A pn i $5 SRA VOL. Vv —NO. 28. An RAI A} BEL ir i VISIT L_ w. COOK'S DF Ni pe For the Grand and Glorious | now known to be in the harbor. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA, THURSDAY, JUN vE 9, , 1808. ~~ Ae i : ‘14 ————— Gleaned Here and There by the “Courier” Reporter. LETTER for the Pat. WASHINGTON “ Moses Perkins” tom Courier Washington, D. C., June 7. Written by with the outlook. only awaits the arrival of the army, | which ought to be on the ground by ‘now, to make a combined land and sea | attack upon Santiago de Cuba and to capture or destroy the Spanish fleet impossible to say how long this will take, owing to lack of definite know- And Harrah for the of North Cambria and South ( counties for everything you want from the smallost fire cracker at the large stores of to & Cannon ledge as to how strong a defense the land fortifications will give oar land forces. Although Generali Shafter, “who is in command of the army sent to assanit Bantiagoe, will welcome any rs assistance rendered by the insurgents, his plans am in no way dependent on | their assistance. The assault will be a ‘strictly business one from the start, as { the orders of General Shafter are to take the town of Santiago, and those of Admiri Sampson to take or destroy the Spanish fleet. J, Patton Pharmacy. gar Fifth and Beech avenues, Oppo- site Scho) building. We carry anything you want, such a8 Urackers of all Sues, Fup © of all sizes, festoona, at, Reman shndies “whic pp. ok a, badges, Chinese Jan all Siam, ete. ete, and last but not FINEST SODA WATER : bin had anywhere--come and treat mother, sister, aq reat any! Jour Jr : Remembea the Place Onos a Thrtie and a Rabbit Started in to run a race But the Turtle, so says fable, Beat thie Rabbit many s pace. We have not all the trade of North Cambria Co., but are steadily gaining by fair deal-| ing, got and reasonable profits on all, and don't sell] you something at cost and | Javercharge on everything. agsonable articles ches and | Be Ee forks, Bom | Ee Hove Re de E. Kirk How. Co's Three Doors East of Bask JE Kir anit anal The present program is to follow up the capture of Setiago with the capture of Porto Rico, the fleet going from Santiago to San Juan and troops fol lowing at once from Florida The opinion is strongly prevalent in ad. ministration and diplomatic circles that if Santiago and Porto Rico can be Leaptared without any delay the war will practically be over, and it will be annecessary to send an army to Uaba for the purpose of capturing Havana, The ground for this opinion the belief that if these blows can be struck in quick succession Spain will realize ‘that she has been sufficiently whipped snd will ask for peace, consenting to accept the loss of the Philippines, Porto Rico and Cuba. But this opinion is not lessening the efforts to push the war. General Blanco is now cut off entirely. The only Cuban cable ra maining uncot is that to Key West, of which he can make no use. By the or time Santiago and Porto Rico are (is posed of we will bave our eatire anny ‘thoroughly equipped and ready to ‘move on Havana, if it to do so. It is bheroie deeds like that puttorned, by Lieutenant Hobmon and a crew of weven volunteers who carried the U. 8 collier, Merrimac, into the narrow ‘mouth of the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, under a bail of Spanish shot and ‘shell, and sank her to obstruct the ‘chanpe!, that piakes one proud to be an American. When Admiral Sampson | kod for volunteers for this perilous idaty, regarded us going to almost cer- tain death, more than four hundred men responded, although only seven {were wanted. The seven heros per. formed their work and escaped death, bat they were all captured by the (Spanish. Promotion and ovation ‘awaits them, when they are restored to | liberty either thuough exchange or by | ‘the capture of Santiago by oar forces. Anyiting You Wish © Yverytning in the grocery line at Cash Grocery, vin: Mackerel, herring. | codfish, salt sid, ham, shoulder, break- [fast bacon, iard, potatoes, cabbage, | | onions, syrup, vinegar, tea and coffee, (cakes, soaps, canned goods, spices, ' flour, corn meal, brooms, wash boards, sweet and sour pickles, maple syrup, | canned meats; in fact everything kept lin a first-class grocery. Call and see for yourself. Yap BwRRAry Fer Sale. Twenty bran new alcohol and syrup | June 30th, the cont per barrel will be Jou 7 cunts, a he ee | Notice is hereby given that two oe stable on Fifth | avenue, Patton, Pa. Person owning such animals can bave same by calling Ye and paying cost of keeping and cost of nome in and see us put a shine | ves with our easy come have a shine put on your ny We don't have a’ gg r to do it, but a white man at a shine on just the same. ne stove ‘ this notice, | posed of according to law, | 3t- WEARLAND Brox Patton, Pa, June 8, 15888 Up-to-Date. Put your posters on Stanley's bill board. Rates to suit the times. | re- : spectfully solicit the patronage of busi- | ness houses. All advertising for charch | | societies, picnics, ete. free. H. StaNLEY, : City Bill Poster.-tf mgm i i Miller. -19¢f ministration is highly pleased with the recent war news, and even more #0 Admiral Sampson Its or otherwise will be dis LATEST WAR NEWS. The Navy Departnumt received a dispatch from Admiral Sampson an- | nouncing that between 7:30 and 10 o'clock Monday morning he bombarded the Santiago fortifications and entirely silenced them. A special cable to The Philadelphia Times shows that the bombardment at Santiago was terrific, and that two! Spanish ships, the Maria Teresa and Reina Mercedes, were sunk. It is re- ported that 250 Spaniards were killed and pearly 300 soldiers and mariners wounded. (General Miles reporied to the War Department that the invading army is about ready to move. Twenty-five thousand men will be transported to. Santiago, and a similar force to San Joan, The Washington suthorities discredit the reports of the landing of troops near Santiago, saying that if there was a debarkation it was only of a force of marines, A Fine Home. The attention of the writer has been called to the fact that the celebrated stallion ‘Major Wolfe,”' time 2:14] has ‘got some of the finest coits ever folded in this section, especially the one be. longing to Weakiand Bros, Liverymen of Patton. The animal is the property of Charles Wolfe, who expects to re move from this place in the near fatare and those interested in blooded horse flesh regret that such may be the case, are trust that be will remain bere "Major Wolfe’ is a very handsome horse and has more speswd this year that ever before. Mr Wolfe states that if be has an opporianity to condi. tion him for racing he would beat 2.14, “Major Wolfe’ is aged 5 years, stands 14 hands high and weighs 148% ponds His color is 8 light bay and was sired by Hourbon Wilkes, registered No 2,335; dam by late Rose, record 2:38; by Happy Mediom No. #00; second dam by Geo. M. Patcsin, Jr., No. 31, California WAKE UP! Attention Citizens! SNOTY BIRT £3 Theat ru mens Hail this Tharwiay ; evening _ conjunction with the members of Pat- ton Fire Co. No. 1, for the purpose of making definite arrangements in regard to a FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRA TION in Patton, It is the daty, Ww a certain ex. tent, of every American make a special effort to celebrate this grand old holiday this year ina | most patriotic masner in view of the fact that this great United States ia experiencing anotber conflet with a foreign nation. It brings recoljections of the glorious freedoom cur. fore- fathers fought to obtain for us. We should also Remember the Maine! and let ue celebrate. Let the roar of cannons and guns sound through the valley of Chest Creek for 34 hours on this grand old day. All should join hands in this ondertaking in making it a Fourth of July which never shall be forgotten. Grange Memorial Serviees. On Friday evening eleven members of Lieutenant Peter Kaylor Post, No. 833 G. A. R, attended the Memorial services of Concord Grange PF i it rol i on or before Deid in their hall near the home of Hon. J. J. Thomas. The services were ‘held in memory of Comrade A. A. Barker, of Ebensburg and Comrade Valentine Dumm's wife. Everything . was carried out in order and music was furnished hy the Grange band. Ad- dresses were made by Rev. Father Kittell, of Loretto, and Prof. Hipp, ‘of Carrolltown, which were well re ceived, and the comrades returned “home very much impressed and well pleased. Facampmen' of Sous of Voiersos. The Beech Crpek railroad has placed : on sale excursion tickets to Philipsburg and return, selling dates, June 13th to 6th inclusive, return Limit June 15th, from all points on its line, account of ‘the annual encampment of the Penn- ‘sylvania Division Sons of Veterans. , Fire Works we Sale. All kinds of fire works such as crackers, rockets, Roman candles and | | all other kinds of novelties for sale at citizen to ne er JUNE COURT CONVENES With Several Motions and Pe- day afternoon: The property of John! and Elizabeth Philips, in Jackson town. titions Presented ws cy: As Wel! av a Large South Red. Cambria county's Jone term of court convened at Ebensburg Monday with FROM NORTH CAMBRIA SOLD WY ne sngmer. Properties Which Were Disposed of Ybensburg. Following are properties of porth Cambria sold at Sheriff®s sale on Mou- | ship, was bought by the plaintiff for $25. William Guttwaid’s lot in Lioyds- | ville was bought by the plaintiff for $25. | Nomber from the The house and jot of Mr. and Mrs | (3. W. Tarley, in Reade township, Judge Barker on the bench. Many | motions and petitions were presented and following are those from North Cambria county: By Mr. Shoemaker In the cane of R. F. Notley vs. L. B. Matthews, attachment saxecution, role to show cause why judgement shouid not be taken against the garnishees for the amount admitted to be doe in their Answers. In the matter of the order of sale granted to John C. Gates, administra. tor of James 5. Gallagher, late of Reade township, deceassd, retorn showing property sold to W. D. Hell- man ot al. Confirmed nisi. The petition of C. F. Luther and Joseph A. (iray praying the court to stay the writ of Eqitable Buoilding and Loan Association va OC. F. Luther and Joseph A, Gray. By Mr. Myers In the case of Mary M. Pruner va Frasncoes OC. Pruner, libel in divoree, T. H. Hasson appointed commissioner to take testimony, By Mr. Nadi In the mutter of the estate of John Glass, inte nf the township of Susgues- banna, deceased, return of Kilza J, Kirkpatrick, emecutrix, to an order of sale of real estate for the payment of debta. Confirmed nisi By Mr. Reade The petition of George P. W ministrator of Bernard Wise, inate of Gallitzin township, deceased, praying the court for an order of sale of real estate for the payment of debts Bond in the sum of §2.000 filed and approved. The petition of Benjamin F. Byers, assignes of William Byers, of Jackson township, praying the court for an order to sell real estate for the payment of debta. Granted. His report as anditor appointed by rt to make and report Hate. 5 PH twee, gute the og w hands of B of Leorge +0 Borough, deceased this report me Ruaditor appointed by the court to make and report distribu. tion of the fands in the hands of Thomas H. Myers, assignee of D. G. Myers, of Ashville. Confirmed nisi By Mr. Evans The petition of John Fry and Edward ‘ Fry, executors of Sebastian Fry, late of Loretto, deceased, praying the court for an order of specific performance of contract. Bond in the sum of $3284 filed and approved. The entor of Hugh McCormick, late of Gallitzin township, deceased, praying the court for his discharge with leave or y legacies into court. Granted. Mr. Kittel petitions of the citizens of Mun. ster township praying the court to appoint viewers to view and vacate a road in said township. Granted. Erecting » Summer Reuldones. C. M. Swab, general manager of the Carnegie Steel company of Braddock, Pa, has commenced the erection of a summer residence on the plot of ground north of Loretto, near Mrs. Bengeie's hotel. The residence will be quite elaborate and the cost of the same is estimated to be over $3000. The house will be beautifully situatod on a high knob which is surrounded by a large grove. Mr. Swab, in his younger ‘days was a resident of Loretto, but has resided in Pittsburg for the past ten years. He is a son of J. A. Swab, a prominent citisen of Loretto. Leg Amputated. As the UOURIER goes, received by ‘phone © named Geo. Willis, the Flannagan Ran coll. fortune t¢ have his kK mangled below the knee a mining machine, which will necessitate am- putation. No further particulars were learned at this writing. Population Mill Growiag. The COURIER again chronicles the ar- rival of three more new residents in our town which have gladdened the hearts of the following proud parents: farce comedy, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hartshorn, a girl which arrived Friday; Mr. and Mm Samuel Weakland, a boy, Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Frank McTigue, a daaghter, Monday. Don't Forget That Mathew Miller has the Carroil- For the best fresh fl go to Matthew Morgan's news stand, riext to the Com- | town manufactured ice for sale; also mercial hotel. i ice cream and fresh fish. -20tf to the waste of water. -mitting parties who are not paying responsible for payment of same. { bought by the plaintiff for $35. The writs were stayed in the case of P. | Kearney's property in Chest Springs. The right of Jennie D. and A. B. Cushing in a lot in Spangler was ‘ bought by the plaintiff for $100. The writs were stayed in the case of the property of Paul McKenna, in Cresson township. F. H. Barker paid §75 for Joseph Rosenhamer’s house and lot in Jackson towhship. The plaintiff porchasecl the interests of John A. Hamilton and Peter Hamil. ton in three lots in Washington town ship for an aggregate of $1,121. Fag my on June 14. Next Tuesday, all over the domain of this republic, will be ohwerved as Flag Day. The present war will bave a ten. dency to create miditionnd enthusiasm in the celebration, and Patton on that day will jikels bo submerged with the national color The first United Staten flag, adopted by congress June 14, hav. ing the stars and stripes, wis made, it is said, out of asobdier's white shirt, an old blue saroy overcoat and a Sannel petticoat It wis hoisted by oor army at Fort Stanwix, near Rome, Now York during Burgoyoe's campaign in 1897 Pani Jones appears to have rabeed this Hag at wea. The flag raved by Wash ington at Cambridge, whon be took wimmsand of the army, was the English Hag, with thirteen red and white stripes added. In the fing adopted by congress the stars represent all the states and the stripes the thirbien original states Hivks Aller Swallow, Congressman J. D. Hicks on Thurs day entered suit in Harrisburg against Rev. 8. C. Swallow, publisher of the Harrisburg Conmimonwealth, for $50,000 damages. The tivil action x based on an alleged libelous publication in the Commonwealth during January last in which Mr. Hicks was charged with im. proper handling of the Bailey estate and the Pennsyivania Building & Loan Regarding the suit, Mr. “1 have o newspapers antil | can't stand it any lang. 1 do not care for myself, but my family has beers humiliated, and I will sot permit that to go anpunisbed. | am out for blood now." The law firm of Sxl grass & Detwiler has been retained in Mr. Hick's interest, Association Hicks 3 Tig wry abiryhant fay sported To Rave sand Telepbatie Tmpr acment, The Central District Printing and Telegraph company bas purchased the local telephone line which runs from I J Boland. exe Ebensburg to Hastings via Carrolltown, formerly the property of citizens of the three aforesaid mentioned towns Manager Raker informs the COURIER that work is progressing rapidly in putting the line in proper shape, trans- ferring it to the main live and making the necessary connections at the dif ferent paints. This will give the sub- scribers and patrons at Hastings a trunk line to the county seat where heretofore they were obliged to call up the Patton exchange when they wished to talk to the county seat or points beyond. The ¥. M_ LL Convert. The concert and entertainment given under the auspices of the Y. M. L in the Firemen's hall Tuesday night was a success. The program, which consisted of recitations, music and a was well rendered and those who parcipitated deserve credit. The attendence was quite large and all appear to have enjoyed the evenings amusement. Lost: A black cow between 4 and 5 years old strayed from home on the Zird of May. Any information will be thank- fully received and well rewarded too. Georck Lepaux, Patton, Pa Natioe We wish to mdvise the patronn of the Patton Water Co. that the use of pave washers for street and lawn sprinkling is a special charge, and bills wiil be rendered for the using water for these purposes. The attention of all our water con- sumers is called to our rules in regard Also to per water rent to obtain and use water. We hold the persons who permit water to be taken from their premises ParroNn Water Co. E. {!. BrRowxN, Supt. $1.00 PER YEAR. EN PARTMENT STORE, ALTOONA, PA. Fine Feathers May nit always make fine binds but poms wii] flan a rel Bind always sitrscts more thvommble comment than the sparrow, WHY IS IT? It must be in the feathers. It's unwise to ook the best you can. costs no more to have your clothes made well and fit you perfectly when you consider the witinfuction and serv ie they give yon ¢ aim to you and put ap the ve possible ch for the least possibile money. See our elegant line of suits at $17, $18 and $290. Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, PA. AMANTEED “WHERE THERE'S A WiLL THERE h WAY “WW ay’ gealdhoiu WORK of = is to do by mail, you'll get descrip wd prices from us ements in “he your and if tion ar for vour . red His 3 1 s - ae ine ur DRY GOODS ssn I NE Damion C ARPES on't he lacking The oldest, best and cheapest hose in Centes] Paan’a Write {or a bookie. WM MURRAY'S SON CO. ALTOONA, PA. FTL VAVTIIPHRAPT RTT H HI THARAPRVHH RRR TR TER 2 THE WAR CRY Should not prevent you from taking advantage of the EXCELLENT BARGAINS we are offering in CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, GENTS FURN- ISHINGS. If war should prove se- nous vou will need your money and will find it to vour advantage to buy while the saving prices are on. Wolf & Thompson.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers