How the People Will Contribute to the - Goverament to Pay Expenses BEER AND TUBACCO HEAVILY TAXED. The Secretary of the Treasury May Issne Bonds to the Amount of $400,000,000, 0 Telegrams and Sleeping Lar Tick. ets Asiessed--Many Other Artheles Must Bear the ar Stamp. 0 oh SL A AEA © Fohowing Is the war regenue bid ‘adopted In conférence last week and whith sulwequently passed both the Hote and Renate. this bu will yield an annual revenue TAXES ON LIQUORS, A tax of $2 an all beer, lager beer, | &le, porter ard cther simi ar fermented | ‘Bguors, brewed rr manufactured and | sold or stored In warehouse moved for consurnption or sais Gr ree Gr oy. ery barrel containing not more than | 31 gations; and at a ke rate for any | Soother quantity or fractional parts of | 8 barrel with a discount of pet gent on all sales hy collectors to brew | ers of the stamps provided for the pay- rent of the tax. An additional proviso wan added sis fedlows by the canfer- ERO: shat the additional tax imposed In | Abin section on ail fermented Hauor stared in warehouses, to which a stamp had been afixed, shail be assessed and collected in the manner now provided by law for the collectionaf taxes not pai} by stamp | Lo SPECIAL TAXES FROM JULY 1 First Bankers employing a capital not axceeding $25,000 to $50,000 and for every additional thousand dollars, $2, surplus Included in capital. The amount of such annual tax to be cone puted on the basis of the capital and surplus for the preceding fiscal year. Saving banke having no capital stock and whose business is confined to re- cetving deposits and leaning or in- vasiing the same for the benefit of the depositors snd which 40 no other [business barking, are not subject to vetinl LAX Si% 8 broker. Third— Pawnbrokers, $30. ; ur Comnrrercial brokers, $00. FPitth—Custom-house brokers, $10. Sixth—Proprietors of theaters, mu- stume and concert halis in cities of mote than 15.000 people, $160. This does not Include halls rented or used oo caslonally for ouncerts or theatrical resentalions, Seventh (Circuses, $100. No special tax paid In ons stale is to exempt ex- hibitions from the tax in another state, hough but one special tax is to be Trigieden for exhibitions within any cne Righth—Propristors or agentz of all other public exhibitions or shows for winpey not enumerated here, $10, Ninth— Bowling alloys and billjard ‘yuoms, 35 for each alley or table TOBACCO, CIGARS, CIGARETTES Hien AH ANID ENUFF. Tn Hen of the tax now imposed by Ime, 8 tax of 13 cents per pound upon il tobacco and snuff, however prejar- Sh po manufactured and sold Or removed al cigarettes manufactured or sold, or moved for consumption or sale, : turer, HLE fa per thousand on cigars weighing more than three potinds per thousand: 31 per thousand cigars weighing not more than , poutids per thousand and $00 thousand on clareties weighing more than three pounds per provided that in Heu of the snd four-ounce ree and four-ounce packages of yuthocized by third. ounces, : dition to packages How aus | Try flaw, there fe 2 isicn In regard Of the stock on hand is aasesnod and cols may be pack- eon the tax siready paid py #L the time of removal Jevied in this act upon such Dealers having on hand less 0) pounds of mapufactured to- ‘and 20,000 cigars or cigarettes on day succeeding the date of tho bill relleved from the necessity of : Jetorns an3 thu 3 Felieyed from petisity of pa; the tax. r of Internal rev. to employ internal dition to the num- % local co-operative lund or tenement, not exe “one year, 20 cents: exceeding ‘year and not exceeding three , 50 cents; exceeding three years, | for custom-house entry or It Is expected that | consumption or sale; upon Cigars King taxes to be paid by the en thereof | {oot excending one year from the { ness for which special taxes clearqnee of cargo for a foreign port, if the registered tonnage of such ship, vessel or steamer does not excesd 300 tons 21: exceeding 200 rons and not #x. ceeding 800 tons, £1, exceeding 0 tone, $5. Mortgage of real stale or ped. sonal property exceeding $1060 and pol exceeding $1365 25 cents, and on farh $5.00 in excess of F1L300 20 conta Passage ticket from a port in the Tiptted States toa foreign port, HoH oromte fre not exceeding 39, $1: costing mye than $16 and not sxcesding 360, 8 i peering more than #0, §5 | Froxy for voting at any ele afficeors of any incorpor Wyo # excopt religious, haritalio or societies or public cometiries, 10 cents Power +f attorney, 25 coats, not 16 ap. piv tn the collection of ex-soliiory claims against the goverranent evant of the mbiitary or naval Protest of notes bills of ox al ceptance on Ka or draft marine porte, Crs eeipta 55 cents. The stumy Wwanifosis Bis oF iad tlokets Gn not Apply {other vessels piving eet | the United States and port North America { SCHEDULE PoMEBEIMUINAL Phide PRIETARY ARTICLES AND PEHEPARATIONS I'pon every packet, box, Dit i pial Hither inciosars i any pills puwders, tinciures, or renges sirape. cordings ancdynen tonloy, plasters salves cintmenisz pasties drome, water i (exenpt natural spring waters and car bor ated natural spring waters), ew | geress, spirits, oils and all medicinal preparations or compositions RE IAG i ever made and sold, or removed for I gmle hy any person, wherein the per sen making or preparing the same has cor claims to have any private formula Lor any exciasive right where such pas i kets, ete, doos ROU excesd at the re [tail price, 5 cents, one-sighth of 1 cont tax, when the retall price is betwesn o {ard 10 conte, one-fourth of a cent, be. tween 16 and 15 tents, three-aighths of ‘gm ocent. between 15 and 10 cents, Bve- {eighths of 8 cent, and for sach addi. [thomal 25 cents In value, five-cightha of a cent fax, PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS And other similar articles uned as applications to che aay, mouth or wh {or otherwise used where the packet pox, bottle, #tc,, does not exceed at the Lretall price § ocenis one-eighth of 1 | cent RX: When the price ix between J Land 10 cents, one-fourth of a cent; be. tween 5 and 19 cents, one-fourth of a | capt: Between 10 and 13 cenls, three. efghth of & cent, between 15 and 5 Leents, five.sighths of a cent: each ad- | ditional 5 cents in value, five eighth { of & cont tax. Chewing gum, each paRek- { age of pot more than $1 reall vaiue, 4 {eents, and for each additional dollar, § Lpents Sparkling or other wines, when Bert. tisd for sale, upon each hottie comtain- fing ome pint or less, 1 cent. mare than Lone pint. 2 cents. The stamp is only to {te affixed when the article in this i Hedute is sold, i Every person, firm, corporation oF ‘popnpany carrying on or doing the { business of refining petroleum or refin- ‘ing sugar, or controlling any pipe Hine lor transporting oil or other products, {whose gross snnual receipts exceed CRI 00h, is made subject ta pay an. Inually a special excise tax sui vaient | to one fourth of 1 por cont on the gross | amount of all receipts in excess of that Lyon. Returns to be made frei i RY. {The penalty is a fine of from $1608 to [Ian A stamp tax of 1 cent is to be | sptlected on every seat sold in & paiscs Lor parlor ear and an every berth sold in & sleeping car, the stamp to be afl. {fixed to the tiekst and paid by the mpany issuing it : INHERITANCE TAX. A tax on inheritance and legacies sxeeeding 10.006 on personal property, ix provided as follows. On sums be. tween 510.006 and $25,000; First-4m benefits to the lineal issue Lor Hneal ancestor, brother of suster the decensed atl the rate of 70 cents for pvery $106, | Revond-To the desiondant of a Brother or sister at the rate of $1.50 for every Flim, ThirdTo the brother ovr sister of the | father or mother, or a descendant of a brother or sister of the father or {mother at the rate of $1 for every $i Fourth--To the brother or sister of Che grandfather or grandmother, or {descendant of the brother or sister of (he grandfather or grandmother, MH for Lavery Bi Fifth-To those of any other degree sf collateral consanuinily or sirang- ere in Blood or body polite or corpo ale at the rate of 35 for every Jin All legacies or property passing by Cwill, by the laws of any state or terri tory to hushand or wife, are exempted i trom tax or duty Om wus ranging bee teen $25.60 and $1060 the rates of 1ax mre to be multiplied by one and Porse-Malf. on those ranging from $106 With to L00.000 Lhe rates are to be muitl- ts * t tion for pany, iter ary ta sreaamiboats Xr fear IN Baris? pit or containing Lr ow hoes bittors finitmenin, or i ond 3 {plied by two, on those ranging from F500 000 to $1,000.90 the "mics are to be multiplied by two and ane half: and on these above $1.000.000 the tax ix made & tom npon the property until pald and it je required that the tax shall be satis- fied! before the legates In paid, CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTED- i The secretary of the tredzury is au- thorized to borrow Troan time to time at a rate of lulerest nol exoeeding 3 per cent Foch sums as in his Judgment may be necessary io meet public exe penditures and to iswue certifieates of indebtedness in denominations of $8 or some multiple of that sum. Each vere 1iflcate is made pavable ar such time der of its issues, As the sevretary of fhe treasury may prescribe, provided that the amount of such certificates out- standing shall at no time exceed §100,- TOBACCO DEALERS AND MANT- FACTURERS Tealers in leaf tobacco whose annual Bales OO NOL EXCPSd RI DOUTIOS SRD, $6. Those whose anpual sales exoe=d 0.096 and not 100 90 pounds, $13, and if their annual sales exceed 19.000 pounds, $24. Dealers in other tobacos whose an- nual sales exceed 34006 pounds, FIZ Those selling their own products at the place of manufacture are exempted from this tax. Manufacturers of to- bacco whose annual sales do not ex- ceed 50.008 pounds, $8 Manufacturers whose sales exceed 50000 and not 106. 000 pounds, $12. Manufacturers whaosa sales exceed 100.000 pounds, $24. Manu- facturers of cigars, $8. Manufacturers whose sales exceed 10.000, and not 00 0 cigars, $13 Manufacturers whose sales exceed 200.000 cigars, JA Any n who carries on the busi- are ime posed by this act, without having paid the special! tax. is made guilty of a niisdemeanar, the penalty being a fins of trom $106 to $54 or Imprisonment for not mors than six months, or hath It is provided that until appropriate stamps ure prepared and furnished, the stamps heretofore used to denote the payment of the internal revenues (ax wit fermented liquors, tobacco, snuff, clgnrs and cigarettes may be imprinted with a suitable device to denote the pew rate of tax and shall be atfixed to all packages containing such articles on which the tax imposed by this aut is paid. ; a ADHESIVE STAMPS ~ Bection T provides that if any person | or persons ans maxe, Leach addationsd 318 or fractiis RIED OT 1mEu2 any instrument or paper of any des eription without its being staraped. he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, the penalty being §i00. at the discretion of the court. RBoction 3 provides a penalty of not exceeding Fis i for a term not exces both, for ihe Fr Siam iy gies iy y perform ow Fy fpr iso nae el nT wonths or bith, It demeanor by section provisions arms Faw able by a fine Bot ; Chor sectors falls administration of the law 18 exdmpin govern coppty and muni ipl Bonds fron operation Af tha law. and alwo The stack ard Bonds issued hy cosnperats . ine 3 ansacint ions whos: Sap ital stork excesd 510,00, biriid ne and an associations oa # that make foafRs oni sharehoid YE Bowed Siam 18 an telegraph messages yi wiosna ges of Moers ard erg Lo i% ales made i ia jimi. Reotinn Bosyise 3a HRY Arse nat wr Povo Binet eis idea far a Taw BTgM™me Pr i iT Rn x pay Tova z f Ba on oMeial of government fhe massage and railroad companies over Pipes ’ : awl mise $ede Fret Easier own evade the provisions of mehedyie BL re. ting te slrogx. medicines, ete, panishable by a fine not 16 exceed $a or Imprisonment not to eXooaad si raonihe or bath Uneompoundst medicines rat up and sold atl retail on pregoeripe tive are not included in the taxa ariicles, leaving it To apply patiioniariy to proprietary artcles Section 3 adds the ax on prope tary artivies tao the daly on them auiring the affixing of the internal ro vempe stamp befure withdrawal for cong mplion, The commissioner of internal ro. verge is authorized ta fry anti Jan. 1. 1599 any of the stamps provided for By contract whenever they cannot he speedily prepared by the baresu of engraving and printing. HOMEDULY A-STAMP TAXER Bonds, debentures or certilboates indebicdness by any associations com. pany or corporation, on each hundred dbilars of face values or fraction there. of. five cents. and on sach original is suv. whether on organization ov ‘ganization, of cartificates of stock by any such corporation. on sach Rie of face value or fraction thereat five contin: and on all suis, oF SgraoTient to well, or memoranda of salon nr deo Irvarien ar transfers of sharaw of nfcates of stock on each SI of fase value or fraction, two cents. In case of sale whers the evidence of tranwlor is ahyown only by the bonks of the come pany, the starap shail be placed upon such Beaks and where the change of ownership is by transfer cartificats, the stamp shall be placed upoy the cere tifeate: and In case of an agrevment to mel] oF where the Iransfer is by de. jivery of the certificate nesigned. in binnk thers shall be made and de fivered by the seller to the Bayer 4 Dill of mwrmmarandun of such sale to whi h the stamp shail be aad FPinalny fine of froza $600 to 31.000 and imprison. ment for «ix monthy, or both Upon earch sale or agresanent to sei] any products or merchacsdise ato any exchange or board of trade, or simiinr place, sithey for présent future delivery, for such FUR in va of paid sais or agreement oof sais oe Agreement to sell, one ofnl and Tor Bl pari theresa! in excesn of $18: one dent pros vided thi: on every sale or agroement of sale or agreement fo seid thers shall be made and delivered by (Re seller io the buyer & Bll or mermarandam 1D CHT No Ra. w Bick thes shpdl or of fixed a laviul Samp Flame In values sgual to the amount of fax on such sale ani ekeck. dealt or certificate Seposit aot drawing any interest srder far the payment of any sam of money drawn apos oy fsaued Ly any Bank, trust company or any pers Porsans,. crHnpanve Coie rR liane, Ewa cons fille of exchange (inlandy drat: tificats of deposit drawing inert or order for the payment of any stm of pone otherwise than al sight or on demand or any prisnjssory nots ¢xsept bank notes baaed Sor clrouliiniion and fur each renewal of the same lor a sum not exceeding $10 tea conte and fo cach additional $3199 or fractional part thereof, In exerts of $1 two rents Bills of exchange (fossigny or biter of credit, if deawn singly fir a sam hi exceeding $106. 4 conta and ov each $198 or froothonal part thereof in exces of Flob 4 cents 17 drawn in pets of twee or more; Fur every Bil of mach eet. wheres the sum doesn not ex cand 3106 In any foreign currency. 2 cont apd for each $10 or fractional part in excess of fim J rents Hills of lading or recaint owther than charter purty for any gods or mer chandine to be exported to say foreign iu nerfumes i%r thie Fie igre Hr Fons Fag alter £5 £35 then of oF ED port or place. 10 cents EXPRESS OR FREIGRET It ix made the duty of very rallnan or stvamboal COMPANY. CArTier, expired COUDANY Or cuarporatisn of person whose govnpation 3 to acl ar such, to meus 10 the ahipper or contaignor. dil of jadicw manifest af other evi dernier of Fereint and forwarding for euch ahipment reosived, whether in Blk or in Baxes bales packages bun- diea or not #8 incised or inctisded. and theory ix to be aitached and to «ach of said bills of lading #te.,. & stamp of the valine of | rent. Providsd that bat one bill of lading shall be re. julred on bundles or packages of newspapers when enclosed in one gen eral bundie at the time Penalty, $50. cents is charged, Any telegraphic mom sage. 1 cent. Indemnifying bonds cents, tion and on ail transfers thoreaf Tents. Certificate of damag» or surveyor, I3 cents other description. 1% cents (Charter garty. if the registered tonnage of the vena] does not exceed 306 tone, 1 tons, $3. Exceeding 600 tons, $10 sale of any goods real tate or property of any fesorip- dum of sale 19 cents. Uonveyanie deed for real estiale in which sideration exceeds $10 apd & excesd $500, 8 cents and ditional $508, 50 cents Entry of goods at any custom house, not exceeding F160 in value Corte: exceeding $0 and not in value 33 ecentx; excesding 3500) calue. 31. Eniry for the witlhelrawal HR Eki h 8:3 - Test : 544 ah i cents. BONDS The secretary of the treasury is au. recived to be peed only for Popes of . i toresy the gum of $8 Gi aan Pte thereof as may : tH Prepare I Fegisle rod iin : jie ¥ exw innle | Reetton 9 makes it a misdemeanor to | cand one-half om Pesonth®all of the silver Baillon now Cwith the arovisions ced Jute 4, Ton $ Weeks eaneailed A tax of 1 vent is imposed for every | telephone message for which over 13 cach hundred dellars of faces values 3 i Ex ceeding 3 tons apd not excesding on. | tract, brokers’ note or memorandum of or merchandise, | F stocks, bonds, exchange notes of hand, | tion issued by brokers or persons aot- | ing as surh for each note Or Wemoran- | or | the con- § fist i exeeding Ed | i for the garde gousds from custom band warehogse, 53 Jerized to porrow on the credit of the | United Riptes from thine (o time ag the proceeds may be required to defray } expenditures authorized on scoount of the existing war (such procesdz when the pur. expe riiiie ie ‘ SRE TV, myecting wu war arid jmmne th eiseyche oF atoms heresy! Re E gh i 0 the ten vears from and pavabls twen Ldnte n : FRE OB sade the sesselie most enlace pibasd av bded may be Fapoesd Urea 3 rr oateh regula but rp jer edd our paid theres SRE IE the £5 fF dns tenth amount of the Bonde and npraprigtsd cul of any money in + ALDronrintaad, pay the expense of preaarving, ad erriving and vy $ilyan Sg vr = OF SILVER BULLION sing in the provision Wnnge of sliver bull VATS. Rt otherwise Fwy ion The secrainry of the treasury iy thovized fos an are directed standard silver Sollars eles ere rapidly amoint. however of pot Jews than one Hane of dollars in ¢ the treastey, pavthased in accordance the act eutitied, “An get divs erting the purchase of silver ition grad the jesus of reasgry foted therson and for other (rises ant sald dot. lara oe i John Tt ¥has f° i of Roam, i arrepted Ua mun whose heart was in in regard | 3 : an Cowden eruiedt hie [fe ar =o early a date, BR any "Ee faak ¥ ¥ Fa fa Son GEN IX 4 Tha HR the public interests may require to an | Fhe Quel, ever, youhg qs A MER, | gquite understood ber ditealt position, Nn 1 | fife showed herself capable of fulfilling ! approv. | Ber duties, gid also showed that she | Ew -¥ - i i $75 3 posses] $ ian whety sn calnsd shall he oeesd and applied In the manner and for the pur. | poses Nand In said act MIXEl: FIlia'R A substrate war adopted for sengte penvision for a fax on mixed fle ur. but the material points wore pos talried The suberitagte requires that thas © persons engaged In making, gacking or | repaeking mixed four shall pay a spe. | cial tax at the rats of $17 pry ATENRIMY and the leense granted is (oo be postad | in avardances with the provisions sections S047 and 048 of the Revised Hlatutes, the Gnee and penaitics to be the sare as impeeed in thos seotions They are required to mark cach pack. 0 Age ax mixed tour and if is to be Dut | Tis ddl a tax of four | Up only 8 ariginnl packages 1am to the annual licenes ents per hares] jw avid mined four maniifactared moved for sale. The same rats is pra. porthonately an jevied on half barrels Find nw ler pac RARER TEA Theres shail he jevied eoilected and Paid upon tea when imported from for sign countrys a duly » ri Han ait gold or ree Hg : ehipnges regarding tee maken the duty operaflve with the act gtead of Jaly §, as it passed fhe senate INDUSTRIAL WORLD. A — I Pransyivasin Rellvend Company Orders 1.000 Btwel Pretght Ourr— Now SUR Will The Pennayvivania Ralirosd To has Aeterminsd to freresse the carrying capacity of its cars, asd it is ARBOUNCY ed thal in the contract recently given ts the Sehoen Pressed Rteel oo for 1000 a¥oel cara the specifications require sel to De of a capacihiy of 108000 poundn Prior to ihis time s8000 pounds, or forty short tons, have eon eonmidernd the maximum capacity. while pumt of the rolling stock for coal hauling does nol average above Ls 000 I~ # 3 . Spanish nation; but the success of his | government was mainly doe fo the wise administration of Canovas del Castile, bern, amd on the same day he wis pro dren. the Sueen Regent | fond of the little King, Alphonso, The | of ten conte per {pvon the King is subijectind to sirict dis Iwan excellent Hoguist, and plan of milking to ber children in wart. | | pus langtages, so that they may be | pounds. The suploymaent of steel, Lowe | evar aifiwe greater space for the load, white the wupports and framework, Being of metal it in less bulky than wood. The result 5 sconomy of spaces and much greater stresgth, which ai- Jawa the carrying of much heavier weight. The Fall River Catton Mille, employe fag 2080 bands resumed operations & fow days ain. after a shut down of five All the mills except the Hobe. £60 are in operatlon, The Merchants’ gad American Boen mille which have epriaited of lave, have started all theis machinery. A murs Bopeful tone pres valle in he print cloth market, and manufadiorers have been able 0B cone C trast for several weeks ahead, Bhouldt a Bil befors the New York Legislature become a Jaw, svery man who waits to be a Barber will have Ww serve three years apprenticeship and SPAIN'S ROYAL FAMILY, The Queen Regent's Life Hos Been a | * Most ferious Une, i The Archduchess Christina, Gueon | Regent of Hoan, an Austrian aud | was married to the Inte King Alphonse | Xi in Ix0e 5 haw three hirothers © and twa nail i% the d prtslgters of mother by her first marriage These | tors gre the nearest descendants of | Fagland, aad © Prin $y foo i £4 Yo 3 oa fae fell 10 Tl King Favs iby 3 Rt = m1 ings of i : sf, Why ie marrasat n wo fond. Ravyarin, 2 Base Yuga § iva § £ ey s 3 RP SAREE, 4% BR YG Ry rn SEL El pi. boents Queen Mary 1H of Eoginnd. The | youtiger sister parsed the late Prince | jonrbon of Spain, aml is the | piother of Don Caries, rake of Madrid je ariist pretender to the Hone I? was with a reconciliation ti roval Bense of Spain and the Carlist | Cite ya fs & ae aha oof £43 Testing Bert ovina gy ; Lo King Alphonse XII The bape was riiffcaton heroin authoriged in hoceby | the | Hyer realized The young Archduchess had by no EE : aamld of King Aohonso, | ‘ t thi prrpve of | his Best wife, aml whose iu ith was al | roaily showing signe of the Hiness and from the fret wesk of her marry | rarest of ll pifts ex} | guisite tact. Ten months after her mur : riage her «kiest daughter, the Infants | Varin-dn-dos Moresdes, Princess of Ags. | win, was horn at Madrid, on Rept, n.d psn and a litte plore that 190 youre | ier the Infanta Maria Theresia was sorn. on Nov, 12, 1882 King Alphonso X11, whe had always hoon far from stroag. died on Nov. 20 1axn, just three days after be bad com | deted his twenty eighth year. He had colgned sloven years a period of pede i and comparative prosperity for the | his minister, who was assassinated last year. May 17. 1885, the present King was claimed King npder (he regency of his | mother. Though devoted to all ber chil | i eapecinily Queen 4 most judicious in the way in | which she brings np ber children, and eipline during his thues of stidy. Xhe makes 9 ome aoonstomed to all Like so many othe royal children, the King amd hie Fratish very well with an exodilient ae cont. German shes is almost as fimiling | thems as Rpauish, as IU is thelr! fo psothier's tougue, Queen Christine valde a very busy, | anyions He, and ix one of {hi hardest workers in Europe. The Queen does not | often relax from her usual regal de meaner, but when she does slp In per. oad sus ¥ oi op oy , # . i foctly charming, with a keen seuse of | Chumar and an almost girlish delight in the pleasures of her ehtbdren. All her life, since ber sarriage, bas ven spent uidir the most serious clrensastances, | | But she has still left to her the capabil. | ity of enjoying life and its pleasares. It is ar Ban Sebastian, whieh is on the sea coast, and where the Qiteen pos. sesses a palace of fairy Hike beauty, ; iat her Majesty lx seen at hor happl est. It in here that she takes Der an. "gunl boltday. and, with ber children, also pass a satisfactory examination. Harber schools are also to be abolish. ed, if agitation by bosses and journey. i ¥ § AY Daehiar delteate child ten aa] De affective, Al a mesting of the men on srike on the Cork & Bandon ({relands rail way, Mr Tevenasn the [riah secretary of the Amalgamated Society, stated hal over £00 had been received during the mei, wha are receiving mors money pow than they got in pay from their late employers ha contract for the erection of the hig silk mill to He bBullt a1 Phoenizvilie, Pa, at ance by Johnson, owdin & "0, of Patevsan, for 2 at The mill is to be $08 fet lung. HO fest wide and stories Bigh and will when rusting ® P mnploy several hundred hands W i% 16 somimence at ones, and the mill is to be in operation next fall The Briar Hi ron and Ciel ‘ H- pany amd the Youngstown Btasl cas pany have purchased the Biwabik ore fone | L the wenk from England in support of : ler a vist mines of 2000.0 ar more Tons in the Mesaba range from of Pittsburg, and Tal, Staunbaugh & Cw, nf (fevsiand, Ome hundred members of Alexander HUyers, | port & Youghiogheny railroad at Wee from $139 to 31 30 per day, It is reported that the Bridgewater i Natural Gas Company, not depending | ‘ on gas wells, will erect a plant for ar- I tiflvial gas at New Hrighton, Certificate of profits of anv associa- | es Pa. on | Warren (1) capitalists have organ- strock for an advance fzed to erect a plant to manufactures | plaster from wood pulp. John OC 30 Vai The strike of employes of wofk at the old wages. Neadad the Garduer This is the London version of Pew | otharwing is president and H. 8. Pew secretary | fasued by any part warden or marine | Sho iresaurer. Certiftvate of any |} | the | Whenling (W. stamping works | | has been settled, the men returning to | us follows : 4% a m. Revynoidevills Acevinmodation, i Faller Ran the | Conmecting at Du Bois for | Horton Run 1 story of Mr. Vanderbilt's parting with | nN celebrated Paris chef, Joseph. told bir frankly that be rather tired of his highfatiuling tic” Froneh dighes the mildonaire, "I'm and 1 want a squyre, aid fashioned meal anit cook me” he “some pire boiled beef and cabbage “Monsieur replied Joseph, in savest manner, “1 thinx You fur me my mistake. wis darned d¥o. Sad sent come the presiding genius kitchens of a big Lendon hotel interviewer he said the other day: “A dinner should be short —iike men. The of '! shorter they are the better” Las | | day the millionaire sent for Jeweph and | was growing | Cartis- | The fact is,” said | nungry., | added, 3 | his | have | Bhall 1 ring Jusenh Has Just ew the | To an | sovels in the beautiful country and sea. wide fe, away from the streets of Ma- drid, and free from the most (rying of fer wtate dnties, The King and his sis ters are all good swimmers, and the | prineesses encourage their brother and | help Bim, when the waves are too sangh- for King Alphonso 8 a some Cyreling 8 also gapong the favorite amuseiients of the prinevases and their henther iim thera dre very merry rhles taken in the avlehbortiond, and in the beatiful grounds that surround the palace, Of ten the Queen's mother. the widowed Arcluinehess Elizabeth of Ausra, pave | The Archuluchess Elizabeth tw pow G8 years of age, but shoe is in ex heath aod Jooks quite ten Veurs vouniiaer redler ORE 3 5 RUA The First Water Plant. The Quakertown (Pa. Times awards | to Bethlehem the distinction of having | erectind the first water works the United States. Near the hanks of the Monoeacy Ureek ithe Indian name for ervwk of many bends), It says there is a never falling spring of pure cold wa- | Ex # ter. which has formed the supbly of COnRIrUGs | pLanichem fron its founding up to the | | ey or te urs. McK om | Pethiohem frum in foymitng up : of shipment. : Newton, Pa, present time. la the spring of 1704 Hans Chmstopher Christiansen began | | the erection of the first water works in | The water was forced |... saion Mahar) the old mill. through wooden pipes up the hill into a | | Wooden reservoir, situated where the Moravian church now stands, oa pr i Wotan! 1. : BE — Baeffale, Rochester and Pittsburg Ry. On and after February 0th, 1898, trains wiil leave Market Street Depot, Clearfleid, tar Curwensviile, Du Beis, Fails Creek and Reynoldsviile Ridgeway, Johosonburg, Dradford and Rootiester. 1145 8, m. Buflals Express, for Carwens- viite, Du Dols sand Falls Crees. Congeots ing ot Du Bais, for Bldgway, Johuson- burg, Bradford and Dullaic, $2 p. m. Du Bois and Ponxsutawney Bx pr. ¥or Du Bois. Fails Urees aud Maxsuiawaay, Trains sceive, 8.13 aw, and 300 and pom For tickets, time abies and tion, vail on ur addres, C, IL Hesiip, E. Azent, end Civardaid, Pa uid Lapey, Passenger Ast, Hosrtiester, N, 3 | Main Line Fixpress, dally | Putindel plun Expriss, dat C Iohnstewn Accorg. week days... | Pacifls Expres, daily iin. { Way Passenger, dally i Pittsivary Fxpross : Dien 4 : Jome BeR%: Iowa y Cor ilresen i banethony Tak Parriving st Cresson at x10 a om on that the Arehdnclhess married | bE : i Mornlog train I means an easy life before hor when she |B ih Elaraba | Fanetion 1008 Patton 1047. Garws Forse | Palifpsburg. .. 830 11.18 L Owoscia Mills. 8.33 11.31 | Houtsdale ..... 350 11.50 Osewoln Mills... ....... { Poliipsburg .. ... ..... | tons with aii ieesh Creek Railroad tre tor and from Bellefonte, Look Haven, Wilke sisters have heen partly educated by (WE be iA ab | Kaglish goveraesses, and they all speal | ork Too DE uy Patton: Curwensviile, Dollis, Panzsutawe £ Wor 5 Na a acted nie cn 10 $ | sambertand rian | Eh ek fo | Burnsde i : Glen Cmmplaetl Fuller Run. Diplen Umapbedl inns F Passan ore i { Bik Lick | Works 1... | Wateell 1 i labsthinmst 1 8:32 acm—— —— Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table November 20, 1887, Iaave Crosson — Fastward, Hen Rha Kxpross, woelt dave. AL oon decom modation, week days - Ge BEN ee fi itanna A ceommodation, datly on ail Flrpress, datiy Lavo | owen on Nastwand, Madi Foetdine, RY. lL sen ui Tobnstown Aesom, week dave cambria and Clearfield. Routhward Maonaing train for Patton and Cresson siphieil 4:45; Mahaffey Wo a hod Wisstoover 01 Hastings £18 Gas nr BN Patton #50 Bmd Kavior (for Fetutrang) Tie A ‘ inves tae 5 1 TEN Mabattey 8% 4 L 9 Wanitaver 9% Hast HE Cmrway [for Junetion CLTERES SuSENe WECTRTEP ue BES E323553 paEBEE min for Patton sad Cresson ressnnt 0 Patton 400 Brutley ©: Kaylor £49, arviving at Cresson ot S48, Northward, lonven Crosson for M rg 00 Kayior 031 ges [100 Hastings (for Mabe wry {or Manners 19% Westover nS a I P00 Muba LEi% arriving at Cie campbell at 840 Aferewen train for P Lwin and Glen Cnraphed] mves Crosson at L Rayior Bil; Eboasbarg a0 : 8: Patton S12 Garway for Has | Hastings for Glean Campbell 708; i rien Cansphell: T% MAT, Mahaffey £10; arriving ot Glen wo Say ns. : SY rates maps, ote, aptly to tieket sr adilress Thom E Wal PAW. pre #00 avenues, Pitttehiurg, Pa. J.B Hitelinson, ten, Mgr. Altoona & Philipsbarg J. ’. Wood Agte Eh PR Sh CONDENSED TIME TABLE, In effect December 1, 1897. Eastroanp— Week Days AM AM NOON , 1.98 290 123 18 38 aN LT 85 1308 510 003 L109 AM. AM. FN Wesrwanp-- Week Days. AM, AM PN 145 a01 13 18 Gamey. ..... .. 3200 1200 313 Sexpay Taarss, 67 Read Down. PN ’ . A AE ARERR AER 8.00 Hootsdale. Aid 5281 A243 ro Buspay Taaiws, EEE | Tend Up. { Hamey.. ....... Deoecin Mids... ........ 25 Philipsburg ............ 540 AN. Cowsmerione-At Philipsburg (Union Stas eine insnspart, Heading, Phlisdelphis and New Lawrenvesil 0 Ridgway, Bradford, Buffaic esd Rooheiter, x7 iomals for Hontedaie and Ramey with P. BI trains leaving Tyrone st 7.00 P. M6 4. MH GOOD, * Beech Creek Railroad. N.Y. C. &H R R Co. Lessee. Condensed Time Table. toad up Regdt x ast Nov. 4, 1S : gins i © No® a : den g SoUENYELNE - - * We Eo ESOHUEED : We er ny aa Ben doin seuTEARERETELRANEN oe Gre Merristale Mines Manson Phiiipsbharg Munsen Winturne Posie irtiitntown Wyse Sri bo Creel Mil all uEAsSuBLEE - - w<kE YEVEeIeREN TOE RE CHEB ARE fowl Ven Yaoungetais Warne! Jersey shore Junmion Jersey Shore Willmmsport ar Phil's & Reading BRR Wiiliasnspory iv 1123 Philadeiphig ar % Y vie Tamsgun ar 358 NY via Phils arbl0e Weekdays 500 pm Sundays 138 G6 a ma SunaaYs “hot New Yard HEErs veiling Sik Phi) am rein from big Hie will change cars at Cnlumbile Ave Con peti. At Wiis mep with Phils EREEEEEe spEsEsEas a ig BREUER E EMRE RENE ANT Tene tril Beik st AR iad % wy a hr el iv iw mnie ally ur 9 Dew " 8 i gerpiiis stud Reading milond: at Je oy Shore Powith Ry, at i Hall | owith ential Fail Hewok ¥.: Ratirosd of Pennsylivanig » Philtiabarg with Peonsyivania milroad and Altieins & Philipsburg Conbecting 0 i (Yamriiohl with the fei, i Putstarg meiigay; at Malas ard Patton th: mribria and Cearfied division of the ok, Abhi milread; 83 Mahaffey with the Pennsy! vanin and Northwestern y A. £3 Patmer FE Herrman, superintendent. en. Tam Agnus. hl ER 87 Pittsburg & Fastern Time Table. TO TAKE EFFECT NOV. 15, 1897. Westward Natl Neo w % - Lanve ¥ ue a v ¥ Teweh Crosk Junation. Mauboy | ein {atmthumt § Mot vows a - Works 0. Passnaoref. Hoon Rua 1. CrERSREESGEER SERIES WIRE REE BE ERMA MEW gEEuNLBsERRZEEE 0 0 CO Bn re cEgligsr=atrine WER A Aen ER Sd 5 - £ ® leave E Fs ge - # We Gaal Gee ERED s ened si iid EGC ESUEERS ER g * Worx EE REE EEE E é Pasrrisiate SELENE RN gxvansss stinderiand D Metiens LERELABREED Sf 1 % 3 2h i Mabatfes ; Cased Cops Japotion — Union Satlon Maballey) f. Fiag “aitubh. Compe tite AL Unbem Station, Mabhatfey, I with flesh Creek miltoad, tL & division { Peansvivsosia milpsad, and Po& N WwW. milk | mit: at Wisisiew Inn win MetGess & New roanbare mild: sf Mees with P.& NW. rest irenasd, Wats Inti] farther notice trmins will mia suiy between Union Stelion (Mahstley: and iviem Uampbetl, AL trains Anily except Sune day. Ss. H. Hicks, even A & $e WES gx ®
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers