ai ao A Am J AI AAS PA HO 3 5 i RIBE OF CANNIBALY, A Crying Shame. fro WALK across THE ATLANTIC. | they pa cure, was intended ae a read | WORDS oF WISDOM. | Tn the riilroad service the strictes | pe { yost for the oconpant, f . 5 € the ony £, and for the PRICES > — | guard i 1% kept aver the employes and. Capiaty William CC, Oldriseve Will Make i spread to rest on. The cradle 1s five | A wounan loves a man and adores a CES FORCED UP. EY INHABIT AN ISLAND IN THE the severeit injunctions given that no the Attempt Next July, | foot three inches in length By reason | fool. | Toe Wire Combine Makes Itself Felt in the CULF OF CALIFORNIA, pasgengoer withont a ticket or an an. Captain William C Oldrieve, of | of its continuons servirég ot has been | Content thi trie phlossrher's ; Marxet thorized piss be allowad to ride free, - Boston, has planned to walk across the worn very smooth, and its fine polish | itone sd : § at Cleveland that the bengh Subjects of Mex co They Have { not even for the distance of a fow Atlantic Ucean next July. He w will be. | eanses it to resemble sbony rather When a. cess wisidars whe he ! old rear ba ; ait Wits (omy yan Never Been Conquered By the Mexi wiles, Fu consequence the condne. mn hi journey July 4, and will be ac- | than fine grained black hickory wood, © man ba tian’: my Tl eptive rion wine industry seems i nnaEvidence of Thelr Cannibalism | 108 are often pat to hard positions. companied by Captain William A. An. Af the time of the World's Far there | Ga o wean Ome of the « Fierce Struggles With Rancheros, There are tome pitifal cases that ap- drews, famous by reason of his voy Cowan an offort on the part of the To : ct. gly man om i : a sudden and ‘ns Seri Indians, the tribe of can. peal to the, and at times there is a ages across the Atlantic in a small f diana Commission to spenre the eradie | : nal off Mme 4 a ai : Inet rio Tab wise als who inhabit Tiburon Island, in strong temptation to let mersy asarp hoat : C for an exhibit in the Indiana bailding, | | WOWene H their wives everything | pg op on sly vera ditinr a ton Galf of California, have never been the place of auty. The seagoing shoes of Myr, Oldrieve "but Mre, Brandt wonld not consent to hat doesnt hap rewind a hat war previous ro the ered by the Mexican Govern Not long age on as uch aa 4. Many crimes have been charged TMP pulled ont of the station jnst at s ponnd of compulsion : A Tn ee Bo Jon a aoa dusk. and after 11 had been gone i J Si SAY] 4 having a the Nera, hut they are not quite > ‘ A woman never thinks pire bad as they have been painted. ip np TL : { he has ones provosed to her : ? : 5 proof is almost positive, hrswavor y at of a pooriy clad pase } ' ira aa of & t they killed and ate the bodies of ie Se 3 \ ARNG Crearge Porter, of the junk fare i, Ha » si ieh 3 * oat = CER RE a fe ~ rid, only a few weeks ago. Yeohn A gel oil al the hits apg Fxparience Bain, a “sailor on the mak, was alan f o . file sl and eaten. Evidences were J found a few vears ago that these tians had mardered and feasted ov «remains of two American prospec Gt ! KE. FE. L. Bobinson and James abl ET i oe e : : ; sik ui Hula = Ls sah. Who visited the island om a 120 2 Lr eta i RrhiTE a i : Pe a : Gow srery morning and frach avery A nt for ONE yedr AmONE mnt for gold. OE RO 3 : Ep 1 Lo 0 Ur nin the thoussad workmen the Elwood Tosa: Maria Villems. a Melon | 200 Soo FE iw fhe fant 2 Ww ’ nate Bave lice ted and Kokomo plate glass plants of the sapnission broker of Han Antaro, EE A : wg 45 Pol EA rt dirs ale it. dounnts ns al dh : EE ot A tute this city as, spent three years on the island, a Shay an sll a A pl! ca PE dy TI TE Ze PY mei wihing E rnin roguintions aad d he has a good and reliable knowl. | 7° FV Tm, ba TE . as : : zs Ub flit — : : oo Viaren Ot fokering a year. They will ign of the Seri Indians. In an in SE HE A A A a Fas == HI8Y Tip tin pee g bt t hho \ o and rview with a New York World eor fe] pty jos tig pn. Sninrianal ry \ 1 7: Cz Le wikia a I iiiher workmmem ar fl ¢ *pondent Senor Villagas said it ant ne pe oh FEN che him ; a ; Pos RT A tts uy A Eo “While the Nort [adians ara hy wer Fw days atte ha papetved the : ; ES i i ot oR : > svi) rena vr ATi Buasts : £340 ith hi : Lin nh] = ; ES epey nt naan a : otvilized tthe yet they | } . _ . “ it We ; f wyory ol va ¥en hat the Seris have never permitted a Th A a - ; IER ei: seaman, whey mnrrion for » home | 1 [ek concludest & conti! Ie BH sny ome but members of their own © oe : Io / oy al i s apt to find that she hax mareied fa rire fail wiedrnahits ever oof ot ripe tribe to land onthe bdand 18 incorrect. fhe Crotty of 8 % TS PG : ; k : ir four a sty : ¥ 13 this coontyy. The slip will be There has heen for many years & rge Qo) hantioe is its load ; / , £onivt cit fired BS feet tanch oh the island. It 1 owned hy ‘pon jand : x Be 4 iy : uel pt] . / 3 : ne ows all virtnes fhe spl omnde sepn! tik Threvry ou tir SIX gone 8 tRtey Henur Manne! Encinas, a well-educat dnstries | XY us (Ey or Ta four avg oowia : 2 har of a living mi XA $ 3a i ¥ £54 ’ shipyvant. and od and venerable Mexiean, who has at y s So : —r 5 = 4 g : M 3 rire 1 . sevpalowont than at any the respect of all the Serie Senor | Sa qa he : si Nome people ara content With nein ‘rai gitipa IHS a : . Wade, IrACIADLILY Ad 2 ; ; ip-to- date, hat there are others who Th Nes! socks HE wil sy Tate ineinas located on the island abont tached to the v3 thare i ei ss ip : er trouble twa ar there vear ee LF twent CATS AZO. He went there | ath vi CE at, ema RE TER pA aR : He il mnt a He Ars cendniatdney in xs pron officials, ¥ho told ee that | Toe x Ny pep all f via mink in . AR Xl 3 Bote men Keap wh busy deciding | whom base been ena Er tout lie womld cartainly be Killed by the ; shaman] ves " is 3 - rnfartas Ea HARTY LN Ea vas oe Hiey lob't wan! I TR fq ; } (ilo {3 Ko + » id Ww 3 ' ERR iat IRIE nRS 14 Ww 4 N > a on crave Farrah vay ideal x ur bent aring FEN Y ! 3s 3 fab ¥ © : : : Pili Fo wall ax levres, Thay are Heit nepded In na 4 fo Ep ay CARs, 9 BG. WN SEIT ie i grisly them for market. | the propagation of tha species The ‘ re, Z y Le . : . ths nme £5 n Glover & v : “The Serid soon {earned that their | world will nat miss them dend aod the vo! ar i: : : aren Ywned by Ope Family Secs | 381, 3 frieny af Re bias territory had been intended apon by I Satnan Aunire thair ey : Unt Ia — 8 ; EE Last Satardey morning J E So iy, ig an i n.. «ns actual settler and began » warfare | Fine who hare the islands with the iy : 3 : . = rd received a remarkably interest new mimes factory will he started upon the ranch and the Mexicans. | senlix, ; separate ataw Wnchelors om : : Te A / nF - — ng Jdoecnmwent from Christiania, Nor : crERntawn mite and 310.06 hav Senor Encinas made a brave resistance ooo bard and drive thats Ww . the Lilln Rs ol Hd Tw ray, and one which he prizes very ian 3 thud nen with hie band of cowhays, and MANY | aang The doeileersaty hos pal. : a =m a : iighly, Iteame from the Government 5 oS cc isto Faden rg He ho of ths Todians were killed. He | faily along n ; on fare einent tn us ak = = = = in Mrusenm at Christiania, and 5 an ex oti} p EY Re Hireningham, eure captured two sprightly young Seris ward as the Efon Si of a cal nt ¢ . erm : on sot copy of two deeds of very ancient idincont and ship «nd kept them in captivity for several | waterproceeding. by shart vaahen ET — j mm. Inte, the origins deeds having heen iis ta Englshe te rhonths trying to sdncate them, £0 and long aE ot the rata of be est pp . a a * - yreservind and pl wend on exhubition an : ¢ turning out: the that they eonld act for bir as inter i halfa Eile un frestir In six Sanit they : min, ‘ ; yf : he mnsenm, T he dead are foracertain ain ¢ Austraiia. firm was prefers, but the Indians conld not be | 00 4 vila {od as Sling. aise 1 Vs . — arty which the Rogard family has fined 10 for failing te pe ide a dining- The rs caanvalatho ban i 3 fea 1 i wsssoased for centuries and upon : female cmployess. At ! chant who employed a tamed and were turped loose. Senor | phe Indians separate thes into gr ope, i i 2% Hah Po 3 shan FRA LE ¥ he es vi “ ov i * x fe i 5 % 3 FIEERALR 4 ne = Ce ; foie shich two of his brothers Simon, of favais on SRatumias AEArnonn Was S——— i ———_ TORY Yoimil 2 a Western fost oo . — 1 onnes of Therese ¥ i ei ? i four miles Dae condaetor stopped at } iy “ . ie N Patience is the puppiri of weakling . Palit by frail pends i= po be rade & . . $.3 41 WAY Bnahie 3 % j13 a 2 “u “ia ea 3 : - : Joie R inatiayog ie the § the 5 31 oe +} ; : “ Jdlenesa 1s the dead ses that sual fi hed : $ Fer Ll 5.1 I Paes EVAE(GT + 3 i in rr 8 wid} Endinas eve 1 Yi sed § : heinas even sent to Cusymas and | rac the finest animals, and boat ns : et ; Hermosillo aud heoaght several Mex ! them to denth with slabs taking care me Wahster ny and John, of Towa City ¥98 Al £5 3 a i bmn, 4 an esta 10 She ranch, thinking that | net to braak the furs lest they be un — ne ck vin, a ~were born, The fret dondd ik Outed the good padres might be able to get | sccnptable on Fifth avenue. [ius rom ee — Faly 1, 1381, or more then 500 vears with speaking distance of the savages | qared American so . sg. A better roalization of the age ns dea of the attention that the Balti. and bring thom into the religions fold. | . —- of thas deed is had when it 1s remers | 00re snd Bio daliroad is pow paving to This effect to tame the Indians was A Caricus Baitvond. gered that the Sogurd family was fr 0 presenger raffle may be gained from wiser 4 Iniiure, | A mountain railrond constrnoted on : possexsion of is farm move than Jop | LOTTE TOA Caring the past vighteen Senor Encinas then decided to nee | a novel plan is shortly to be opened ¢ AF ¥ AN Piss GRIEVE AMD HIN fEA-GUING SHOES years hefore Colnmbus discovered oss and Artin / Shs Mesived 2 hy i 3 4 AN. AA SA SA A con od . . a 2 a Syd = a : 3 £¥. on eln the moet vigorous and desperate | on the Hochatanffen. naar Bad Reswdh. : ———— Amerion, and it is probable that their | repainted. Nearly all of the spuipment s mensnres. He instructed his Cowboy? | anhall, Bavaria. The chief feature of Ly some ac wenersbip dates mal farther baek | BOY Hoywi Hue, aa tof ie spn ipgeed io who a WAL of etermination on the i the new system 1s that the force of An chan is shown by thw deed The Int- oh ’ 2 Si Sudien etwichy light ledne fndints and to El therm on sight. | ranting ix dived . re ae yn Tae 4 ; ’ Fpraction a directed verties Hy wpwnrd Chis was done, and for two years the | Laine derival from a bale 1 warfare w de iy ! th » a} MERI GROREVE TON: A DRLOON, Ths a he > : : ; u 4 arch as Re in & dxtreme latter has an diameter of voix feet ArH TRI Jo alone with other Atherican ony aiding of the Pilgrun Fathers af ' shige advil o %y . $ % +. Pelersbhurt Savioss are to wd Lik, Sa Plymouth, A gentleman from» : a the offer 2 Bg Hallrowt's Hepsirs, are the most wonderful psrt of the ! part with it, Tearing that whole afar. They are really a pair of dent it might be damaged or on cedar haves five foot long, with | effort will be made to get permission (er justrument was axeeuted mu 1548] fas aon hotton and siden, 3h fay a send it tothe Pans boxy owition of nearly seventy ive Joars hefore the England Faces Russin, 3 “ Finally the chisel af the tribe sent an | Lod 4 Lifting power of wi panda ng 1400 pom Tt a A weighs osites } sown tells oo the Troy oid wornan to Senor Encinas with 4 The ballion. car, net. ropes. ote ony 130 they are as good to bio as a | we - gmighboring : 1 an} - 3 finlt, Foghat, : v ? . » A y 3 X ' ¥ 3 : A persn any as well as Ras ii he & proposal of peace. In hix message | ooh 4890 ponds, and an allowance steamer s deck Into each of these Wh Pretticys in Japs. Pimes thet be has seen the ancient ening a Raunse in op Sun 2 3 i : i ~~ -~ & 1A. x Ri id Biv ATK & 3 § . . . x Bile we Are ii Wa 3 ov 4 ao be ve var be . Prikl 8 # ~ Wa 5 BR, Whi Hee ied said Hust he want od it ander of B50) pon 15 1% taade for passengers wooden shoes the water walkers feet § iy . . I x : > a a » a > ot ; locument ailoded ta, but was aviable at it Is Gow a guestion of real Nritain 3 : : “ 1 By yes i . pilge the fie ant most thors 3 : “ y £58 oul that this treaty of peace was not | yo gororants, leaving a margin of |S torus deep down and a rubber ee A AA We io read 3, as it te written an the Nor tow ar of an open conftiel with Re. 4 3 ¢ i ” 2d # he 4 me 5 8a ¥ Nek * arta » / 4 yey § Fa gr 3 with the Mexican Government, bat 246) pany A single rail ia used for Salter Re affair is fastened to his leg. | SNERIY artist of all Orientals, few o.oan language. He adds that the - EMR RP J ELT TRI § Hey FOF TR = { sbaviivivan LGaliave 3 bo Syma . a he * 4 " anly applied ta Renny Freinas and his the sile purpose { fizeoting the thongs eNMeotuall iy keepiag ant the water | Wasternors halieve ip the beauty of property ia in tha Lyme of « alu ah} f ; 5 PE 3 £ Feating Le : es 5 a sy i 3 8 | i 13 fore of employes. This happened | PTE of hoa fratn an 1 kesning the Babher boots reaching r 15 thet Mig +h | Japan: WOE D . tha town od Hann sist thm $1 vv A Ri - Ts 4 ont ig tga 18 aa Reening yi . i SP Yaa DBaawetifal id ¥4 sanlibv Rie ; : 1 - twelve years 80, und from ihat a ay ballon with fiw tomd inviie i », are siso worn. When thus equipped i For be bmautifal be } ait and faraest City near the lacs i €°hy . 2 - 4 s Lo MALY ES $I8 IO ORLY E i 4 4 y i a i ™ : eo Th saa wert ok 3 . . ¥ : : 1 Ahh ba 4 x S t i —~ f } 5 shin the treaty las been strictly, | 0 the rai! is made T De Ohlrieve 13 able to walk many mies | tania, and that the dos Ht alates | PITTSBURG. shaw ved on the part of both parties.” | ages sun oa it, gripping if and to travel over choppy seas, aid | a ™ is given io the reign “of Ring Hakod Grain. Fiour and Foal AES ran 6 , BTipPING evs the hance small of the : : i : WHEAT No, 1nd : ¢ Na agile § ard froma Fo bora The ral ; ££ th RY y whi ell of the pee, ; { AY 3 hy the grade 138 i £4}, 15 FYE) No 3 red » ; anchorad a the aroun : ad & : i His ther ¥ of vidi hese Ww siking =i ; : iy ‘E ¥3 in 1 soayanad ong ged uty i! 3G CORN. No. id ye 44 35 down the side of a big swell | a Ma” Frovman Nis, 3 yediow, shew : = eo PA : Mized ear -r : il that England was opposad tv Pranew anil & $3 I SSN Epotelogy a New Setenes. The queereat stutistician on record . w= undoubtedly a ¢lerk in the Dalian | Ef ! 3 ; { rs ntaih the uragelibinse Live ¢ : vii wait for the next vnn d 139 hata i ; 3 . Ls 4 3 . " * 3 Naval Office, the crestor of the arijence Re 3 ig aid oh Pring er ev ba ny en ST Wak k Cb i Wistel OATH No | while 0 ef Fapot p tology.” This indefatipabile 33 i} BN tha bation acts as & heck 5 Sail A Ra) ne aya FRA on i % 4 > 3 tun ny - No. 2 white : - i ‘ - : = gy soonlarated wn ot tr sn. | BIYes joss sxartion lo WH on mater | ER Tobi meson 4 P RYE No. } . v4 renine possessed the patience £4 os) B : 5% 4 : ers 3 0 i Ghar * ; : : yr - : * re : : ; py , A i k fOsTEg {:nrzon, i% # th YL. or R. Ninter : patents . fagd during the thirty-five Venere of Bia me E prove Aa yogi ional is : L he ust i : 4 SE * iy 44 us Was ress witty a of mrestla) Vauniy stratght winter wervioe all the ink spots tha! escape aired when the car ix godng ¥ i wy sac : ty Ji eet Af for gis AYenhiols, periorile Hs Hye dour i i : La Says in again Finny wale. ad n § : 4 ante eines i ! sr die $ Hal : hia nfficial pen. due Aid in the Fast River st New York | , San - Clover N op x a * Ye LNA iY a ¢ o she ; Rey i id ain A Yen £3, Ww ith painstaking CRE the egal ans. Counted FT. at 1 ov Lost Ho t} k : Ee { eX ¥ it maaufsein Bod Genpaels wi an ey ip 2 Lo 2 rx e4 i CHe thinks he wiil hae abla to walk fro: A md , 3 H vi pidge 4 : fv ers dar, tit” snipped thean ink spots from the A focal planer was called to exe: ran bn 10 mil cof tl EF gerond 1] + a PN ] the spaces of eight nours, and rob PEED. No.1 White Md, ton : , : ; aati] ' plem oof the WHY Aorass tie ¥ . ors i ¥ ut . i s {gis oF wr oo pages of his ledgers and pasted tH orn me oe repairs si thie kitehen of a Ajtanti 5 & pet Sof ¢ . A @ i i, A a MALO rIRIN ¢ w ixah ti 2 rows goeddiings $48 an album. Ee 4 leaf and dumb establisnaent, lay e As it : con % tak : ; Yo. HE fo oe ; FF Rind ; : rg Tih wr wit ! : . LRT 8 bigs CONPAe ta el Wid ? 3 Sonar bs Ci nu From the enlleonion of ink spots ie ani after instructing the man as to the Ly path % is g ‘al . 4 emp ’ ag 3 ne ta O teamsiiins He AN parid i f 3 Yass pe Fes gns PEEL of 1h: evolved ethaudtive pereh obs sical | naliire of THe Yopadrs, Wwe sup srintend : = * Fa - 2 HEARS Lat ai Bibie, FRENETINME 3 RES mb RoadN SE or . ut Lats hi : : fo wnéak mar passing vessels and RS a ss ram in rain ive aria of vi to verte wempclina Tha Jong Pr sted spots “lene eit afl Lim tis is - } Ww ithent 1% send hat oR w. . ten ") . : 8 Sa of £17 > sits 3 CRERR A 5 eh s Ff Iva isk $h x FIRE : : : . : " : i ir 33 aR ix R Frit ten willie WR 5 # Ea amp past 5 faeasy 1 4 + sxi od e ty indicate the irritation of the writer muaiment's love of time, tae 1 i ; RR determin 10 piu Sus In 4 Datry Produsis. 3 big in widooean Xiu Eien 3 i \ . it . ie W In HloeeRn to ie friend 5. HER i : a ; i wt % 24 Ki i Soi id Egy 3 at the foment hs made them. The FW Wo 1% with a will, mash regret. , forwarded hum a boy containing & Go LATER Rin roaihety 3 : . 2 £12 : 3 * SEWERS wil § ion % 3 os sy 5% 5 £ is: ¢ §raeg round, heavy spots, on the contrary, [001 CONTE t tha attract ris : FAPANENE PRICH GEA I hmm ppiORs, 8 et retary rol . on - Recs i eh J.uMm, AL di oe CHEFSE Olio. pew ¥ : abort fifteen feet. In des bmi fpec mii, give an indieation of weighty, baresn- | 20% MA 4 and everbody around hin OLDEST BABY CRADLE IN AMERICA ; ; is, cratic reflections : t siked in Greta ees Ea Woman ginal Le sot eid OUP, HUGE WITS, Ald 3 OW a New Fork new oh : 2 a be X ‘ i Was Henn vat of a Log and Has Yeo : : y 143 red £1 a vy this Frequent! her Spab eagrable! RINE an Lt kaneking-on * what of fale eomplexio with: than ee Ela Ld wa ES i x i ¥ the pate resem tel $i 2. ’ in Use 1048 Year. ¢ = * : : pie : \ wh sins Fit btm ais: Bios He 4 . Fruits and Vauetanias sirele and beasts wf weird and fan tats 2 ; y 43 ase e, PEs TEeE wig GF Rik 3 badd ti GRRE bisetils iit ii FANK: Hand “pie Kod : “eR. The writer sontetioes fing flied na be, the workinan, stiun.dering aia Wrasse, 1501, DER g 1 ? ty 3 a 3 X Bh ¥ iv % io: pyres ard : £3 ¥ 4 af the Bev, (must be slender aud off these sceidental creations, adding of tonie, war tariing ave, MW details and evoln ing hikroesses of {when a bonnie, baght-ey domestie 49H rand? whieh ix 106 years old | graceful \ithomgh the 1 4 : ’ birds, fishes or frogs. flanghiugly reviarked Well, wou ia interesting nursery fixtare more | women do not dedigare tien foe at tae oo CArgon set atuliat se tans Poultry, The Hgpotalogt” {5 & gening, in : the quietest oluniber we've ever than forty by des have bess rocked § the Cluness do, vet ther nist be on wh anthusinarg and 0 Hie atts CH bi BH, Bt pier SiGe vin way, for he bax opened a rich field here!” sieey Ltarally small aud turned anwand on redibly short spines fi} hae G4 aad Ohio, Trt if employment for pensive and mmin. “Gowi Heavens! gasp pil P, ont in 1t was rocked in his infancy Mor | walkiag Had nia lied wonderfully eons ain i iting clerks, } dropping him tools WI eel Hardesty, the Hrst white child SU kine the native Heres of speech : baker CART, MLL W is bis CINCINNATI o—— Em or mine ! you were all deaf and dan ob’ born in Indianapolis. The cradle came | the body mnt be slender and grace | NO surpriseq an i dd aligch sted Pr! 1 ls One Mos! a Duy For Soldiers. ; And TT Ele pr an dejeetedly from Virizinia, and was handed down ! 4 Tigo a ane pang wiilow branch. tial Jie sell Jor the RE] viper BYE. No : > The German Government now fur. | Separtad, he was nverheard to mourn. 8¢ the Brandt family by the grand. | ol him sovigal distinetions, ato CORN--Mixed nishes its soldiers with one meal a fully ninrzaae: “Oh! iis too érvel--a mother of Mrs. Jobn LL. Brandt, wife The Great Canals and Their Cost. granted bua rl rise LAN way, I they desire or need more | whole day wasted. "London Weekly of the pustor of the Chnistias Faber The Saes Casal as about 100 sales the watch was Bite of i Rr Bo Ohio creatures they have to get it at theirown ex- : Telegraph, pacls of Valparsiso Cin length, and ost mid Jodiary the works were nn : ey 2 pense The press has started on a Mrs, Georg: Marquis 1s Mrs par mile for its construction, The the odds and ends accompanying 2 Yas PRILADELPRIA catupaizn to better this state of affairs, | Yewen aad Tilo. Brandt's grandmother. She had four. | orinth Canal is four miles in length, | ola cup. Not only did it Keep go Be a Ered : #1 but thas far has met with no success. | Agvery enrions theory lately revived eB children, ‘who wera rocked to and cost completed, with its ap. tine, bat only required winding oBc¢ | CORN No. 2 mixed among all other nations soldiers’ food | 18 thatithe sap of a Living tree ehbs Seep in this cradle | Mrs. Brandt's | proaches, one million per mile. The every three or four days Phin UAI8--No, 2 while is distributed in a less niggardly man. | 30d Bows in some wayin sympathy | TC sds — opeses Nicaraguan Caawl will cost | markable watch is hatin to be stil BEER TRG St ses. In the French Army these ace | with the tides of the ocean. The iden aS i per wile, with 11s ternunals and ap | in the possession of the Russian Hata Divs swo mesls 8 day, while Russia gives | comes from Italy, whers a grower of proaches, certainly not less, and pro- | family—8t. Lom Globe Bhemaoos { NEW YORK ser soldiers vin In certain Russian = YIees aml other fruits tress, who is f t | | babiy more than tiie sn names, The Lot i--Fatents. : 3s regiments, ov there are annual cook- | also a chetnist, has heen experimant- - . LL canals of Suez suid Corinth are real Paal Revere s Copper Holts fy TaN wd ing contedts, under the auspices 18 st shia direowmon, He sape that no a -.o | marine canals, built withont locks, At the annual dinner of the Paal QAR White Westery of a special commisdon. This contesg | tree should be lopped or pruned ex- Pp A ; (apon the sea jevel, The one, that of Rovere Association Mi BUTTER { reTATY wen institated by Prince Alexander | cept during the hours of ebb tide, do P ~ | Corinth. is situated in the temperate | Stavens gave an address, in whieh h EGON Bitte sl The Petrovitch von Oldenburg when in hos taken fourteen years to com. to J Re wt zone, where the ranfall is thirty | gpoke of the sonuwetion Pam Re LIVE STUTS command of the Guard. The members | this conclusion, and now always acta aR: —. re rT alae DT forty inclies per HRI. para with the nil ding ftv frag CENTRAL STO K TAKDW, KAY) LIDERTY, PA +f the commission pass before the upon it. ‘The result is his trees and So le ery ME | Tne other, that of dueg, ix loca ed 10a Constitution spike of the fh CATTLE fires, taste the food in all the kettles, | YiUes have developed begutiful folinge, NSB = gE | region without ran Neither of these | work done by Bevere, and the seer Prime, 1.300 to 1, fi he 24 and write down the numbers desig. | bear splenlid crops and are quite free is threaténed 1 ita course by streams | process Lis t be had for temperios Tray Leto 1,10 Be. : 2 natin g those that please thems. The from the atitscks of the iusecis whieh | : Hable to sudden and penlons foeds, | sopper, hint it cil he drawn inte | Pate Hid ivi 20 10 1000 hs % first prize is a silver watch and chain, devastate surroundicg properties, — | 8 EBADLEFORTY RARIES WERE RO RED IN. | So cofidaon IN the er I region of | hots, and by which he seenred the Common, 7010 WO ite. 3% Che other prizes sre also silver I New York Herald : | pitti em we S— eines 3 entral Amarin, Thora 13 3ges " ry fis apniving bolts and meta a watches, but with chains of white sm fren mir father WAS One y of the foarteen, He 1s works afford no no Hi paurshiel the | work for the vessel Piston Pen Medium ; 0 metal. | The Bishop of St. Aspah has taken naw eighty-aix Fears of age. | Nteuragua project, aitlier us Su cust OF § serrp Hie and stags : hoe : * the bold step of invidang bis clergy to 31.18 a quaint old Feit af the pruni | Iu lity. The ase work paralie] 1 T at ; on SHEEP The pear! fishing season in Ceylon | come and discuss thé way in which he live days whencradles were hewn from | this undertaking is very lear very | Ihe Grmmttn Buster Enters, Prime, 38 to 105 bs, weiziers. 8 nly lasts twenty-two days, and during has exercised his patronage at a public a log. It was eat from one solid prees, | like it, both mn place and cea Finglish people, it seems, oat nore | Goud, 35 to # Ma. het time 11,000,000 oysters are meeting. All the clergy of the diocese, except that the two rockers were mor. | stalice; 15 ix that of the Panama canal | butter than any other people on the | Pair, 70 to 30 1s. comght to the surface by divers | beneticed snd gnbeneticed, are asked, tised in and pegged on with wooden [across the Isthmus of Dares, - face of the earth. It ix partly throug Semeh | this that the British completion i Hin | pair 00 poud iamns. { ‘ : g ; fable, pegs. The head-piece, az shown in | Harper's Magezine. purest in the world,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers