SA AEA AUDITORS REPORT dog opm + Cambria County For 1897 - MOAEY RECEIVED PROM PION OF LANES se anc joke VW hice i . Estate of { haried Von Lunes eMlorson HB and | Assn avid Rtn! Ene ; wine! Lewis ; state of {haries MoFad EC. Brown ] DW Karis Mrs M HB Hida Rebecca Soips. i A tpg A. E. Adams G, H Broun Faw Kiiga en ale See. ie Fgtate of Tov Molen Fatare of Peter Shotphernges Biobaker Usal Ua Eutate of Peter Shietberges Mrs SF Hes L. 3 Manies Richard Rider Folate HM Albwrison ites AH Sayman MOUNT RECEIVED FROM BLES FUR 18a AND PREV Chest twp Philip tnd! Clearfield twp Jewue Nagie ji homes Lath Conemang 1p 1H, 10 Mol fees! Cooperiial Ber fas A Shechan 5 Ly ip : i Dean twp ohn Fueeny i ) : . we WB} resi : 0 Fast Taviot {ep A I. Rage: x ; (rare Biba “E % or 5 : ® alitein bor Lon, Nptege bated i pe We . NP pies Pars . : for i pt Josef po Mor : : : cs Tine Ta, Boo . 3 5 - Expenditures 3 Past Yo long ied Fs x ; } a 5 3 ! wife 3% * 3 * “ Ha rd. ;] abr po 4 . Lamson [ied] Potiage say =. bw tig tat Sur and usush sf J iw i1. 8 ; 0 Pw i = 1 3 wy Bwvi eww Mywev vi ¥e fw Fk ¥ Tier Reade twp John | Mye ale bor B.S. Besad Roxbury bor jas Labo t a Miran: Plarshiseeget Bamth Fork Hos fomeph Jo Spangler bor Nok BS Summerhill twp [ue Susquehanna tap Abram : ares Someery ile Tosneh | bor Andrew Reith L pper Yoder twp boriapin Washington tw Adam So West Tavior tap 8 F Ki Witnore bor (sea, I) Frage r% BELEN ANY NT. RECE: LANDS FOR Adams twp. Ashvilie hor Barsexbor Barr ten. Biackiicx twp Cambria twp Clearfield twp... Crovie twp Cresson ten Daie Born Dean twp... East Tayvior twp Ebensburg boro, Fider tmp Frankia bor Gatiitrin bore Gailitzio twp Hastings bot Iacinon twp Johnstown, ¥t wierd ohastowr, md wal Johnstown, #b dw Johnstown an want ohostown, Sth wed phostown, th ward ohnstown, oth ward lohmatawn, 11h wand Johostows, lath ward shastown, HUE weed johastows rh ward wer Yomter THD Morreiiviiie barn | 3 war Morreiiviiie tu WaT Munster twp Patton bors Portage bor Portage 195 conn Reade tap IE Richiand twp. on RORBUTY Dot ao Spangler boro. Samimerh ill twp SIOBYCIeeE TW cnn Susguehanna tap Tunneik i Bera Upper Yoder twp. Westmont bare West Tayior tap White twp... 2 » # hs Adams wh, conc d Barr twp Biackick tup Cambria twp Chest twp Carroll twp Clearfield top. Conemacg? two. Cresson te) Craoyhe twp Eider twp Gailitzin tap schon tw eade twp Washington twp White top, Lower Yoder twp East Tavior twp Portage tv p Upper Yoder twp West Tagiur twp. MOUNT RECEIVED LANEOUS SOURCES Temporary Loans... H. Myers Tases Exouerate J. W. Hessover cnarge oo Amos H Myiin Y SW. Davis Prattonitary Jobn Hogans Taxes exonerate: CS no i, 3 Taxes Exiouerutt Edward Kee rome Bosrding Frack Debi | FF Fines ‘ Abraham Rearn Taxes eson ois Mc aciey M.D Kittai fo : FRE AL J. A. Hildebrand | f SW. Davis Proth'y trom [3 Saar A. E. Bender bir sand on Jae Steel Motor fabs far quarters vox Deceaiher ist, 3 i is ; Engleside (Coal Uo, Alien 13 a ; x Bo me » ; ; 1 13: tery encliog Sept, Wib a a H I Caithag A 3: : a iyi on IN GITTINGS * 2 rn PM LAWRENG] NN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers