PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1898. $1.00 PER vEaR. EPARTMENT STORE ALTON. PA. ’ Save your ¢ on m Jamnary 1st, 1 lL w GENER NEWS hecks. 8gy, 1 will, Gleaned Here acd There by the “Courier” Reporter. to the person return-. mg the largest number of FROMM NORTH CAROLINA bard, McCormick, Anderson, y Cash Register Checks, ee A over 50 degrees winter. | A Very Interesting Lotter Written by Our Former Townsmen, | C, Patrick, Malmo, N. C., March 30th, 1888. | Evrron Courier: This being a wet day, the first we have had for some time, | I thought that [ would improve at least a part of it by sending a few lines to | your paper, which is a welcome, weekly ‘visitor in our “Sanny Southern ‘Home.’ ; The winter seems to be over, if you can call an average temperiture of We had a very light fall of snow once in Jan B wary, but not enough to show on the Of standard make. i Win be on exhibition re Full P: irticulars and Beech building. servous they call on Mr. Wagner be will gladly April 18, 1598. ed tne Sly hed | armacy. avenues, Oppo- A % wooluiap is known by | tools, and he is a good. in the same propor- that they are Ve have the best line of bere, except when it rains, and even hanic’s tools, tools. com plete paint brushes, carry best line of cook stoves while for geveral bealthfuliness you noble grand; J. H. McMahon, vice- in the Knights of Pythins hall, Steble fully gua » have only missed one ‘ground. This is certainly an ideal elimate, with just enough frost and cold weather to make it the healthiest | olimate in the world. | Wehad a very pleasant visit from {two of our old friends who reside in early this month Messer. W. F. Wagner and Joseph Fister, who made quite an extended tour through several southern states. They ‘were more pleasnd, howevar, with ‘their visit to this than any other jmection and each will purchase land | near bere. | went with them to the J ison cost where we gathered shale to hesrt’s content, and if any of readers should visit Coalport if show the specimens of, not only sea shells, but other prcductss of our State. Most people who come here to buy land make their first mistake by buy- ” | ing too much. A man going into the trucking business doesn’t need over five, or at the most, ten acres. Winter farming pays the best here, though ‘the socoessful trucker has somthing growing all the time. In the two ‘hot months of July and Aogust be {Jets the crab grass {which makes ex- ‘cellent hay, and grows spontanecusly | grow while he enjoys himself as he | sves best. Taxes are not a barden to the farmer; : land here Is assessed at about §1.06 per acre. My taxes last year, including the pole tax, which was higher last year than uscal, were only $3.10 | threw ; dollars and ten cents . The poll ta | was $2.45, but after a or ‘age of 50 he is exempt from this tax, and all over 45 are exempt from work- ‘ing on the public roads. On 25 acres {of land adjoining us, owned by & man | at Irvona, who stayed bere at a few months, improved it and fenced part of it in, the tax was only 20 centa So {you see taxes are not such a burden here as in the North. Lighter taxes, however, are not the the only advantages we have over the Northern farmer. There ls not a | day In the year but we can work out in bot weather there are very few days but that we have a good, cool breese, ‘and the nights are delightfully cool, i § { | | have no locality north of the Mason ‘and Dixon Line that can be at all com | pared with this locality. | speak from experience is My Ing this, We have been here now abut 18 months, and we bave none of vs had occasion to of a doctor, and | meal in that time ‘on account of not feeling well, and | i have gained about 25 pounds in weight since we came here while my daughter : Eula has gained even more than that. ust received all varieties of Well, I am glad to note the improve. | Seeds. ad examine our, presch in the Baptist church on Thurs are on sale at J. V. Maacher's drug beets, radishes, sour and sweet pickles | Blinds Cur- Give us a, , Mattings, i Ho a Jon we can, fit you out | rice up until noon, April 9th, 1898, for “ments still going on at Patton, and hope that your prosperity will {permanent and continuous, but even ‘could I share it with you, there is | nothing in it to induce me to give ap i my home in this “Old North State” by ‘ the sea. With best wishes for your continued ‘success, I am your's for the vindica- tion of “Old Glory,” Jonrx C, PATRICK. Baptist Services. Rev. Spencer, of Philadelphia, will day and Friday evenings of this week | at 7:30 o'clock. All are invited to be present. : : Notier to Bidders. Proposals will be received by the School Board of Patton School Dis | the erection of the addition to the Pat i ton public school. Plans may be seen at office of G. H. Curfman, Becretary, |The right is reserved to reject i all bids. | Patton, Pa., or at the offices of Charles M. Robinson, Architest, Altoona, Pa. any or. CC. Crown, Pres. ot Gu. Bf. Conuax, Jee. 182 ® * ‘ Monday evening, March 21, 1568, were read and approved. and postage; by the noble grand. he.’ BOROUGH FATHERS we In Regolar Sesdnn Mon wbny Ey Fog Hills Passed and Orloeesd Paid Patton, Pa, April 4, 1898 oanul. met this | Mondsy evening in regutisr sesion at the council chambers with the following members present as per ‘roll call: Monteith, president; Hab. Jones, MINERS DETERMINED. MINERS STRIKE PROBABLE Report of Convention Held at Altoona Tuesday isdn | Blair and Scheid. The minutes of regular meeting held Over 100 Delegates Present Operators Did Not Respond to Fevitation Altoona, Pa. April 5. Over 100 del. A communication was read from E. | egates representing the miners of Dis ¢. Brown, Borough Engineer, and on triet No. 2 United Mine Workers of motion of Jones, seconded by Scheid, | America met here today to confer the motion carrying, that the same be with the operators of the district abont juid on the table nntil Mr. Brown farn- | the enforcement of the Chicago agree ished a tracing or blue print of the ment, which means an increase of ten boroagh, ete. cents a ton in the price of mining and On motion of Hubbard, and seconded eight hours for a day's work. It was by Anderson, it wax unanimously car. the second meeting for the same pur ried that the following bills be accepted Pose, only a few operators having and the Clerk write orders for same: responded to the first invitation. To- G. D. Holes, $38.98 for police services day there was only one large campany, and meal to prisoner; Howard Woomer, the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg, $11.28 for police services (seven days in represented by its superintendent, Mr. month of Marchi: E Will Greene, $5.33 Robinson. Tn consequence the purpose for clerk services for month of March ©f 8 conference was defeated. The Geo. 8. Good, $14.00 for convention on learning this went into pril secret session, at which plans were dis- ctmsed and a committee on resolutions appointed. The convention adjourned Pub. Co., $18.10 for printing, etc; The till to-morrow, when, if no operators Patton Clay Manufactaring Co, '#. 78 are present, all bopes of a conference for sewer pipe; and the following for will be given up. The Punxsutawney street work per Street Commissioner delegates are strongly opposed to a 8. E. Jonew account: 8. E. Jones, strike, and it is hardly likely that the $12.90; John Click, $3.45; Vic Lauer, men will be called cut, for the reason $4.20: W. J. Donnelly, team, 55 conta. that the organimation is not strong Council then adjourned to meet on enough to control all the miners in the next regular meeting night, Monday, district. § nigh National Organizer Christ Evans, who has heen hard at work for the last All the Way from Patton. few months organizing the miners, On Friday of last week Hamer Marte, says the men are hotter organized at son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Marte, of the present time than they have been this place, left for Philadelphia to ui- for six years. The miners of Houts- | dergo examination for admission into dale, Osceola, Smoke Run, Gearhart, ‘the United States Navy, and on Mon- Morrisdale, Hawk Run, Morrison, day the following letter was received Gagzam, Clearfield, Scalp Lovel, Du. by Wm. Probert, which statis that he Bais Punmsutawney, Reynoldeville, passed successfully and is now a mem- Beach Tree, Glen Campbell, Sandy | ber of Uncle Sam’s great navy: Lick, London, Adrian, Walston and ge Island Navy Yard, Philadel (he Rochester district will stand by phis, Pa, April 3 My dear fend. wngtever action is taken by the con- [ arrived here all right and passed a pupence. very successful examination and am Daniel Lennon, of the Lilly Signal a now a member of the U, 8. Navy. I delegate to the convention, said that “have signed for one year and in all the miners of Lilly, Benscreek, Trout probability I will remain bere for a few Ran and South Fork will all stop work weeks when | will go on a hattleship. 4 any time decided apon by the con. My wages are $18 per month. So far it ¢ention. He also said that the organi- pas went | am well pleased. The phy. poian is stronger than it has been since x Scian stated that I stood a No, 1 exam- (300 when it was broken up through ‘ination better than the average. It th, influence of the Pennsylvania Grit takes strong nerves and solid flesh to 4nd ita correspondents at Philipsburg, pass and yoo know that I am endowed | who kept the miners of Philipsburg, th that. Give my regards to all the (Omowola and Beech Creek regions from boys in Patton. You will hear from ooming out by his agitation against a me again, soon, Very truly, strike when a 10-cent increase wis de- HAMMER A. MARTZ manded. The miners all seem determ- Wm. Marts, a brother of the above ined to settle their grievances at this mentioned pentieman, and Eh Stair, gpference or go on a strike. both of this place, departed on Toes day for Philndelphia where they will also make application to join the navy. ,¢ 4 grike in the bituminous conl dis- New Ofoers Eleeted. trict in Northern and Central Pennayl At a meeting of Patton Lodge, No. vania in past and none is likely to 1080, I. O. O. P, held on Thursday ogear until the miners have become night, March 31st, the following officers beitler organized. This action was de- were elected for the ensuing term: J. ciled upon at the convention of the T. Calp, past grand; Andrew Leese, miners of district No. 2, in session room rent from May 5th, 1867, to A 4th, 1893, = 4 per month; Hunter & Banghman, $17.28 for lumber; Patton Later. Altoona, Pa., April 6.-The danger grand; Jobo Hunter, recording secre. block, to-day. After resolutions were tary; Renel Somerville, financial secre- passed the convention adjourned. tary; Wm. Cramer, trustee. Installa- ond hat will take place this | Thursday evening, Be hi i I will re-open my dancing school in when minor officers will. be appointed Firemen's Hall on the ith of April (Thursday |. All the latest round dances will be taught. W. P. McBuune, M. B. i alive Ball, A grand calico ball will be: held in Firemen's Hall on Monday night, April 18th, under the suspives of the aniformed rank of Patton Fire Co. Na 1. Ladies will plense deposit neck- tie in envelope at Mm Rook's store or at Kinkead’s Restaursmt on or before , Cash Crovery. Ice cream at the City Restaarant. Roe shad at Kinkead’s Restaurant. For fine cakes and ples go to Dans’ the 16th of April. Tickets fur supper and ball will be $1.00. Good order will be maintained and a big time is assured to all who attend. Entorisinment ai Carrelitown, A grand entertainment will be given at Carrolltown on Monday, April 11th, and Tharwday, April 14th, by the pupils of the schools at that plsce. The parsuips, carrols entertainment will consist of masic, Cash Grocery. ‘recitations, tableanx, ete, to be ren- Fish, meat, If you want roe shad go to Kinkead’ $ | Restaurant. Give the Cash Grocery one triad and you will call again. They say the cook at the City Res taarant is No. L 16tf Cabbage, apples, potatoes, onions, and radishes at tard, vinegar, dered by the boys and girls. Tickets flour, potatoes, onions, apples, red syrup, ‘store at 35 cents; reserved seats 35 at Cash Grocery, cents. Everybody is invited to attend. 31. L. Baker, the efficient manager of Your Own Fauit. the Central District Printing and Tele | If you don’t get a perfect baker when ' graph Co., who makes his headquarters you buy a new range. The Cinderella at Patton, was in Ebensburg Tuesday is sold guarastend to be a good buker. transacting business. It lasts longer and looks better than The Cresson Telephone company has any other on the market. Sold by J. ahout completed the purchase of the E. Kirk Hardware Co. private line between this place and Shoes nt 8 Bargain. Ebensburg, and will in the near future You should not miss seeing the large extend their service to this place. The table full of shoes of all styles and company also proposes to build lines to sizes at the store of Geo. 8. Good | Patton and Barnesboro, and will prob- | They will all go st a bargain. Don’t ably ives patesns patrons frst clumntvion. ' miss the opportunity. ! | Hastings Tribune. | bore Electric EBENSBURS LETTER Ga Ades «1 a1 Cimbyria County’: Capital Ebemsburg, Pa, April 4A apecial jerm of court was in session all Inst week and ap until Friday evening an extra session wus presided over vy Judge Greer, of Butler county. : On Wednesday last George Boney moved inte the ‘California House,” Trier vtunt News 'W. J. Lehman taking possession of Mr. Boney's house and Daniel J. Davis moved into the Howell preperty, va- sated by Mr. Lehman. Aogustin. Glasser and family, who have lived Lire a number of years, moved to Spangler on Friday. : John T. Davis, of this place, has se- sured the contract for the stone and | brick work on the annex to the Alms house from the contractors, Campbell & Kemple, of Johnstown. Lincoln 8. Bell, the Keystone cloth. ing man of Patton, was in Ebensburg ‘Wednesday. The bar at the Metropolitan house was opened on Thursday. The pro- prietor, J. RK. Shook, expects to open bis house to the public about’ April 15th H. E. Roland, of Hastings, expects to move to Ebensbarg in the pear futare. A. J. Darragh has purchased the house in which be lives on Lioyd street from Robert Ferguson. The county commissioners have de-| cided to place the soldier's monument on the north side of the court hoiase grounds. A Good Showing. The following is what a correspond. #nt writes about Patton in an article to ‘the Dally (iasette and Bulletin, pab- lished in Williamsport, Pa: “The town of Patton, although * youngster, t is a hustling place, and from the ap pearances of the fine, large buildings pow up, and others in the cotires of sonstroction, it will be the leading city | There are a nom- ! in Cambria county. ber of Williamsporters located there > H. Lehman, Jr., bas one Anest barber shops in the place. have opennd a jewelry store and also handle bicyoles, sewing machines guns and fishing tackle.” EE On Raturday the county commission. are let the contract for an iron bridge to span Clearfield creek at Ashville to the following parties: For masoary, D. | FP. O'Rourke, of Altoona, $725.00 For the superstructure, King Bridge Co, of Cleveland, O., $2,830.00 Work on the abuttments will begin at once. Steadity Inerensing. The Coal Trade Journal declares that the production of bisGmiins Sou coal in Pennsylvania is steadily and that of anthracite bani The cause of this is that the use of the cheaper soft coal superceding the hard coal. Nex! Week. ; Your special attention is called to the new ad of the J. E. Kirk Hardware | Co., which will appear in the Counien next week. See what this frm has to. say in regard to Furniture and Hard. | ware an immense stock to select from. Patton Courier SMaghos. Smoke the PaTron COURIER stogies. Hand made and long filler. For sale by all the merchants in Patton and surrounding towns. Two brands, the long and short. Of Tateres! to Woaselivoper, Ladies who value good cooking should examine the Cindereila Range. It bakes light bread and roasts meat deliciously. Sold by J. E. Kirk Hard. ware Co, : Charter Nelice. Notice is hereby given that an ap- plication will be made to the Governor of the State of Peittieyivania on the st day of April, A | o'clock a. m. by Alfred Tucker, Thomas D., 1888, at 11 | Barnes, John Barnes, J. T. Slinger and Geo. W. Zeigler, under the Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn- | sylvania, entitled “An Act to provide | for the Incorporations and Regulations of Certain Corporations,” approved - April 20th, 1974, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation, to be called the “Bama Light Company,” character and object whereof is sup- plying electric light to the citizens of ‘ Barnesboro, Cambria county, Penn's, | anid to such persons, partnerships and | corporations residing therein or ad- | jacent thereto as muy desire the same, | ‘and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly | and its supplements. Gro. W. ZeiGLER, Solicitor. March 31st, 1808. -19(3 Ome rege of he CR Smith and A. 8. Lent, of this connty, AN OBJECT OF ADMIRATION. A wviledrossd man ie the obit of sdmimiion always If von wear one of one refiity nl and made suits, iwi Sllow “us ihe night, the das.” Our sults are all alike in they fH. We study sneh an, his wy ie arn Hartihes, and the eanit a sathefetion to all comuwrned, We planes you in styles of poods as well as is LOW PRI Fs Dinsmore Bros. PATTON. PA. ibe peer Dry goods and Carpets Sold m. Mu BO ir a — more years oon- sidered, and justly too,— : TRE BEST QUALITY. TRE NEWEST STYLES. TRE LOWEST PRICES. Out of Town Purchasers are invited to corr with os if it is sot convenient to come to the store. We ean supply your wants prowptly and save you money. WN. MURRAY'S SON (0. ALTOONA, PA. “You're Not So Warm” as you would be if you were located near- er the equator and you are not obtaining such values for your money as you would if you were to look over ‘the ‘bargains we are offer- Ing in CLOTHING, w SHOES, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, ‘GENTS FURN- [ISHINGS. Wolf % Thompson.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers