THE NEWS The Cuban Junta in New Tork anounced offfelally that they would pot accept an. tomotmy tu the i=inad, The body of & girl was foued in a bugay at Napa, Cal, and sbe ls supposes! 10 have | been kilied by her companion A young man whose ifeless body was found a short dis | tages away, The Met of dead by the Chicago kas been swelled to seven Ly the discovery of 8d. ditional bodies. ‘John FP. Crum special commissioner of the Poston Department, is at Spokane, Waspington, to establiish an Alaskan postal pervice, or : A return miner from the Elondigs, says | thete Is food econgh to last the population two years. © Waiter Satiger Palizan, son of the [ate GM. Pollmun, was marei=1 at San Fras: _ elsco to Miss Louise L. Wes, A semi-official note was issued in Madrid to the «fact that investigation showed that the Maine exyiloston was dus 10 an foterna explosion, aud that should the Ugited Seates . demand indemnity, ft wonid be indignantly repelled by Hoatn, Hovore Lave, the corpsspondant expelled from Cuba publishes a letrer alieged to have been written Iiy (irneral Wevier ig whieh the former cupiais general of Cuba is ree _ ported tu have sald that be bad prepared the barbor « f Havana for the visit of Americas warships. and that the Americany Knew the terrible puniibment that awaited them, The Coban Justa tssaes a procismation to the American people that Caos wil sot as _oept, or even discuss, proposals Jor ane tasomy, The American fa; was bolsted on the new eraser Amstonas at the Bag ish shipyard Friday. It fs reported that Jia'y bas sold moved ceaiser Yarer th Spain The erafser Montromery satied from Ha wana for Key West. One thousand gold hunters wore raparted to be snowed In between Wrangis and Glen ors. Officers of the American and the Pasifis - Express Companies are taking steps looking fo consolidation. Jolin Berd was sentenced 11 sight years In state prison for buncoing farmers fu Massa. ihe ar. tha Whit. Mass, ro Eleven hupdred operativss of tewton Cotton Milis, turned to work, Bobert N. Frenger was acquitted in Staon. ton, Va, of the murder of Edward Merritt The wiles of Sepator Thurston died on board the yneht Anita in Cuba. Tasnton Sagua harbor, By a fire in the Bowery Mission in New York eleven were burned to death. Many prominent labor leaders were prec. | ent at the union coufersues of raiirosd (workers in Chattanooga, The weavers in the big rotton mill etrike refuse to some to terms with the manufss- turers and po settiemant is yet in sight A new line of steamers 1s to be nisced on Abe geens ran between Sexttie ard Dawson, The British ship Corser went ashore on Hare Isinpd, Miss. and wii! prove a total Joss. After seeing his brother i victn | of Kile way robbery, Frank Hill a: Chicags, von- : psig bint asd was sentenced to the peoltentiary. Qetrge W, McCoy has been arrested in Portissd, Ore. on a charge of! fraciulentiy ming the malis with a view of booming a proposed Eiondike expedition. E. C. Basslok, who located & famous Cole Stade iver mine and by it became 8 mii- PIL ) of the McKinley and Bryaas . will be on the grounds of the coming Teass-Misslenipp! Exposition at Omaba. Neb, Toeamaiipos situation at Middissborongh, Ky.. Bas become so dangerous that the Usni- tod States government sent Passed Assistant 7 on Dr. Wertheimer, of the United Ptates Army, to take sharge of the pest. house. The State medical authorities sur rendered only on orders from Frankfort, The eounty refused to support the pest. house and the lamates were on the verge i of starvation. There ars 70 wmaiipox : and 400 suspects. This entire com- mastty is alarmed and almost demoralized The 1,100 operatives of the Whittenton Cotton Mills, Tauston, ass. returned Work after a strike Iasting five wesis Ten of the loom fixers. who orgazizad the | mtrike, will not be given employmast. The State Supreme Court of Peoneyivasia affirmed the decision of the Dauphin Coun. ty Court, which refused to grant aa fsjuue fion to restrain the Capitol Baildiog Com. mission from awarding contracts for the erection of the State eapitol © How. W. J. Bryas spoke at Atianta, Ga, fo the Auditortum to 10.000 people. His | mddress was along bis usual lise of args oo SM YIELD OF LABOA Paint is mads of seaweed, Dresden has & paper wateh, ~ J8abo bas two dally papers Longsboremen have sighty-six anions One woolen mill in Missiesippl. Japan boasts commereial schools Detroit waitresses may organize. Savasoab pollow work wight hours Indianapolis barbers will reorganize. Detroit makes stoves for South Afriea Now York tias 5X union shoeworkers. Utah florists have a State association. Springfield bas rs pedis worken' union. Milwaukee ts Yo haves school for cash Dutrois Manufacturers’ Club debawd sis gleta Springneld {Mass ‘buneb. Pitsburg structarai iron workers will or- | iathers wan: 19 conta n "Cleveland saliors aud freight handiors will organize, Liitpots and Wisconsin coal convention. Chicago and Isdiazapolis bave no idle union printers. New Jersey unionists want compagy stores abolished. Chieago ¥. of L. wants swimming tanks ia pubiie schools, Colorado unionists will bold a State sogn- vention May 2. Detroit cigarmakers’ nuion pays idle mem. bers i a week. Southeast Lancashirs U 000,000 cotvon spludivs, A mass-mestiog to dencunce bisellisting was held at Chicago. Ohio commercial travelers favor the 2 railroad fare Lill Toledo unionists want a pew 2Mce created —city sealer of weights. Duluth Chamber of Commerce asks elti- sens to uy home-made goods, Wages were advanced in Japan recently when machines were introduced, When empioyes of the Union Pacific road are sixty years of age they are dis- dealers held a giand, has -aent SORalry to SPAIN Presence of the Key West Fleet a Subject of Protest. NO CHANGE OF POLICY The Approach of the Elections 1a the Fes son Advanced for the Sendiog Away o the Ships The Opinion in Congress Is Agninst Avy Change in the President's Poitey. ington, DC, save Fp 2QY~ the 4 have FOversment to cogenrsing the assent. ing of & args of American warships Bt Rey West Le war preparations asd the inlvense which they bave bad approaching slosiioos wa Cate. Wille these representations cannot bw properly regarded a4 & proves agains: the attitudes and acts of the United tates goverpment, it may anguestionatiy be pet dows as oa remnon strane calonfatad to Rave an e®ent in Eu ropean court circles. Not however, teeing a technical protest the statement bas not © ed torth any oMcial rejoiver on the part ihe State Department, for it is jacking io tangible socusations delpg rather ap Arg meatative presentation of alleged Bpanied Brisvasoes, Stated in detadl. the representations pro posed that if the Uaited Rintes fleet was withdrawn from Key West the Spasish troops would be srt Some from Cabs, and then an opportenity would te afforded to a the citizens of the isiand to parfieipate in ihe approaching «ieotions, wien te pian of autonvmey wold be pax to 8 test. Ii was argued (hat the presence of ths fleet was a manos 16 the (ulag poverprment, it was considered 8 va gable sid by the in surgents. who woud not ny dows their Arms As long As thers was a possiblity of a demonstration in their favor by this govern. tment The suggestion bas been met with the statement that this conalry bas potbing Whatever to do with the troops fa Cuba, and if Spain desires to keep them or with draws them it 8 a question entirely for tha decide. On the other band # 20% svnoedsd that Spais bas avy comdern in the Deposition of the American Sent, eapeci- ally when the ships are ssserntind (5 Ameri “8% Whters and are sot gpon hostie mis sion. “DaSnite represvntatio mitted by the Npasish Biste Department & despatah from Washi 1 fant is A Topic of General Comment. Th suggastion of the Spanish government sgaesd mach tain io al Metal clrcies. This was especially trae in Congress. whers for several hours it was pot beileved that Spats bad serious.y put forward such & propos | tion. The most sorservalive men fn Coase | Rressional circ Were united iz declaring tant under no Clreamsiunoms cogid the Frey Ment aflind to wecnde to Spain's demand, Segator Eikins stated that the positios which ought 10 be swained ia the matter, pameiy. that the United States bad 80 cou corn in Cada, and that Spain bad so grousd for qusstioniag the disposition of sar sips. was a perfectiy sound one, avd woud be ope beid is Congres. Al the interviews path. sred daring the day were in one direstion. Senator Chas fier suid that under no sands tion would the fast be removed, while Nes. suggestion was in line with Spasish dipio- macy which, during sil bistory, Las bess nothing but a record of dupiisity, Jeeeit asd deiny. Hasator Kyle, of South Dakota, ze marked that any sugarestion meade to this governmeat based on A resewai of schemes of autonomy Vuh 5 1 be coteidered. be. enuss they wears esxiresssiy visionary. Ho» thougbt that [pain bad emphasized her ins bility to govern the isiand, and be did pint think that thes: new promises ware eller sincere or practical, itis noderstood thal copies of the in formal protest which the Spanish govern ment submitted to the Stas Departament, Bava been sent to all ths capitals in Earope for the purpose of isflgsnsing Earopess sentiment against ths United Stsies the pRrposs being to pisces the responsivility upon the Usited Bialew for say faiare that may foilow tha attempt of Soain to sstal- ial seil-government on the lsiand. This effort 16 create a8 ABti- American sentiment iz Europe 1a 30% giviog the oficiales of the Btste Department the rast cotcers. NO WARSHIF FOR CUBA. Laker. Fieet at Kay West. It was dotermised meant WO ass. The cruiser will be requnced by the dispated oat Fors, whieh baa salied from Eey Went for Havana, She gows to teileve the Montgomery as a Dome for the oMorrs tions in Havaoca bLarvor. It is ssserted at toe Navy Department that the Montgomery fs not withdraws owisg to any sagg-stion {rom Spanish sources thst ber presedice is aot desired. It was the tion of Secretary Long wiken the cruiser was seat to Havana 10 keep her thers oniy so iong as the Fers should be engaged iz the work of distriboting relies! among the eal. the court of inquiry from Havana, there be ing fewer persons Lo sccompidate, ths Fern, which is letter equipped thaz the Montgomery to assist io the wreeking oper. ations is retursed to ber position grove with the court of inquiry aboard, to the close of Mow Hours the Navy Depart ment, though fisdiogs or plans of the court GOLD IN UNCLE SAM'S PURSE of $2350. 000.900 Henry Ciews Spancisi clreaiar says [2 1s fortunate thal the tire pomaibiiities of & foreign war, millions of reserve gold. makes a total avails able supply of $207 008 000 “To this may bw added on a very total availiable gold resource amousntiag to amounting to over $450. 000.000. These facts show an ample fisuvetal prejarcdaess for whatever may come.” on Tae i Bang eet stor Mason, of Lillaois, remarked that 15s | yt known : | amsizathon BOLD MOVE BY SPAIN, a Her Torpe io. Bont Destroyers sent to Coba Threaten the American Navy. {reat copdern ts shown 1s W | Spain's sending a Seti « 31 topped stroyers (0 (gos. A catdegrae from df states that an: a Ailis wili start The fotiiias gre believed to be sapatis of Sestroying almost soy Set which the Toited Bates sould present in Calas waters ans the Amerie Lavy In weak In (Ris class of | Vomsais : Toe United States naval 2 eft Havgas for Key West the cabinet syprasssd the ondaion Audings of the sngrt will be paceived by the President th Fie says the President LAS nO inlormation ga te = hat wil De 15e Baturs of th courts ronciasions War i¥ are held daily on t shige Jodlsns Massachgwetts and Texas stationed at Tortugas. The srews are train. ial alias ks Dy 1 The | 3 Bates government is sand to Hem l ating fo ihe Braziiias o susp 4 ry I fealty the Aquidaban, whiek bean resconslrd ted in England I that Spanind residents of Vera Crue Mexico, will pressst a wansdip Lo Ronin A uumber of Spanish satiors who aniisted In ine American tary before the resent fher oe XE thet Lhe iE Weng $i 25 the Datie 1 o ppd Pia $n batt to Mase * Las in panera { trouties betwen Sogin azd the Usited States Fanor uty Francis Liston Yomeriod wills Belonas and Bancroft MANLY. tha Ran wore at re Lirutenant-Comman Jor BAYA: attache of the Washington, praised President MeKinley In An interview at Barcelona, and said tha bat for the Prestdent's strength of characte the Hos ff Bepresontativss ww ouid vote] ae} ABs troposgis Eeports that Emperor Frances Austria whois § Seed rausin Af Enpernt of wii extend aid country have created a great deal = A Eaves 4 London » $5 wreretiing Hobesl former Sram jegation at ue € 2 TAL, Mall Gs my ¥ Pall ed the fF EE LO prevent Los. Toh Lhe Spanish of is ready o fatal MAY BUY A RATTLE “HIP. United States Said to He Negotiating For The Keconstracted Aguidaban. The nized sx tates gorersoment is ing in Londons for the pursliase of rian battissbic 34 de Maio, lormeriy Aguiiabas the 2 fageliy of Admiral Mel which bas ately Loot reconsiracied is Eng iad. Toe Asuidabss twin serew shin balls S04 Ture Armor ten inches thick, asd with A complement SIZ man. Hor froperiions wera mach dike the Maine's, She was sunk in Port Belic Bay, Peasti, ™w a Sorged 5 charged wiih 125 poosds of rus sotton. bat was allerward raised aad recsontruntad. It is ronssmriad that he Buanish ment has secured the warship OV Biggiss which was bugil by the Armstrosds jor Chik ! Heat ints the Drs Yio was a Acubdictgreetad tegile P98, with Sttadel Eas a feformation in possession searnmeant is 1 the «Meet thal up ¥ this time Noggin Bas aot sonsumrsated the purehass of the Utilian warshty O Higgins Toe fd cations, 1 ie state] seem 3 thal 3 aber wil be slded ailimately the nited States navy Secretary Long denied that the Usited Steies povernaent Wis Degotiatisg for a Braciiias battieship. WILL NOT PAY INDEMNITY. ain. Loss of the Maine Held to de Dor to an Taternal Accident. The toilowing semi-oMoisl note was fe- sued in Madrid Thamsday. “The report of ihe Spanish Commission 06 the Maite i» sot ut the stalemate of several Blowers who Save Eds 8 Foe 8x Wasmrwarax He the 2 £3 oy Tes 3 technica it was indispataliiy doe to an ateroal ast dart Amerioat sesettioos 10 the Sasirary are (Berefors, depiored in o®elal Guariers as tending tov misiend public opizion aod rar tuations stil mors Aifest troy tie standpoint of tions Detarean the Ten dogolries a may be regarding as Sets 13a alowed Ihe Amerie SAN technica CoD missiol J sirewent A report Gmolaring the disaster 10 be dye to as sal exjoosion patdie wii refuses Lo so rest such a 8 and sz y demand Lor inden ut ty t rope lind L¥ Admira: Les Wire Botiiia at the far the wi Marine 3, tas Minister of Cruiser Montgomery Ordeved to Joia the | : ty the Navy Depart. regal ibe Mostgomery trom Hav. | engaged in supervising the wrecking operas. Wh Atiantic Beet al Koy Went and Tortugas Asn usomd alten. ferers 18 eastern Cuba This task Bavisg been performed asd, owing to the return of | A brief telegram from Admiral Steard ao | nounced the arrival at Key West of the Mas | Up knew offoinily that the court of inquiry had come over to Key West | 4 from Havana, was not laformed as (0 the | moder ; ate estimate, $50,000 000 represaated by for | eign creditor balance still due to us, which | in the face of war possibiiition, gives us a over $150.000,000 -to say nothing of the. other stocks of the metal is this country CABaris 50% to pre f Havana i SOUADRON OF NAY AL YESSE ELA to Go to Bampton Hoasde. oo Sha ries At Waa a5 onder fort suadeon of Hampton Roads oEIREIER Wi aoiat nt thelr typem. Two shige Massachusetts asd Sans from the presses N ar Tawe ES a. a wc rth Texas are with ik i: fwd De os grays Tisake 10 suopam that fe ard-riag 15 movement 13a Navy Depart mani ie ALISVAtAd UY ARY pUfpoee of viend ti pepresentalions or jutimat hare sone roan the Spanisd ater a the miscbie! cugeed Lr the patherizg of iarge a savas foroe as Admins Sloard's fem fi the wicinity of Unla saulrary te { formation about Oy pA athougs «8 fagow wd Jar Mics La a Gre.f stralegte sonesiderstises appears from the salire of ander coders 1 readete: i Hampton Bo salar New Freight Terminal. Tee Batimors & 0352 Raliroad as arene a new Irv 2b! i Aelogsive ross ima #1 The 02 A Total Available Resource in That Meta! | | trade balasce shouid |! staid sa largely tn our favor 1a the farm of Wa bara it now $123 000 000 of specie ia the New Yors | banks and $163.000.000 of god In the lrems | ary, which, with the currestis ports of #15. °F 000,000, after deducting the cae bamdred | 3 Sy from: su Minister dali Sd Methodist Protesian- he are Lyseat re. cialming 13a the of bumazity shoud sad the Usitsd (0 take same action. *hatier the Mains was Strong Wards E A Warled moon og aba al varwd 8 strong wes, tne biown up by external of iateraal explosion | Bev | and that war i3 20t a2 Somitigwisd evi a disdouorabis sad siflal peas we BOVers 3 { age fT ihe senreh that Rt f that Wf the scene 31 the disaster show | geadntain iar friendly rela. ; ¥ 5 i miinoter of marie i akeler v AE Xen. ; 3 ES Ti, adignanty ! J wRrre wander ol the toraedo peed 1a! 3 ta»y Re t * § vite 35 ioe | The Battie Ships Wassaehuistts and Texas of the Sow sGACICR was brought the | Se at ade thal (30s siralegy is ol x aw Slates | HIRE VICTIY Lodgers in a Bowery Building Lose Their Lives. UPPER FLOORS BURNED. The Buiidisg Was Ban Ry the Powery ission, With Eooms Ar 18 30 Or 213 Cents a Night Those Wh Escaped Low Much of Their Clothing And Some Lost All New Tork Fire Lmuterpal the Be Wary S$3Tw rang Bowser. and Darged who Wars song (BOs sigh vm Hogee was one iadging Nhosgers Oh was condgoted ¥ bussment Was a whiis the ground Sor was Free; SerTioek foe peTSLR ‘oy wy hk hen vr Een fhe the tne in the taliv rw wapa Sted and Ba sAred 5 sents, rvs day 34251 almost avery ted Ar ba pat CrRINg a ager Aisa vepad Sam fram 8 waske iim on The third Aa fore Be had time Aired was nw Bye Pit Kigrm the Bouse the fre wn the strat Fy Y at theodr way o was Oo whiha 24 " * vais inne the U eT anid Pomh Tentin the tor and wears by Woes the inmates were ars: 2 ihr Bon WE ee Tie Iva me Danio-str 3 ways and f« Ls remo the stpest Those # stgir- rami wre roar Red tha stead safely by nays while ths opr dg their wav ihr satel Tw wet Toe ma oriy thelr » : thing And several wore Saked Threw siaras of Sra bad Deen sent in in oa few vipates the Sreman wars LUsy aging the b water They seeded In rem Bing the fre to the three SE Many of the nauad and mural were sured or by perssts in the vicinity, snd abou ap Were aor at the Ererstl strest faniioe stalin, shel three BACKS SWAY. Sev. £ the mont destirate wera Lrought io the station Somes in patrol wagons and were DrTUR ied by members of the [owce and kind-Searted neighbors. After the Gre bad een sxlingaoied soMedentiy BAT searel of the piace was possible, the Doliee and Sremen entered the Lmiblinmg. Several wiles wows Tognd sear windows on ihe G- had been #ricgen Sake Thelr way Ww felomg wiih do iid By per & 4 i oe wd hen en MF per Sone where hey Yn Wile allem pling 10 yn Bre seoutm, 4 many bodies wes found in the surly wan sarimated LY SUTeShA Bust Dave heen heidien fomsd Mune Wars versed in the emai rooms they Sad one while others were found in the Dall- the stairs Of the Sours asd AL Weme who ARing. and woe Sagrneed and charred Be yay F isiw a Kiman 1s siaeen #3 plant wavs and 08 fake Soors mot Of then youd peongnitiog. Tue loss 23 the butiding by fra ls esti mated st 87 pontenis damaged 10 thes exept of 2. 0 mee Tw mmel The LORS PEACEFUL. Governments Welding Droge of War. A decree from Washington, Dv © wars There wars DaSy mites and Brags NEORG The pemcalg IGelined pepe when it became knows 18st Presdest MoRinley SCtng throURl Nerelary cond a a the withdrawn of 150 Latloesbite Masson au daetts atid Troxas from tha Xorih Amer. an Seet at Koy Wost asd Dov Toros Almost slp Lace Gey came the sews roo Malerd shat Adloira Barmes fy wi rif 8 » Potn Back the Sad The Sumnies red a hae a haa; AL Lhe Lasary Islands Bot In croend 10 Havana Sal Eat Sani prtersment tend Cn TErnlaicy Raine Lhe sae De args as A ard AL shat {ie y Lansbderd Se. has pr dag of Ee EY aed L alted States powers. Siemt has RAOY SSRs Stun pend ong rata bee He f Larpamdonts and Lo WL Fo (Re Were Sa aimyl LH re IE manta IN IE on fy tha Si Ce GTR Y 0 EE ¥ Yo wismnnt > HRS a, A WR wa WAVY a gal MOKE Ture Do BOATS aise 1 ms {The House Naval Committee Has Decided HAYA Vom ow an aa lacrease. s Washingron Ib 4 Mires On Nata the gaestong of IReRARY 15 Ghionws Theres 8 woodw a og tha weap aadimsias vole adopted resentative Poss af Jie. saustraion of HE Daw Rl gel tom srovision froom Rw ~ ped Lars Dummy and AY #3 wm TR gl A ws bear 0 LR § ak SR and #00 # SAEED tated that tS rom Seestrovers SUEY JOM Lal Won) YY ages TIME EXTENDER To MAY L Loited States Epes spain te KEstaniish Feoace in Cada by Then. wipresDoidend of the | May FLIES eNIG miales Ww Bom Fo srtRis SRS ppreased 243 90 Troepe In North Careline. CrOTETROT North Camedisa from the War Dejarimesad w mand troops (Os State 4 Tur The reply Gia 13 sumbDer, K dw; sacl A MAnAge asking © Biel ID case Of Dowiiiilies GeTernar ute 145 MN aa A AY A A NE NE UHI SSI NEW MINISTER PRESENTED Pregident Melinley and Senor Pola » Pernsbe Exchange Greetings, ates fro = Wassin Po Pato ¥ FER Ser Spas SE mhniater Whe coosaniy Resor Je Lome ae he renrementative if Suats mt Wastingtos Tas (ormer y prassated to President MoE wey T mos * rermption ¥ piste io Boge fom ving Jenifer were Dade Ly Secretary Sherwad SOSY WEE FN as ie nes gad » por HEE BL tha T Be fuer ad Jotians $0 Toe oer os xl Aas TO Famed o® irra Ly Spanish Winister' s At iress » F Berpate su being prosssted in order 12 Tarmony with IE regi l svimin this 2nd so my own pereiLE Pow wh alee Tel $that 1 shail so hall roars In wg meme 8 gone Rr ATIG a ASRS Ce 4 Care he 2 a Se a Rimgdom | up eg eles. pues far WEE Sere mm SEELr ty of 18a Amwrion Reply of the President re ge the Udell States of * WHS Re Ee Baginy lo Messive wi ters waaay Tee Bae grepaiyts Ih a elmYoY Aantinrs BRE TRIO ee BO “eee sh dearar To SBEIGSELS a Le ware Thee om Sass Tetwoas the LW Sm aw i Kranz ps 3 and a ou ESis Re Eargeslsy ARTA that my en ers mpant wil Pe Der Jirweked toward Loe same Sigh ws ” 23 a “Yon Eomongt Loa Po ¥ Fe st BEC Xr. a Jheringriiehed Bate a Whos pet Solow Detereny Sra Looked Siates Dave airesdy jaeced Migecwr wiih the +30] A > silver din This a Ge wn : Bogue T of maw Mis jeaty & THEL {rp isiews WkY DO oaks 384 The mpanlen Pe swn Jexires that & ome ol aud TT sviniabis arr of sesstrsing : prisgress of Pesth Wie i Mend Jit sth 50 paiiad Te he sr haere Was BS Furing the saris th Pp Ey thee mlereisw aad Lm mL oie mealse oii nas iad SOD a oA Se BR bedi olmervad Arnal mg socasan for Ligister xpd perience adsl Trainisg ss 8 Spon Gm ia good dead Sd Axed Ee 8 wis XK #h ood ABOUT NOTED PEOPLE to Fanon {1 Sd in Ba Dostus 80 Heyes, who han been ang Mailiwon Wis amber Ldueuis faraal aad Haren Mise Xia Cask. a Yeilow in Bistiosy Victoria [ively has bewg ACE TACRLIGE Or QUTeTNAR Lie thal 4 WORKS Das is Eaginod sgindo ih PArT G8 The 4 LER NR Tk tet wor mit 8 The Asdrew Joke. of > we Hest a “oom § 4 Delid eG & pOeIoG or. Wet Loewen EL tw 8g Veonios was Taleo Aurs ALO Ta. £ i By ema, faa - 4 & oo Te « ‘ rm oY Es ; jeatn | shail say ove Ar Sauk han pease x84 the ral Pegi. HOLS WAS Lesemsary To cemegl Mart Sexl sulnimer d Ladd APTS TATOOS ida Rabo san who rad asied fro Ama Arbor Ualversity. afer ax voemra Jast petarsed 10 LAITe WR Bim 1 JRA 8 Thlisewe Ww Poe 10 nr “Ke RGR Praction mink 8 Ars woman door Hogtogton woArierl il (30g Rosman A Bands mre Homer Hmghtos Banand Fike Z MI er Lime 8 wo a SAT B. Mac ar Hh. Pim rR Sa Sin rina 8 aadisgoe b.* 1 ¥ ge flensast tar at a PLAIg muDe Sangre. aie Chan wield Reel J Peiliag 4p 8 «Buren air pei ee DOINGS OF CONGRESS. Senator Roar introduesd x Mil probibiting the Importation isto the United States of Hirde or their feathers for orsamestal pur poses, and mposiog o Sue of 600 for esch nt Commissioser of [odiag Affairs Jones wae tore the Boose Committee os Appropein- Hons and Srpet the adoptics of a provisios in the genera defSriesey Bil vesting dlsers- Honary ssthority in the Commissioner Io ship Indian supp ies throughout the sountry Ler by sont tract or direst shipment at cur- rent commodity reliroad (ari® rates, Escreseniative Henderson of lows Jas mteodsond 8 Ml we prevsst the ges of the Tnited States fag as 3 tusioess advertises ment Of the gee of soy goversment adic. BUS a adrertisieg madicmg Senator Lode gave potion of an amend. Tent be wii the naval appr. poe ton dit Hating 445.000 tor Baking ding fora. matin de from the Hawaiian # 12 Japan 5d alec 10 Aasteails Sengtor Foraker (strodused & Wil provid. 2 lor the awarding of putiie ands in the arid sand States to individugis or torpors Hons which may provide for their reciams tom by lrrigeticn, at moms thas 100 000 acres 10 Le Latented 10 A2Y GUN persons OF SO PRS TY Sepressntative Newinnds of Nevada ine woddoad 8 LG creating a peblic and som. Tiesion 5 sonedet Of The Commissioner of the Genargl Land Mes the [Hretor of the Lresiogiosl Surrey. and Mees Aber persons Bisse Appointments are made subect ok drmatio: ite Suties are = Y the Sesate ronarest a sontoured tosodrapblc map Buy bi HL My apps ina Bi Lider and arves The Serratery ireasnry Hoge 3 repost on the mlorme Sended 13 Tey eEgawiin the Mexican ‘ree goes § mie be save “Ne Sonne thera 1g or the perpetegting of oY 10e ORS GARE LBS ihe pew WERE pat Sf the sent to the SRO Deri aint Sita Vexicgs TEYONGe Wil COURT LEAVES HAYANA Rrarts for Key West on he Mangrove - Members Make ¥a Fraphsey. —- hy i » be Mangroves nw Ri fONM of Is fay slate for Wat apelin Sempess sald (hal the decision to ave Havana was 30% rsarted gti alter ag conseitallog of the memoera I was pio har, whe lumber teatipooy might be otitalred in Havens, this was nt »08- OUT Uy justily 8 ooper stay. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers