A a A AT SA "GOSSAMER THREADS. Ho (On a Seoteh Moor) ; Whes tates dances on the moor by night — : hair in the heather) — Stray phen thrends from thelr dainty | 7 nasty tne to he flowertag fing and purple (Mito BT ata: gt. at morn ho less ths § Winsome sigh.) : When morning brasks and the fairies flon THe motriand shines With gist ain lines, : ong sew-strung with goid, asd none the less are they burps for me.) And whos the wind breathes, | Eoin har in the heather). from tha tiny strings, aa ii an 3d free is the harmony Thro’ the plot and purple heather, Pf Bote DRY reach ming ear, rong the Ines is It sweet to hear.) ~C, Jell-Sharp, in Pall Mall Garotte, far and ER 2 ET IF AVERY. Se FERRO % 'T was & warm sum- mer’s evening, and 1 bad left the win- dows and doors the office open, for the sake of a re freshing draaght. I had beer sit- ting for some time at my desk, planged in & fit of cE ~=* the deepest t, and had not heard any one - ; i Sh sir?” cansed me | Yo start, violently. from my seat and tarning np the gas jet on the table, I tarned and surveyed my interlocutor, who nin an of at or Bre Se s man forty or there- abouts, of middle stature, and _pos- sessed of a small, piercing pair of - , which returned my gage un “The business on which I come,” is said; taking of iis Jat, smd fixing is keen, black «3% vpn my face, poy yonr services until late in ing. My niece, : miles from London, is Ty ill, and ber recovery being extremely a5 iis denies Io _ske her | : or a bave : Jo selec By ree qo ali 3atede io fu regaest, any fes you commana with myselt for a few conveyance “About five or ten miles,” he re- sponded, banding me his card, on which I read “Martin Jackson, Lon. don Wall.” “It is a short distance from lew, and as s train does not leave London Bridge for some time, 1 ~ bave provided @ carriage and driver, whieh waits in the strest. May 1 on si SETYIONS a8 ged?” + ale | that he might, and a { aw Tipates snfficed to find us en- sconoed in a close carriage, which Sook 8 westerly direction at a mod erate speed. ~My companion meantime enlight- On sickness and previous history; an he - hour uiter leaving the ey ot a we found ourselves about a oy tile from Kew Bridge. Iwasa young! man, and my nervousness and sus. picions of the man beside me may be excused when his eviden! anniety in 9 employing myself, an inexperienced 0 yer, are considered. His story, too, did St goand consistent in ail | Tospeets, spoke of his niece, Miss Blanche Pickering, as being at times mmbject to short fits of insanity, hen the carriage stopped it was in af # large, rr bailding | a8 standing a short distance from the road, and sarrounded Bl clail popisss. struck me ss rather cari. ‘ons 1 walked up the gravel walk to, inion and tended to aronse my 8 nem nd more, Jackson dis missed the carriage, after paying the driver, with a few low, whispered words, the import of which I was un- able to ascertain, aad the hack torged ar ly, as if to retrace the road to ondon. I said nothing, however, ‘but shifting a revolver which I always ; into a more convenient position “inner breast pocket, entered the with my companion, who ua- ‘the door with a at , and i _— out some wine Ts me which Ie re | Wpparent tion with some une lying there. It was no wonder that I gazed long and esrnestly at the countenance of the ‘woman wed reclined there. A perfect face I have never seen— pale, und with an expression of care sad ad it might have been, yet there was notrace of sickness or disease, and from those beanti- eT the sad yet sweetly smiling | eves, down to the 8 white, plump band 5 eh rested in the large brown one of Jackson's, I felt that there was some : mystery in the case, anil that he had been untruthful in his revelations. Suddunly the man arose, and drop Pkuob of the door in as mie with ati aceount of his th 8 revalrer, ane oe Rt On A AA SL RM VA RE SAA | ping the lady's band drew wp a chair] j opposite to my own, and wits an sm. patient, uneasy exclamation, broaght | my investigation to a termination, “You will draw ont the ordinary | warning expression, ‘writing ss I dictate. Miss Pickering oi of her property, = quiiesce when it is finshed pocessary?” I was somewhat surprised at the strangeness of the request, but re plied: “Certainly, il 1 am confident that shi is ompos mantis, and she too ill to dictate the instractions herself” Here a slight exclamation broke a threatening meant for my ob- Juekson, who, with 2 seowl, evidently nod 4 servabion, said: “Po not exert voursell, my dear niece: IT will do all that iz necessary,” ais before me, be quickly leavedover to~ard her, and hissed in her esr, “Remeraber—be careful!” with such enppharis as to cause her to dink, pale and trembling, back among the pillows of the bed. A kalf-hoar elapsed, hard bees completed. All Blanche Pickering's property, personal and | real, was to be divided between the mag Jackson and his son Henry, with the exception of a few small | legacies. Then I read it, and after proponading the few necessary interrogatories to the Jegator, which were answverad in a low, trembling affirmative, I requested her to sign it. Drewing my chair up to her side, with the paper and pen 10 my hand, I waited for her to obey my request— intimating to Jackson that it would be as well to ave Cooper as a witness, The latter individual had, evidently, fallen asiesp, for, a eall not bringing him to the bedside, Jackson arose and walked to where his contrere lay. At this moment, and with the rapid- | ity of light, the girl's hand canght my own, snd Jasin my head downw so that I conld Deten to what she might desire to say. I beard her whis- | per, in passionate, beseaching words: “Ff am foroed to this! They intend to kill me! For heaven's sake, help me |” Then she sank back, and before Jackson had been able to observe us, tive positions. At last the will had been signed, witigessed and sealed, and, hat in hand, 1 stood at the table swaiting my client's farther pleasure, ws if | had not the idea in my mind of retarn- ing before morning, sad thst, too, with an offcer of justice, I followed my servitor down the stairs, hstened to his untrathizl re grets that the carriage must have re- tarned to the hones, ss agreed apo, and then gone to the city; declined his offer to remain for (he night, sad having been directed to the station, stood ones more in the open air. Suddenly a wild scream of terror | asaniled my ears. In a moment J was again up the steps, and turning ihe ineffectual at tempt to gain sdmitlance. I was aboat to attemot to force an entrance through the window, when the door was Snug su Menly open, sad | | the man Cooper stood before me, He discovered me at cooe and sirack ot me with his clenched fist Evading the blow, 1 whipped ont my 4, striking him with the *5% but end, knocked bin senseless upon | the steps. I was again about to tars and en- ter, when the form of Jackson dashed down the staircase throagh the open door, and I felt myself in “his frrasp. f saw at once that he was nnsrmed, siioh was taraed aside and the weapon knocked from wy band to the ground. Then ensued a fesrfal struggle Le. tween us, in which we both were pre. cipitated down the steps upon the | gravel walk below —1 appermost, It was, perhaps, for two minates thst I held Lim by the throat, dealing Lim blows with my disengaged hand ~~Yie having the other ground with the wicelike grip of his throat antil my eves were from their sockets and every muscle became inactive. Heiziog a large stone which lay near hios, he raised it in his left hand and was about to strike me on the Lead when a sharp, loud report rang on tite air, The form of the ruffian fell back ~—his fingers relaxed their grasp. Aform in white passed before my imncertain vision; and then, for the isvace of fire minutes, I was utterly | unconscious. When at length the mind awoke from its stopor Miss Pickering was bending over me, chaflug my temples and attempting to perform what na- 5 | bility. serving my dangerous situstion, fired at Jackson inst as he was about revolver, which she had picked up oun the steps, ma, fearing thai she hal communica- ted something to me whieh might up- set their well-lawl plans, avaited the coming morn Miss Pisk- | from the lips of the cocnpaut of the | bed, as if about to frame a word or sémtence; bat she was checked by | and then, ax 1 drew the writing materi- | and the wil! we had both resumed our former rela and elevating my pistol, fired; bat the | , | tare had done—restore me to sensi- had | sign —Y esi i { ‘imprisonment by Faken for oTer a sar, and bis resolve $0 force her to! make a will, sod then make way with her. Her parents having died and jeft | her sole heiress to a large property, formuls of 8 testament,” he said, giv- ber appointed guardian, Jackson, s! ing the young girl a close, scratiniz- half. brother of her mither, was play. ing look, in which I conid detect a ing for po diminutive stake The next morning » farmer's wagon has already conveyed Cooper to the city, and the acquainted me with her destined dis | affair having been reported othe and will so | proper suthorities he was grrested snd I sup- | conveyed to mi, pose her afirmaton will be all that is | a month later, and he was rewarded His trial took plece | with seven yasrs' penal serritade. » large | ural beshive in cavern in the oliff that seems to have several Years ago. Miss Pickering was entirely exon- erated from all blams in the killing of Jackson, and her estate properly ad having heen of aga for over a year, Not long after Miss Blanche Picker. ing boone Mrs. Avery. The will and revolver are shal] in owr possession. —the sole mementos of that exciting night when | almost lost my jife and gained a bride — Spare Mo ments, Sn sms damian ne Bic EST BEEHIVE. —- WORLD'S : Califorsts Curiosity TW Rie People Gare At Frome » Ecepectfal Distance, Did yom ever sé a bee tres, with 8 swarm of bees arownd 317 Wall, aify this aboot 10,066 times and you 1 have & slight ides of a netarsd beehive in Mendocize Cemnty, It ix arift in the face of » ei and tradition haw it that thers im CRYS On 188 i} where the myriads of basy insects make thew bomen, This great natural curiosity ie known to the residents of the adjacent country as ‘Bes Boek,” and they Spee Oraia. w Ade, only beehive of the Kind in existence, ting very near this natural beehive without knowing it, for at ail boars of the day a swarm of insects hover about several hundred feet in all directions, An incessant maddening buzz fills the air that can be heard an eighth of a mile and serves as 4 warming not to venture too near. Bat men do ven suit of leather cicthing, fastened » mask of wire screen aronnd their hat just where the entratice to this nat- There ix a sort of » crack throngh the inner wall fram top to bottom, but most of the beas inches wide and appear to make that days it is impossible to even see the cliff, so thickly covered is it with in sects, and they roll in snd ont of the opening like s stream of molasses, During the summer dead birds can the month of the hiv They bave been stung to death while atte pling to fly through the the awarm of we sectx, Four footed trotiates BAver Yanture within & baif mile, ssorsin to know that death jarks there In front of the mouth of the hive there is a pile of dried be ney that has fRowmed fromm the interior It locks Like a heap of molten lave that Las bean hardened after bring discharged a voleano. A party of men living in the claim to bave entered the bLeoehive They selected a eold day in winter, when the bees were hal! dormant, asd poured cond at] and bernzine around and into the opesingy. Thea they made a ig fire of wood, so that the whole cavern was filled with flarses, Then they poked the red bot embers down nto the | opening and =o killed every bee in it, But there was net much to see alle the men pot outmde, Only a8 large cave, with the walls eovered wiih 4 % TOR% 3 wo % & i i wax and dried Loney and enon gh of the sweetness 14 pools in the Dettom to Inst u big city for a several years (OM conse, the honey was unfit for use on acaosnt of bene full of dead buws wed ssliex froma the fre. The mun, bowever, did nol Liner 1a the carve auy great length of time, ns it was foal meiiing and stifling Although coantiess millions of bees had buen a" 3 i in lis strong | grasp--when, with a dexterous twist | of his powerful arm, Le tarned me | sale, and I lay prostrate upon the | 3 i 4 i | 3 i i x to strike me with the stone, with my i Bits, I also learned that her scream was | caused by the resolation of the mur derons twain to start after and murder | waiter, I an ‘telling me w destroved on this oorasion, the next sumer they Were 4s LUmeTous a4 ever and just an vicious Iudians of the neighborhood that in “the good oll Jays” 4 men of their tribe were tous siy Thad hand 3 4 j ne d foot and carrind to within a short strong flogers grasping we by the | distance of the beehive by men staring | wrap ped in blankets. Tlare the heipiess creatures were left to suffer the awlal sgoeny of being stung to death, And It Was. Just before a recent dinner given in honor of a colonial maguate a young re ministerad 8 fow months later she rang {adie have grown to look upon it AS SOT. monplacs, when in reality it is ‘he There is no danger of a person get- { tars near after havitig frst put on» Bade re AN RA EVSTONE STATE MENS ag AHH 0 FATAL EXPLOSION. Mother's Futile Attempt oo Bisese Bir hid Prom Death Sanghter of Mes ALGOTE. WAS Arr mhesrEinE on the earpenter amtegetor John eo Rin een The The oy 5h BE po Bu - Lr { A 3 barsed te Semrw & Bre whinn Los) = and Pliammer tie He ad A wry wo fot as Berton YrwrrehiD op owan fatal Tew Snvw Ago [Sr wy chaning while playvirg Ww on wr was badly aagned In $ | Li £4 nputel the Same eater sie ClearSeid, BX to srk Fay, Lawrence 4. - TE kun i Sy Areanda Mary A folie J. Esher, 2 = Lg Wise Washingt S—p La = Se Res E | F8 me . Eiabeth A MeCone n x % nate "Ee BB Annie © Zellers Rome sin , Chistes. $13: Jacob Ri Sas. a Civlimp town, Favelts, Benelli, James (reek. Arthur Mclain 48 # Hepkah Bard Alcon, 8B limes 13 Jack, Freedom, Besver : dole Mp Reherts Pioestore 5 Henry Dhetrien Pittsburg $8. James Johos Bown Peis ER: Jelhn OC Hoover, Altsona, 110 to $39: Pleas Fagerion Oaiforsia. 527 le 3 Prarbin, Gallitsin IX Lewistown, ££ brim and lighted a good big torch. These escantions are absolutely > ! Form Welsh hy Ris 15 It is almost impossible to make out hover around a bole about eighteen always be seen on the groand sround | the point of ingress and egress. Many Ga A family feud was the troubles that nd &% the Defiomn Te the snares ¢ hd : Rg Bere, re Holo mR I Peter Gooden at in the mwsuntaine cently Young Goodwin puniabasent of Walsh's hid a his own bards during the day, snd whem Be Was met At OK reighber's house by Welsh ‘hers was trouble Teal went Outslde fo mettle the migller in moan. Tain atyie with their fata Ax Ulosslwin Pmeei through the yard be poked ap heavy Bammer and - re k w olnh Ber thes hegrt with 1. The Bim ainsbet jmetants emperors Mad be Mel vo nl the mol That wanted pr They murderers far! 3 GYR a Bama vs a he of snd ded gored 5 pan ti the a Third brigades was mes and 18 ard H5 mes miter By noay . 1B men $row sta wot ON the Naty ard ia men fumed iny yy dandy, whose chief claim to distine. tion seemed to be ths height of hus collar and an eyeglass, aldressicy stranger, said: “Beastly nuisance, tan't it? Spoke > to that fellah over there-—took him for a peatieman; some blessed head . 3 Oh, nn" the guest of the evening.” “Hang it sll, now, other. ‘lak here, oid fellow, as sitting next me at the dinner, ho every coe is?” *1 should hike to very mimeh ™ plied the other; “bat you see | can’t Tm thie blessed hoad waiter Tit Naw Tost Ralts, Suits at law have Deen instituted at Montpelier, Vi, top Feve 2 % oO and that when ths river rien ds in Usiiforais | | sireams grows put of the fact thal i ering meauwhile informing me of Ler | destroys the fish in them replied the other; "thats is 17 said the Bars Fhe me iin alte ip Thiet Wie wg Flan: meny laacsamy Lary tha of Momghan AX tha Pri CET , ETE Bie wink ve 3tRRSINE. th ¥ & % { ron of iwi hy fhe Sehuyin! AEAatae Moien exiravagares e John Tweeter in Penn b 3 Rei a Ril Dw a train faut Reva ihe t ion a2 PERT PHeatansin Seaith hreadtih pecape wilh Manstlelt He was SUMSBIrY ad a mile A Han heaped fr ii at Mim 3 to bis Bend as which was found aside dames M. Bomnerviile, pear Philipsburg las werk It supposed until a few dave AZo thal his trouide wax consumption wrisg a soaghing spasm: last Friday he swpghed up 8 Ive toad weighing pear iy two ances. He was too weak to res ENR Tre steam dredge Rig BE cwned by Pudar & Sullivan, was destroyed by fire the other night at Fohooner ledge, on the Idawnre river, belivw Chester teen! Hairs Sim ile recently wl WAKE along a vast uf foows cei Bg i a gta el paket t ® a * a 8 { alt o $s Bat gg = ed CTHhRe ome i ealipmated at from I9oww to From her I learned that she had! you know everybody, would you mind | risen from her bed st the exit of the | ow everybody, woald you min {two ruffians from her room, and, ob- and $i aw The dredge Ras bern engaged tur three seasons deepening tha - the Broek iyy rd SiBore CIs | @armuged a 0upie of years ag re | unearthed a bag On | Sgoover how nt the urns! Ling of sawdust into the river, Riv [it mow no longer leaves Having securely bonnd the still wn. | deposits on the bordering lan ‘conscidus Cooper and removed the inemmbers them instead with sawdust, corpse of Jackson into the house, we | i The ehiection to sawdast cvarfous Ain Vias ¥ : ne t The otiver evening whils two were digxing near the railroad at ower end of the town ade the in guid Efforts are now i hae ¥ iad a tly : ple the | ane 3 wo - aE leaving Aa Det "Ihe | pmeference and passed A signi? Bown? fegiure of | Baty | Mawal of Hamey, they | Signing almost aw img ade {0 CONGRESS. Senate the aT agprogetet py ot crapsing the total appropriation IH the extent of SHEE and redodin % it BE imeem of ELIT GR snd many at AETTYESLs of so EL The serrate sommamitide on Naseoes ree warmed ite witting Tuesday heariog Sec. Crags Som A Aa TE Pom ime imgr Son thee wear peviemge BE pr joy for the issuance of Donde, The ae. retary eaTpiied 1a cumnitiee #11 1a mfosemation in Ris prwmsmmiom ge TE Tha neat off the Wee G5 To dinte. and nin the ini on MAYEN B) : poked vila DE ae hat Toinget oR ity sable for Pimp maw BE Taps Anca na Ber se TR er BA NE Sen that ¥ Ewen Wg PEE ran gen pen ¥. of & Bug XH nat od amd a tier Mr seis LR =a ck Fak te Ihe way EX Prom Soe wy 14 a 44 > # Paar a Bay FL Tol TaNER RE WDD the war # jared Bin 3 Thm cuit of Pw fim aw vour Bane omg 42 ah qn an i § how . making AY War Meg ard gv : BTV LO SUDRY th gs with gerse nd muons EEL ering Pw RS waned v winnd with med drow Pmt SE primal mor : 3 Emerge tg ot wr ara 10 RITHW Ber. Suan Tg fae ge ede, wey 43 farsisling arm gd to The Tabane DOB IEY Tam Er Tent The bd Auti imma nd ta A her supine Tafora tha Ammerionn Moers in the Qtribotion pragyised oro WIR the Hoses been greased om the bl provid smginerrs and yellow lever imam go to Tuba Thea Berats confereim 81 ronsciidation of gi iting Eowaind Toaren fmnfet fre Rwron But hor nedgling Cow bewx strment E98 Rommel! Sor THe O fine of DW0 Important Vessels prvi La bartieshiz of apeercaimately 12500 LD tiume Sipe mnent i> have a roar Pantied speed of 13 Eness Pee Boar Cm BL a $2. mW Cima . Gad a ie sf oeminyy | Ts a Immmunes Rnd reginestm me KE 1H make | the total Agr Basrioee 0 wt Sew TL aa and save thera bis the Presiden Bones. The passages of he pmergency war appropriation Wil was the feature ate amendment providiog Tor PAYISent Ff Beery oF the navy for this ame: oF thelr wventions vy he (vCerns meet) SEP Keen ET. WORs Tebarteed fromm 1 now gow 1D tha Prowdent the sroy ETArgency peragiria tom Wa NGE Poo i: H ilk merying Lee tons of coal meemment, te $velop & | Tals 5 the fleet sward of & far the comstracrtion of a Dette stor Bee Bulle abeoad ia Ihe Mistery of Pusan savy, and he protected fever je The areest and most mpert- art of Yhat Types ever ordered by the Haesian Government in apy forge peard wi Flares Tue on Pu gy puss g me ys LL March i Aime the state Svnartenent »iepdorfer of Lindsheat, fn re ante & Sew Process fii — ing peti deur briguettes. by Hig sige rafrpee iw worioad up in ner xa to saadsne the fees PEt ane sasily han Smee itgt] ng a cheap and seme vty Bsueey heel oRHY, Forsy ! Therm will a ad tn pda pridectiion the flew is far Iieited Riates warships lege cover for wheels te he similer purpose has ast 1 froam the Caroegte Somme Sv i ransize sish aad Bens general manager of tin Tohephone COmBNey. vertgage ts the Harrison Coempany of Chambersburg In el of $506 MR on tise entine DIOP. re af the company in the several Tom of he sale In which oer Ziee 7 Poeh 2s a 8 ad rary a? Powe en un Nn im Sarstand and he i Newland of (he wae y ix 3t Youngesows Lis roa of Arangdiemen Setting and — eeferting plans for the Ohle PAR § VpravEmetE The rer for 3 Gaya Other Turnsees wif 2 Monday's artiom By the Wouse The raval approoviation BL with the Ren. | th Mamwing and shut down In mes Sle he overproduction furnace Ras Down rOmning the mat J% asonths Over 300 men Te We Ir iw reported xt Tharoeville Pa vial the Matre farnece operated by M.A of £ Cleveland. will woos hy anca & Ob, | comtpvdied by the Carnegie an thes Sent be a Sar delay PEED ing that the 358.000 0a anpropriaty Wativeal Sefenmr has Been giotiad there Te Bo WGReY AVAIRDIe F Cuinr ohict Tae aban expel , met des 3 on Sriram a Rss wish, ORR Wash a C WHEAT No bred. aan ry abavdg MIE © : Clie nk. gwar fein the ba hat hi * Ars ine nor shall with (oe here my oet a WIR Busi i ROY i frag ide ary anand PH ge yes Becdase OF (Hedy oom Fol arfnsimalhons Newiands of Nevady & Joiny rescietioes Saw #7 Hawaii It provide #f the orasbion DY ARAITAT wenh poetion With RepraseNiat ve Baw intealugesd the ADDEXARTION for he confirmation vie Hawaiian repoliho of all maha of sareretgmty guar the fsland ard thelr sependencies amd of oossion and trans. for to the mite States of a9 pubdin property and ail ite rights and appar tenance. assumes the Hawaiian pabiy Taber to ma exvesding BONN peal a further fmmigratinn of hisese amd Appoints Ave mys takers. RL » af whan sail he residents yg an rervssary fete tom deviares the fee abe hepetrleec sm "Rerely + BF the territory od grit sublact tie the Te & we my af Fag the mites] 82) paveareiyn So ir aaa Weman an Jadygas FA a wR $ ; £1.48 Pasa s 5 Tha PF $51 than th Far rey in less ema | or fo | and will at anes put the plant in good MIB rhbig The City mills of New Brighton, fave Been sid to the Valley Fieetrte {Company Tor SL The new SwnHIre oh pres E gee Finip | i free! teow fe A SRE ! : BYE-~Na 1. | FLOUR Winter patents. I guover, Noo | FER. { TEANSHasd-qaoked, # ou. $1 YU sas ties LL ABBAS Home oem Te, ue CHICKENS, ¥ paar asa... | FLOUR. 1 CORN ~dise § Goad, 1200 So t § Goat, Phe Lochis! Syrnace Harrishorg, s. (4% For wears ie about ts start a8 the Proaneyicania Steel £0 vlad ta engage in trans In fhe Foon Ktate wpe withoat re ar stimetion to persone of ail lew bar irate in improved hibited, as wm aise he Sa hoy IA aOrE eXDERY IR COrTRIS Hm teiaty went of the Jakissl on lhe ower Kons SE SEA AR AATI A MARKETS P Crain. Four aad Fa * PS StExesacy Het No § ore ; CORN No. § vive, sar. Now J yellow, sheeted ae ur. Cd Tx Ni 3 white, Xu 3 white ew . > $s - na Faney straight wingter : Bye sour hee Has —Na id Umothy Do - Hay from ALORS. New 1 White Md, pes . Brows subdiege Wn uly . A vveBEEE, FPskEFEBiRuR EE ELL geetesise CEE Im cvar. Se Ba ilmolB yy, pine Puairy Proadacte TER Byta © Ary aga erative. : wwupBbi GEE EEE 8 L- | i » Fagwy coBatey hes eh FRI, BOW ihe arg, ary, Froese and Veusiabios Belay Wooitm, per as wi gee es | i Par eu Io i ¥ i £ 8 PLURAL i . - BARE Wa LIRR, {ont CINCINNATL 4 » - x sig. 8 stg me SEEEBES WHEAT No 3 ted. BYE~Na 3. a Lik im a . eens 2 BL bls “wo ary FLOUR. Wikal- “No. Bred anna LUORN-No. 2 mized | a URID---No TWhite. . ...... BUTEA A SAY, naire. Eun ra fests >. en CORN-—Na 3 tian UA Di White Western... BUTTER Creators BUG uste of Penn LIVE STUCK. CENTRAL STOUR TaRLe, KasT LINENS, Bh CATTLE Prime, 1.500 to 140 hae 180 Ts Thay, 00 Le 1 asl The, - Fair dent seers, 0 10 1000 Ba Ciemmon, 00 fo M0 dw... a 5 - ‘ Cee Medium Heavy... Rouges and sags. Rarer Proe, 2 108 Ma, weiners. <8 AF Ls MW He Far 50 10 8 2s Laammaaen. FP tiie Fair to woud inmbs. - |
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