- The bladder was Toreated for one par- pose, namely, nn rece urine, and form of disease eéxcept b ways. The first way is action of the kidneys way is from careless Prat other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid- neys is the chief cause of biadder troubles. So the womb, like the blad- der, was created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much 1 not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. [It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any disease or inconveniences mani. 1 in the kidneys, hack. bladder or urinary passages is often, by mistake, aitributed to female weakness or womb tronbie of some sort. The error #8 easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out or rectly pe your urine as sside for twenty four hours & sediment or se thing ine ates kidine or bladder trouble. The mild and e traordinary effect of Dr. Kimers Swamp-Root, the grea kidney and bladder re ly is soon realized. If YOu need a mehicine you shonkd have the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dolbir. You mav have sn sample bottie and pamphlet, both sent free hy mail. Mention the ParraN (Cot RIER and send vonr address to Dr. Ritmer & Co. Binghamton, N.Y The pro prietors of this paper paarantee £ hu PET eTeE of this offer, one of two "The second treatment of ¥ X- foam LT nie 4 ssmake dour His Avay. Porro t tabs pels, 0 Bie, thew trove. All freak Stari BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician and Surgeon. Office in Mellon block, next Postoffice, Patton, Pa. end, day wr hehe, £5 WR La : 3 Be Foerpedy Ca, Chicago ur Ned YY dost tO porn wy pevponded ny te, Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office in Ariingion Blork, Patton, Fai. Att night Ti, § a or oof Tha glyem spweind attention OFFICE HOURS Swix mand iltadyp DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND sURGEON Office in Good Building, Room No. 3. BS Generat Surgury and the Eye a Spetially A ealin will revelers prompt Allnis fey Promo iow Fo I EL Your} 10 wine threw fre x1 fads Sug, Lye 5 hy 3 Business Educaton Ths A adams Ne howl wf 1 2 XY 8 Feats Sree, v siti ARE YOU READY For sinter” hws X sntiafse tion? Don’t pat a with 4 annoyed vou last year, NLL r Be 5 Renting Yiner Memes, oither by hotels wRter oF stems. Can glve you setae Any work. GOULD & BEEZER. ane FATTON. VV CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are prepared to do all kinds of Casting. Mchinery, iron kettles, stoves, stove repairs, plow points, plow re- pairs. Our charges are reasonable. Ob metal tiken in exchange for new work, |x? CHEERT SPRINGS, PAL Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Parton, Pa. Office in the Good Building. : WwW DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, Pa. All legal business promptly attended to, Offer in Barker Balkding. TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest Hine (a Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restaurant on Magee avenue, near P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. en hs ast Your Watch may need Regulating. lat ne look at tt. No charge for examination. If it needs attention we'll tell you, and if you would have as put itin shape we'll dio it weil ut a regular charge that yosi Fon *t obijert 10. TOZER, The Patton Jeweler, CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. Accommodations the best. Firs Bar in connection. RATES $1.25 PER DAY. PATTON HOTEL, First-class gecommodations. Tabiv supplied with the best the market atfornts, Chole WINES and LIQUORS at ret-class tie Bar AHAFFEY HOUSE Mabaffey, Clearfield Co, Pa. Aocommodations first-class. Best of Liguors and Wines at the har. Stabling attached. GRORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. "Cet Yo our FIRE E INSURANCE James Mellon, J. P. Good and reliable com- panies. Patton, Pa. m imperfect ‘F. Loh m for all i ing! the effect of at Corner | Patton |= | fee Offic corner of Fifth and Magee Aves. vantage of his generous proposition | | Doctor hut you vaw | ene (Patton Courier. | FE. Win GreesE, Fdiror, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1808. CASTORIA. BE TE able for the as such it is not liable to any | First Telephone Girl Mr. Ringer. Second Telephone Girl: Not by sight, only tospeak to. Brook- lyn Life. Mrs. John M. Click, who has been guite ill of late and who Was SUCCES. nity operated upon one day last week, in, th e Corner is ple ased to state, improving. Olen Olesan brick block on : Figs {ante al theed in say auarters ¥ pwita LO carry a fine line of Mrs M. B. Ford, Rud jell ‘% Ji, suf for eigiit dys pM psin chronic { atipation An 4 WES f # DeWitt's Little little pills for wit CW shale, has movid into his pew Fifth FTN wie i taple re WE TIOR fopendh Ven , Sared (pein tie fatnonu and Liver fr . Patton Pharm aey Mrs. Stark, Ple lide, “Atte TL "do I =av od : aman ¥ rive 1 £3 Lars ave fig peti yr 3 Or ho gh CRANE tam Asi Hoel ae Hi Wik Masa £2: La) and oolds and W gre gest Yi wl oer conghs, tronbides £ Pharmacy. John Danielson’s new business bloc on Fifth ave fe is pow completed ma ad ready for occupancy Mr. Danlilson will oornipy on the rooms on the first floor with hx shoecmaker's shop waned the ott 1 be gerapied by Oseir Danielson, who will pat in a full Hoe of merchundise, The second story will be gard for lendény {R, k or J: Won. Proeni’t think itl do for "98 also It won't. Th fons pany others pushing their ny one advertiser a cinch on the peanle’s Fl SP IOR, {ut ont op ririnaed,’ a saying Fight here. EX. ow f Advertise all the (ime ¥ ¥ G7 advertising pee ha the LB i LIMA RN £4 ae a Ye ; why * of sig 5 ¥ wo 3 ad 1 entirely applicable £758 Fis People wha are troabied with indiiges- tion will be interested in the eX pa rienoe of Win. H. Penn, chief clerk in the radi way nail services of I res Mains, fowa, who writes: “It gives me pleasure (0 testify te the merits of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy For two years | have wiifferwd from indigestion, and am sobject to frequent attacks of pan in Lhe ela. ine or wy lever fads i Prive i 3 whan 3 {ROW two emes OL Ls FEN Xn : Haodjrkins, An Fonoortant frasstion if yonr frlinticin OF sf for Piri fe FE £3 2.4 nedghbwire are TY 4 € Figure (tia 3 pare y PRE AE have eve? ned Care fiumiona large wonders eis wr | res Tl Ying of throat and long Ho dg kins i i rev CRE Ww Fugra® # bit tie TRE {’ yOil a & crate what other snedic try (nts Cure BY pent ¥ Faas iyi » Large Mathes w hose children with bai! Cialeln, Croup Sd este iE con zh will edi well tay read what Dr ing of Olney, Mo., says on this #13 bject. "He writes: “For years we have gsed Chamberlain's C oagh Rem ody, and always keep it in the house It is rded in ony family an a specific inds of colds and coughs, The 25 and 50 cent bottles forsale hy CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Whit rr. A. FE Salter Sais. Buffalo, N. Y.- GeNrs: From om) weonal knowledge, gained in observ. your Shiloh’s cure in cases of advanced Sous pion, I am prepared to say it is the most remark- “able remedy that ever been brought to my attention It has certainly saved many from consumption. Sold g Store. Mrs. Mary Bird, Harrisburg, Pa, say, “My child is worth millions to me ret; 1 would have lost her by croup d I not invested twenty-five cents in "a bottle of One Minute cough cure” It tures coughs, colds, and all throat and lung troubles. C. WW. Hodgkins, harmacy. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartia $0 or Ma tC CC fall to eure, dregeista refund money ‘THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE ‘Lung Troubles and Consump- tion Can be Cured. An Eminent New York Chemist and Scwatis Makes a Free Ofer tn Our Readers The distinguished New York chem my T. A. Slocum, demonstrating his din. covery of a reliable and shuoltie one for consumption | Pulmonary her culosis i and all bronchial, throat, Tang and chest diseases, stubborn coughs, esftarrial affections, general and weakness, hws of fHesh, orpndditions of w asling away, wit] senped THREE FREE BOTTLES all differ- ent: of his New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of the ParToN Cog HIER writing for them. His “New Raentifie Treatme nt’ cared thousands permanently timely use, and he ders it professional duty to 86 fering hom: arity to donate a trial of his infallible cure He Leno daily develops ew wonders, and this great chemist, patiently ex perimenting for years, has produced results as beneficial suffering humanity as can be claimed by any modern genius. His assertion ‘that Jung troubles and consumption” are curable in any climate is Proves: by “heartfelt letters of gratitude,” filed in his American and European labra- tories in thousands from those cured in all parts of the world. Medical experts concede that bron- chial, chest and ung troubles lead to (consumption, which, uninterrupted, { means speedy and certain death. Simply write to T. A. Slocum, M. declines and all has fay Hs a sie A " Pine street, New York, giving post. office and express e medjeine will be promptly seat. should take instant dress, and the | Please tell the his offer in the PATTON COURIER. | PATTON PUBLINMING CO. Frovttetre. i lo you know ete. i f i t | - OTHERS. WE ARE ASSFRTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “CASTORIA” AND “PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OU R TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of “PITCHERS CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now ~ le on every bear the fac-simile signature of wrapper. This is the original « PiTCHER'S CASTORIA.” which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America Jor over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY al fhe wrapper. and see that it is the kind you have always bough and has the signature = per. No one has authority from me cept The Centaur Company of which President March 4 A Ly hs. 1897. OA caneind Teoh ag—Pre DD. Do Not Be Deceived. endanger the life of your child a cheap substitute which some druggist may (because he makes a few more pennies on it grec dients of which. even he does not know. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE Ts o> Do not Teer on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. PEE CENTAUS COMPANY, TY BURBAY STREET NEW TOWED sufferer | fr FOR OUR RED TAG S; NEXT WEEK. LE. Patton Supply company. ® The Quickest Mail Order House in the State. of 2. BUILT Banas BENEFIT 2 UNCLE SAM'S en i EE Fe interior y Ia SH IPP Ni G Paris i on makes adfe, prompt entral Peonsyivars We. prepay Fusions: ant Exprens ve 4 goods ordered by Mail, but for Cash only. r Samples fur the ladies of 4 Send for ui new Bookie! 13V Wii 10 see, of anv goods you Best Goods at Lowest Prices — and vour Money Back if you want it. LE o> ALTOONA, Assmigred’s Notieoe, Notice is hereby given that Hiram MoGuire and wife, ship, Cambria Co, of « Pa, by dead of i volantary assignment dated 1st Decem- ber, 1997, assigned and transfe the andersigned, in trust for the bene- { At of of the creditors of the said Hiram | McGuire, sonal, of the said Hiram MeGaoire all the estate, real and per. All wraons indebted to the suid Hiram I Medinire will make immediate payment to the assignees claims will please property ant} and thous having present the HATO wnticated withont delay Wa PB Dorcas, Aasigries of Hiram Mefuire and wife Chest Springs, Pa 84 The progressive Ind | fase a OW, Wet Anil News, 3. Iss Tn 1 Ta tr of int at +e tired Ws geet Fila diners? Ladies 1 of wnan’s b hearing date of 1 1 ia iit \ RYT 3 } WH from i rile EL Baits # Fuge ehink be PR A Wher {at to 1 Wo Hieeloltin “Ms fon An when EY SPIT Lak was a great rH back and hips” writes Lotden Garaar if Narita Ky : or nadine e nen tur of rei aye bettie of he amb weriain’s Pain Raim, and it has given entire relief” herlam's Pun Balm is agree for rhiamatiam Ni Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy ihe "x * i ¥ 2 EN Ee WEE Fe 0 E134 wo rredit sb Triedg € Hn vy ferrtain Ow piney A 53 he dwmly Sgvx So, One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. DRUNKENNESS Ei Hk faite $y YOUR FORTUNE ay 21 stewing wid Spa xat apa ub ov "uw ay ‘n MENTHOL nw AL EMR tect , § ig wnt 5 & Ba CUMES cor ., “ORY rT “r CA at aw Tul dur ha ata » Gime te ne % oni. v « v en Ann. feng sen’) piety snd foe 1. By malt ws sh, & vow Went °F CUSH STN DULG (9h, FIBUESYES, 1X8, 5 i If You Doubt Clearfield town: rrod 10 LIFE AND ACCIDENT NSU Loans and Real Estate. OFFICE IX GOOD BUILDG. yn lelephone Connected. FirsiNation'| Bank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. APITAL PAID UP. 850 000 (0. SIM PLUS, 890 (00 00 Frome, Telivida- The font fa viene A evitperyntive ERE YY ! nding the principal § Bae ¥ HEY Dts aad ron, © Wa H. SANDFORD, President Grea! Bargain Sale at QUINN'S, JOANSTOWN. of Ladies’ and furs will he apcrifice in prices We wit mn; ot keep any of these goods ver They must he sold. and it is everybody 5 Brine 14 buy AS Shenp am 13 come and get a We sell the best 3 ard. ale ied mits ut The entire remaining stock and Pine soats soiled ¢ A Treat Hey ri Ey seared. £4 indies’, misses’ and fw underwear, the lowest made * QUINN'S. TRY US 1 ix : : You perhaps i (rN how nil our ve some donbt about what store. You are not we can sell High-Grade Goods TEATII LEAR ka Th re only al look aonr at the prices way to be convinced is goods and see what No Jpatter - what your prej judice will IGEN |i be convinced, a nd 1t will be tl. > 573 5 YE = rn We are headquarters b000, In tact crythi class Spt ate General a All goods pre mpth ny deliv ered and without charge. Te, ft, key it In a frst- Call whether vou wish to purchase or not. to your home — GEO. S. GOOD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers