a wi A EA ed at od Si ———— |scaskas PIONEER WOMAN MINER. . ABRAMAM LINCOLN. 1 THE NEWS EPITOMIZED, fre. Murtha WM. White Has Received n Born ¥ehrasry 12, 180% Inasagarated President of the United simtes March 4, TI (FATAL BLAZE N BOSTON. 1 » Medal From Congress. 1A61: Disd April 15, 1865, Washington Itemae. A BIG CAVE. | Mrs. Martha M, White 1 not only the frst o a . ! ; ' mt, Snes tn : woman iio seek gold in Kiaska but she was f Dn 3 § Tent from Ran Joss, Costa RICH. annommes i : : ; . Pinar a revolution has Deen inangarated | SIX MnHo! 4 0 ir \- Wondertal Formations Seen in a Peansyl- :he mother of the first white child born on ifn i : ! tip r a S Members of the City's Fire De ~ vapia Cavern nesr Madisondurg ie Oook” s niet, An d » aha » has received a medal br = Respetary of the Treasury Gauge sent So partment Perish, taal : the House of Bopresentatives an estimate i A telpgram receive] at the State Deny! i et $451 i oa N——— ¥ ‘ : for an apprap rigtis wa of SFE A008 1a aon A big cave on the Detrich farm, near i A Pimms the surveys ay tion for deep | : Madisonburg wits partially explored ; ; \ Ee ae wt for the first time: by B. F. Miller, Mad. ¥ | Ee BURNED IN A DEATH TRAP. Isanburg: John Long, Pittsburg: Her : | ver. ashing alli tram Miller, and others, They descen- ar } i . gd |p on i Bes ed 50 feet, found a cave threc-quarters Z A k | The Agri-gitural Appropriation Hil Be” | The Ruiding Where the Disaster oe. of & mile jong, With numerous winding: | i o- “ Tae HASAN BY th) Senate i ¥ and chambers. There are streams, Wa : Ww § y > = > i A Bu mbur st fen egporvers met and de. carved Had Been Hepaired in a Bong terfails, onderiul domes. morater pil all ; 5 3 1 ; ER 3 L And to Ask fhe Administration at Wash. ting Manner—flnol Collapses? and the Ta Pain Ar Thos. rd Stata tien Dn 3 - _ ] y, oe oa et py ington $e en leavr to indaee Prossia to : Five fighters Were Buried in the Rui stalagmites said to equal the Mam. spd Sand” | 7, A ra, ; = NG : § withdraw the order exemding Amertenn | : nn re > ! y/ : : . vk wit { —Figtung the Rae For the Tragedy Tow Cheri WEES PRL : A : (A LE 1 5 Toe : ! shone] Marshall 1. Ladingion was po ve § . 5 ar Jollewing am H ean. gostbid : : ! yi p 4 7 v u . % , virstad da bee (GURriersaelordiine ral ewriin, Mme (Seeing nix Dremen is Nprings, SS Logan Mains Me Koeeaps REN : ’ Sh i 1 £ i} 1 ee bh y : Arm ¥ Ivy (hw Pr wien i ling a fiat tlt ahied rte and a [en 38; Daniel Keitlein, dead, Appollo, $6. gz EA | vr LY di BY 1 } Fdwart BT A hy porn. Was tenant. wees Killed at 4 fre Bere, whinsh Robert nak, Rurgetistown, $5. John | 4 4 : fi | Sy Va : 3 eR Ne fi | annten to sureamt Lhe ate Judge 8 Wo Burned ontihe interior af § dyaistors bail B. Renley, Elton, #8: Joseph W, Wey | 58 oo 3 0 iE Er 3 ai gE Dur’ ~~ BF | fenuay on the Federal Dhol mn a BR 1 ine an Merriman stpsed piprihont Yon § or ant, Osterburs, $i to t%: Warren Chat DR : : z oy : ’ % wv = ~ NS £5 3 BE i MET [riwtmiot of Nou Yo dru Fu 20 ni Freisad Bon ¥ Fee, Hatch Hollows, $5 tor $5 vs it Rerins Re a # 4 . » % The § nite f Xystes MiaGee, Pittsburg, $8; minor of Berta. 3 TN pet : TN § s ie. v : LA = yen 1 min Barpes, [Cittsburg, $10; Henry — ! 12 (11 EA Ee 7 # i A } babe, j & The dead are 1 F. Hgas Gime) shiaf Young. Unjontewn, $8, Samuel I, Tar oe 3 Flay a § 4 FN 4 . bin tedngaty titnees pen called on James Vickory captain Endites Noo > ant rance, Soldiers and Sailors’ Home a g $I gL : 73 mine 1 a te tn 5 : isin ERginee Null. Wane Erie, $6, Wisin Kennedy, Henfrew, JF 277A Tl IH . A] | LE X | of a Denartment of Commerne and Tad | 0 ® L$: George B. Lindsay, Pittsharg, $120 i: XO . AE ' : I ¥en No, 3 Patricd HH Disken hoses: Fohy ‘Benjamin F. Crawford, North Fast, 5. A West h ; ay | um ! ral Maps has sedaned Maier | 4 Mulhern Gromer: WJ. Walsh, Bossman John J. Glass, Altoona, $6; Mary Ans i! | x & LF. A ARGC) | Hneker Foneth Chvadey to cesmand (he + Fou hor Hremen were buried in the © Porter, Vanderbilt, Fayotte $8. Mar | Ricmlige peil ut He . * I Rese, Burtvilie, Potter, $16, John Hart. soll ‘Uniontown, $%. Joseph H. Bparks VE Crearfield, £24 to $30. Margaret 1 Gil : : : ‘bert, Pittsburg, $5; Moses BH Taggart % ; . (RHEL Ay BE : Wilkinsburg, $3: William CC Louder APs MARTHA ¥. WHITE, TA Thi Divrmmatiy. hack (dead), New Eagle, Washington, soso $12: Thomas M. George. Port Perry, from Congress for her bravery in reseniog | : ty ; $6; William McConnaughy. Adtech, thres shipwreskaod sailors, Mrs, White as | : X y 3 Seg ; I Soanioan in oa SEs over family trond a | 2 inn ; wn The foage a. C¥luntingdon, $i; Jenn FF. Berkerimer, eom panied her hnaband to ths poll fAeids ¢ a y ., 8 " { $d Fey ; : : “ln $i plored 1 § Win p wisils 508 Parpes, Warren, 36; George Roe, Ei and ber private fortune = $10000 which | : oh at man Who sommnitte tak in] fon 3% and 38, which is 8 double som i Hon, $8: Warren Cooper, Washington, be panoed haraal!, : py re A heaton, was lentiiad ns] PARY, ware on the second floor Siddeniy 3 Logan a hi Putin B al a A 3 ; fs geil / SR 5 wy Tara Pot irheits ' Naw i * - { A i , go ames Carsdn, Bellefonte, $4 to $8 i : 4 dl ; p \ X 4 fir : i ; j ie 4 M a : Samus M. MeMurtie, Ballafinte, % 10 Gti RMANY BARS OUR FRU! Y. | ; Py » : wo! . Jamon ¥ ts 3 Tours nepoar he £ and ki 1] harying t dyn Appanamn he ¢ bya Hi; Bashan Shaffer. Shirieveburg, Importation of the Fresh American Prod. I” 4 oe 1 NA 22 AN NN ties MAR I8 2 Awice SAL Ia Enaguay, ARs |, Tue sficfts of the Sremen wwe Hirectad Huntingdon, $8 iret of Fyery Kind Prohibited. oo CAN 77 NW I OY \ A he mis Bodie ot the hab vel A ie Forage Swinr which the ab z ak : ; : oid ! % / ) 5 pr manda Dodgy a i povernmunt’s 1 had Dean oc oogagh he progress of 18 a he Tahrurien Wham 0 Eee ne Tho Prussian Minister of Finances Dir Hi 4 , LR band Hef ox padition sailed from Port. | fames wax chaeked in that Heetion hut 1 335 volumes In the State library, includ. | ‘laa, isusd a decreas, which goes into | 070070 HEE Ty... i EAA) ares W Eyter TN A Rout afte: the soslqem elu tie ine duplicates oF State documents or | affect immediately, prohibitisg the impor. LPP i r : 1 bh ii it On ] Ary fe . 4 HE ssrnpaving tha debris orld le ’ ¢ ¢ 2 : ;. J f LY RY y 4 Er it ovr of the Pusan | Cw CC : i | fresh frat. The Aw prs has ra 13 J 1 } d yy EL % i ia af hear § ne { bad Beas 15 wis fognd pinned telwoey the timber ; ARETE BLY 3 abesnt mideeny hot ween the Arid gnd second ptarabd (bentenapt Farias seal with See te nan? ARs (Es RnT YY Rye basmet Aaliyoned . hy raries into the State Hotery work. "eo ‘went Ho all the German ports and fron gee E. ; ; 1] % 3 \ AAR kndwn in Ohio paifties for many vars ba ; states that II libraries, some With glee stitions, excepting Bavaria, Saxony i 8 ; : { PEDAL BY eae ay : fara coming Yo Washington, For mans Score, having fallen Irom the fourth ‘branches, have been established under and Wurtembarg., The United States Em 7 111 iti Aaa gt soars fe puldished Hepabiioan sewspapors flor. Captain Garrity was found withis th: Hterary act of June IX, NSE. Mr hassy was not previously warned, and the 1 7 : ; J LY i - 1 mers al fe ali " chu n few lerd § When pinned ander ‘Egle claims that portraits of George United Rtatas Ambassador, Mr Andrew ¥ 1 7 114% AR ; T= sf Hi 7 seme Meavy fiabews and was hroaght ‘Washington, Thomas Wharton and White, sent a formal letter to the Foreign ; E35 \ _ Shariff Mansey, of Decatur, ib sme fo, E51 asin lens to sondition. fas. Benjamin Franklin, owned by the State Ofee inquiring upon what asthority this bean given a warnant 10 arrest his OWS 408. 1 way had heen in «ght of ihe rescaling DD a al] (hat they ought Intmbind om Tas Pa : bis a rc suey re Joe Mansey for the mands ot Mat Me. party for some time. He wan pinned ander So be peturned The doctor also thinks Tha nite] States Conenl at Hambouer LINCOLN 2 GETTYSBURG ADT RERS Rininy in 19 mop foe hed . rime ITE tt y Kish hebd hie legs in seh An effort should be made to recover the | Dr. Hogh Pitealrn telegraphs that 15 ome | (Polivarsd at the dedication of the Rolitivrd’ National Oametery Novembor (5 (0083 : pheai Fan BaP if ROW srvig am APLC |g mgnner that the timbers had to De sawed frat American tiag unfurled In British | barrels of American apples have been for Four seors and seven years ago oar fathers brogght forth on this continent a eno m e Pani ys through before he somid ba released. Doh waters during the revalptionary war, biddan to be anlasded, and that tao trains pew nation, conosfeid in liberty, and Aedicated toa th hat } i A cow Col d the sofhbagnd fain ue FHF runthes me 5. Hn ht at wes rr IPT Ey hy 3 u) ox AY iy wan = ‘and he states that the stars and stripes full of American fraft haves aise bean for. | created aquai, Now we are engaged in a great 2ivil or testing whether that Ta ] the st. Louts, iron Mountain und Southern ; utieny Ruslan raised on the citidel of Mexico upon its Midden to aroms ths frontier at Emmerich | of 48% Nation so conceived and x0 dndicated san jong sadars, We are msl on a grost | | Railway near Hetiatite, Mo. James Frame y. +3 Captain Victore and Cust Egan ware | amure has mysteriously tnd which, aside from Hamburg, is the prinet. | battlefield of that war Wa hava sorae to dadieats a portion of that Sell as a | ine deiver and W. Childs, the fire. fies) there wars some signs of fe But ‘rom the Btat: tuiiding. val piste of sutry tor Americas frit, final resting piass for those who Bere gave their ifves that the Nation might Hee | COU C00 killed. When the formation | Egan diad an the way to jhe hospital and Michael Hart, 4 #8, whom the no On Fanti nf this news. Mr. White seni 4 Jt i altogsthor Attia and proper thint we shonbd do thie Brit in a ixrosr senses wa - il Na Fagey that Rar Sushand ry you - x3 heat ten minutes after reaching Ahoritien of Ciearfeid Ee en second and stronger remconstrance to the eanBat Sadieate We SABO sORsSruta. we asunot hallow this ground The heave | S00 UT esame porost rated] with Hire Phe four men remaining under the after for two yi om the charges of | Foreign OfMew, calling attention to the wi mon. living and desd, who strug geied Ber have cansesrated it, far abave Sar power to | iy a fsa a few minutes Inter murder, was arrest ed the other night dent shviation of the treaty. add or detract. The world will little note. nar long remember, By bat | FU MOS Wane irned to death and an. The eal hs alld en Adding on a freight Te Ere : At tiv Foreig Office it was learned tha it smn pevar foraat what they Sid hare ft is for Hs hg Fp vy or toy ta Ars Ne ated | ther Pict ond ved fatal wineies in a tre whieh Wh nets of the telling. vaigami at murdered man ‘was named Laski, oe tha Proscian C30! sroment prohibits tha an. fore tothe ufnisbied work whieh they whe Tonight hers have th Par wis Bibi add fomt # ytd the Viotnr Jalil in Or $3 phe Cmnek 4 8 Wy E” Seti Seu : The Anmage fo 1 bulider of Dubcls. Hart and try of American frult on sanitary pretext vanced Tr fe rather for us to he hare indiated th the reat task remaining before 54 Ol The fone mel wera Iaduinirs who had pi ton : 188 ten] wil} hing 1 ae total ap be two other men, named Curry snd Ret sisiming that California and other vermig | —that from these Bonorad dend we take increased ‘devotion tn that cause for whieh | 0 arrested for distarbance. Their o., Phe Ey Pas aly Es on toy, were accused of having waylaid thromtfan to fntant/ Garman trees and froly they gave thor inst {31 menswra of Aavorion. that we Mere iiglily acles that thes | TORE or help were heard: by hundreds § 700 FTE - ange op ping Lene - mr Aoged «Bal mt pave died In vals that thi Nation, gGnaer (howl shail bave a meow hiply | OF pemeons whe) wars powerless to aid | hetst and Mbicsnary Roelety and the Tew killed and robbed him. Curry and Kot 0 it af ’ 3 8 d that ET of the ponte, by Lt} ¢ buen 3 wd ya 14 thnim fost Tempde faansiation own the stroe ley are serving ong terms In prison fon WASHINGTON SUICIDAL MANIA - rick oom a yl 5 vepnsnent of the poopie, by the people, for the peopde ablmlin | ’ i i To . iA EP ie PEE pw J wh * sve 145 ME « x Charles Davia a Pittsburg & Erie 777 Tayler Leaps Out of » Window and FARMER MURDERED IN BED. ED PERSONS | Territory #08 Nond of tw th re weg | ChMuiren: Hossman Diskon 3 widow dnd brakeman, was riding a car over a high Her Father Tries to Hang Himself, > it Rd 4 SONS. | four-yonrold staery, to de dwtbeaped on 3 er nant — trestle at the steel mill at Now Caetls The sricidal mania which has casa a Wis Wife Woke Up to See an Ave Crash go000 Marders Father, Mother, Wite, Twa April § Iw The sale amaonnts to $325 Faas leaves a son an I ea Lule is trestle was immediately over the pumber of attempts af Ww. aa Throngh His Head, Children snd a Boy. i Ee an te go 1 he Ho hi de # rar ads fig Walsh was t @entyvoeipht vours oid and lived self dew Podnweeat de i hee Padding Tormiarry, piace whers red-lot cinders are thrown fr atonal Ha 3 and rT Pred ers fe I BIOWE 1 Washington for the past seversi weeks af Michaal Nery a Tarper spvonly wvhare Taformation has just bean poeved ‘thrown on the cinders to ool them footed] Wnitor Tavior, a clerk in the Treas The steam bWinded Davie, and he fell ary Department, and his pretty twenty with his mother Jobs 1 Muihern was a pid, living near Lancaster six mfiss [70M parder on a farm seven mi north of M : retary Lambe Postmaster Clonwesl 1 stugle san twenty.eight voars of age and a . : en Bu ¥ nA TArDm woven igi ner OF Mul i Cinry Chairman Ding ies aid thors spake Bax & brothers in the Fips Ainrm Depart. Bufabo, N.Y. wax kilind bv a» Polish ia srry, Franklin County Are Rix mapecdis | ot the disner of Ihe Haltimors Meprohants resid Hawn from the (ar meh! into the hot 1 VERE 1d I dagghter, Laay, Mins Taylor has | borer, [are was hacked to death with an wat death at A : | sted Marufestgrors’ Asmeoriglion, James 3 Baoberts of ihe Hobesls (ron | . Was jarsibly burned fue 4 . bean in [1 health for some time past, and | axa. The mative was rah ry. Me Ne TH married no PhimEe pa 4.4 SEP, sarah Wharton, «ixdy-fee and het Coampany, who oesanied the baitding ros his knew CAP Wha broken, His injuries hay ilinems samy ed & suicidal form wife of the murders wakoned ¥ nan 1nrty yeas bod SEE | Aagehter Warton Dewenty have ind Foie ond INTL 5 To Cony veges ag vated that the 13 andl fatally. CL Rie was with Aim Re, 8 TR ep An. Was awakens santa Lait a hanes of his fath a 1 8A arion twenty have inhabited a gaps ir Gg. stated tha 1 | EBAY : Esse iffiealty persuadad to ra | shortly after 8 ochek a Wm, by EY ay fvad near by and Fidel a bow wha wax one and. a-Baitstory frame dwelling at | Stmiclans was damaged by fee in 178 The ‘ Thomas F. Shisgiedecker, Frank A. re toher room, and aboul 1 o'clock tn the | of agony, and saw man MandNE wd at the time, and then Wh wan BL Pater Broess, Pens tor sevarad years. The | 8 ders an all the Boars and the spose Hover and J. W. Foulkman of New moroleg, after a violent struggle with her | over her husband, who had been ant tees ir ad tear thar tee hr The Bre La tame canght fire Wednesday night, it | Diao supporting the mol wees natin Castle have just returned from a trip Daremks: Who 116d tu had her she piungsd | beside bor. Before she sould reaiize what | Sefors they saul Nand 4 defences) t, from a lamp. and Doth wolnen | 8% Age), some almost Sursed Lhragh to Florida, whery they secursd an op. rongl a window of leer home and fell | was gotng on » hats Set, which (he ssa | su felied them 16 the Soo ith n rinmia ] Wers burned to death Instead of substituting subsiantisl =p 2 : ile : £3 wha ports wal Mr Rolwrts the shared ties : Hien on 4 40,000 acre of land Iying in the ; : then ran, terribly ut and bruteed, through time cleaving her hustaand's bead a Fionn Yai Sas ” aul vial y i AF OSiears when imurlcopnent fF Phil § . * ilies “> & TRE i Wk 3 i i y i % = ER “EB x td , + : . 3 : I got toto a snowbank in the front yard. She | ant had in his hand descended a seasoned lie : Frank ® Wright shot asd Gillie! Liimpeel? “of the state along the sad twams ware afiowed 10 Tears ud : wars covered with matehad hoards, Lonnie and Nashville railroad. Ji is’ the sists, and atter x halt. hour's search | an sopeaming from the room, the man £54} er fiat he hod alee Gitied hin | fessed smberriement stared Him in the be Intention to organize a jand com- | hin Ee . in : uid by | towing her and striking her on tl 8 {fa mend fps sR on Betore § wont to bi face. He had hein married Nee thas (ive | at Woe BRU tecater 1 feared the pany and raise sugar cane and cotton, ol Nr 5 a " : a Wag taken home, and it} with tha Mant ated af the instr tat hur'a Teciyie na flores Zaid tt | wonks and nad ware a good renatation py markinery of the upper Aor was build a town, and have sn sugar refin- ; m found that during her alsence § Mr Sore Sad tos eighbors hots Feat ir ations Bat fhe wr ck hw | Wrteht was eniletor forthe B® Collier AT ABY Me : . her father had hanged hinart! Ey a room | he gate the » Sra More Bebo the |v Tema id not Boh Ste ry and a big cation mith stiashnd to tha holler of & stoves 4 Ha — - = i vida Mn ry ¥ : i Hung. Reb ps traae thao Jimw wong die. | hing Compan we Tromant iA An explosion aceurred a few dave out down and removed to the hompital an ta a no at : ns Wick { ft. ual HY 8: 4s TO it i= thamght that Be | Flae trig ¢ pha Be Dlapenoe Dove Sr 1 Pend sich Trpmtes of the a ago at Lilly, Blowing the +nd off a eonsediops, : hargel witht a of Song; ne al LL it | 2. { roof Amys Haviland sanded al ! CE : hat . he «THR a trom the Bouse occupied by an Ialinn named At tion tha physicians reported that | rested soar § ancastar a ametat in nd i Trenton ann verdet of WEY 2 MOE. | Lennarty has hve asad for tool aa Verbatti and 2% boarders all foreign- both Mr. and Miss Taylor were improviag josh et tits By the 1 ns Togs Hall : SPAING COSTLY WAR j ider in the sacdnid degrees wid with al work “eR, A blast pit off by contractors and that there = as no longer dont of theig x am Talkie ? =» : ni : | steoamg peoas mar iation Aa Py i weaking on the roliroad caused the | FEROVery. : fe Flas Spent M2 H0.006 600 in Her Vain Pat mesons avalon. of Xe ipl bie r cy = - Nn one was injured, but a . A NEW EMBASSY CREATED. Fight Againet the Cnbans. Pah i E eyed i FATHER AND SON ON RETWRED LIST amber “of the foreigners RET Fy badly i . Ms. Hiteheoek Nom ented Ror Airless Fd fn fer aiarion «howe That Lie vu | To Sie cp yeas Fries Bi Yaaghn w Vs andid Admiral Selfridge, Sr and Sv. Served to . 3 ¢ Weg: ¥ i yi WEEE Hed Fwoies 44 Sintened that they started Tack tv WOLVES IN THE DAKOTAS dar to Rash. w cart Faber Et Tinsadbios } Is Sonn! “ % : . - vs ed Froisn dhs | Ape EAoit. - George Mollelinn Byers, of Beaver, SE Another diplomat fe imeion of Lhe gods ban coat fhe sin Gf WORE DOG Dae f Pua Bey 1A Thom i a ae SR Jen Pea ihe euler, who has besn suffering @ Vo% Iv Destroy Them a Pradicn Fha # mmbassr was crested when Presiden wid cdi ther arrears due from the Cuban | oraxizaed the Daatorats then “ : {rom a bad eold, was taken with a fit of Fs Voxing Two States, MoKinley nominates! Bihar fitohond regaary wes] ¥ ORY TH I thonad Chanel thane Go hewaami sturtor | DOS went apan td trent (1d of the United [roughing and fail to the floor a few Hine the slung oF a RMLs boeund GVW Minit, oF Nw Ede 5 Sus J : T his $m PE nt Fie i ¢ hg af mn Hlneods Centrsnd Puig 9 pdm Wave vat mar pees Baal hs gee pant ays age. Me was pieked up and died og killed in cs hs ; atin - a = ue aR pei h pay with whit tin ed atthe menting of the sengriseat fons tre lim These bs Saw armsdniod the ADH ih oa few minuted, Doctors gay he rup- eA gaat se a I Petarubaes 0 bo : : Sharm 2m ate 5A ® Tali ul SNL 0.0 or | Fd Kvoniie Pesdeptorian Chureh New | ache of 5 aller an tusth om the ow tured a blood vessel in the brain by mated | that no lamer than. 08S Ge er: Con He 2 or tore | MDNR BE : : ’ pide | York City, Dr, Jotin Hell was peoostudiivhed | trad: Het on aocous go, alter having hard coughing. He wis 31 yrars oid been kidied Tar male aust pay Tor 1 at ham Eb facet co 2 Tr EEX I wn ty 8% % the end of the ita. Thors srssnot niin 1 ses Niprlieat reads the navy Cand a member of the Maso ic yo anior and | 30 Sw Pie winingils Sam ms k v ah ghee. . fis 4 +H : pe : - ; i Th by spy ¥ Boa tio ‘i Oh BRAY 3 tune ting vob Mag Say pat Fg Bs ¢ Phe Ei toi LSS . silridiv is GOW the Elka. FOpOrtind from Toe west ER 7 WE a I a I Fay Tamer) f Bn, dbpruntied, nisin {divine in Washington, DO. having re C Elmer J. Walhridgs, aged ® years, parts of t fate aithongh i A eo: 12 try chia PRI of. A seb a. tmanhg Ape joins At Naugatuck, na tie entirely teeif in after Thirty sis and one-halt Cabitiined a verdict for $10.00 against the oll 1 paris sx eept § ; $b il ba math Yd kh ; 5. Sa 4 pi 5ins Thee. Yin Tomita ¢ fay { yg bbe bog aie eg de The SAVE Hohuylkill Electric Ratlway Company, Wiosihiae the bounty wil bave the «fwor | 00 BORIRALe Gn Am basshdnr tis any aon atr EET Lia tile i wh. Toes on fo PT a — ‘af Pottaviile, recently. The boy was of ridding the stars of wolves wiradne to 1 whieh sends Airtornatia PenrEReRIat] : . pad The building vol brdek, tomy | Fle san, Ge wie iansod Thomas 0. Rel rn over by a trolley car in Pottavilie De sean 1 has teen the en ie Sieh of thar rade to Washington : doi 3 2 : Saath nas PR 0 AMGEN ERG A wyanty fv oa five yours scrvios 1a 3 ever two yerrs ako and had both hands entintiog that hive teins thie to uing th T | ove Swe ralkadone of 8 iim Bans pancrtad to fhe Ma rh £5, sont wid 2 Hi It wins at Argest | Fou £3 ire pe]. i 14% petireanant ‘Put off. The laid is an inmate of the that the nambar of wel : PEANITNNG PHBL AB Sar BHLEY and wes : rE House of the MerciZal Saviour, Phila. shout the same. Bat Aeiphia. Arbitrators awardad Bee, general bounts aad ho ab) ft and the company 4 appealed it te Court. Are alter wolves Ihe bonny nay foo kb © will receive | VEE waaay Lito 19 aerie 2 gM i Fount Titman Mi of Trentou di BO A thon Ex-Governor Thomas A Osborne, of tive, powith Bis change in rack, iertater. apd It Harga Pree rir : sw Tha peed LG be cftmrgboil Teer gies OY ire Danie in Savannah. | Kansan, died suddenly at th £ oniner So sth Dak: 4 3 pa # Foray 5 Wotee i gi . ii ; or Thien We rl nu La § ! b . . cb ar tadl Pru is X ; Tv ; mi mY » ; is te 3 re h id is . 3 + sina the Tarattet i: at hate} - Moms 1 His last Fri lay “1 i x Boas be re . a a = | Weecked by Hs Aged Cashiter, : Fatah aa el ki : r be fe a : i te ¢ h §% : a. § . . AL MEY aSiE TE ¥ ifiee af the hb atimeritt hemorrhage of the stomach. Mr. Oe ih Un But EALERIGOR Sf 2 1 Phe Masih . Cul cr EOP RIN Ghe na wiki F Company of 2 ittadainiisg, Wvanba i te of (he Bandai borne only arrived the day before Lroneti HE a 5 Wagon taney Luin = AS Es 3 Ye RRR EIN A¥in ali CREP EEN — ima oi Ei = §, SRELG Hn shHtaniaan | R543 Past wile Cathal hire lies in the his Western hone, having come to see pa 5 Han oti fa De A | Es fae FIREEIL 2 Sai sya : I Semth, was destrovsd Hy Hew pl > pet Mra. Margaret Richmond, his chgage. poopy oo WO ir AB jupotion to PEWeRt I poi. Kine i anne in i Ai Asa ie, Sa pt ant to whom was announced but roo All kind fsinek Re ey bern doing ba mtn 9% yt th LE ¢ RABORL A Simrad Mu nai gg ofits § Arectly in the rear Fork enthesiral was vently. : ol os. on E Es 2 i a. ¥ 3 axon Fra $5000 Eon wis Mr LRTYAR 304 x at 2h ads iat af : bi its Amin Ls A # <3 i ) euler ad he boss gmounts to falls The : oF WOINIR, any areas Naey 12 GTag Gow ot of Willem H JHE $0 Lat name Bas Dees Arrest ie mapa | TS liabilities to K100 300. conuisting of an. | SNH MW Ih teas than an hour earlier in The frozen body of an anknown man full-grown rutile and horse ae ¥ ye ; ‘ oa ve : : i a3 AH cialime Th aimee Rl i 13 sesh ine dre desdeoved $7500 worth was found kneeling in a fence corner | attack smaller Animas They fas adil vas SOY BIG a a Da A A wile an formed TRenty dell vears ago DY man | of property The sity then became terror the other morning by Jacob Guffy hear greatni damage bowser am a] Sintaroorinsiuz FTO Of shibdren. Ring. Whe is 3 farmer, 0% | prominently connected witl XC OAL Fol | stricken ou sescunt of BGmercus Sres oh En Bred 2 abhagt sav Eretond # % wa % 1 tat it never had a SH cial cotines. 3 avar teingraghed 1a Brusswiek to w ‘Ja Tie Vy I " In He mw u of were oivits & 3 thn Al ea 2 g t Unionvil i” t an’ frocks ix re | 1% HA iy $e hank ® i eed A$: i £ a avg? ay YEA Tomi iu * WE Eh 3 Gralay La» rant 5 y as § si si) § Livny Pity th $F § x ES et im sims Tourn the MEY asset in Lhe European “ds we L3Pe Own r Navy Yan) tw i Ff rhe Right Bev jishop Becker $ . i % Bible, a pack of cards and a bottle of General wolf bunts have Leon trisd be aly years old. asd [OF MANY FOArY WA liom wes oniy seared $, an : fro | whisky, but nothing by which he could have nit¥proved effective. The wil x Eo a Deed etn peas Pl Rinw wd Ecc li Bs Minx Tia Hagan. t siet nf Pen | SEVIER the city trom Srehugs be jdentified. He is supposed to have Amv hand to catoh, snd ther sense of im EY Ya’ ard taken lute oastody, : ben. trusted in CHrbstian Sofenhos to.oups her winnie iii twan a tramp. {pending dasger Is so great that the ; af nn ti ad 4 ail p x : Spain Arms x Liaer, an finess and ie dead i stinditers Go Under Toe, The horssless sarriage made its ini. | X23 [fom their naga! haunts long debory Yh. Rena Ri - : Tue yaar a By hg - thm erste ths : ol 6 Cin The Republican Congression Yauvan. | Thess lives wes in the De . tial Appearanos in Central Pennsylva- ; the husters rou 3 hea tad Arye be Prefect Las stop ped thn How are 5 : tion of the Fauarth Indiaus 1 3: tutes a2 ao ! ii were fost in the Deinwan i yg 4 HY they or tas AS by gt : - ; pa vids $ ; 3 2 i : : x lei hapshie hh _e Tor Rive 131 = Raningt . r “nia last week. Dr. 8 M. Goldberg of | and’cntise BAY hy Sie ¥ Init vm Bar: selina. Rpals. of the Stagieh [1 was aspounced in pariah fre Grasasbory decinrsd in favor of the <inpehe | r. opposite Burlington, N. 3, by the New York City made a successful run | ; saves and destraotion by hed y : ; sas th ead iit mbanikn { hreaditine of the ioe gad § L Wl TUN orapahislming carabers steams sat $e ¢ Cadiz and Ras refs Kiger hg th the smn erer of Sohal goid standard hireaging of tie ioe ander a sdedding party. earriage «< : x BANAA whe fo 3 34 173.1 . § tt ; ; ‘ - i The dent voile Plek jirh om h t Jver (he mountain road The (aly saluting Dow smerts £0 he | 3 # ; ¥ Th $ ¢ Boia 1g vied I 1 “hips Lge n 24 shun wens Rites rile Thue HAs i. Thompean ax 17 aited State | vik M: ag > iia edit, "a ! ned ey Brotigh Ani 8 between Al- | breeding of a pac of dors that $1 is ar a : wild boy armed and gael vodnty al I #0 aE Ministar to Beastl committed saieide nd Ba. AER Avmaster Harihe Plekds, o and Holildaysburg. | apn the wolves eobstantiv : : ae a crude tv sacar! the Hpatixi Fred vial By 8 Chinese roum santa Hoss, Cal ‘ Si of Nalite Yas rescuad with Hitieun ¥ re E ; Bontia vo Chula ™ i Tha tour ware ail about twenty wears of Sge HE : . ————_— n The prices of Calif HHA whinas haves been fo gand lived i 4 arg from Youngstown to Pittsburg, fell off | minatica of the wolves in N > rT —— Japan snd Rawaii Pp watil i is deelaead that the peoducen | rf) a train last week at New Castle Junc- | man make o Xrinne, Three Killed hy Charcoal Frm. are thommtened with mis. tion and had both legs crushed so bad. | . Job Milligan, lwentv.ona years ofl ran ono onder Sppemed ET The fourtenntlh annual repsrt of tise Kew | sangninsry Conflicts in Thessaby. . iy that they will have to be amputated. | Clifsanian Wants ta He © Len MWigasn. Sfteen. and Ethel Baker ation. of Hawaii An Foto Fors Civil Serving Commision las een] SAOAMIDACY o affiots continee Det ween i £1 Nw hs, + 3 . 8 +3 fies ; py 3 4 : 3 alii * HAIN ANNE Sala f 4 "i x - He says he resides at Pittsburg, where oY yeprire thu ; Ril with the Civil Servos Board ar An] the Turkish froops and the puasanls in h wife and two children, el Basho See tweive, wore sullocxsed by the Degyes of |. 0 oeded ail etiam r is : : wi t} : Se eLme & " he has 8 wife nd aren H i i » i ! i Paid Uh MLN {ee f ofl i ¥ it ahows that ac mdival chats Os © Thessaly Girsece Fight thonsspd Tarkish J i Mr. Courtoey the sharcoal af Mado, Canela i ” . Phe mat fava ating a cotdaet of Cie cxaminations have hes | 32 w Mave oesgpied and burned Tour vil ‘David Steffe, aged $0, was burned te | eat in Cornell 5 Ireshuman crew this year Cr PTOSAT Seetee METS Mo 4 Ri i \ ! : : ) The tastes of Dir. John Hall's Frank Forgan, who was on his way | Who out devise «oma means | HRY ads stipes the few law want into offer Eoimares, and 18 passin have hea Kibet death at his own home three miles and his Paances ol Se iting 10 ary wall (0 be 3 . : - i ; : . south of Oil City the other night. An {goml hive yosrs io 10 . The Prussian Busdesrath apparent]y hos 1 Sti Arsalan BE home, Utaly, aa ia New York City, vestgned fos bade ! Fagland Has Not fxcked Down il City sleighing party passing the POERLY HS fe meoretary in (hd 3 i modified Dr. Miguel's dwapes exchading har gratin deals the FATE : i Fa Ching i Li of Shang ml saws the house found it in flames, but were un: ia He [onl : Be WIRE ad BY viserican frat to alfect caly su Re Ia 30 Urseinia, RPO b tf. wha ane i Forsaign. Peis) Yenidis y $i . 2 Poy ai able to rescue steffo, who lived alone Foe of, (2 4 he Wa FOUTiatad 8 wear tomnd to contain a fois a Bix fiood Yeery Felton pr wee tacked vind tig Bg { ; kk i : f i ch te ; oa, and am Nelson Minney, of Monongahela, was } ARG: Mi "mtn ean total He dao deeree shuts dul pianis apd bugs tt 1 a forattemptin : ri be | re DARE 18 Ji vims fiaitde sll. | sRRGDIGS heal A wit 10 he pesdy i said to i 3 . Bere Aner 3 pre O tis inforse the Hes nb Yar Bas the saps Poa navy aun di i down in pe nrought to jail recently on a charge of} I Ho is fixe tad n t of A yee Fay A £ Depantten A ada) : o RGrUTis Stee r Sim 3% fs adie : vat i bis the wy B assault and battery preferred by his} oo. os ood weishs 10 ponn ts = } German pee peobibl he Lo pint ye. The dispaieh a that there iy 3 ; Lia LH RETR SR iis Ia LBs i of HA 3 # 5 2: Fa oa 1 3 . . i pane sia id a ad 4 # 4 Pes oH byw ml LrerTnany, | a RUTES QI three Irth is on wife. They had been married but - 91 ns DE Ae * with a ; th. teins Frmrammtic alts od pid rowed a { ing sirentousiy Ia Gove me snore three months and the other Morning | aay put tata effec without warning 10 frouDs IPRuRRlS mn. Ie REY Cn dr ' . n, ? i hiss . ir ix ore rtd thint Ea uta will sevice d Will Christen With Water it Eee ne struck her with a poker. i, olin Frick, aged 21. a daughter It is antoanerd that Mics Christ Pra Our Tende Relations With China, Re asin + Troups in & Hix sg 1 4 RAN eR i i as eayd i Fifty Lives Lost hv Cyelone of Barat Frick, a farmer, wandered ley, whnn she names rattiesltip Ren Ihe Now York Chamber of Commerss Aviat TH ussian artitiery and oavairy he Yang tae Klan Jivar if the Raussian . from home at Reading the other day | tucks, will not [a ani win adapted a memorial asking Prosider sad farge quantities of stores and mani ag mm ii ger Port Anthar i Pitty lives wore ost hy a cvelone G4 the ring a fit of melancholy and was next whisky, but will nse (ast ) hn ii i Bg President My | “7 CC Niiam Walder! Astor i critiomed. tip | Windward Dian of tGrenath. The tows du y¥ ¥ : ii use instew : from » Riginy to protect our trade pelations with IMR 3A losing Clivedon to sightseers and Load ¥ : ; I wail irenads I wr morning found frezen to desth in a w Yiueode § Onina Ms noharia oi thelr way to Port Artur. Soutag 1 fights BA Loodon | of (uuyare was inundated amd men, public road near Bovertown, vos born. ; i borildings were swept awa w arrived al Rorn 1 capital of
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