ir SINR: SI WS VOL. V. ~NO. 12, Si oA PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA L W. COOK'S Di fier LODIL IND SENERL HENS Save your checks. On January 1st, 1899, I will give to the person return- ing the largest number of “my Cash Register Checks ‘Gleaned Here and There by | the “Courier” Reporter. GEO. S. Goo & { Erecting Raliroads in the Weat- Progress : in Missouri co. , THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898. PATTON ' PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT | For Fh Muislh Fading February Sth vlad of Pupils Enrolled, 500 : The. Raulon 1 Ts report’ of the) Patton public schools for the fAfth | number sorolled, 500; per cent. of attendance, 2; average attendunce, (450. The attendance this month has been quite irregular, with some tro- | Pe 00 o PER YEAR. iPARTMENT STORE, ALTOONA, PA. HATTON B00 ELECTION. Jas. Mellon Elec ted to the Of- month, ending February 8, 1898: Yomi fice of Justies of the Peace. BOND ISSU E E DEFEATED ‘ancy. We earnestly beg the parents By a» Vole of 20% io 118. Very Close Elec to co-operate with the teachers in flon but Quiet | securing regular attendance, without Following is the resalt of the elec published at Bolivar, Missouri, in | which the best results cannot be ob- | Hoo beld in Patton on Tuesday, Peb- reference to the large railroad contract | ~ V9 iY 2 BR J Ss §7 tained. Perhaps there is no one thing | FOary 15th — those being elected of Geo. 8. Good & Co., no doubt will SlumePomtwtrl HS. A mE | hich conteiiiaten so Hrfely So the gor. desighated by a star {*) preceding the CTR | plexities Of the teachers and to the Dame. A injury of our public schools, as irregu- {lar attendance. Nothing, excent in GOLDSTEIN BLOCK, PATTON, PA. rare cases, short of sickness, should be George T. Smith, Architect, Johustown, Pa. . ©. Hubbard, Builder, Patton, Pa. made an exvuse for keeping a popil Ph — 2 ‘oat of school. Parents should remem. enc soune LETTER : wor 4 cavomare ‘ber that an injury done to a child's News Gathered at Cambris A EB Panos A ot Neglect Business In- | mind cannot be made ap in dollars and Connty's Caplial. tervsls to Allen] to Name, | ponte. Irregular attendance is nimost Ebensburg, February 14.-AD enter- A E Patton, of Curwensvilla, who certain to engender idle habits of tainment will be given by the Ebens Bas been urged by many leading Repub- | 'stody, the intimate its of which | burg public school in the Opera House | liguna in the counties of Center, (lear- cannot be computed. Among the | ‘on Friday evening. Proceeds will be geld Eik, Forest and Clarion, which visitors present during the month were week. Some right of way is yet to be | 180d to paschase books for the school comprise the Twenty-eighth Congres the County Superintendent, Mr. Gib- | procared. Going north from Bolivar, UPTATY. sional District, to be a candidate for the oon, and Directors Sandford and the following force is at work: Mach interest is being manifested in ' Repoblican nomination for Congress Curfman. Johnson Bros. have 15 teams and 35 the arrangements for the Eistedeffod to has positively announced that be would Following is a detailed report of the men. Wolf & Stiles have 50 teams and De beld in the Opera House on Wash- not, ander any circumstances, de 3 several rooms: 190 men. This firm will have their ington’s birthday. | candidate. His large business inter. High Selonl. | : . the first of Mims Minnie Craver, teacher of the euts require his constant attention. | Number pupils enrolled, Juniors, 9; March. M. H. Earle & Co. have 30 Beech Grove achool, Chest township, At present Clearfield county has no, Sophomores, 10; Freshen, 13; total, | | teams and 80 men. This is the section ‘spent Sunday at her home in this place. | candidate for the Cobgressianal nom- 31. Averages attendance for themonth, | fn which is the “Big Cut.” The com- Hon. S. D. Patterson, of Barr lown- ination, and ap till to-day only one 27; per cent. of attendance, 83. Pupils | pany will use a steam drill and has Ship, was among Satarday’s visitors (0 candidate for the Republican nomina- | present every day during month wore: | 1 ‘tion for Assembly has poblicly an | Marry Lewis, Virginia Dale, Minnie | ‘nounosd himeelf William Wood, of Holter, Sarah Holter, Rachel Anderson, The following taken from the Herald, i interest many readers of the COURIER: , “wana Over $00 men and more than 275 teams are at work on the grade be-| tween Bolivar snd Osceola, and work is being carried on as rapidly as the _ weather will permit. The distribution of the force is all along the live, ex- : cept the first short section near Boli- Tmportant 1) | var, which was sublet to the Cherry. | vate Construction Co. This company | is engaged on other work for the Frisco, and has relinquished its section bere. It will be under contract next Justior of the Pener. Alex Hunter, Republican, 205 *Jas Mellon, Democrat, M44. Councilmen, *E. P. McCormick, R., 281 *Frank Anderson, K., 321 *Jobn W. Seheid, R., 30. Jobn RK. Cordell, D., 1857. W. J. Donnelly, D., 138 Ed Little, D., 171 Sehool rectors “Geo. H. Caorfman, R, 238 Sidney Roansiey, R., 186 *R. McPherson, D., 221. Harry Hasson. D.,, 188, Aserasor, F. H. Kinkead, R., 202 *John Somerville, D., 334 Avditor *C. A. Repsher, R, 332 Harry Todd, D. 188 Judge of Election. *John Truman, R., 256. D.HRC Warren, D, IT3, Taspeotor, Of standard make. Will be September. Full Particulars on exhibition and smiled on his many friends in this place Patton Pharmacy. Largest Stock of Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars i Tobacco. nite At rn BI 1: STR. A 5 A RL 4H PN nn EARN CO In the front rank of Hard. ware Dealers is the J. E. KIRK HARDWARE CO. ready with a spr fine of | anges A full Oil Stok I to 2 yards + in width. ‘able Oil Cloth 1 _ from, Bisel Carpe. weepers robes to sell cheap, uh full 4 and complete line of almost ev hing kept in a Hardware Send in your orders by mall if you Haven von a room or two ready for matting ? The cleanest, cheapest floor covering ever made. We have just laid in a supply of new fresh China and Jap mattings. Also a full lire of Carpets rang- ing in price as follows: 25¢, 33¢, 40¢, 50¢, 6oc, 63¢ per y ard: also better grade. Come and see for yourself. J. E. Kirk Hardware | Company. {80 men. Jerry Conley has 30 Fifth and Beech avenues, ing ; building. : Oppo- Clymer, 3b: Grabam, ¢; 210 men. O'Connor has 10 teams and teams | and 60 men. B. B. Gager has a of the work north of Weaubieau, and | is working 10 teams and 15 wen. Cook & Outhwaite are working 12 teams and men. A W. Scott bas 20 teams and men and helpers, and 30 teams are at work. Messrs. Rannells & Beawall, the timber contractors, are working a number of memand teams. Fight cars| {of tiling are béing distributed along the line from Bolivar. Six cars of, powder und dynamite have been re ceived for use on the line, Will Prindible, of this place, is look- of Lock Haven, well-known here, is. ‘| desing in the same capacity in Tezas, where the above mentioned company | | is constructing a large piece of railroad. | Geo. B. Good, the senior member of the firm, is still in the south-west engi- ‘peering his vast interests. nt on The Greatest Wonder. The greatest wonder of the age— Bdison’s marvelbus projectoscope will wxhibit at the Firemen's Hall, Patton, | Pax, on Friday and Saturday evenings, Pabraary 25th and 26th, for the benefit | of the M. L. Society of the Lotberan | church of Patton. Living, moving spimated pictures projected on acan- vase life like and life sive. Also hear the graphaphone, the loudest and noost | distinct talking machine on earth | {Tickets are for sale by Mm. C. C. Gren- inger at the hardware und furnitare store of the J. E. Kirk Hardware Co, | and by Mm. E. M. Smale at Good's store—only 25 and 15 cents. Died at the Poor Farm. 'almshouse while wandering about the north of the county last fall and who was a helpless cripple from an affec- tion of the spine, died at the almabouse day morning. Three Patton Players. . The Lock Haven Express of last ‘ week contained the following: ‘The Normal base ball team of 1598 has been ‘organized with the following players: { Rice, 1b; Coleman, 2b; Carrier, ss; Parst, If: iCounlter, cf; Baker, rf; McGeeham, : Shafer and Baker, p. Baker, Coulter and Clymer are the star players of last | year's Patton team.” Award. The highest ‘award of poablic opinion | has been conferred upon the Cinderella | Range. It is guaranteed to bake and iroast. Sold by J. E Kirk Hard ware Co. Bull a good assortment of overcoats, shows, underwear and shirts "at the half-price counters. Tue KEeyoroNe Croriize Co | Patton Markets. Subject fo | Butter, Tenis pet End Ca . LW = Buekwh wes a 3 REN Potatoes... is a - LAERORS 300 MINERS Stone On rn mited? #Eits, ot 1 i va he tS a ps market chal ges: on da ME i 3 a x ‘50 men. About 100 masons, quarry- after the interests of Geo. 8. Good | & Co. in Missouri, while B. N. Walker, | Charles Winters, a German pauper who was sent to the Carnbria county at 2 o'clock Monday morning. He was aged about 50 yearn. Winters had no were interred at the poor farm Tues on Tharsday. A awmber of Sieighing pasties from J ee am aio me ort ht ‘wagons had to be umed instead of cutters. The ladies of the M. E ohuieh bed] their usual sale of bread, ples, cakes, | ‘ote, in class room of that church on | Sstarday evening. On Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock in | the Holy name church, Ebensburg, Mr. Valentine Anstead, of Cambria town. ship, and Miss Maggie James, of this plice, will be married by Rev. J. J. | Demsy. We offer congratuistions. A. O. K. Cotivention. Fred Mellon, M. J. Ryan, Michael M. W. A. Mellon, Bd Little, of this place, and Petar Cairne, of Car rolitown attended a coanty convention of the A. O. H. at Lilly on Sanday at which convention a consolidation of the two branches was consummated. elected: DD. Cronnin, president; Peter Cairns, vice president; F. Hogan, cor. responding secretary; T. FP. Mellon, financial secretary; J. Fleming, treas. arer. Arrangements were also made jlohald + grand Sasquet w= LAY on |8t. Patrick's day i Chareh Notice. {AN services as usual ie the Methodist | Bpiscopal church next Sunday. Preach- ingat 1030 a m and 730 p. m. Sun | day school at 2 p. m. Epworth League ‘at 630 p m. Class meeting after i Decatur township, a leading miner of Clara Myers, Richard Owens, Asna | ‘that section. Tt is said, however, that four other gentlemen, including the - present members, F. G. Harris and Joseph Alexander, will come out, and that there will be a warm contest for 1 14 two seminations, Clearfield County Murderer. It took just 15 minutes Saturday for ‘the jury st the Clearfield court inves- | tigating the inmunity of Stephen Spel-| : {len to determine that whatever his | mental conditions was when be fired the | shot which killed Michael Reber at Du- | Bois, he is at present of nnsound mind. | All Soo SEOVICTS for boil Hie resid and quibblad over the advisability of evidence. During the argument Spel. Evans, Angie Cordell, Mamie Jones, Whole namber in attendance, mules, 32; femalew, 23; total, 15. Per cent. of attendance, males, MW); females, 92; total, 91. Perfect in attendance: Car *Wm. Clark, R, M40. | *Jas. Gilliece, D., 182 Inerense the Debt Debt may be increased, 202. *No increase of Debt, 218 The Methodist Conference Pennsylvania Conference of the Meth odist Episcopal church will convene at | Opera House, Danville, Pa. oa Wednesday, March 23. Bishop E G. | Andrews, of New York City, will pre gide at the reguisr sessions of the conference, and the secretary is Rev. T. & Wilcox, of Shamokin len sat staring st the floor, stolid and rie Holter, Effiie Jenkine, Anna Jenking, | Tickets are now on sale for the immovable as a Sphinx, looking more unconcerned than any of the spects- | tors. At times he betrayed some furtive interest, but woold immediately | ! relapse again into his impertarbalent | | Mary Owens, Anna Quinn, Iona Sand. ford, Nellie Shaffer, Walter Beckwith, Elmer Crowell, Charles Cordell, Jobn Edmiston, Hugh Hunter, Jacob Hunter, Reaben Huist, John Ingles, James masqoerade ball to be given by Patton | Fire Co. No. 1, by FP. H. Kinkead, Jack Scheid and Wm. Probert. The fie company will have some extra ocost- ames to lease to those who may desire condition. Many witoesses were called Jones, George Myem, Thomas Rouns- the same. Apply to F. H. Kinkead. Joshow the scious of Spslien dary | the past few years. He will .manded to an insane asylum, where he | will probably spend the remainder of bis days. ! Rod and Gus Club Organised. Ou Tuesday evening the McCormick Rod and Glun Club of Patton was organised with the following named | members: Dr. & W. Worrell, Wm. C. | Hobbard, Chas Leese, Edgar Laney, Robt. Lochrie, Robt. Leese, Geo. Spence, James Spence, Wm. Edmiston, ley, Leroy Wilkins, Beanie Wilkine, Wilson. Epa M. ZDaMERMAN, Teacher. Sewind Jutermedinte. Per cent. of attendance, males, 91; fomalen, 94; total, 88. whole number Isaac Lowe, Chas A. Wolfe, Thos J. Hill, John Moran, D. H. C. Warren, - William Boyle, Harry Williamwon, at and Keeping the Command. : ments.’ A Branch at Farmesboro, The Keystone Clothing Co. of Patton ‘has established a branch store at Barnesboro. The ; store room of J. A. Woleslagle, drug- gist of that place, has been secured and O. B. Straw of this place will manage the same. God Broad. If you want good old-fashioned bread ‘like mother used ts bake, buy the Cindereils Range. Its large. high oven insures good baliing and roasting, sold by J. E Kirk Hardware Co Secon! on he Lisl. During 1897 the Beech Creek ruiiroad handled over 4,000,000 bushes of coal and coke. This is the second larg coal basiness done by any coal road In peg the United States Chanting Out Sack. We are closing oat stock in at poet in order to make root spring goods, Don’t ous this tunity while it lasts. Cali at ones Miskin & KisnEn Gentlemen sew our spring samples of anitsa made © order $1500 and upwarsl. THE KEYSTONE Crore Co. tn recording the returns of births and deaths in Clearfield county, the deputy register learned, according to the wesesors, that the following diseanes prevail in that county: “Fhumony,’ “eonsumtion,’ Carysipelas,’ “wolera,” “Heaver,” ‘wolery, “mwembrains, ‘“colerndiantom,” “Stamich,”’ “‘pha- nomia. * pendicitis” and “amonia.’; John Hunt, Jr, Jolin Cailaban, Harry Todd, John Martin, E. P. McCormick, Joseph Hubbard, John W. Wolfe and E Will Greene, The following officers were elected for three months: Robt Leese, president; Robt. Lochrie, vice ‘president; Wm. C. Hubbard, financial secretary; Chas A. Wolfe, correspond- ing secretary; E. P. McCormick, treas- urer; Edgar Laney, captain. A Giraad Ofer. Cm Jaruary 1, 1408, C. W, Hodgkins, of Patton Pharmacy, will give to the person returning the largest amount of cash register checks | that is the largest amount of represented by cheeks & valued at $i iN inatrament will on exhitition tis IN 8 re shodagid PRO Ley panor organ The bar in September. TV afer SYery ote Bo ix Bay 3 od marsane BAI £5 Hal Lhe thw $343 fay TE wy of 4 Th w COURIER from past offers Tal every ” » Les Veen sad Mr id vRrtie hye will be 3 Slaps detail enrvied oul to the very ne ’y save your shed Rn Al Palmer Hos the regular will be ut the Paliner February 1sth to 2d lovihusive a # wy =u T% Af taming an J. ke opladian, Paton, Fem ® 8 we 12% Seal x Liberman, visiting House ive ATs 4 defect visicn of oid and young and fitting proper with glasses that glasses will corm. It will pay you to deal with me for l come regularily and de proper work Parties wishing to see please above date, at Palmer honse, roan No. 2. Eyes tested free of charge. J. Lo LisERMAN Optician. lnssen, All errors corrected wa #3 yote tow . Lewis, Edith Spencer, May Jones. Nixa Warxen Teacher. First uterssedinie. Number of pupils enrolled, mules, ‘35: females, 24; total, 1. Per cent. of attendance, males, WM; females, S85 Perfect in attendance: Arthur Jenkine, | Reese, Charles Mulligan, Harry May, Sealed proposals will be received i i Notloe 1 Huilding Coutrsetorn. i i |ontil 8 p. m. March 10th, 1998 for the James Kerrs, Charles Gradwell, Leott | Daniel Jerking Clemens Biller, John Lehman, Marshall Glass, Riggie Rad. | cliff, Louis Laird, Tommie Davidson, | Elnora Truman, Awvarilis Tackitt, Ve. netta Crowedl, Mary Hewlett SARA” JONES, Teacher. Third! Primary. enrolled, 9: per cent. of attendance, Number tendance, My: 83: number present every day. Charles Abbotz, Oscar Danielson, Ned Crompton, Dennis Burkey, Roy Com. mons, Josie Jenking, Thomisine Hol ter, Mary Leonard, Minnie Beckwith, Nora Patterson, Liznie Saitagiver, Fan. nie Wilkins, Thille Fedor GERRUDE Hruosas, Teacher Sera Prinaary Number enrolled, SO: tendance, $i per cent, of attendance, 1: number nrissesd no days, 14. Brace Beil, Willie Jenkins Joe Gelisrdi Willie Meghan, Daasel Morgun, Joe Fetoniae, Albers Wiksher Millard Roth. rk, Ida Foresberg, Eidos Kessler, Annie Met drmics, Bessie (@uing, Clara Short. Annie Seka Aves Mavi Gian, Teacher Flips: Pramary. Namber snrotied, mides, A) females, 1; total, MM Average allendance, muaies, 43; females, IT total, 8 Per cent, of attdnd: nies wi leminles To: total, i Those missing no dave Charley Beck, Wilfred Curlbeim, Frank Caiaghan, Charley Lees, Diek Morgan, John Shay, Harold Welshir, John Moreaq, Maggie Jones, Geniveva MeCormick, Andy Shay. Ia DECKERT. Teacher. T. J. Fruron, Principal - avernge at average al- pi AE in 2 A A A A A AR A A A A dh BAA AE AAA AAA SAAS SA SAAS AA AA AA SA AAA SSSA wipe | materials and work required in the erection of the St. Mary's Catholic charch, Patton, Pa. Plans and speci fications can be seen at the store of John Yahoer Patton, Pa, and at the office of Geo. Kreager, architect, Ruth ¢ | Block, Johnstown, Pa The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. F. E Farasavos, Sec. Buiiding Com. CASTORMIA. FZ Tt One Minute Cough Cate, cures. Minute Cough Cara, en : Ripans Tabules assist digestion.’ Ripans Tabules: one gives relief, Ripans Tabules cure fatulence, io $ Merchant Tailoring Means a good hit and if you come to our establish. ment that is what you get We make you a Fine Suit of Clothes ranging in price from $s up, and perfect fit guarantesd. We will show rou the largest and faest line of Sprang Goods ever bro ght to this 3 nts Ty SEE HERE Al i=uilE Ma ards > Dy as wiki he Kept in repair. chsned Piss fOr One vear they are purchased. UNE Bla. TTON, ion of the A3 ni alter Next wo P.O BN NN VN NT NT NT YT YT YT YT rT TT PT PY PT PTY TTT ITP YTV IY YY ORY YT YYY *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers