a Sp MUCH OPM 5 IMPOR TED. KS an ifs HR 70 SPREAD CRIME. Raa The Parpose of a Hassan Dragan nization Just Formed, Retmyivanis Railroad Time Table The y government enitivation of cof: ne Vietisn fee in the Dutch East Indies is fall- | J a a anan Xu Have §t at Any Price, 3 1 I mg off so rapidly that other means | oo ; , ; V : of : : The axient $3 whch opium smok- ‘have ween ordered for raising reve. | H 3% \ - ete : nue, nett : = During the last ity ; years Great | Britain has been at war more fre. quently than aay other nation. The total number of large and small wars waged during that time smonnts to about fifty, or one a year. Perhaps it is owing to Lord Kelvin'a - paper at Toronto, in which he showed | that the existing fuel of the world : wouid only last 500 years, that (he | Canadian Government has changed | is policy with regard to the timber of Manitoba and the Northwest heavier belts are io be withdrawn from settlement, and young frees to {inaridians S be saved for the future will be appointed to take care of the reserves, especially in the Turtle and | ‘Moose Monatsin regions. Fires ond the entting of young trees by settlers will be prevented as far as possible Roads are also to be made through the | reserves between the Inkes. NPR TE AAA An Jaldging Irom a recent article in a feading English magazine, the politi: eal job is net as unknown in Cireat | Britain as some of cur fellow country | : men would have us suppose. There is at present a scheme on foot to build over and remodel a large portion of Westminister, the district of London | which Parliament House is situated. Kew strests are to be opened and old ones closed; houses are to be pulled down and new ones erected. A bill bias been prepared which Parliament b expected to pass that will give the : of the scheme the right of | eminent domain in the section to be improved; and while the bill contains provisions for the praservation of Lis- toric churches and other like edifices, it places no restrictions on the sort of buildings that are to surround them, or the sort of streets that are to sp- proach them. The region contains a large tenement district, and it is osten- sibly to clear out this district that the undertaking is planned. Bat the tene- ments ars not especially unhealthy and considerable sections not covered by tenements are incinded in the writer in the Shoe and Leather Reporter from Lyno, Mass, notes this iar incident: A manafactursr em playing cutters by the piece reduced | the prices for catting. The workmen accepted the cat. The manufacturer then gave them stock to cnt that cost him two to four cents per foot more than the kid he bad been using. What was tho resnlt? The men, under the _weduced scale of prices, using the bet- ter grade of stock, earned more wages the first week under the new schedule han daring any week for months past. te wanafacturer did not put say hing into his pocket by making the gednetion. He made it go toward hissing a better grade of npper , With the result above noted. Previous to the out the men had to ent | . spongy aud a very unsatisfactory ade of skin, bat under the new ar- gement they are provided with k that does not require planning | stritehing, thereby sowsuwing h tise in the endeavor to get out actory uppers. This was a case or p the men displayed common sense seeepting the reduction. RHEL TH be ) The an asu%a} report for 1897 of the | ' Leagae of New York, the league's “White List” of in , to the league's standard slings with their employees. p list inclndes thirty six names of among which are to be fouad 0 nt a dozen of the large dry-goods eoncerni, though several of the est are not im it. The league's | ig rpose is to make consumers feel re- | lity for prodacers, and by the influence of its members to better | the condition of working-women and | rls in New York Its members | ake to favor houses which nse Working women well, 3nd shan Shae go into | a fund for em: and in which cash Y Tawt, usa empl yon show consideration for detity and longth of service, and) oy no children waler fourteer The | ph a Se Sasa Tfulter Prom Pastentjred Cream. Trmprovement in the Xe ppInE Prop. erties and the quality of butter from paatenrigad © nis nensily marked The influence of pasten ing npow yields of butter ww not ticeable. riz- Early Spraying Meartily BEadorsed. Spraying should began belore | the leaves appear in the spring, says of Nov Fa Nood . Ra # ee rin their bein F.C. SBeurs, kinds of fungous peels growth from a swell and it is probable that the | gpores muy be destecyed even before would saggest | eapper salts Bat 1 Tory. hafora tae oe is of this Leing that as ihe hen A the egg may roll down the partition B, and foally at (as is jflastrated, the pverae tn opened only gathered. In order to prevent the egos from break when Pine Pai Eee nt and nnder be Tn dower - fe ef Pass ON ERPs Are ag , & piece of old carpeting should be petyt we box amd allowed to extend np at both ends We net claro be sare, that thie sia Aavies will work npon do "© feelings so mach that she | will ress hor ace add lay another wo Id Sn SEER ih the Botton: olf %h Ria S30 they germinate by the action of the that instend of neing bordesax mix. | tare, a sitaple solution of eopper sul | phate in water be sabstitated. poss d of copper suiphate {blas vit | rol) {hae | to twenty-five galions water 8 probably amply strong, bot to insure | effective work one pound to Biteen | | gallons water may be used much more easily prepared than bor ; deans mixture, since it is only neces required i - sary to weigh oat the amonnt of copper sulphate and dis solve in the water aud you are ready | for work. It ia farthermore much easier to apply. sines, being a simple solution, tate the operator. sppesr this solgtion can no longer be used with safety on account of its. canstio (properties, which injure the foliage whem applied sufficiently strong to be of valine as a fangicide, | The lime of hordeanx mixtare is. therefore added to prevent this effect — American Agrienlouvin, SNA An Exeellent Feed Box. Whe cut shows a feed box that the hens cannot get into, and with which | they eannol erowd each other. Sines FEED BOX FOR HENS, | gover {which slopes so that the hens will not fly npom it), is covered with to be thrown inte the box without raising the cover. The hens, more over, do oot like to fly up and alight upon this netting. A square pan should be placed in one end of this box to keep water in. In this posi. | tion it ean meithar be soiled nor spalled. = New Eagland Homestead, Caring for the Brosdy Turkey. . Often large roomy buxes can be’ utilized wary nicely for pesting pur. poses, but the handiest and best thing that I ever nsed is a large sagar barrel securely blocked to prevent rolling. with the inside littered with straw or forest jemves. 1 nsed these barrels Inst spring with the very best of snc cess and shall try them again this year. Last year every barrel I pat out attracted a turkey and she laid her | egas and batched her brood therein The barrels serve au excellent pur pose in more ways than one. They are not only cheap and easy to get, but owing to their shape make a excellent protection for ihe tarkey not | only from cold winds and raius, bat hot days as well Very often one RRR nest, so that it often becomes quite provoking before they can ire broken ap so that ouly one will claim the i nest. When one uses barrels for nests | ARR ACN Er | snd such s thing ocoars, he bas every. a wide board across the end leaviig a | few inches at the top. By such an sie for a turkey on the ontaide to get ‘ but to push the board over when she wishes to walk out. When she re. | turns the board can be replaced i The barrel nest serves an excellent | purpose when the brood is hasebiag. | Secnrely fasten an eight or ten inch. | board seross the lower end «o that the little tarkeys eannot squeeze ont, bint i be sare to leave saflicient space so ‘ that the hen ean leave or return if she | | pees fit. With a barrel »o arranged the poults are not apt to become either chilled or lost and are very easily { caught When is desired to move | them.- ( P. Reynolds, in New Eag- land Homestead A “Salers” Nest For Egz-Eating Hens, I never find any fault with a hea for cackling over the new-laid eg, ac quired the habit of tarning to de- wvour it, I think it tizne that something nibalism, if such it may be called; just as good as destroyed—that 1s of commercial vain J shiil not stand alone in may opinion Accordingly, 1 take the liberty of pro seating the nost Lerewith in the illustration, it being trifling 1a cus? ey] the simple of cons ki an, oh very " { eMective for the purpose desired—1o . keep hens from eating eags. It consists werely ui a dryzo | box, a litle longer : shoan ps ads than wide, i { one end of which are placid raise it biuor thanthe ot % there is no precipitate, as in bordeaux mixture, ta clog the nozzle and sggra- After the leaves The wire netting which permits dry grain | finds two, and sometimes even three turkeys, that will insist on the same flslent to be conmderid mserionx ob IY i thing his onn way, he has but to lean published in Harver's Weekly, | the retail houses which appronch arrangement it is practically impossi. dh : in, but the inwate of the barrel has i but if in convection with it she las was done to put a stop to her can asd’ as no one of commen semse cares fo have anyih.nz destroyed, or, ab least, I feel assured that os eat pals This is | dl SEST TO PREVENT BiG BATTING. vos pal 1 OR Sion lo | BRE, but it will at least place the « one already laid beyond the reach of her beak, and is not the! suficienti.- Frederick O. Sibley, in New York Tribune, How to Prevent Seabs tn Potatoes. This i» a germ diseases eaused by 8 minate plant growing apon the sar. face of the tuber. It is transferred from one crop to another by spores apon the seed erop. If theme spores can ba destroyed on the seed the now orop of potatoes will ha practiealiiy free from disease. This is aceon plished mont saecessfally by immers | ing the potatoes to be planted in a ! snintion of sorrosive subiimate. This ‘smbstanss is a heavy white powder | which can be obtained at any drag. stars tor about fifteen ceuts an ouned ‘It is deadly poison and mast bes need | with great eaution. The strength | recommended is one part of the sabe | stance to 1000 parts of water, That Dia, dissolve fwa ousees of the sabli- | mate in Sftean gallons of water. This ix the strength used by sargeons for disinfecting purposes, It 3a bat mildly injurious to live tissnes of both animals and plants, bat mast 201 be taken nto the moath ander any circumstances. If one has a sore or cut on the band, it will in most cases not only do no harm bat aid ia bead Fn length of time that the potato seed shold be immersed bas not been tally determined, but an hour and a half is asnally safeisat to kill thes ‘majority of the spores lace the seed in a loosely woven cofles sack. I the potatoes are dirty they shonid be washed befors being treated. The | solation corrodes all metal and there. | fore must be placed ins wooden veasel, ~anch a= » large barrel or a hogsbead. Allow the pilatoes to ssak the ro quired length of time, then take thom oat and spread where they will dry | quickiy. The germinating power of | nnsprosted potatoes is not isjured in Aho least by this treatment. In sows | Indiana tests it was fonnd thet even a : half hour's trestroent 3s very efficient; kecping the tabes in tize salution six Bours ix unnecessary. [f the pote toes have uafortunstely sprouted be- fore treatment, the length they will remain in the solation mast be redaced. i Cat the potatoes after they have | dried and plant at ence ia ground | which has never grown diseased po- tatoex will not exceed fifty cents per acre and the labor and troalile are mot sal- stacles. At the New Jersey station treatment i beea found fally satinfactory. This trouble dees not appesr matil aboat the middle of sumaser, consequently ‘the best plan is to plant early varie | matare early and thus disease, (ff pourse a ber planted upon sn few Planters rents seed tuber for a few Fiant ties thal will sacape the second crop mast infested Geld, A wend healing the moments 15 nearly 10 degrees upon a naturally well-drained soil and. hill ap well sroand the plants at the last plowinz. infeste | daring the sammer, rae and | burs the vines as soon as ponsible, Let the poiatoss dry ont thoroughly i 1 the field, then store them in a eoul, rv, airy place, taking Pryove sll the rotien tabors, In a recent builetin, Professor Ar. thar. of the Isdiana station, gives the resulta of soaking seably seed pola toes na solution of formalin, varying in strength from one part in 800 of i water to ons part ia forty paris Cwater, No nparions ticed in the germinating quality of tha send and result iadioktes that this fangicids 1s a successful one for sesh, : station, four farmers in diferent lo calities usad the treat sent and all re port favorable resalis. Oboe tags of formalin over 13 1s cutiv there i Art a ox a Pie and 1s na danger har thinks that the to corrosive suablis a’ ud i a Sale 1% Toad 3% xR parts mR Rio wda eda i has not heen of time took then back to the The cost for treating seed with sublimate for rot has If the crop bas bean sure to feat re ealls Billie | AWAY, £ “Bill . lie.” 8 ran to the nifert was no- | i galloping sude by side at a mad 3 4 aver the sandy los: b Sorry A - | somes ERTS Ew RL Prageiseo 4 all Pl | Brmly fixed | hearts of 1 : posing SLI A ¥ $a . sites = } ; nr | yori { aw gas 4 by the Chinese in this srry aay be ju fad fovea the fact 1 of By ane Inut “lations Franeisen 1 poanas, i ameonnted fo Year Fhe duty, Sa = BIRORInE, HlIr 83 2% Han uk 3 TO iy Sata Fong BEAN 10 AppeRYAr Channeey M. Be. Jolin of the Port, says that fF this sort of opium Vrgnipa sy Kime January 3 Tieputy Kryme Gs LOA Se #1 San mkt to date bas been pad t B31 This = ald pounds of the 3 franiye. AYTIY {hina Thos CRE 11 paris 3 pounds, on whieh the duty paid was $110,000 Not ase einding thas large $1 the #rmpnk Ing OPITm WOW in %. : Lere. the 1 vi Febraary 13 Son nted to 1X 3% ann ¥. a $121,800 myoninte to 20. on with ands, It is belisvad that o has greatly decressed since the daty was redoced from $3, the former rate, to the present rate of $6 a pound Formerly large quantities of smoking opiam of an inferior quality were made in Vietoria. B.C... sud thence smupy. god into the Ugited States, The duction of duty, while greatiy lessen. ing the profits of smaggling, 315 is opin smoking i fit mam PE iam bam) ting extraordinary have amon P raaking | otigect | more Rossin tccariing to ihe Intent vices reveived in this tountry. a particularly enviable Ey Place Nate andy are religions fans in ver tneronsing sumbiprs. she gre iw glmple peasants, breaking se 8 1% ai hyn vs x an ad. ; doen | ; Ren Show RE — ek A ; ew at large : Maaz Line Expres. pred pausing phenis 10 commas 14 wih the Wen bat a gliaatie erininal saesiris of eecgning Tv i 1 d vr pis piss growing sand wprendt ine and evaptiong betwen the peas gots ard selies The gesocintion = in renllitr 2 8 Rwy ME re, avy wesd # reign of bat 1 I= Serve and more ferrite in ite prirpose than the nsusi seetieos of an- xi¥. The ringleaders Hedwe to iy perpet rat Tx id i= make law and onder fate by Siling | Aan in wad te the land with ori The dotrine ineradible rapddity among indad natives of Rossin Phos sureses of the solely purpasses that of any fanatics! institution ever hat Cie in the eumtry. AL hee grmeadinge with ninnoest thea Barros founded ready the members of the eriminsl as workmen, swell, Bonest, ri jefe tise risk of seizure nadiminishad, and this tended to dissoarage the Vietorian in- dastry, which bas practicsily suan dosed Very little smoking opium the Umted States zave severest San Francisco from It is all made in that country. romelies been | are puspbeesd in thousands throes spe the Bodies of tires mw-abliing peasants, were discovered bY the pee tics in a deep well near Palmers, The mest stringent fpvestigations brought to light ne conse for the marders. The polices 8t length arpived at the coneln vhat the men dad hewn murdered solely for ihe reason that ther were well koows a8 hotesy fenrad the police and loved their Cear the miets of the astute Po A shart han Thin set tersharg detectives 9poR 3 Dew rack. that Ther follewed up every clew night Jead to the detection of a so Crlety whose obdert was the perpetra Dram of ove. Thelr efforts were whol that which China. | The drag for waded purposes gata, in | its arnds form, fro “4 i agricey. of this raw opium secasionslly 1 ported by Ran Francisen dealers 1 way of New York, reaching San Fras casoo by rail The manafactars in the [nited States aheeked, if mob well by the i cf an anne fax of nik A gs ¥ fact, was load of discouraging the ® In some way = earrency that an atiempt has 18 has been greatly sal destroys ad, PM Ey internal rev hasan, opyanm ante this soastry Lhe of “nat oil” by the ship New York, which went ashore at Halfmoon Bay. The castons officials say there is no foundation for the story, so they are niasred. Interviewed the Dentist, A girl employed in one of the large tanndries in tows foand her teeth in a rather deplorable sondation a while ago and decided to have a false mot of molars. She save Ker order to a dentist, and when they were Saished he promined to send them to the lanndry. In the meantime, ons of the men st work about the janndry learnsd of ber predicament and deosded to oie Rpon ber, While sleaniog au ash barrel be dase arered af ol he brs ak be] and wrapped in ay He thea hired a movsenger id fu ale Hver the paeXages to Fe € ie] Sada Bok . aay. The set was evidently tos large, when the girl came down to the ann dry the next day she looked hike a Os male chimpanzee Her mouth was stretehed ail ont of proportion. Bae dentist, and it world be worth 87 43 ta ksow what she saad, inwardly and cutwarndiy, ter a personal confab with the dentin = Portland Express. 7 i » #1. The Wars of Chitdheoot, Cvewal are tae tribalations eriood. A member of the Mathers 3 of moth Congress was asked by her good little i six-year-old to lend him her large wois sors. They weren't svaveniont at thy tie, and, ag his pre sat he eonldn't une the litle things bom ber smal nary The uext day when »be wasted them abe asked for thera, and he, turning very red, left the rina {a ten san ates he retaraed and save her or five fraoments of the original arbele He said 1a explanation: or told vou | conldn’t use the lille ones, that | wanted the biz ones, bu! yon woulda’ listed tome. We were playing bank robiers snd I was the rubble” gore i i353 ateant Th HEI HE Ema 3 Tony Felt Goose Four 8 Banning Mate Colonel Post, a retired sailitary AY Ag AR MAN cof Caoamanga, Las a rare avis Bitlis 2a) when the ouolog ie, come to me, my bonne Bil Then the sander will start ani saloasl, joyialiy given hain wis » Mien the saione! and the enionm:l ard Billie wil ce his Walbie aloays Wile, ¥ 1A frat ander a The Roy Kaew Niley, A Jittle ay fans imentent wm Bilat's : ably Fe Wig eh ae Atlanta, poetics a betwen care ab Oran “The tho! vat watch ont Lave atid said: OE, He Cinta oo James Whiteomin Riley sas Uicy Star, Alpe TRVE Sanpiag i his wisgs and sereeciiing with deliph ' at the kindly recoguition by the master : : i may, “Now, Bille, wo will ran a race In addition to the tests made at the _ ° Samia > x A little 8 | was Dmera anerilad to : ¢ wehideh iy saecesslul The Po wn af WT forty mynders, for which hitherto no oldest had bees diwenversd, sd whieh prnd to De enveboned in an hepenetralde niystery heoneht ta Heht, the mandend fhe Janperons gooiely boast rise The sinthorithe Are ' pow I phasession of mioeh usefal of smoking opinm | Tae tax, in: for 1 SAT express PRrpoRe : amd By means of this hes Boome are fally 100 salefactors, neinding the ringivaden The Rowleiy for the Perpetration of Teeter, basow alremly Fost ORE The peeassnte formation, te hp Orie, Sew i though there is noe donb that in the report bas gained | bean | made bo sagsie a large quantity of | | gree tar &3 I the rising wil dw stayniwst oof, as any hundreds of other Rassian ris ig Lave been before, When glefgerory are punixbind as they de werve, the Tear of the law will again seat fran in the minds of thew wad volutiou ists, AA Po 08 Hr Cee i LATEST POMPLi1AN DISCOVERY. A gp tg Po eominele peErsGn- for |} Jepetiy i lave Ios so disps? eaggaly pF i Sr SA BAR SPA HE BR A FR sigs Rewtitntus, Evidences of the Amc ett Roman War | P ® E irsine eating Tyrese at 1 terworks Aguin Found, The Boose of Vettius bas Two on Erm, past gal ewning end 10 the hiy gale, and ou side entry witeh Ix dhrevtly posite To Tie © sat fwitive retold To ot Water af bere IB oid hes wn ow wr ¥ 34 Jaren 8 Moet TON Baan pubes, J 4 7 RS wa hae a8 d WRG Gin Mii hh thn. sisitars alssirsitien of amd most toy oe amd 1 awa mens > Te a Sing olitgin three signers fagud ariel ware tin wihkeh ag ra, Ne i Be samriiamt “har Te Row hue MERE Te $ M ek ZR tia The BOotive name from 58 BETEL its 2 oe af 155 Cony iy i 4 dw, belmn 577 the second “1 He of A. Vel and the third, which wae 4 beonze ring and bove AV Co, evidently ay abbiteyiativa of th Noida Cony Slowed tail, ar SET . Sd : Pag oy iy % " ee Ei Ter for @igner. Besidex tlupse (lees three Lipraved stonex haviag the spective aEngwents of 86 uphEara, an i aibiieegs of Bessary £4 Tet Was O80 bok eae Fa vy HE ® JEvEmeRN IN, it * _e Na Tals Me. lat Were ad dmya lowks Paver teed, Siw aay Trades BY Mothers ELEY . uy le # ander i fatony Rend strictly The weed for. It was a awit ab w8d of flags RBCTERlL saree lous MAnIETR Ley Lr Tain 8 Fe a Hiake a | Th ave SF any ie Cd I TH Pie FWD wa ke Rs rvatinli am of *% ast hed ef canfidept Tas A Yaris fast CRS, 5 na ¥ EWE Seribmer’s. belonged to sli ne Only Monarch Wounded in War Hambert I. King of Daly, i» the anly Europess monared of the present Maeva who hax been wonnded 5 war The occasion was he bale of Castozsa, whieh for the Iialiaos ead The Austrians, ane were vietarions 5% Yh end Jor Archdiase ert, (Nina's prospects of belng el viiiond off the face of the darth wen fo be proving every day. Ballaia Fochestsy snd [Piitaborg Ky OE mote On and after Fetirvare Mis, wii lone Market Seer Dopod as fodloww | am, rains § earibeid Fe oa om Bevasbfevile Nov ford arweneviie D8 § Heymaidwyide Or Blsgiwax, J hsseabur Rauhes itr (140 a =m afaio vile, Ia Bote anid ine at Du Hols, burg, Besdtond asd 8:1 p Tiny Bois and § press. For U4 Bow Fanssulawner 2 oa a» Trains arise, pom Ear the CRs ote, time tabdes aid GE OF Sires Lawl 4d 4 Sik LR Fywidp Agent, “eavBiand, Pa whengeer Ror Bos himsaer. No 1 taken ak Rnmey, FC Mourednie LL the | the orineipesl one facing the so the stowed wWihilel sig ca. Ravi hoy gin = iB do A Vere i Alta & Paper Ca laborers. whe Clee west if » 3 Af oman oy week day Sxam Allee ANY daily. wil Errases, daily... fon a Aah Tmmve { "ren — \ Tohmetowrn Acwinn. Pacific Exprven, Anlty Aatly : ine Anite a rn Wp AR a obaustown Acoom, week dare... carebria and Clearfield. Ronthaurd, Morning tile for Patton and Omamon paves 4 di Mahar cm 5 XuAREEs Cigy eS uvNeERE wy BEpaa2E BY Areving at (reson al £0 & 1m AE ‘rutin Por Patiom #08 Cresson Wwves lon mpmpbell at 20 pa Matthey at 2a Lado vif Westover $0 Fastin fara For wrmaont BAe Paster 8 Jus ib Kaylor £8, srviving st Cressss at JG Nomtbheard, Morsing tals eaves Grom foe Lo Yor ey 0 Eienabe jaa Ko nh yr 2 rh arriving Snanpbedi at (248 UA fermion mecwcmy Lrmin wry mel eden Cmephedt eave Upessen af 0 Rayine Sead: Houmtury oh FMeowdler Jonetion ¥e Hareuys or 2% TAR ;o a arriviog at tien rs Ww, seg swent 18 Word Geni. Pus. AgS. it “a0 Pm Fou rates: Papa, He. » # mildrems Thom Wadd, an avenas, Patt, Pa JH Hatehines, Ln. Mg SA SH LON DENSED IME TABLE, *" eflont : Detnintior 3, IT. Fasrwasd Fook Duyn woox Fed Ba ae j= & Enmey. im outednie, brenda Mim § Palipaburs JK Me: 11 AN AW oR Freres. Work Days aM aM FE PW na ILi6 145 AOS a 3381 181 A388 S98 1 18 AD 460 es 48 56 8 Sexes Taras SF lead Down, Fo Rumer, cen wws wanes RIN Honteinie | A193 § 5 Bas Pow Bewnay Traiss 3 LAER Boh 83 a Vipewwidee Wide... . wine VipliipeRREg Leia gr iiond Un Saws du dmeiaia Mm, Es FERUISORE invcinaes BAR AE. Cowxeeripye AL Phtlipsbarg (Toles Stax Bose Ureek lisiisond Laing Car and these Basdelonte, Loek Haven. Wilt oil dot Beadicg. Philadel tie sad New Yorlt: lfeawrspeowmiis Corning : | Gonsvs and Lous: Ciamrtieid, } Fating, Carweneviio Dalle, Punssutass. Ah onal for Houtadale and Randy wi ny G. 3H GOOD, General Sept 5 Beech Creek Railroad. XV. C. & H R R Co. Lessee. onsed Time Time Table. seit] w Pipe nn bY u 4 re Lam sé WEEE REE gta ad ls ¥ ge Yapile lemreld Red Tad HBr DESLAGENERRLEL Morreale Moves 3 onwon Philisalurg £ “aq i 2 a gE Bole ted >A Wr) ORY ES ae oa in «E35 * 8 nas kaka Hw i" Mh aiiissenyy a Wide Phowichy roonig sin Heit Tawk Haven Cousnpnitaie Warne Yoome mia Jugetion Toros Miso WE a aaagwert Phit's t Beading BR 0 Ee panier 1} Pug so ledpdvin ar wy ia A gua sr a8 Ph shige Re ce Rinye ELA a Sundar Rew y uk | A ers revel ing vin Pali 3 Wlliammepert . Fuse = mews FEEESueew 8 EiiBsEHNEAREAE el nd BE EUS UEEANE GRY .E EEENUDENEHRAUBLR EY SaNEHRSINE aX # & Te dw e004 vEusuew ge ¥ wely 8 ie Tel: iw Lo iw i IR wimile wily Sim ¥ ho nd § RemeHing mitre: a Seren Nise i the Fail Broa Re. =b Mi Tmt with cewrenl Ratlrvasd of Propscivani: 3 with Pena sania Tw ibweed and Altes & Philipsburg Oantecting milrosd: w with the Hah plus and re line st Mulally wt Patten ‘aan hrtn and esmrtie 4 division of the sim teliessdt at Mahw ih te toma snd Noort western FE THerrimmn, Fs osx. Hous par renin zt. : Phildein ad & Eastern Time Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT NOV. 16. 1887. Westward x1 Nas Nas AW. pW, pa, a ‘a a Say i. pi ttsburg Lannea rere “npn rd and ¢ Fak seek £ Hayrn sade Fsseraptred. Besse SH WEEE ag sl AYE aR Re Ee wr BRAS EAMR EL RL sna RE EAS RE oe rr WR ers paths = Eo w & ne SHY UBERE > Bares ¥ 3 aus Sse Eea * eel gro dasbineasel wad esi srs ra aE baw = - ¥ * End Re Rann nnn A GT Bae en fasarad . for Medien Thos ow in opm Men, ip slr netics trains will ran nie wm Rp tinn Maballey: and { pl fo AT tein daily exes San. =. iL Ricks, Genel a Maha, Us
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers