TON COURIER, FEBRUARY 10, 1898. Smoke PATroN CoURIER stogies. Fresh cabbage at City Restaurant. Local politics will soon begin to | “get hot". Good batter can be procured at the | City Restanrant. Go to Dans’ Bakery for vonr fresh bread nnd cakes W. J. Smith and wife drove over from Coalport on Monday, Buy a noblyy spring hat jost in at The Keystone Clothing {os A. Goldman, a merchant of Hastings eame to Patton on Tuesday. Hats, caps and mofflers, also gloves at cost at Mirkin & Kuosner's, Rene! Somerville attended argument court at Ebensburg on Monday. Mrs, J. Edwin Parnoll is visiting ber parents at Tipton Pa. this week Red tag sale will save you money { Read hig ad of Patton Sapply Co. C NOYAL BAKING POWDER £0, WEW YORK. Attend the hail in Firemen's hall Wednesday evening, February 16th. See the fine line of white enameled hed steada at H. 8 Buck's furnitare store. Suuer Kraot at City Restaorant. "A soft road tarneth away travel Election on Tuesday February 15th Get your eyes tested by J. I. Liber- man. . Read the Patton Supply Co's. big ‘red tag sale ad. Fur sheli bark hickory nuts go to the City Restaurant. E Wentz came down from Carroll. town on Saturday. Finest line of confectionery in town at City Restaurant. See new ad of Dr. J. Van Wi another colum this week. J. D. Ritter, of Barnesboro, had busi- ness in Patton on Sunday. Red Tag Sale commences Tuesday, 15th, at Patton Rupply Co.'s. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fisher, visited relatives at Loretto on Sanday. The J. E. Kirk Hardware Co. has a new ad this week. Look it up. W. W. Kessler has moved into the Young building on Fifth avenge. Read the new ad of the Patton Sup- ply Co. in the COURIER this week. Go to Matthew Miller for fresh fish, Magee avenue, opposite Baptist church. Don’t miss the masqnorade ball to be given by the Patton Fire Co. on Feb 15th. These be ticklish times for the young man who doesn’t possess a sleigh riding income, Call at the City Restaurant, Letts, proprietor, for oysters wif sheil. Jas. Whalley and Orin Haines, of Barnesboro, visited friends in Patton on Sunday. Have you tried the ParTox CoURIER stogiea yet? Manufactured by H. M Smith, Patton Pa Good's store is headquarters for farmers to purchase good goods at reasonable prices. John McCormick, W. 8. Harrison | and J. J. Preston, of Spangler, visited Patton on Saturday. Guo. Durbin, of Munster, and Miss Rows Driskel, of Loretto, spent Sunday | . with friends in Patton. All the styles in men’s, boys’ and children’s caps for spring wear. The Keystone Clothing Co. J. W. Lapfer, the genial manager of Geo. 8. Good's store, spent Sunday with his family at Gallitzin, There are five applicants for liquor license In Patton borough this year four retall and one wholesale. ; Attend the festival of the P. O. 8 Ison in CC. M. on the of A. in Firemen’s hall on the even. ings of February 22d and 23d. There is quite an excitement in the vicinity of Vintondale over the sup- posed discovery of oil and gas. t Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bishop, of Lo- | ._metto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. ©. Fisher the first of the week. Farmers your special attention in called this week to the big ad of the Bon Ton elsewhere in this paper. The COURIER is pleased to note that Major John A. Wolfe is improving after a severe illness of several weeks Jos. Allport, of Hastings, was in town on business Monday, and while hers made the COURIER a pleasant call. Grif snd Thomas Clemmons have’ opened a barber shop in the Myers building, opposite the Commerc al hotel. Fine line of tobacco, cigars and con- | fectionery at the City Restaurant, Cl M. Letts, proprietor, next to Palmer house. - Dr. L J. Weida and J. A. Woleslagle, two of Barnesboro's prominent busi- ness men, visited friends in Patton on’ Saturday. On Monday Mrs. C. M. Letts received | a telegram informing her of the death of her grandfather, Mr. Fair, of Lock | Haven, who was aged £9 years. Mrs. John Sellers, Mrs. James hue, Mrs. John McCall, Mrs. J. Weida, | Mrs. J. D. Ritter, all of Baruvesboro, and Miss Hattie Musser, of Philips. burg, drove over from Barnesboro on yriday. & ' welcome vig Clan, and Miss Clara Carl, | tary's office at Ebensburg. . ber is 12 more than was was filed ls L. Stoagh, all of Ebensburyg, fwlstiin ae. 0 Eg 3 fine. One GF 3 WwW. iment citizens, Saturday. PL (Carrolitown, on Tuesday. J. 1 Palmer hone 22d incloasive. Shy ® 3 iy 3 drove over Eek, 1 prominent merchant of had business in onr Own Liberman, the optician, at the from February 18th to up from South oork after His I. Goldstein, came Fork on Tuosiday to terests in Patton. ify i did VIE TY For want of a guornm (6 Wedlnes. meet in regmiar session on 24d Ff imBais is the wend, of 1 of porth not day night, February H. H Set of hir brother, Jobn fifth avenne, this week The ALi of the ¢ (rena Sixteen yemrs agn a steel warship had not been built, in this country. Now we're building them for Japan. Wm. (i. Dawson, formerty of Patton, but who now resides at Altoona, spent Sanday among friends in town. guest a ng MEHL, Corer is weuing aver Hh Cpe % thie Woes ® Bn ihe Aierest i Hoads movement propriet ww of the Was a Julius Rager, American house at Carrolitown tor to Patton on Saturday Sew this The Bon Ten can sarprise vou week by the bargains offered large ad elsewhere in HIER week. A. new line of tbe wall paper. [io very low prices J.C Seltoer Kiaks delphia, was looking after Patton on Saturday. € ivr Fisher has just received a bran very latest samples of and wee the same Bt Haowand, Hardware represeniing {a af Phila. ir doe to the *'} for Appts Much credit Bulletin and Good articles and short the COURIER [hin week, a Crrrolitown, ¥ ) ed aR’ Ys § a TERA Hank, A lading A and F. W. Haak Carroll township, were welcome visit ors to Patton on Taesday. Mr. and Mrs John BE Cordell and Mr. and Mm. W. HH. Bell took ad- vantage of the excellent sieighing on Saturday by driving to Altoona W. B. Prouty, of Ridgway, Toesday in Patton. Mr. Prouty Rpent wan here in the interest of W. B. Prouty & Jo. axe manafactuers of that place On Sanday Coy and Miss Madge Mc- all of AL “toona, were the guests of the lafters sister Miss Mary Carl, near St. Aagus- | tine. There hast been 227 applications for liquor licenses filed in the Prothono- This num- year. W. W. Strattiff deserves special credit for the able manner in which he handled the character of “Sim Dipwey” in the ‘“Destreect Skewi”’ night. Geo. Kinkead, 8S. on Monday Lodwig and John were in Patton on Tuesday looking after the interests of the Ebensbury Building & ' Loan association. Farmers your attention is called title week to the advertisement of Geo 8 Good in another column of the Cot wier. Headquarters for all kinds of general merchandise. On Saturday and Sanday the streets of Patton were thronged by sieighing parties from neighboring towns. They all know where to come to enjoy them. seives--to the “North Star of Cam- briana" Jacob Daus, of Altoona, has purchased ‘ the Patton bakery of WW. Kessler {and tonk [Os in of the same th first of the week, Mr. Daos = an ex- pericnced baker and the Cot riEr pre. divts for him abundant stooess = Representative Hicks bas recom. . mended the re-establishment of a post. office at Dean, Cambria county, at the instance of a Hoss, of k Maant ? ing compny He introwin remove the ch wre Aungustas Satton, presente da McKee # (Gap in fuvor of the restriction of desertion roan 03 f= 1tn pe tion { of immigration. wife, returned home Tuesday. Rorings on EC delphia Mra. Brown has not been well and has been under the physician's care there for about eight weeks, On Thursday of (ast week the Johns. Democrat pritiished a very ered. entitied “South Fork and March.” Jt was pro. with cots of baling an of that thr ty FEI 4 EORRLY HS gra togd ey ving , formerly of Carroll i fixh market in the replied by OC. M. Letts He also expects to complete line of fresh tobmeco and cigars, AVHRNA, II and batter and opgs, confectionery, ic, The following composed a jolly sleighing party from Nicktown who visited Patton on Saturday: Wm. and Annie Kramenacker, Anna, Sadie and Rosa Lamhbhourn, Frank and Mary Kline, Peter Wyland and Messrs. Wm August, Edward, A. W. and Misses Emma and Nettie Lich lve applicants for 3 TARE Caonrt They are John Hindle, of the Barnes. boro Inn DE. Notley, of the Commer. cial hotel; Thoma Brown, of City hotel; D. J. Bougher, of Uw Connor house and M. OC, Weakland for the Globe hotel The last two named are new applicants, Fila B: Arne who rs + 1 5 y Lirerse L406 ne The editor of the COURIER i in re- ceipt of an invitation to attend the annual ball of Jersey Shore Di. vision, No. 18x, Order of Railway Con- ductors to be held in the Opera House at Jersey Shore Tuesday evening, Feb- raary 22d. Music will be farnished by the Metropolitan orchestra, of William. sport, and dancing will commence at ¥ p.m. Rev. N. O. Baptist church of Patton, a call to At present writing he has not decided whether he will accept the same or aot, Mr. Patterson is a very able muster of the gosped, and shonid he accept the cail, his many friends in Patton regret his departure very will wish him success wherever he may sixth Patterson, pastor of the has rervived a church in an eastern OW § Wik mseh, bgt Jocute Mr and Mrs Frank Campleli, Mr and Mr James Mellon, Mm Helena Mellon, Mm Fd Glass, Mrs 8 LL Irvin, Med JB Nownan, Fred Mellen, Misses Emma, Anna and Raddy Mel Jon and merry party James Campbell composed a drove Wo Chest Runday where they wera Mim. Bridget Mellon, Meilon, of this aged 88 years and ix After dinner wi the gucets of +f James Ar | Wri Fag, wy Fok pu pa # quite hale and hearty who is + Ww was enjoyed the party returned to Pat- Ring ¢ of the plensant time spent at the hb of the wilh many ough tH L303 venerable old ET . Athammpt ot Siielde Mr Mary Hendemshot, of Allport, attempted suicide [n the grounds of the Cottage hospital at Philipsburg. and Mrs, Hender. hushand, and her husband s deter, applied for admis As it was not visitors’ day they were refused. While her husband waa unhitching the hoarse preparatory to driving away. Mrs Hendeshot drew a pistol and shot herself throagh the right breast, inflicting a dangerous wound. She was taken into the hospital and the bail removed. The woman refuses to give any reason for attempting to take her life Chareh Notices, Rev. B.S [ise will preach in Good's hail on Sunday, Feb 13 1888 at 10:30 am. oand 730 p. m. Sanday school at $Wam and Y. P SC FE até30p m. You are welcome. The services in the Methodist Episcn- pal church next Sunday will be as follows: Preac pip hy the pastor at 1030 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; subject of evening sermon “The Ninth Cow- mandment:”’ Sunday school at 2 p. m.; Epworth league at 830 po m. Every: bendy hrother is a patient, accompanied by her wEOTE wielenme ean NEA ved Rssocinl on The Cotter acknowledges the re- cept of invitation to attend the annual banquet of the Storm Staved Association of Cambria County to be bedd on Saturday evening, February Meh oat Capitol hotel, Johnstown Pa. al time ix anticipated. The md Bah tie A roy Patton Courier Stages, Smoke the PATToN Cor RIER stogies Haod made and long filler. For sale by all the merchants in Patton and surrounding towns. Two brands, the long and short Notice | The Epworth League of the Patton ME Church desires to thank all those wha directly or judirectly assisted in the entertainment in the PFiremen's Hall on Monday evening, Feb. Tth, 18a, { they also desire to thank all corny t rib ted tes the stiorens- Wir presence Gt the i ¥ 3 Hrows, President PORN, Mey BUA Eg alg 320) FAIES 12ZR PUMA SINNAA ‘404 pew FEM 3) IONM Weg | ‘FIND ‘24nd yInon nui up CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The fae sini signin a Brown, who went to Phila. | several days ago te see his Notice! We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on two & Cent bottles of Baxter's Mandrake it fails to care sick hemdache: for whieh it ters, if bilinusness, the dlecases mended. Aso wii On qa Hi hottie of Downs it down nt onre any conpgh onld, orous whooning cough, or throat or diffs We also puaranios 25. cweryt tla of wither of this to : or money refunded WwW. Hodgkins, Patton constipation, or any of nt STE th wntiafsotor ~ ys 's : For mfpier IY OR Pn Fhario ¥ Prove Children ane nite tortured by barns, i ise ma ries, Pre EH ja the gre i ¥ kins, Patton Pha | AV cpciable Preparationfor Ase | qc the Food and Regula- , ting the Stomacss and Bowels of (SAIN | Opum, Morphine nor Mineral. , Nor NARCOTIC. oe Avge of Od Ir SOULLITTEER Poplin Swd- TT EE RE Aperfect Remedy for Fonslips tion. Sour Stomach. D . Worms Convulsions, Feverishe acess and Loss OF SLEEP. Pac Soule Segnature of 4 i 14 £8 BE — —— EXACT COPY OF WRAPPED. i eI refund the money | Ehxir, if ang | Patton Marke ts Subject to market changes: Butter 4 cents per peotannd | i ahlzage Huck wheat Fags Fh 5% gu & 3 Pristmtown To Care Condiipatio Talkie Cawravers Ca ICCC tain cur =r RE indy Criharie sin ped Announcement. I hereby Hidate Hie fim syudnt fan. imeombly Republican SIRIGTY governing YOTHERR, Hastings, Pa. YOUR FORTUNE annannes myself se a the aomination of the ¥seiiptig MiNgRs Same 1 : : y Lhe ction of Fines Ler Fie miw Pea, Cl Ek lh the Bey HOC CO a2 i Ea After years of untold suffe Piles, B Ww, iw OEY wd Hh ring Pursell of = GF RITEnETh MET hat Hema and Frau Plant nid Hem'ths Vv using Fase oak pd 3 ay ARR i 3 A sorta tx PR CRE ToT. ov HE an ‘ MENTHOL ine ALER tse drs 248 provable . J rs “cor. ve, SORE THRO AT. € A : ne. oF Bat aw Ful. wdnr of Cotnred Ss by Dhaw sy sy Fever and Asti ho tra v ONT) Y PR ANS, open ree’ gut ow Bgpriels send fue . = iEe¥, D6 rests. Send te Th ne Henthal, Trea. PAHS PHYS fa, TINERYRER INS. D8 A arnell & Cowher FIRE ILIFE AXD ACCIDEXT wmirin ddisus Witt 's Witte Hh Haze! Salve arch am sewema, rash, Liye pi ples stinate sores are readily cored fumons remedy. (0 Hodgh Patten Pharmacy DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The tamous iirtie pills. he Kind You Have Loans an Always Bought, d Real Esa ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. AR THE KIND 10U HAVE = LWAYS BOUGHT. “=i=ifta nnderwesr tl west nade i, S, Great Bargain Sale at QOINN'S, JOBRNSTOWN. a ) Ths pers t LE ITE and Misses’ sold at a great We will net Rye They everyvhod v's bosiness to boy HERD am they can t a bargain, Wi wll the wile Nleachedd mnisiling wt ie x ning stiwek of and firs smeriiios any of Fd - wt 33 Liss 7 sed As 5h r mst He Ls 5 #s i] EEL 13il #15E i o. Fant PE CEMTRUS CODERNY, REWw yREe OT Hor PRICES RARE STILL THE LOWEST Vi better goods for the [IC stubborn—but We gi “re Our Winter Goods are than ANY Facts are are facts. Compare Reduced to Rock Bottorm. Men's beat Qoece lined [ndersuits Men's fine camel's hair Undersuita Men's common feece. fadies’ flesced long sleeve vests 170 Childrens’ natural wool Shirts small “ o a large LL Ie § - Men's heavy work Shirts Mets light work Shirte-17¢ Men's fine Shirts with two collars 4 Men's black sattine Shirts 38¢ See These Everyday Staples at Prices ThatTalk. Children’s blue Jersey Sailor Suits, Bays’ go sack knee Pants. 2c Bove’ black cheviot Panta, worth Sk Ladies Hose or Cents one-half Hose milk Teck Scarfe and Bows, worth 25¢ Boys’ Windsor Ties 2 for Se Nite Embroidery, 1} inches wide Torchon Lace at le {hildre nas Ma Window Shades, with spring rollers Large eight-day cak Clock, warranted at 2 Here are the —lll@ BIG DRIVES To Make Room for Our Qf Spring Goods. Bx oh drome Shor 40 good stock $1.00 ou R LEADER Men's heavy double-tap work Shoes Men's neat dress Shoes, lace or Men's very good and styl Ladies’ Shoes, heavy or light, Ladies’ good dress Shoes Children's Shoes, No. 1 to 7 oat 35 And a complete line of have no space to mention Leictiow’ Candee Rubber 40e Ladies’ Candee norm Overshoes Men' 8 “R Qihbers- 45 440 and Alm Our whole OUR EN s *T 1 A ki per mint THe per suit 79 lined Undershirts: ge fancy trimmed $1.00 Bays’ doubie breasted Sulla, ages 10 15 at 3% at we at 140 ther Habbard Dresses, fast Foe haar shoes of which we These Prices with our would-be hE we? “ 25 competitors: Hest Parlor Matches per dor. boxes To Tothes Pins. per daz. le {lothes Basket, good and large {(ine-half bushel Basket Se One bushel Basket 15 12-quart Wooden Pail Rest Miners Catton Giaod shoe Brashes 10¢ Croan Stove Brushes He Shaving Brash or Tooth Brosh Se Sik foot white cotton Clothes Line Coffees Mills de Wash Robbers, full se Wash Bailer, No. $5 Ade Dinner Pails, 3 styles each 2 One-gatlon galvanized Of] Cano 1 3-quart nffee PP Ee Large tin Colander (0c Nice large Dust Pan 5 Miners’ Squibs per hoax He soineh Hand Saw, warranted stewed Anger Braces, worth 25 at 10 Anger Bits, best steel, ; to ¢ inch at 10e Cron hardwood Spirit Level, worth Ge CGonnd duck Plane at Sse Sarge nis |erew Ailhistabla Plane Hpin folding Hat Rack - ioe Large gluse night Lamp, gomplete- -100 Nios hand Lamp and Globe, complete frlism 1 Ma Pitoher 3 Hie Two-quart Class Pileher And other Fine Glass Specialities Large Granite Wash Bowl} arge Granite Padding Pan A feeam BReoom 2 for we Copper, Nickel plated Tes RKotties, the best @he iread Pans, 4x8 each 5 Oak Frame Mirrom, 7xi0--at ke emt Table Oil Cloth eR at 1240 Moar Ol Cloth, 1 vard wide 18¢ wre having BIG BARG Al NS £11 3 Taper Cin 1 2 for Se. al $1.24 He 10 er sodor- 200 A at $2.40 af atl He $1.00 $1.00 as 3, Hand } $1 30 THE BAZAAR, BRADY, Prop'r, PATTON PENNA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers