a man and without the serious EE THE PATTON COURIER, MAY 12, 188. 4 Patton ‘Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING co., Proprietors. EB wr nL Grex. Editor. Wetton by Moses “Perkins Especially for the “Courier.” : ‘Washington, D. C., May §. Congress will now add its thanks to those of the ‘President and the people cabled to Commodore Dewey by Secretary Long as soon as the official report of his ex- traordinary victory in Manila harbor reached Washington—a victory result- . EE ain aetion of 8 fioet of 11 "vessels carrying more than 100 guns and more than 2,000 men, the capture Talnde, sll without the loss of injury of a ship and only six ; | Man woundod-by adopting She Joint | not likely to say 80, but that is their. required, ae it is for similar officers in | the regular army. The President ap- | poluta them, and in the cases of all those 80 far appointed he bas delegated ANNA AIWF ar 5 HB SR ‘ition to our war or mercantile vessels to Manila than is Spain. San Fran-| | forirteen days to make the trip; on the thousand miles, but that route is impos | be compelled to sail down the Atlantic, | between Africa and South America and | | their connection with the present war, | genslon in the West Indies is 3,304 miles. Prom Porto Rico to Havana is 1,018 bringing | miles. | fron San Francisco to Hawaii, where et al, Hastings, $700. Cresson, $200. | Horst, Susquehanna, §1,000 |. Behwab, Allegheny, $1,000. Some Distaness of Interest. the Pacific ocean of all formible oppos- in those waters. We are much nearer cisoo is over six thousand four hundred statute miles from Manila in a straight course across the Pacific. A vessel sailing at the average speed of twenty miles per hour would require almost Indian Ocesn, making a trip of ten sible at this time and for the purpose of war, as belligerents are prohibited from using it on these I de te an to the Phillipine Islands her fleet would around the Cape of Good Hope and through the Indian Ocean, making a distance of fully eighteen thousand mils, and if it took the westerly course | and passed around Cape Horn into the Pacific the distance would be about Other distances between places which have an interest at this time because of are given here: From Cadiz, one of Spain’s principle to Porto Rico, her nearest pos- miles. From COadis to New York City is 8,196 | miles. Prom New York to Havana ie 1.015 From Cadiz to the Canary Island, Spain's joseetsion nortirvest of Atria, is about a thousand miles. It is about twenty-four hundred miles we have been invited to put in for coal and repairs if we need them. Prom the Cape Verde Islands, off the west const of Africa, to Cadiz is aboat 1 eighteen handred miles. Ee Seals to Hong-Kong. welh pearest point at which there is an American Consul, is sbout six handred | nailes, and it requires the dispatch boat McCulloch forty-eight bours to make the journey. War vessels are in general not rapid travelers, the rate at which they can go With esto secnomy of foel being heeds Recorded st Ebemsburg ap to Date Friday, May &. Harris et vir to D. A Carroll; consideration, $800, | Stanislane Wharton et ux to Owen Margaret lather, Jr., | Pacrmmrabuderinisipede | Nathaniel W. Sample to Owen Mo 'ton Pharmacy. Administratrix of Andrew Berryhill to Owen McDonald, Ebensburg, $20. J. M. Notley et ux to Andrew Lantsy | G. W. Jose et ux to Samoel Kelley, Clearfield, $450. Harry Stevens et ux to Sarah Alice | Moyers, Allegheny, $350. Mary FP. Durbin to John Pfeister, Lorans Weiland et ux to to Snsannas | Weiland, Clearfield, §1. Charles Weaklen et ux to David Celestine Springman ¢t ux to Cam- ity Railroad company, Barr Joseph Knely et ux to Anthony Ben- nidity, Susquehanna, $57. Francesca Bengelee et al to Charles Be Gable & Co., “NEVARRE," $25.00 “LEAGUE,” $35.00. “LENOX,” 845.00 “PEERLESS,” $50.00 “ELECTRIC CITY,” $50.00 “VICTOR,” 50.00, 75.00, and $125. “HUMBER,” 73.00 and #125 And we guara Frou PeLesovee Levene. The First Message to to Gomer (nrried Wy Harry Whitney. Philipsburg may be pardoned if she swells with pride over the distinction achieved by Lieutenant Harry W Whitney, a former resident of our town, son of Rev. W. PP. Whitney, and brother of Miss Mary Whitney, of Lientenant Whitney, of the Fourth United States Artillery, arrived in Calta April 28 with messages and instroctions from General Miles, of the United States Army, to General Gomez, the insurgent commander, looking to the maming of ‘the insurgents at some point on the coast, to join the American forces when they land. The journey was a most exciting one. lLientemart Whitney ocesions. | was taken from the Marblehead by a | small torpedo boat, which landed him Monday pight, April 35, in a small and party started inland. After hav- | ing traveled some five mile they were 77° by a sentry belonging to colomn of cubanse Here the daring young licatenant was SP 700000000004 | ‘at bis home one day last week Mr Farrell was born in Ireland and was with an escort to take the party to General Corillo’s camp. There a warm welcome awaited him. The same evening the party went to the village HEL i HD HRA i i i 1 I ie family able pri 8 E Parker, Sharon, Wie, writes: “1 have tried DeWitt’s Witch Hasel Salve for itching piles and it always ! stops them in two minates. [ consider DeWitt’s Witch Hasel Salve the great. | Sityfle curs on the Maries.” CW. Is in store for those who bave Bot | tried the bealing virtoes of Gray's Balsam. It is soid on a positive guar. antee to care you. Why suffer an ir- ' ritating cough when you can cure your Seifeauiry nd promyly by Shiu vomedy. | Por sale only by C. W. Hodgkins, Pat- 8 CP Jones, Milesburg, Pa. writes: “I have used DeWitt's Little Early ‘Risers ever since they were introduced bere and I must say 1 have pever used ‘any pills in my family during 40 years ‘of housekeeping that gave such satie- result as a laxutive Or 8 | factory : (thartie. C. W. Hodgkine, Patton ! Pharmacy. The human machine starts bat once and stops but once. You can keep it going longest and most regularly by using DeWitt's Little Farly Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and all stomach and liver troubles, ¢ Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. “One Minate cough cure is the best preparation | have ever solid or need S54 J Sait ay toh MEH is Yau prams > I. M. Kennon, Merchant, Odell, Ga CW. Hoggan Paton Prema. Altoona, Pa. ‘SEVEN WONDERS OF THE CYCLE WOI LD! 1 A price range of $25 to $125 you the best made wheel ntee therm alll BICYCLE SUNDRIES. The best equipped bicycle supply store in this state is here. We aim to have every part for a wheel as well as all of the new things that ar useful The | prices are a little bit lower than those charged by other specialty stores. |Clear-the-Way Gongs. Hand Pumps, 15c each. Pedals, per pair, $1.25 1.50 and 200. Bicycle Wrenches, 15¢, 35c, and 50. Patching Robber, 4 inches wide, 10c a foot, Inner Tubes, guaranteed, at "5. Scores of others at popular low prices. Photograph Supplies of all sorts at low prices. ALTOONA, PA. enables us to offer for a stated price. Altoona, Pa, ‘and a number ay children. From Clearfield Townehip. One Minute is sok Jong, yet relief to] GR M0e Com fail. John Carl who bas been sick for the Stained i all that icon by thw ues of 10 past month is recovering. Ope Minnte cough care. Ti prevents Miss Jolia Delozier visited Altoona SOmpSion Sd quickly ctires Son, | friends inst week. Mr. Robert Moliraw, of Pittsburg, and all throst and lung troubles. spent Sunday with Rev. Father Lodden. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharsiacy. Crevtiand, On Ja vilting frend here WEDNESDAYS SATORDAYS un Fe The attention of the Supervisors, of this Twp., is rspectfuilly called to the All the month of May DR.S. WwW. Worrell, | PHYRICIAN AND SURGBON, II. v AN § WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. bad condition of the road between Baker's “X” road and Patton. A bouse belonging to James Coyle, | sitanted near Dysart was burned to the ground one day last week. Mr Coyle’s loss is very heavy as he had no insur. ance. i Misses Mand and Celia Behe, Stella Nagle, Rose Lynch and Lydia Durbin are attending school at Gallitein this SI MET. Thomas Farrell, an aged and re | spected citizen, of this township died on every dollar's worth of goods bought at DR. WwW. T DOWLER, | Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon Boek, next door to Mrs. AnDa Dapit's == == we rmmrer motes MILLING S STORE. Agent Shalt 96 Years. [ie sesubyived by Mrs. Lake Dr. V. A. Murray, oma TSICIAN 4 SURGEON. In Armin Neck. It wu Pn I Dia ee Sy | given special stiemthon. ¢ OFFICE HOURR—T tos mand Bs Ipm 3 ; ate pr SHR i ‘JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, A RL a { You can always find FRESH GROCERIES At our store and of the very G. J. FITZPATRICK’S : Sa ag avenue, Bear MEALS AY ALL BOCRA. Your Watch may need . : eimiare, Tete attention, #08 best quality. Our store 1s headquarters for everybody. Prices are as low as the low- est. GOULD & BEEZER. = PATTON, FA. LIMITED. CREST SPRINGS FODNDRY. 35% ’ { eT APRINGR, PA. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PaTTON, PA. Offlon in the Good Building. MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co, Pa. Asvvrmsta tions Srvtcinm Best of Lipsoes and Wines a the ‘ar. Soabling stinched, Geegar PERGTSON, Prog'r. Parnell & Cowher, FIRE, LIFE AND HDA ACCIDENT Wuiuwm REAL BEETATE AGENTS Chm Buiiding. Pasion, Ph. Phone Mh 2 If You Doubt TRY US! You perhaps have some doubt about what we an do for vou 1m our store, You are not certain, maybe. how we can sell High-Grade GoodsRian— at the prices we name. The only way to be convinced is to come and look at our goods and see what they are. No matter what your prejudice may be you will be convinced, and it will be to your advantage, too. We are headquarters for INDIANAPOLIS, IXD. Cet Your FIRE INSORANCE James ‘Mellon, J. P. Good and reliable com- panies. Office corner of Fifth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. R. FE. . Notley, ‘Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for family ose cannot be excelled. Prices are reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. me HASTINGS, PA; In fact cvervthing class up-to-date General Store. whe ‘ther VOL 1 £ red All goods Cill promptly and without charge. == GEO. 5. GOOD. ( 3 wish to purchase or not. al 3 La 1 * on ¥ yy FY PY i Lis Lid i 1 NI 5d vi
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