PATTON COURIER + Se amas es en ADINANGE NUMBER An ordinance granting permission (0 (#eorge 8B. (100d to erect poles and string electric light wires along the streets and alleys of the Bor. ough of Patton for the purpose of lighting the same SECTION 1. Be it enacted and or dained by the Bargess and Town Council of the Borough of Patton, Pa, and it is hereby enacted by the author. ity of the same, that permission be and is hereby granted to Goorg reo No Coon, his hedrs, successors or assigns, [0 orect poles, string wires along the ianes and allevs of Borough of Patton, Pa operate and maintain a plant for the purpose of manufactoring and distributing ity, hgh ting the streets, lanes and alleys, private residences, public buildings, ark shop, stores, offre, Xo, inn the Bor. ough of Patton, Pa, or surrounding vicinity, provided that the poles shal be neat and symmetrical in form, and } bss than twenty feet ground, and no than twenty Jeet and provided also said wires 3 SE wt roetsg, the ¥ v3 electri no pole shail be from the top to wire mh all be gronnd, Be shall always Keep property insulated and harm Sed, 2. The poles shall be ander the supervision of the and Street Committees, and shal cated as not to interfere. with Lyset of the strests by the publi Said (reorge 8. Good shall replace and prop erly relay any sidewalk or street pave ment which be dmplaced in the erection of ans poles, and upon fadure tor doy so, « Bourough may make such repr or the expense of the said George 8. Good. Spc. 4 In consideration of the granting of this franchise sad George SN, rot agrees to farnish light for the stpeots, residences, offices, shops, stores, &o., as low in price as the aver. age price now or which may hereafter oe charged | in other towns in the State of Pennsylvania, and shall at all times furnish adequate light to meet all re quirements of the citizens and the proagh of Patton, Pa. A [abure at any time to furnish adequate light or lights as cheap ax the average Lown an Pennsayivanin, is now or hereafter may be furnished after thirty dave from the Burgess and Town Council so to do, and farlore to comply therewith, shall give Jorough the right furnish light to the citizens and for the streets by a plant operated hy themselves, or shall give them the right to grant a franchise inaiiie vidual or corporation so ta do Sec. 4. This ordinance constr to Rive anlo the sui i George 8 Gownd the exclusive ri ’ ty frirnish light as above specitied, but shall not he constraed so as Lo prevent any from farnishiing ight by electricity, or GANT FANT for his, her or their Own private ase, or to prevent the Borough from furnishing its own hight or to grant a like franchise to any per- san or corporation on the faillare of said George 8. Good com 'p fy with the conditions hereof And this franchise granted and rd to be a per. petaal franchise, defeasable by weach of the terms and conditions herein contained Sec. 5 Sad indemnify the Borough Patton against, and assome the lability for damages which may arise or accrue to said Borough from any injuries to person or property from the dang of any work herein aothorized, or the neglect by anid George NX. Good or any of his empraoy “eR LO com ply with ANY ordinance rejative to the use of the streets and alleys of said Borough: and the acceptance by the said George 8, Good of this ordinance shall an agreement by him to pay the said Borough any som of money for which the Borough may become liable, from or by reason of such injury SEC, 6 Said rights hereby granted shall at all times be subject to (he Bor ough ordinances now in force or which may hereafter be passed refative to the use of the public streets and allevs by telephone or telegraph companies Spo. 7. Said George SX Good shail file with the Burgess and Town Council his acceptance of this ordinance within thirty days and shall begin work on sald plant within fifteen months from the date hereof Sec. 8. This ordinance shail be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage, acceptance by George 8, Good, and legal publication thereof, prov ided, however, said George 8. Good shall bear ail the eX petisen in. curred by the publishing and printing this ordinance. Enacted and ordained by the Town Council of Patton, Pa, the 21st day of January, 1868, Approved by the Burgess the 25th day of January, 156%. Gro. KE. PrINDIBLE, Burgess, W. C. HuBrARD, President of Council. thw 1a Fy t hes preset Burgess 13 ime i he joe TaN Bote Lhe ten ved! and ’. Ler any shall oe Une Rom tas is ¢ q5iY CGrownd shall of CenOriee SS, ip Attest E. WiLt Greene, Clerk No-To-Bac for Fifty Centa Guaraniesd lobaccs NaI CUre TAKEN Wer men sirong, bivod pure. Me #1. AL druggists. Pittsburg & Eastern Time Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT NOV 15 1897 Westward [envy J { nion Station Malu fle Bevel Creek Junction Matutley [atumtharst f Motion Weta! { Works 1 sunderland Fik [ak f Barns de Pass iva iene df talon Camptell] Horton Run f Fuller Han ‘ Eastward Lanve 4 # > MERE ER BEER » wh Fuller Run Horton Runt Glen Cam pli Pass rsire Burnside Eik lick 1 Sanderiand Works Wetseil Motioes fate* hurst f Mahafliy Beech reek Junction Union Mtatbon (Malm Mey f. Flag station. Connections~ At Union station, Mahaffey, with Beech Cyvelk railroad, © & 0 division Pennsylvania milroad, and P. & ¥ W ruil road; at Whiskey Run with MeGees & New tonibary mitiremd; at MoGoes with P.& NW. rail Notes-~Until further notice only between Union Station Mahatftey) and Qian Campbell, All tmains daily except San day. H. Hicks, Genem! Manage r, Mahaffey, Pa. Ege gr iw =n 8 in 8433 8 il B15 8 iN 4 20 nag ¥rpy EE a TR el UR BE 3 a po - CE wiz trains. will ran font short Whooping cough is the most distress. ing malady; but ita duration can be by the use of One cough cure which also the best known remedy tor croup and ail lung and bronchial tronbles CW, Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy FirstNation'| Bank OF PATTONX, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. CAPITAL PAID LP, SURPLUS, 80, 000 00 Soh (MH 00) PATTON, Wa HH. Sanpronrn, President Cashier (ret Yon FIRE INSURANCE ELEY James Mellon, J. P. { yoo and reliable CON- x al nies, Office corner of Fiith and Magee Aves” Patton, Pa. VAN WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. apMwiin its DR. S. W. Worrell, PHY=It GAN Offlee in Good ore Room No 3. 84 General Surgery we he Ent a Specialty 3 wells ws RE er inn DR. W. . DOWLER, Physician and Sur; Yd : Fd nfies in Medd Pomtoffoe, Patton, AE salle oY ¥ fon} Dr. V. A. Murray, PHY Sic IAY & SU RGE ON. 4 13 i er Fret tPo. lew k Pa ir Pha pw sad oF Bhs poss (Business. Educaton. The Ander Mt tar ata o3 4 » LENE HON ¥} Mi i gp ON ¥ $ SEND FOR ( ATALOGE FE Pont? nr nt PnP rt Po Poi at nd ARKE Yi READY ¥ yrs sia t y ie? PEER un Poxiagys Het ' entinuaieos {wun § y i Henin wanted ®ETY WwW oF wham ey Ks rl Reg w% GOULD & BEEZER 4s P ATTON PA CREST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are prepared to do all kinds of Casting. Mcohinery, iron Kettles, stoves, slove repairs points, plow re pars. Onur charges are roass abide $3} mvedal amen In oe Pe EAE Daan 8 Fo ¥ # I SPiN: Reuel Somerville, Attorney Ale PatTto Office in the Good Building, JAMES NOLEN, Attorney Patton, Pa. tote, pis Wy S25, PA Tr jaw, ‘ Ofiee (In Good Ballding. M. DAVIS, WwW Attirn: i and Counselor at Law, FLBENSRURKG, Pa. Ri els prosnptly all suchen 1s PPR RYT Jai ang TOR. ALE and CO 143. ARS The Anewt tne G. J. FITZPATRICK Restaurant on Mages avenue, PRR in MEALS AT ALL HU B= Your Watch = may need Hegnlating for ¢ xa minal £34% teil voy, mad if shun pee wei] Pad won bof t ation + IN Sy - Bear iN weit al FEL oh are Tikal TOR ER, CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r Lie Patton Jeweler Accommodations the best. First-class Bar in connection. RATES $1.25 PER PATTON HOTEL, WM A MELLIN Prova PAY. “wit{ Table wag ppd wil hnaow Firstar fame poco ma sat ions with the bent the uarket aff nds WINES and LigUoRs al the Bar MAHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa ais Arstaclass. Best of Lid tear, Stabling altached GEORGE FERGUSON, Prop’'r. PRUNKENNESS Acvomimeostatic and Wines at the ROT CURED thot the Kpowhsdge of the pativel, ean be given strictly in ten, coffee or soup, and the pa- tient will lose all taste for drink without Know. tng why it issue, sure amd rellabie; one box will cure any ordinary case, Price $108 post. paid; free partioalars in plain envelope for Zo starnp. THE CARTER CHEMICAL ou, 10 thon Second 36, Philadeiphia. Minute 10 ¢ 25¢ 50 ¢ ABSOLUTELY GU: ple a and banked Free. Ad eee GUARANTEED STERLING q Br MEDY (0, BOOP DOV VAP 2 COOP PODOODOOD Men's Suits: All £5 ard a SE YS Ihe : i A 50 Ail 7 Lil 8K All 9, 15; Boys Long Pant Suits 19 years Aryl Poi Johueem Plein wi - yield - Mi waist 3 and 8 ow ItesW - For Bova and fro 3 14s were %58 5 50 and 8 naw 88 #5) and T now &7, 7 Hr and 8 8%. 8 and 16 nom Boys Knee Pant Suits For Bays ava) Ir 3 OVERS wold at fy at from Yh 2c i P.M ta 3 All Overcoats at Cost or RJ Tee 3 Wi} ) : ll ining ~~ WOOLEN | . re wg 2 a % 8 ILC TS Pada SPRING ¢ ti care a testes Capearetn are the Ideal Laxn-f fee, mever grip or pripe, gt cape sony saturil results. Sam DRUGGISTS | af Now York, 211.4 Chirsgn, Montropl, Can, | 3 sod at cost, 1 (> and the tol- what- HOW PE BOYS al cont; i ey Wey velba Saal ana Gln SErida 44 Ie ed ¢ To GOODS for All goods bought at this sale must be Spot Cash to All. WOLF & certian THOM PSON, i 1) {yoo in! Ys og wilal not by + Fi MLL Yon are High-Grade Goods Way at the pri CON convinced WwW hat iN ¥ ii 3 1 KH His In tact cveryvth ad ys class up-to-date {.eneral Store. whether vou wish to All goods del Ive red and without charge. promptly a GEO. LIE, ing kept in a hrst- Call purc h: As Or nol. to vour home 5. GOOD.
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