: American Yarnsy pr West that =r amtributn to fepgae's rolef fara at UB Acting Pear Adsiral Wii amigo will pe Appointing & U0 tind are wring Fourth of July The Bas 2 the grey Ss the diy Ameri ARO ATT Being thei rR REWER TY Three men waspectad of Yeing Spa PER andes have wer sont in chains from Mavaninah to Fors McPherson at Als Mota, sia Afnyone expressing an unfay: opidon of the government at Mavana will be shot without Trial, Puch are Blimmcs 8 orders The military experts af Paris ave lavish in thelr praise of the American soluptesrs who drove bark a superar number of Spanish regula fH we hesviily vommendsst for forte nt 3" Fag lak from the hent #trewn with the which the soldiers Abs American All the romds ars fiot hes ivd Blankels have discarded cruiser Yankee Nas the bettie] up in & small inlet rar Casioa, 1 ua Epain coptinnes angry at Great Hrs ain The refusal 1a grant coal 16 Spa nish fieot at Puri Bw apoiher ovis dence they say of England's prefer cor Tor Amerie. & member of the crew of 5 warshily af Santiago sys the Wealhe? 8 Very het there 110 degrees in (he shade and 14 in the engine root Private diagal bes yereived grid speak very favorably of wipe depiayed by ihe reugh the hatilte of Jurawasn. [den fotmereil in pariioulariy nied Either Souin wil sae for jlesce flew? pow maitipg Oa the will he vecaled to Cadiz aa & result of the intention of the (rite pend war shige te he vant Tw baitie ships rap entity the har bor kt Banting abreast, one paswing vt each side of 15s wrecked Merrirna: It wipware that the Merrimipe vas Tak. al Ma ders a Y of Spain RAEN. Naval Cadet John Hallhgan Jr. the Hagmhip Hrookiyn, returned board that sens] Bunasy night wis boat jas of soldiers of ihe RrWmy Senor fzatbhin Hina a fab merchant had 0G bags hidden #1 Guenimlox & suburb Havana, sand was retailing it tn the pashli. diensral Arolaz, the Miltary BE tributed it among the ders. somsox ou canes rou Sun the Suse ot Saatiags Visited by the British Cosme. ent Con. evening Hobteon and bis gallant men “Hobson ix in & spacious front room ep the ground Boor of the barrec ks, in whieh aa isrye window leaking on road. The food supplied dim in goes and rot Hmited to regulstion rations Hobson ix ailowed wine but the public the following state od —— HEUTENANY Rx r. mosses. things are wanting artiches. Hobson hax repeatedly ex- treatment aecorded him, nid. His men are in a room oo the same floor. with a large door, In the upper part of which are iron bars, fac ing the barrack yard ter than that given to the Spanish Jiers. but the dearth of supipiies v9 very Iomited cholve. 1 visit him fre guentiy, bE rio ier Go Hino Les Preparing te Invade Cuda General Lae pow at Jacksonville will pave his Besdgusrters 13 the field in the pext few days. and will begin get~ ting ready for his expecied triv cannot ESCAPE Sampeun Hau Be Tarniys fant st Bis Werey Gos Shafter'n Army asf ihe Cubes Twenrgwats Witkin Pour Nilew of Sentiange Admiral Bampann's mighty shipw are iving fie the waters off Santiago pres venting the escapes of Caree Hpwr Lien Bhairer ix massing hiv determined wobiiiers around 3 fostified city and the Cubist InsUTrRente are gt he Bligh hemi¥ing “HY PRIRT OY INANE hed supplies Troops of vi ® fhe skies apa et BIRNDL The pir Ket Bie within | “ROIS It moor that Batti Kartipgo mas WItRIN a week The trimps are and at Flatauing a Tow tiers Rein * wa 4. § ont 5 Wha oe % the geshars he ERT A NER The supple the Brey ar Furigin SRN EEE that Ait ith fanding fails : Ther 5 i® 8 § week's ho ah a algnterrs AY | 3 Rae i BE 5 § Eo. C3 } ren Rasy ' rien ha ( thas o Pang ses a fiers bfore Banll-: : Toa sk | Bartleship Foote h oi om Fae TE 0 vr Vaden 3 o o Henry's 4 fF the Ear troops kf Banthego are suffering | joes pereived al Ringelon say the : Megnrish meaner Parissisne Concepaing : EWR | Matter tine | fmmrretaan es brigade, Leengark es LPeREY A letter received in Washington from eral valiinteer ral The oars : by PEAR on The Philippines Siatow tov! Lae ag Ta pans Ww DER of too far into the harhoer before being att 1 % vw RoE of | with & tare 24k Cuban Dag which had been | tresentod 1a bie for lancing the first | invading | prominent pao | of any of | Firitish Consul Hamels has given to : and a: Punt | enrRps the same ¢ : Hates 1 inhalita { eRrthnaks { by { rect fro : breading $ taken from the efiemy, i pete rout and in caonseguenss ot : the blockade causing a dearth of many | pressed te me his satisfaction at the “Nobody here prevents his sending 8 | message. but his rules of service ler | The fous] is Det. | #re already BLEITR mR gel ash Anding of ies hse Deen oxtraord. Hiemivr TERRE and Urea BEES has ianded duu Iron is eka a £3 Porg d Ge Rha fter Rosanne ai The $x 3 Y are Twins SRP 3 Erni ney 3 A PRL ERE of 5 Part ! = {| Rhalter Semel ir WO. he wet Eid Whether [ope ey wf £ a Todiafia wilh ead this an it 454 the ssl. 8 Bot aw sled Thers will bw #eysral aareabirs, NoweEger as ax yall tie give safe division with this fiom Will Be movin Allastey Somat an themes timp. In al’, : Tarpa aod Na wopert Nairn the neighborhood of 308 ur 1 Lrafts on Chirkamsogs are likely foo wien, as the Burry orders reo et Hive 6 have bd to the Tull sqiupMment af peveral commands The grmy was landed far BIng. : 5 3! i Ba 9K i fe ani Tay well ai Snyder's Bimal tans at 3 #iitire alive Thareday Fy the snd of another week cortalnly [i serfsre (0M wii De any IRe ar wilt Rave arrived a gid fon The first detachment of Dol: due al Santiago $0 strong. wR AS itssnsnaris Ale field's brigade x now $n It ls sot denied by the War Depart. rent (Rear $000 regular Pens OW On the shares of the Golf will be ambirked st the fleet available transgoris Sev. mie will also go Afiles Way Mil oe the Hervard Tale op the pext 1030. pop of every ans and cant of we Lions af the The BOTH 23 Biss eo the Npaniwrds ste of the A # Beyand Ede R asia ae view the fneven grimy wx i Rdvaney while To the AEE Ww ard i and by niente ly Van Linas 3 gimp i Lovand weenie The poner tifbery will bo rat ma Bn ae Ee cana ily be {eit a Apert gi ite Faw Teriild Faire By v fSawra Beifove it Ba HR £% y ET a i fire $45 PTR Tenet Witter w Ben Boge GARE pe Yam bee Beors be wary fo Trane he Lar siege fa raniag: SRrihe lay B® eR with vy th fine om avs An af Lue Las Ph plghted yikrds Th ae 47 Fai in Nin vf 3 tie |i yards “BAe with hs abel Taha! r of } TruRnLEnAn worth eas i shade {wt ! gorge 1 sirbt A al Nn if wanna ha ard ms it firenl chasse Flower away ami batteries red ste call the Vesuvius, thrower.’ Melal cabisgrany: Ted Cuban jJucts at New York si their government sin af the War, was Ot volved by BSepor T. Estrada Palma The first the ai the it { was ae follows, “pave det Este, June II. 1838 save ave at Guantanname. Position Playa del Este Americans and fy Spaniards rey = Might shamefal pPrisaners ome ansray are dead offtcers . Fought with Crhans against 0 : Enemy's We caplursd sighteen afioer Rixiy of the sixteen wong a €% wad C kiitesl “thy our part we had two Killesd and hres wounded We captured twenty. aight! Mauser riftes and Lie cartridges To-day the forces of Gen Rah and ! Brig. Castillo teek Dalgun with the aid pf the Atierican vessels Span- ards sat Bre to the town on retreals ing. Sixtesn thousand American troops Aiemenbarked at Dalguirl Gen Liar . iR board the cruiser Naw York COL LABORDE CAPIT) AL GLEANINGS. 2 Biil the gress was passed by the Wadlnewmday The government is not tix inperporale A fully | philippines, (Xeept Ral Spain ! have them | tenner if Free ! peed : wis I I Meinslis © seed $3cE $5 i General | i . : {maw expected dally at Manila. $n ; stration ja gale # freindly Americans and x certainly 10 regirded | i by might ! far the pratse tion ; total Corman population be | f gpproxt why casei nd Kajserin Augusty vers hers | fan Rat | Eig £7 arrived, ned Princess | i Prone i at Lhe mountain | antigo ww oCoupivd § Mosgniah aif the : &Fa oF | AXEuC AN TROOPS LANDING WITH sie: se TRAINS TO REDUCE 8 TAS re. | : Bas been Tie hos sadossed the baard s fining | kTess duebded | as ty the future of Porto Rico and the | Can’ i MORE AID FOR DEWEY. Four thousand men at Sat Franson i rompriging the third expadition to the Prilippine Isiands, afterpniann embarked Bunday and soldiers Bow swarm in is and upon the dedke of the Oia, Indiana, City of Pera ! and Morgan Uy When the the friumphal match snded aon soldiers Were taken om board their respective Yransparis they were given a tremendous ovation by thous. ands nf citizens, who swargied on and around the wharves. If wis an emo. tional as well asx a phyival relief when the mmbarkation was an aclomplished | fur TH VE rionie assignment fransporia was aM Morgan Cite Pirie innieers ard the First Nalirasks re. crgite. Rammer (ity of Ferg Phir. teenth Minnesota, Beamer Indiana bmttalion of the Fightesigth United infantry, one hattalon Akad pited States Infantry, sign Verpe and a detachment of Reeogpiey Cibo First Wyo. oF pg taitevien (3 mod I. Lptittery. aud rerruils of the rteantl Mirnesrota th the follows: of teow RUA Taal wi FE a parva coast srr Sctairee Now Being Teraed te Attack the Enemy Me pda y pos. fa-dipy on Ardem. When Be rd a Arm. and proceed 0% f fusaeit " masijteed co the ¥ p15 Wie from af Atlantis Baar fh dmyasodinre Wareon is gessigned 0 the the eastern Ssiplssdron, Pv Wa of Jak © syn atked of TEe casters sougadron wii be af sha following vegeelx Newark. battleship hava. battle. ship fmegon. drafser Yopemite cruiser Yankee cruiser Dizte and ihe oaliiers Abarsads and Alexander SL Aron will pail for the coast of i PRLS nid Bo A rows ORRMAY FLEET PrAnpOariE are Nothing fF he The Charteston and vill Be done until thelr arrival which ska dew ansiratina w arahige, bes ward the the Spanish guiborities in Manis Anite flee onsists Five have hesin sent Bere of Orme interests, Flarmany’s Xm Tu when the The Dormorsnt. yr ord af my lat cabies the 18th the Kiser an Monday by the Crermany s Dest at wxvends the Amerian in arm *iy wat. prs the mpding last soldiers at Juragua the caetily tried to disable a loca ys with stenng By on the bow diconnerting tht the ThEatils Weer and several es. stial parts barying so scoters nla fhe ma sre viedd he With iy od Twenty scnnd in. hes Erositis Went for the fe with a vei} The aaidiers for the Tminpag paris Mania wros ge A #x op Amery nh 1 2S 0 the I J Flag | duno | af the | CAMERA IN COMMAND. a Ar Spain's Squadres New Cosling ot ide Saen Comal Most of the Ships Have Poul Bottoms and Are Sretreity ¥s Pete Canton. po re ri "Unless Spain send aid. 1 shail not be able to hold out against the cnemy,” said General Augusti Spain's ruler o8 the Fhalliopines some Seeks Sgo. In drder ro satisfy the genera! clams or of the public, that the Philippines bs retatinad, It seers That Spain has send a large fest to Manila on a most fors ora expedition. Alrendy three expeditions of United Braten forces are on the way to Dewey, the lundd batteries and fortifteations af Cavite and Manila are controlled by Americans and the inshrgents have the cagital city at thelr merey. A more complete annihilation swaite the snadran of Vamara than that which Pas inflicted on Momtipe's batticahips {eye Dewey | pines, inst May Bpain Bas in Jdhepan hing her last available ships fo the distant Philp. sxposed her const cities to the puns of Amerbian culsere, and Bit her merchant cman to become the prey of | bees L Bamslip, I pera cruiser 4 Carl los ¥. re—— Patriots, inte pripe hunting Yankees Naverihopan the Bpanish fect, coms of the bartisaiip Polays. the leading. fultowed by the ar the arioed A ie ue oo ea ADSL cadans. or roy cavew ewe. the Hamburg } American lise Narmannaia, wah 12 guns troops and marines. the cruiser CRuenos Afrea with fen guns, slores and a few troops. the torpeds boat destrover Audas. the srmed criss fstande and Lusen, with twee guns, fearrying stores and a few Ircops the The only Sistarbing | | feature is the presstice of Ave German : Hie an wn | fate Hamburg-Ametican liner Rapido, carrying | guns. the Colon, unarmed, with no trons, looking ike 8 MOPS ‘#hip: the torpedo hoat destroyers Pro. af (weeping and Osade, the transport Cos vadongh no guns, and the conl shiv Fan Francims esatersd the harbor | Bundy, steaming slowly Wirth the exorpticn of Carles VV, Pat. rit. Audaz and Proserpina, all show Cwery Lomi Dettoms and an sxiremely | goon from Brow week of RR ThEY Anping 4d throws | TEs ¢uginvere advaner Tmventinn Cantidy and neglected onndition Tha soldiers, wha lok misesabiy chad, H-fef and Swe ontended, are con shipboard Excepting the four last -nansed al Set he witole *Theet has # riers apsaragee Thy fest arranged to coal this alters liehisrs beidnaging to Cory whose agents are the French frm of Raven Bazin The statement from Port Sakl that fhe float ix to take coal thers rales in Alpert way, the vital question of coming Delligerents in a neural port According to ail authorities the Maser Im entitled to take anly such an smeunt of esa! with what is airialy abampd, as will enabis if 1 steam to {he peg rest home port. The Sues Canal af JEL, expressly laye® sdawn that prinsiple, Lp Baw Bo practised prhers Come Kroc an in F mslngten tae inte Jurssas with the tender Hg iter ACIDE ae vd at her at the throttle, ran het SANTIAGO. ens r———— datiadiiga wT fagenuily the To Boag we vi sha pehociors, iaigans over Yankee CHRiNear ro wikest TRI in the eviindsy pis thoy po ye day fire fant Sur Nari Svrasgty resting Ggures aks RAYE on We Aki 0 aps Premed 5h wtgiginers and revenue vulters, 4 tiesichors amd 2 Bash cam sit rns. making agrand tata wid ausiilazy vessels sttivahios buaihling or mamate ayaa 4. TR — Seana The Spanish paper, Imparcial, which one of Ue mest along ly the Spsrisll organs, wow Bays vouhl be Detter to tread with Ihe Dnited States [or peace willout ad) ant of 3 mediators frher neWEDRDETS SUTYaY Europe and dn Soi Bopain withoot fOtends, give way Yospair They deciare that yreat Britain is encoursging the Unit. ad Bates Franes alter galling uname mercial advantages from Washington remains Ind: Berens ATTEERTY Keen in the shade. and Hosein ) 5 nS A Lidasy shige Le Papers then | interventio ris ; European ihe As cept wed Garret fhates Wor Damage re of the British cently Ion ¢ step mahip IN Sx ta A board of | waned Seo # we 3 oan SINR siraiiey Ban weary Laoag yeh | % add thee ORR Fists reppdey fil be asked to appliepr FURRY AY AE the « COLLTs ha re, AF i TRMSOIR, WEY diaregar fing ! we roast RY sen in regant the © | Fated Taent, I Mania by parts of the in addition, CAAT 8 a tegal right to Coal at A neutral port at ail while accompanied by the Ban Francisco and he Calon som Transports The London I=atly News publishes # that the sccudalion of crews of the Boat, | farespn warships there bi a3 ascome- i piety ered fact, alihough it may probably | be three or four days before the official Cneww arrives by way of HongRoug. AA SA i RPL Ni La 1 The oommbsicalion process LG Say yreer # month age Xdmimal Dewey prevared to Bombard Manila, At this functaie, Bowever a Dew [actor was added te the sitnation The German remain acting on precise instructions hae Bh had just arrived by the German wardip [rene srongly oppeasd ® Best ha imtment, Thane wir tions wore clear and ratepwieal nd emanated directly roam BE re William's Tabinet tr sens thew that Admirat Dewey suid Bar peinforcsimenis and supplied Aguinabie with arms t SAptan Ge pneral Ang Pim sit farmed hie 0 t he abn. and severad gx: Bad o8 vernment of in Irr views Cte ok place at Madrid with the German i oat Acbmemndor the rexalt Deing that i cas decided Captains Cenersl August) vale appeal tn the foreign warships Mania, excluding the American, Ma sented the ves aad praparty uf the inhabitants sraipat the aurgents Ht wae an fmlirest way of capitulate ng. whi Aparing Spanish Bono, Thies Admiral van Die. Ss taken command of the tod, nithouxh be kas nod in Behalf of Ger. a 5% 4 3 Sw tt RARER edu si when the Ameriogn be willing to al- ts re-sobark? The 1 Rent] vay hos hers Reports trom Manila, says a special Swpie lh fean Shanghai, indicate the 4 bE © famed that Rencrs Augusti, tain Ueneral Augosti and Have been massacted by mn Bulacan. It i= thought, te the sane advives, that io arr of the willingness af : AL sinalidn, the Insurgent iaadser ta atiow the British Consul Beat Tor Pes ge them, T2.0EINEN ware PEACE ASR sass Deprowsies Chuaes Great Sufbring Tarengh. ast Spain Gerernment lmpiored Thi Society of the Friends of Peace, of members of the leading comarercinl and sconamie industries, of Baresiony, Rave unanimousiy adopts ei poaclutions Bring upon the pUverns- ment af Spain to pegotiate (Or peace. was pointed cut that since the war nad heen a grea: decrosse in that many factories had stopped kirte. that wrRmen were suf. Faring ard tha would be distress i? the harvest In apni Lpox § pare oka a PeTrRietie Ts tran female, fhe Ww there ines dime which pres k resaigtions Fl © Chase prosent Sidvoonted and the majwity slid Mv proses red ¥lolyy severity of & WHTID ussian af the Prag ier FPsea airing srt Ea guainmi a the 5 87 wo TeTTs The Dhare. a paired: argea. thal EF mercantile and come spoieg the society and ace ah hs i$ never be gone ich “shadow the
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