On January 1st, 1899, I will Of standard make. % Ei Sd oie VOL. V.—NO. 23. Sons rt si Save your checks. 'Gleaned Here and There by the “Courier” Reporter. give to the person return- ing the largest number of my Cash Register Checks BORO. DADS IN SESSION The Question of Paving of Mages Avenue Was Bronght Before the Homorable Iidy, Patton, Pa. May 2. Patton Borough : Conneil met this (Monday; evening in regular session with the following | members present as per roll call: Pres- ident Monteith, Huobbard, Scheid, Jones, McCormick, Anderson and Bisir. The minutes of regular meet ing held Monday night, April 18th, | On motion of Hubbard, and seconded , by Anderson, it was carried that the following bills be accepted and rlerk {instrocted to draw orders for seme: | Patton Water Co., $38.34 for water ‘pent month of April; E. Will Greene, .__ $8.00 for clerk services for month of m | April; Hunter & Banghman, $32.72 for | lomber per two bills rendered; CG. D. | Holes, $50.00 for chief of police serv- loss for memth of April; snd the fol- {lowing street work per Street Com- | missioner Jones’ account: 8. E. Jones, 1498.40; John Click, $2.25; John Quinn, | | $5.95; Joe Karlheim, team, $5.25; How- ‘ard Woomer, team, $1.05; Howard Woomer ’, tme horse, 50; Geo. Tempo, team, $14.95; Ed Coalman, $2.25; Joe Allgood, $3.00; Geo. Yeager, team, | 85c; Jobn Starit, 750; John Witres, __ 90c; Garfield Wilkins, 45¢; John Wil I® kine, 65c; John Watkins, $5.35; Peter '¥ Nagle, $1.50; Paul Bbort, $1.50; Macom Good, $8.00; Wm. Pyles, $1.50; Wm. Locas, $1.85; Chas. Jones, $1.50. . 1A ication was presented to Council by Patton Pire Co. No. 1 which ‘stated that Thos. Lowes and Ed Leisch were elected as fire police for the en- _ Will be on exhibition ‘wing year. On motion of Scheid, and . secomded by Blair, it was ananimously carried that the Burgess be instrocted L W_OOK' D “waters of our rivers and seas meanest rill, the mightiost river, roll MEMORIAL DAY [ Gieniral Orders 40 The Gand Army of the Repobhlie Department Commander W. D. Stanffer has issued a general order to the Grand Army of the Republic of Pennsylvania directing that May 30 in Memorial Day, which, he states, is the only authoritative Grand Army desig- nation of the day, and not Decoration Day, and urging the army, as well as the poblie, to give emphasis to this on every occasion. In part, the order reads: ‘‘Our Me morial Day is not a day of sackcloth and ashes: it is not a day of mourning ‘or for fasting, nor should it be a day devoted by any patriotic American to frivolous festivities or to holiday pas- times. It is a day for the flag for flowers, for music, for patriotism; a day for communing with the dead who died that the nation might live, for the dead who offered all they bad, ‘that this na- tion might not perish off the earth’ “In twining wreaths on the monament to leaders we pay a tributa to those who were led; a rosebud on the grave of a private soldier or sailor symbolizes our love for the memory of all who wore the Union blue, whether on land or sea; whether they sleep their list sleep amid tablets of marble or of brane, or found their last resting place beneath the “the mingling with their fame forever’ “It is recommended that where feasi- ble, posts will arrange with the pastors of churches at which meraorial services are to be held, to select texts illustrative | ‘of ‘the gains to American citizenship by the success of the Union soldiers, and of the cause of those who battle for the { Union.’ “The success attending the visit to the public schools by comrads on the school day next preceeding May 30, has been so great that the continoance of the costam is arged. Tell the children of otir Memorial Day and what it means PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA, THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1898S. TPARTMENT STORE, Key West, May 4 -Sampasn’s fleet | has sailed and an important engage ment is expected in the near futare. Lisbon, May 4. It is said that the LATEST WAR NEWS. Madrid, May 1.— The American fleet sailed into Manila harbor this moraing | and engaged in battle with both ors ‘Spanish Cape Verde Squadron has re- | and fleet. They were somewhat dam. Cink sh Clade Ro i aged and returned to land to get killed Surued to jit the Catia Squadron. and wounded out of road. Then re. Daath of Mr, FAwSrd Leisely. turned to attack again. They blew up On Monday afternoon about 3 o'clock | and sunk. Several others were sunk. Ppired after an illnew of but three days. | The Spanish sunk several of their own She was aged 17 yearw and was, vessels to avoid being captured. { married about ane year age. Her sod- | Lisbon, May 1.—A dispatch sayy den but sad death was a shock to her that the Spanish fleet at Manila was Many friends, as she was always s completely riined. pleasant and agreeable young lady | Key West May 2 One of the most made many very warn acquaint. : NY A * to y unde sino the oth ‘ances daring her comparatively short | HNpOTiATL caplares | 00% | jie Besides 3 devoted husband, she {break of howtilities was thas of the | leaves to mourn her departure a father Span Reusues Argamasie = sone | and mother, Mr. and Mra. Jacob Shunk ; - ¥ Friday, wile, and five brothers and foor sisterw, | of which reached here to-night when : namely . Charles, John und Robert, fhe warthip ives Toe Arava of Patton; William, of Snow Shon, and on board Colonel Corijs, ' Harry, of Clearfield; Mins Ida, Mr Third Spanish cavalry, his first HeO- panera Neichwinter. Mrs. Sa, Mite | tenant, surgeon major, seven other guiper and Mra Susie Dillon, all of lientenants and ten privates and non pocran Paneral services will be held commissioned officers. All were held to-day | Thursday ; at 20’clock and will i prisoners oe War. The steamer also be conducted by Rev. Chas W. Was carried a large cargo of arms and o,, of Saxton, Fa. Interment will be Magser amunition. She was i made in the Protestant cemetery’. from Banabano, Spain, for Cienfosgos. | London, Eng. May 2,1 p. m—-Allin- : a for thm ne. ¥3} RB liven the Everybody is talking about Ringling belief that the Spanish 8 Was i Bros.’ famons circus, which is to exhibit cally destroved by Admiral Dewey's In Johnstown May 11 Sewersi big Souadron. The cable has Dest eat | COPSions will go from this vicinity : Ea x Mazila and Ho Kona. bat it | 1° popularity of the show will insure 1a believed that the A . ong. tron 30 enormous crowd. People from this | is bombarding the cit: an Squad locality shonld make an especial effort 1” Park ans Say. in | $0 arrive in time to see the new free the bom ya peat "street carnival which precedes the ex- | tenia, et Cn ; ogi hibition every morning at 10 o'clock. them perished. Two Spanish com 178 Jeadiug UEWSPRpAS averyWhers! | anders peristied while resisting to the. 3°0I07S thie street prude t be the most | last moment. The Spanish losses In et or word In this ia any; this engagement are estimated at 400 300 ar dh " Wis goegncusi men. The Amer} Squad at. Play are wn over | beantifl tacked furiously both the Spanisn) 3008 and cages of wild animale, 400 Squadron and Cavita : i | OTe, 35 elephants and nearly a thous- | fort, where and people, and the costumes through- The “La 1 pays that he U. & | are of the finest silks, satine, velvet All Godeg Ye the Clivas. ALTOONA, PA $1.00 PER YEAR. wniah — 1 AN OBJECT OF ADMIRATION. A waildmesed man i the object of admimtion always If pa wear one of our carefisily cut and made suits, it will Dilow “as the night, the day.” Our suite are all alike in one veywet- they ft. We study ach man, Bis Myle and hin peeclinrithen, and the null is wntinfinr tion 10 all caneernad, Wir glomse yom in etalon of goods as well aw im LAW PRICES Dinsmore Bros., PATTON, PA. {THEE | Wh The “Way” is to do your shopping by mail, and if you'll get descrip tion and prices from us for your requirements in the line of ; . ‘and cloth of gold. The performance A and the fotare men and women of put into the balance a too crushing ! Pili : : }] to administer the oath of office to these America, with the object lesson of superiority of resources and forces tio, 22: otiows " Ye en) . A petition signed by property own. ers of Magee avenue asking for the paving of that street was premented to Council and on motion of Anderson,and | | patriotic teaching from the lips of liv- ing men who bore their part gallantly on battle fields, will remember them gunbost Tenerario has arrived here while memory lasts and they will learn too, what patriotism means. Let all the people gather springtime’s brightest garlands to decurate our heroes’ graves; En {the property owners, of said street, to arm ascertain as to whether a 30 or 40-foot a 3 macy. pavement is desired. venues, OPpo- Council then adjourned to meet at next regular meeting, Monday night, May 16. not one shall be forgotten” Palton SUE Growing. Patrick Lynch, of Clearfield town. ship, is erecting two new houses on east Magee avenue for tenement purposes. Hong Kong, May 3 — Admiral Dewey | charge of He further states that be They will be 18 x 28 feet, two stories * J. H. Dizon, who is building the leave a doubt as to the resuit. Rio de Janerio, May 3. The Spanish and a fight with the battieship Oregon is expected. Consul BE. HH. Waiter at Manila an- noances that the bombardment lasted ove and one-half hours and that the Tuesday. Spanish fleet was practically annibil- ated by the feet of the U. 8 i nila. i London, May 3A cable message at the foreign offices here from British | has demanded the surrender of Ma. Will be stationed at gun No. 13 on the arenic display ever presinted by suy circus in Americs, : On the St. Pani, : On Toesday Wm. E Probert received ‘8 letter from Wm. Martz, dated at the Navy Yard Philadelphia May Ist saying that both be and his brother, Hamer, would be transferred to the large auxiliary cruiser, the St. Paul, on This is the cruiser which Captain Sigebee, former captain of the Maine, has been assigned to take DRY GOODS Lt CARPETS the will won't be lacking erther. The oldest, best and cheapest honse in Central Penn'a Write fisr a booklet. . WN. NURRAY'S SON C0. cruiser, snd his brother, Hamer, at gun ALTOONA, PA. : am! Madrid, May 3. An important meet- | Tih aa. hg 4 ont Ma 1aeh | Ing Of the Cabinet is being held to-night Watch the movement of t Paul Lowes for kindness in securing a Pad) for oocupaue) rtiog a | and the people are anxiously awaiting With much eagerness owing to the fact during the ill | residence on east Bech avenve near | he result. In the Cortes to-morrow a that these vo Shove ume gate, % contributed: Cash, §1.00, Cash 0e., H. | frame strocture 18 x 28 foet and will he velopmentsa are expected. | now of her tawband sad slectbose whe P | demand will be made for information Men's bomen are here. the Firemen’s Park. It is a two story | ng and og do Captain ©. I WwW. Jomes Promoted. Captain C. 8 W. Jones, of the Sheri- She could of finished up on Buggies, Harness, Garden Tools, Cinderella Stoves and a car load of Doors | and Sash at Opposite Commercial Hotel. Plows, Kirk Hardware Co, S0c., W. L. Thomp- geeks Boyce, 36c., Miller's Shoe Store, 28¢., ew house recently built by J. H. Dixon Cash Be, Paton Sopp Be. Job on at Mage sven. H. 8. Buck, 2c. Ee '| Men are at work on the foundation - of & pew residence for Geo. Reed, also From Comipur: Standard ‘on East Magee avenue. The capenters . Henry Westover, of Westover, was will commence work in a few days ‘the guest of his brother Silas Westover [LL A. Myers, of Williamsport, is in this place Monday. building a wall on his lot on East James Perry, Faq, of Chest Springs, Palmer avenue preparatary to erecting visited hissons W. J and F. V., in anew dwelling house thereon. It will town several days this week. ‘be two stories, 20x28 feet, and J. H. | H. B. Kelly and wife of Barneshoro, Dixon has the contract of doing the | Cambria county, spent Sunday at the work residence of C. P. Pannebaker in this Burt Farabaugh, of Carrolitown, has place “about completed a dwelling house in § Grail aca ‘the south end of . The entertainment given in the Meth. odist Episcopal church Friday night, (under the auspices of the Epworth [conoe It will be two stories, 18x28 League, was a a grand success. Every go wo : seat was taken and all enjoyed the evening's exercises very much, The bangh will occupy the same. John Gantz is making preparations to erect a dwelling ou his lot on Fourth itgan Wii Heip Us. town. Mr. Fars Washington, May 3. In view of the dan Troop, has been appointed to crushing defeat administered by Dew- command the cavalry squadron of the ey's Pacific Squadron to the Spanish Pennsylvania National guard. Captain fleet at Manila the belief is gaining : ground that Spain will sue for peace. sgjatant, S. M. Major, of the Govern- Rome, May 3 -The Pope is pros wy Troop; assistant surgeon, C. H. trated by the news from Manila His progier of the City Troop; quarter Holiness expressed horror at the ter mogter H. A. Gripp, of the Sheridan rible loss of life. Said he wished he had died before seeing such a horrible War. , A dispatch from Eaveona, capital of the province of that name, in Central Italy, says a bread riot has occurred at the village of Bogmia Cavallo. The troops fired on the rioters and killed three of them. Three policemen were wounded. Pennsylvania's volunteer army, cluding the Governor's and City Troops | of Philadelphia are 10 be detached : from their respective regiments and merged into one body of horsemen. The appointment of Captain Jones to this command is weil deserved. Two Givls Killed a Uo. On Priday Mand and Eva Cornelius, ‘daughters of Sam’l Cornelius, aged respectively 9 and 11 years, accom- ' panied by their little dog, taptured and killed a large coon a short distance east | of town, They were strolling through | the woods when the dog gave chase to Washington, May 4 11:30 p. ms. —No official communication has been re- ‘oeived from Admiral Dewey's fleet at i Constantinople, May 4 — Turkey bas informed U. 8S Minister Angles that she will maintain neutrality. The U, Troop. All of the cavalry branches of Jones announced his staff’ as follows: ON TH PATH!! The man who has been poorly supplied or has been * the snimal, running it into a hollow given poor material is sure to stamp. The plucky girls proceeded to g0 ON the war path for the the place at once and grabbing Mr. Arm that “sold him,” We do Goon by hia sil pulled bie out fr! business to retain it. We make enough hammer out with iocht 1 r§ h ua § ube Tt waa: 8 Rabie « Hug right TS ne Start and Madrid May 4-The government TOF Eirls of their age and joes to prove > yy Bae cy cy are | 1. J. Donnell itor of th Bog #068 some deep laid schemes on the they were as fearless as some DOU FMIGRL, we nig t them. Its to attending the funeral of Mrs Baward|__. a Se peopel wl he *¢ part of Great Britian in the offer of young men would be in a like cir our method of making friends yh | Leisch in a body. —_ a Just feoel Call ‘and gut | the British consul at the Philippine “Wmstance. ‘and retaining them by selling of Cooking Stoves [adies our new shirt waists are DOW | one, only for the asking they arc free. Wands to protect the Chinese there. Aumtute aly Bid, ‘the best and latest style get our pr soning, About 2 o'clock Tuexiay morning Ambrose Boyle, who resides near the CLOTH NG, in. Call and see them. : Madrid, May 4 — Later ~The Spanish PATTON SUPPLY (0. Notion: government rejects British offers to ein : Notice is hereby given that the appli- protect Chinese at Manilla Moshannon Colliery north of town, expired after a brief illness of but a SHOES, few days, suffering from a rupture he ; CAPS, SHIRTS, | entertainment consisted of songs, reci- Yokohama, April 3. — A leading 3. legation has received over 2,000 | tations, etc., which were ably rendered. PeWspaper of this city advises the offers of volanteers for the U. 8. Navy, K. G. KE. Attents ‘Japanese government to lend the some declaring that they will pay their « 6. KE. Mientien. - United States two cruisers for the period own passage, in gratitude for Ameri. | All members of Patton Castle Knights of the duration of the war between oun sid in the Greek war for inde of Golden Eagles, are requested to that country and Spain. aaa meet in their hall at 1 o'clock p. m. | ' . 1 t day (Th 1 vy: for the pose of Patriotic Badges Given Away Si Lae LR BR A TS Rn a re RE come in and see us at a shine glasses will correct. All parties wish- Clerk of the Quarter Sessions in and cally in a state of revolution. of a kind snd affectionate husband and | Eyre Tested Free. cation of W. L. Daggett, whose present Vienna, May 4 It is believed here received some time since. He was aged | ( ing to see me will please remember the for Cambria county, and will bepres- Gibralter, May 4A British steam father. Funeral services were held at, | above dates. Eyes examined free of ented to said Court for ith consideration yacht has just arrived here from Ma- the deceased's home Wednesday at 2 J. 1. Liberman, the regular visiting place of residence is Bellefonte, Centre that the Spanish dynasty is nearing the 59 years aml was a miner by occups- charge. The best of references from on Thursday, May 12, 18%. lago where it was obliged to leave ou o'clock p. m, after which interment Te Nhe he VO Aine POt On Jour | OPtician and Specialist in lenses of the county, Pa, for the Transfer of the end. » to do it, but a white man eye, will be at Palmer House, Room 2, Retail Liquor License granted to Jobn Loudon, May 4 —A special dispatch jne on just the same. ‘May 17 to 21, inclusive. Only for the A. Wolfe in Patton Boro., for the year from Brussels says that a high Spanish tion. A beremved wife, seven sus and | : correction of all errors of the eye with 1598, has been filed in tie office of the diplomat there declares Spain practi- five danghters are left to mourn the loss responsible parties that T have fitted. S. W. Davis, Clerk QS. - | account of being stoned and mobbed took place in the Protestint =ery WOIT & Thom SOD J. L LImERMAN, Optician. = Ebensburg, May 3, 1888. by Spaniards. | east of Patton. | TRV pov.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers