PATTON C0 VOL. V.—NO. 18. Pp ATTH mw. CAM THURSDAY, MARCH SIT L. W. COOK'S EPARTM. NT STO rand offer Ch 2 Save your checks. On January 1st, 1399, I will give to the | rn- wrens | gah sO Tel TH ph ing the largest number of my Cash Register Checks Of standard make. Will be September. Full Particulars Later her Strong “My mother has been aming Pins Cxiexy CouroryD for nervous PNSSNIOH, SeSuS- | on exhibition ber a world of good \ It is the only medi cine that strength Patton Pharmacy. pe Fifth and Beech avenues, Oppo site School building. ARDware. A woodman is known by his tools, and he is a geod workman in the same propor tion that they are good tools. We have the best line of Mechanic's tools, complete line of paint brushes, carry the best line of cook stoves and ranges, Capello, Columbian, and Cinderella, all fully guaranteed. Just received all varieties of Gorden Seeds. Give us a trial order Furnitu to Department. Come and examine our new line of Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Window Blinds, Cur- ‘tain Poles, Brass Curtain Rods, Pictures, Mirrors, Iron Beds! Well, to make a long story short, we can fit you out from cellar to garret. J. E. HD. CO. in "ing be upon th: DICKERS IN DIRT Flonase , March 18 Deeds Recorded at gr AEE fix Fate Frida AV. Barker Clearfield: consideratinn, H. Vv. Jackson € t al tor bi Hugh, Hastings, $200 Rarah Ellen Tomiinson to Reanian, Cambria, $1. John Montgomery gomery, Cresson, $1. Cinorire Matin R550 ward Mo of nx to Jamies Hamman to Annie mond, Allegheny, $2300, Rarah A. Cox et vir to George Swi Clearfield, 145, John Anderson ef ner, Cambria county, Grallitzin Building & Loan Asso to Clara A. Quinn, Gallitzin $1,000. Patrick Madden to Thomas et al, Clearfield, 8500. Regina Callan ot vir to Enterpr Grange, No. 111* P of H, gheny, $1. Prudence 3M. George et Litzinger, Washington, $25. Philip A. Burkhart et ux to William WwW. L , Patton, $550 George Bruce et ux to Lingi Bozo, Cresson, $800. i John I. Ahles nx to | Farabaugh, Carroll, §1,500, i Executor of Michael Clark to Cathe | arine Bradley, Gallitzin borough, $100. 3 al to J FAFER edd, bx Frei al to BE Sebastian A ¥ £5 Bids to be Opened. The bids fur the erection of the new i Catholich church in Patton will be opened some day this week and the contract let. As soon as this is at. tended to work will be commenced at once on the erection of the same. John Gaglairdi, who has the contract for the laying of the foundation, will com- mence work as soon as the weather permits. It will not be many months until one of the finest church edifloes in this section of Cambria will adorn the grounds on the southwest corner of Palmer and Sixth avenues. Retarined from the Cities. Miss Alice A. Ashcroft, who has “been in the eastern cities for the past ten days purchasing a spring line of millinery for Mrs. Anna Dartt’s millin ery store, returned home this week, and the finest line of ladies trinumned hats ever brought to Patton will be “exhibited at the store, next door the First National Bank. Ladies’ are invited to call. tO On the Inside. On the inside pages of the COURIER will be found the official report of the blowing up of the hattieship Maine in Havana harbor; President McKinley's message regarding the disaster: late telegraph news, and an important Good Roads column. Don’t fail to observe the same. Fractieal Puintieg T. W. Letts, practical painter. Spec. ialtiex Natural finishing and imitations of oak, ash mahogany, rose- wood cherry, walnut ‘Can paint a sign and hang wall pauper. Uses nothing but the best of materials, yh fox wow and marbles, The time when RAY ar col to Patton and people with whos we have pleasantly five Titasd thee Se LO basen iy years. apprecisnion daring our sta: has ever been in every particuias Cond 's bless. tleay ether and hin family who succeed Gs, church, Ups Gi anid UG all the institutions of he town, whi have for their purpose the uplifting humanity. CHa gpon. the $i "ii | ii } Krgiok W. Wasson ano Fawn Tor Advertisers Hereafter all patrons who wish a ‘display advertisement in the Parron COURIER, or who wish to chang “ad pow running, must hand copy in not later than Tuesday o'clock p. m. of each week, If handed in later than that time it will have 1 be held over ‘till the next week. All well regulated newspapers must have a specifled time in which to receive such business; if not, the paper liable to be issued several hours be- hind time and then the subscribers would have good reason to complain, Try to get copy in early. Patron Pon Co. is Ar Carner Drag Store, Albert Marris, the prescription clerk at the Corner Drug store, in rear of building and any wishing prescriptions filled or other medicine after the store is closed for the day can be accommodated by | calling at the rear door on Magee ave- inne, AM oad prompt al lentio it. D. Hasson, Propretor has a room person THE LATEST WAR TALK. ¥ 3 Pas woop os pg FRE TEMS DEPENDS ON CONGRESS Will me $ ARI 2 Fen ¥s Foe Serine Nebraska, ine Produced 0 premoin PRCOEIT EAT Er The independance of the Cuban republic. by a resolution pro- This was fills i Bawlins, by Mr tah, de war against the xingdom of Mr Foraker, (hin, then introdineed a resolution declaring for such intervention in the Coban war as would bring about the independence of the Cobans Following this came a resolution by Mr. Frye, of Maine, de manding that Caba be made free The resolutions followed one another so rapidly as almost to stun the auditors, both Renators and spectators The galleries were in a commotion and the people were prepared for anything. This was the condition when the vice. president recognized Mr. Mason, of Hlinods, for his announced speech on the President's message transmitiing to Congress the findings of the Maine court of inquiry. Mr. Mason read his speech from manuscript, but it was de. livered with all the vigor and fire of which he is capable. The intensity of the feeling of those in the alle wan evidences by the storm of applaose which was elicited by his declaration that he was for war. Vice-President Hobart had real difflenity ing the demonstration, After Mr. Mason's speech p asa] seve nBty Bilin % PH yee} of slg mien Miarmng & {5 Spain, Loom in S13 HITE the senate pansion with of {% o LE3 Hour private and followed this order eulogies on the ate Senator Farl South Carol of the most re. markable of which was pronoanoed by Mr. Tillman, a long time political op ponent of General Farle na, Oth The several resoiotions introdoced relating to Caba were referred to the commities on foreign relations exoept hat of Mr. Allen, which at his request, waa laid on the table spaniants iTolding ap Ganmerce, Kingston, March 28. The schooner Hester, on tr was held up off the coast of boarded by par from a gunboat and towed into port at Calsida Aller being detained three days her Aen were pronounced to be all right and she was allowed to proceed American roti Janngea, aba and 1 im Noanish Aga i Be Fiovted " Fa w% 5% ¥ ¥ § 4 & x How hormas, wha Lives bear town. has again bean as aR hese Agri culture of U; # posation he ae Ea Youd canted i wi "oy EER i EEL TO eT ATR, Las fins head ! BEVEL YOATS I homas tas served i CApacity withital always looking weilare of the farmer in He will still raf the haiding of farmers’ Ey and just manner, ward 1a the Cainibria continue lo R12: avis aw Jains the Navy Bal Ddwver an Houna macianist, sue. ; fay ud ex Emination al Sew part 8 NOW a msanibey He In J fie States navy & WOT A William Dwyer, assistant of the paint shop at 1220 sirang € lab, menbery of cinb will hold a mevting on Saturday & evening for the Prose ad rganizing and getting in We wail seta awe Por hw OH RENN $1 YY a > a stpstigest team than we ever had, Las this Many Veupiw A good many people vicinity are using the Cz atid Ranges, which is the of their merit. Scid bs Hardware Uo For Na A good pool room and stock of tectionery, cigars ami tobi Apply tO or I. Jd. KLINE, Patton, Pa Coll - i bw 0 Wii address Sibi flan f cneajs Eighteen young men from Clearfield arrived in this city yestesday timber rait. The excursionists spent the day wing the sights of the city. ~Lock Haven Express, “Thu % iy on a SHERIDAN TROOP INSPECTED Mo jor Penny f the € ecard Pal the Hrigade Sow syiiry 3. BRB { Master Sergeant wneling, whe is Quarter if the Sheridan Troop, attend the & 8 Lr Tyrone, Pa ime Ohh sdneted by of National Magen y 2 P Recond Ponnaviy SRNY, inEpechion of brig ANA TS Fy fsrard rat for drill #4 taser le sgrpng gn t akan d ox Fug LER pe We i lim and wis wil nessed The rsd {os those PHAR TL Leg prAReet TL 0 pestle recent yigently stir Wy the r Yuin whe ry cnsidera thnsiasm wy guring 1 PEL pi ts ! tarvgdiel The troop made a splendid ag } } ppenr- seid asinned no from the The he cay airy wars provision of ance on the drill ground. The sple IDEA rande Wf thes Tyas WN fittie RIE TYE crows! various evaintions of execited with the vim and regulars, and Major Penny expressed his gratifications to Captain Jones over the splendid showing made in warm terms. The troop had spent consider- able time in preparing for the inspec. tion, a preliminary mounted drill hav. ing been conducted on the green in the forenoon Calico ball April 18th Freah fish at Kinkead's Restaurant Ohio printers will hold a state con- vention. The next April sth If you want soe shad Restanrant holiday is i poor Friday, go to Kinkead's New York World's managing editor gels $25,000 a year. Go to Dans’ Bakery fresh bread and cakes Mrs. A. H Burkey visited friends at Johnstown over Sanday. for your Weeling miners have strock against a ont from 40 to 33: renta a ton at Firemen's April 18th, Attend the calico bali Hall, on Monday night, The (: a headquarters for everything in the grocery linea wh (erocery The lone Asherman can be seen alipost at any time along the banks of Chest {reek Factory T A wa visitor to Patton PHstrict inspector Bradiey, of ilaily, this week of risiers hewnre the board Keep your eye on Bieyele walk linanoe, the policeman, Or Misx Paseo Smith, of Tipton, Pa, is Mes JE Parnell, visiting her sister, ott Palmer avenue. the COURIER this read them ads in * 5 YE oneeget 1a : Mo emingd Reveral new FRG iste spinich, at DNIONS, SEA Foor raisin. oi M Springer, wha lives Bear Wax R » Wetlnesday TIL, pleasant cadler ad Pan gst. Mellon two were ay, of Pit adted * oy iy Baasirieset Wadi ges OWI OL DUSITORE WY aiesaay Any agit abound ETM Haat ALAR 4 call an un A NeW spring more Bros merchant tailors, next to Post offles BR W. 1 into the N Avena burg pnele, moved his family pied by Palmer tas fiirmerly Pat awher hones CHO i} ters 31 A of Philips if her West Beech is Vis Oe Thos, 11 avele. WaNTED k th § ight PP P | x A girl for generdl house fami:y Comat Ww “ ¥ ror } Patton, WOrK if sma ages fo mrticalars address Pa Magee bv il di 4d gird Box 274%, Mrs >» FE wii i} Jones, of AV ee noe, fina heen iin the past fiw pleases] to state, Mi ax Mabel Robins Ni Hie IN ROW axing mee ling 4 ak cnet gsd axis nt Edy FR Jr 1A} if the ¥ rece nilly oom- d has artractive The Pree ieg d ry artistic an Easter show window in his window contains, in addition to a beast tiful display of ornamental eggs, etc, two real live white Guinea-pigs. They are the sma!l variety and resemble very much the white rabbit, #10 re His Ww WwW. Mae these tat i {rises Waar fens Wises 34 fen! Vie fi oof oar town, and wha has boon pial four five von amobg ur and de per fledd i RroOwt h Capi te : $e parted The choreh has has ii Fags SEY When in the #8 Wi {fe Rows Rev i843 there M Wasser tyiaw gt yng Wt ement arvies Patan were trig! two menibers of et bndigt Episoo. Hoang aa oo chur the ens} HAE roamed fra] wife paantio york in the sprit of the and the pestis pave isin fost Tig 1% wes 5A nr iy BOR reer Par avid 2 J shin tionara the if J é % us Pons Runday school bas a membership of ¥ I HEY (fi the En. wrth w Leagae and : 1M members in the Junior League Uh congreg- tions have heen arg aul sopreciative and the ME red of Pation vigoroas in every de part ment of The church Sunday 1 Work. tes the doors evening. Rev Wasson referred feelingly to the growth of the church and to the associations founded, and expressed the belief that the future history of the church would # Dis. tory of growth and prosperity. He spoke in the highest terms of the work and character of his successor, and asked for him the same cordial support he had The people of Patton love Rev. Wasson and his family and the prayers and best wishes of our people go with them to their new home, C.SR WARK CPOw edt Jest he pose veh Ad The following appear in the those contemplating purchasing goods can do well by calling and examine goods: Mirkin & Kuasner, cloth- ing, dry goods, ete; Mra. Anna Dart, millinery; Patton Supply general merchandise: [Hpsmore Bros, merch. ant tailors; Keystone Clothing Co, clothing, shoes, Wm FPF Gable & Co and LL Aitaona, Pa New risen dila, advertisements En this week and hw COUR 0 . ard { ak, ete s Ww akties Mali, he held in night, of the will Munday ausploes A grand calico bail Hail op under the rank of Patton No 1. Ladies will please deposit neck. tie in envelope Mrs. Rook's store or at Kinkead’s Restaurant on or before the 18th of April Tickets for supper and ball will be $1.00 Good order will be maintained and a big tine is assured i Firemen's April Inth, uniformed Fire Co #t ¥ H ooh attend Vien Tas Law Deeisboi . in the Blair County Court fast week, deride) that the Tax Art of June 14 1887, Hn posing a tax on all foreign-born laborers i» anconstita- and in confllet with the Four Amend: provid for whig rt held that and Judge Bell Alien tional tewnith et, The 1 pre MANN: O EAN On equal 1 the act pat a 5 taxed the industrious of Has made arsangemenis y the National Pjur Ball scores the coming hkeason and a Dat posted which Also all i other mportant may nappen, wii huailetin shoes at a Baigein, $ oi should gol miss seeing tie y tale I large iil of shoes of kil stvies and No Caoaomd, Don't Cerin, i ® fi DArg aki figs al fhe stare ol ge it all 5 4 Fhey Wa dl Ze as miss the opportonity | fui | | ee? ia if housekeepers the Clade Bange, and pronounce it a perfect sald by J. EB. Kirk Hardware Co. Nation Lo Bi tors relia is - baker the Dis- for the Pat he refeeived by Se hood ath. Proposain will School Board of Pati trict up watid noon, Apnil of the addition to lans may INN, the erection ton public school. Pas merely at offfee of GG. H. Paton, Ya. or M. Robinson, The Bids, BE H.UuR Carfmen, >» +3 5 4% Leos Secretary, ices of Charles Ared Altoona, Pa. is reserved any or CRPW ELL, Pres I15t2 lel td) meet right PMAN, Mayu hy 78 BL i bugs ps the Pat don Cow Insur- meet a i James Metion| on Saturday, of April, o'clock purpose oi selecting an Ee 4 examine the company FANT, . y are peauested to the the second day al § Lie Investigmting Commitee of Cows insured by JOHN Lome Sey Warning © I hereby a all persons owning my land whatever 1 will hold them for Henry Fox. | give warning! damages. cows that if thdy trespass on’ xi alike cake TE En on fie 3 fRtpil Os salinfneling We pligese you | 2 140W PRICES Dinsmore Bros, PATTON. PAL Dry goods and Carpets Sold by Wm. Murray's Non & Co, Altoona. have for more than thirty vears been con. sidered, and justly too, TRE BEST QUALITY. THE NEWEST STYLES. TRE LOWEST PRICES. Out of Town Purchasers are invited to correspond with us if it is not convendent to come to Lhe store. We can supply sour wants promptly and save you money. WM MIERA * s ALi BA AAA ASA AAA ASA AAAS SAAS SSA SASS SSA SA GA SAS AAA AAA 00 A000 00 VO PT TN TT rT rT rT TT TT rT TT PT TTT TT PRPs | | == “You're Not So Warm” if Ie ke eated near- Vill would he Vu the equa nd vou are not obtaining such I mney if vou over the are offer- dm We * »™ 3 vid 3 values toi as Vou vour would were to ook bargains we Ng 1n CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, GENTS FURN- ISHINGS. Woli & Thompson.
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