Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Frei ¥ Wr HREEXY, Editor, ESTABLISHED - «1893, “GOOD ROADS : We wish to call special attention of our many readers this week to a num- | ber of articles published elsewhere in the Cot HIER in the [nterest of “Good Roads’® which move is ander the per sonal supervision of Ed. A. Meilon, consul of this district for the League of American Wheelmen and Good roads, This movement, in the direction of good roads, not only shonld interest | the farmer, the merchant, the traveler but every tax payer in the county of Cambria as well an the whole state of Pennsylvania. Nothing is mors essen tial from a money saving standpoint than goodl roads. Farm prodocts can be marketed with much less cxpense from the fact that one load over good roads is eqnal to two loads on bod not saying anything abou: the and tear to the wagon and condition of the horses after the has been made. Good roads mn front of any farm or residence certainly en- hances the value of the same and why | re sia Wear tired trip would it not be a decided benerit on all sides ? Many farmers have stated that it] would only benefit the cycler but such | is not the (ase as is made clear elsewhere inthe Courier. Bappose, for instance, that such was the case and the farmer was taxed accordingly is not the cycler town Or city | who lives in the village, taxed for the good streets accordingly and every body has the privilage of using them which is appreciated very mach. Certainly a farmer enjoys driv. ing a merchant or business man driving over good country roads. we not right? We all want good roads and we should bave them. We contend that it costs jess in five years, enjoys or even one year, to have good roads or streets than it does poor ones in view of the fact that the amount of money expended on poor roads every year. would soon pay for good roads and then von will always have them, The COURIER is for & representative of this district who is in favor of Good | party of his Roads regardless affiliations. StrErvisons and tax payers, did you ever stop to consider that it was no farther around a kill than over it? It is a fact. AS THE spring election is fast ap. proaching it would be well for every- one to consider well the the election of rond supercisors for the coming season | capable of doing the work and who will place the «men who are thorougly taxes to the best abvantage. PrEsioENT DOLEN, of the Pittsburg district of mine laborers predicts $1.00 per ton for coal mining in the Western | district in (999. This would certainly | gladden the hearts of many if such is to be the case and we hope it may come | true. Foriowing is a pledge of which | every candidate who whishes to be slect- | ' od to the legislature or Senate of Penn- | sylvania should be requested to make: | “Good Roads throughout this Com- monwealth are absolutely necessary. 1 am for the Good Roads bill and all | _ that it means, and will be until it be- | comes a law." IN THIS immediate vicinity it has always been the custom to place wooden culverts under road beds for | drainage purposes. We wish to call attention 4» the fact that already | terra cotta pipes have been used in| thelr stead near Patton and bave, proven very satisfactory. While the board walk or plank culverts caose much annoyance by becoming clogged | op with mud and sand, the terra cotta | cleanses itself. We can cite several’ instances where it has been tried. | Nearly every year the wooden one would have to be replaced, bat by | using terra cotta it is a permanent fixture. Ladies watch for our spring shoes! Very nobby and all widths, THE KEY*TONE CrLorHiNG Ce a Newly Elected OMeers. Following is the newly elected officers of tho Miner's Brass and Reed | ‘Band of Patton for the ensuing six months: —E. P. McCormick. president; Jd. J. Hough, vice president; Richard Morgan, leader and band master; E. O. Tackitt, assistant vader; Wm. Tack- itt, secretary: George Bamfield, treas- are; T. F. Bailey, George Dent, and Isaac Kelsall, trustees. ] M. M. Eckenrode, of Carroilt had charge of the following ladies of nc who composed a jolly! ing party which visited Patton: esday: Mesdames George Waltz, | Scott Williams. Fred Eager, V. John Owens, Philipenia Phalen, Reig, Kay- lor, Dr. Waltzy, Met Luther, Fred Hauk, Lawrence Stich and Wm, Fagan. Foot. and price lost sight of. Patron Suprrery Co. CHT, rubbers. former i big od Li. shoes rT LL over good streets in a town as. Are primi This isa small AD, yet it is large enough to express our SINCERE THANKS to our many customers and to again remind them that at can find just what yon want in Staple and Fancy Footwear for one A ladies’ slender Zephyr Rubber an an foot or a wider for comfort, A silken Vier Kid r a stronger one for house and Same Istoeratic Shoe for fine dress o1 street wear— late styles an in Misses and Child Ten 'S For men we have the Wi Watsontown driving Shoe. Miller's mining Shoe for WEAT. Miller's Box calf, 18 epitome In fact a Foot-wear to suit the i toes N oi Forced isconsin and has no equal Calf Lined Dress and complete line of serv. evervhody part - . i” on gre ips Br Of comiort » CENTER if nieasant } owe AX The Price is Right. $ hi 43 Nobody can afford to sell as cheap as we do. MILLER, The Shoe Man. . S The Quickest 8 Ma ail Order House { ir Ladies’ } + Hers t Ii Le Fa git at ' oe v.38 a parE Fall and C'} and get the Ready and Winter stack consist. ildren’s Underwear, Hosiery, and Mittens, | rajice K . : ‘s Aces’ Skirts ran hg 111:C. ecto rr Daw . history of Patton and vicinity ty tr Fe Such a Grand Opportunity : MAIL SERVICE AND BN THIS STORE The Corie Service in Dry G terio wind sey bvang makes | SHOPPING prompt. plegoant | and MAIL ae futely wxfe BY : satisfactory for the ladies of Central Pennsylvanu We prepay Postage and [xpress on olf goods ordered by Mail, but for Cash only. Samples Sertd for ange new Booklet oH ol any goods you may wish to see Best Goods at Lowest Prices - and your Money Back if you want it. RLESAS ALTOO BLE SO, 4a DRY GOODS. gingham, Lrige 4 lancaster others ask pind Sia hed Eh ers ask Xe, cir nad tag price (60 4.4 Mohawk others ask 185, Lag p $5-inch blest hed pitlow case muslin others ask 120, our red tag price So Simpson's Hight shirting calicos, oth- ers ank dc, our red tag price do Indigo Blue print, o J, hon ask 7 redd tag price do Hill hie ached musing, our red tag price dc Hill half-bleached muslin, Re, onr red tag price 50 Spunwell b leached muslin, vard wide, others ask 80, our red tag price 5¢ White Star anhleached muslin, others ask To, oar ved tag price uw nun nel, others red tag price Se Saxony yarn, per skein, Joe, our red tag price de Alabama shirting, others ask Se, red tag price 5i¢ Bleached table Hnen, othens one red tag price sho | ribleaches! table lHnen, the, our red tag price 400 TTS grnbleached sh Prive iE ting, HAT Ped ide ¢, Onur others axl He, thers ask ia nd flowed athers ask Wel ] we Nhe the Bible with milk and SAVS 1 honey. ur ARR NO ere at the time, but since then re Ya other ask we have received a large amount of the finest kind of both comb and extracted . Ty g > honey, which we are selling one-halt the competitors it 1s the same thing with our entire A nd ul rf 0 1 : stock of fancy and staple groceries; best of everything at the lowest po ERS STORE GO. LIMITED. prices. ZAR ARAL AAAE t TY 45 PRIORI begins i Shafie in 3 Pe 3 red 4} vrta Health il Crs ree aro iine igs lke Forew yam bhi $e it id KE, (XN rR ihe GME poardan ouir pend uh +4 rermilk per 4 yy wind tay price A Pisin felt others ask (ie red tag pric Ail men's one read tag All shimdos Ne anderwear, aur others ask $1, vealed TO ! andersear ofl our red tag price Ne Al ladies’ underwear (in natural wool and reed at oad, All Misses Wear al cost, Port ers Hd table oil 15¢, our price 13 fant canfionnd Potterw's all elnth with the cheap staff on onr market selling at 12:0 ~ GROCERIES, ETC trond rice, ofl mk Rit. oy lima Reais “h go Rie Navy wit 2h € en Dried i i + 14 cakes (nye So 16d Lion = Nice san dried Ap Crood Raisins per bh Loose Stare HIT ers dade We and children’s under. eleth others ask . $ 3 ERM wt a we Sh - Biles mp th tte Ww “ir THE RED \ © omst clase will 1 sha 3 i « 3 1iuarned Io rs wn i * * ag Clearance Sale which TUESDAY, FEB. 15, 1898, 2 5 mae 10) CLEAN SWEEP Pai ana for us oladden . : wart of or Iv aproue ls £3 LHe WOrg tars and ah HI Ped § Earned d an Ae jrer i Or 89 ombid Salmon per Cen] mixed candy only {lathes Dis per dozen lo ot doz for fe Miners’ oink uy Pride of Patt spring wheat wi iat rE Ww, BOOTS, SHOES and ROBBERS. Oar Clearance Knife fell among our footwear and slashed prices in fine style. For results read these lines and figures, Met's Gums, red tag price He Men's storm Gams, regular price 750, our red tag price 58¢ Ladies’ storm thuma, Se, our red tag sale 4 Rove’ Giname, it reed tag price 420 Ladiow’ Gams, regular reid tag price S40 Miswsn' Gums, regular price 30e, red tag price 26 Child's Guma, reguisr price 25, rect tag price le All Men's, Ladies’ Children’s Gam Boots at SEE RED TAGS. regular price dS, our regular price price 50, our price de, onr cnr our Mimsew' and out our present stock - 4 vg ¥ by the time our Red listed wey ov Fy 30: 11S ~ * 3, more lor tae same goods 100 * taal grasp bought mind don't Februar Ne ney -. Lins
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers