jon Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. £ Wins Greexe, Editor, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, (895. The days are getting longer. Visit Miller's White Shoe Store. | The Courier list is steadily increas fing. : i Fresh country butter and egge at Cash (Girocery. | Next borough election on Tuesday, i February 15 th, | Children’s fall and winter coats at Mirkin & Kusner's. There will be many bicycles rode in | Patton the coming season. Goto Mirkin & Kowner and see theb fine line of fail and winter coats. -1t Thunder and lightning this time of year ix quite an anusial occurrence. i. Everyone was pleaied with “Peck’'s Bad Boy’ at Hastings Opera House on | Friday night. hm Fill your ice houses. 1888 is becoming familar. How about that New Years resol tion Overcosts below cost at Mirkin & Ruosner's. Go to Kessler's Bakery for your fresh bread and cakes. ig have a personal or news item it in to the COURIER. Hata, caps and mufflers, also gloves at cost at Mirkin & Kosner's. Miss Alice Ashoroft visited friends at Plttsbarg the first of the week. W. C. Baum, of DuBois, was a wel- come visitor to Patton on Monday. Now is your chance to get an over- coat below cost at Mirkin & Kasner's John Otto, the popular lamber dealer of 8t. Lawrence, was a visitor to Pat- ton on Monday. Hon. Jas. Kerr, of Clearfield, was g after business interests in Monday. . . Brady, proprietor of the offering low prices. See his column. | Ebensburg, are visiting relatives \ Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lattringer, off n ‘town this week. : Your attention is called to the bar. gain sale of Wolf & Thompson in another column, : ! Patronize your home bakery and ‘buy your bread from Kesler, oppo- [nite the Palmer house, . B. A. White, of Titusvilie, repre- ; senting an electrical firm of Chicago, “spent Monday in town. ¢ Did you see that handsome young gentleman in “Grit” last week. He is very popular in Patton Mr. EJ Severin rol fram Curwensville, Pa, visiting friends’ the past weak Frank E. Taylor, a wholesale grocery Flips. burg was looking after trade in Patton on Monday. “Bay where do you get that tea?’ “Why, at the Cash Grocery; do yon know that I can save money by buying my tea at that piace.” A good meal at all hours at the res taurant of GG. J. Fitzpatrick. Fine cigars and tobacco kept constantly on hand. See ad in another column. Paul Clark, a young colored man, was killed on the Pennsylvania rail- ‘road a short distance from the Lilly station about 8 o'clock Satorday morning. ; Reports from Spangler and Barnes boro are to the effect that the coal busi- | ness on the river is booming dnd times in those towns are a certainty in the near foture. There were 199 sheep killed and 151 wounded in Indiana county last vear, andl the county id out $1171.25 in sheep dama pe is a balance in the dog fund tax. For constipation take Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier. cures headache, nervousness, eruptions on the face, and makes the head as clear ‘as a bell, Sold at Corner Drug Store. | Fire at Williamsport, Pa., last Thare- day evening destroyed the planing mill | of Valentine Lupport and the sash 1 Monday fe was Perrone nd YL Bastpees of on and door factory of W. D. Crooks La v's lows is $10,000 and Crooks’ | | #132, 8% | The coal business has been picking granted a ¥ on January 5th. ; , A. E. Patton and son Alex, of Curwensville, and Miss Alice Dill, of Phlisdelphia, were visitors to Patton 3 y- . Miss Grace Dinsmore, of Punxsa- tawney, Is the guest of her brothers, ard and John Dinsmore, 3 considerable the last few weeks Mr. John Leahy informs os that a few ; miners can find work at the Bear ock mines, There are a few vacant houses. — Lilly Signal. . Miss Alice Hughes, Norfolk, Va was frightfally burned on the face an neck. Pain was instanty relieved by | DeWitt's Witch Huzel Salve, hich healed the injury without leaving a scar. It is the famous pile remedy. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. The town of Indiana, which had license granted last year for the first d time in several years, will have one dry Dr. 8. W. Worrell, of Patton, has again been a ted by $he 1 Oamtaia ty poor as r jo dan for this district of Cambria. pry The members of Patton Lodge No. y Odd Fellows, attended the John memorial service in the Metho- dist Episcopal church last Sanday morning. for apples, cabbage, po : : onions, turnips, oranges, 1s, bananas, candies and meats of all kinds. A library conundrum social was held at the residence of Wm. H. Sanford on Palmer avenue on Friday evening Quite a namber were present and a very pleasant evening waa spent. Judge Gorden intends to enforce a new rule in the notification of jurors court he will call all jurors and those not answering will be sent for at the sheriffs expense. Owcecla Mills Leader-Courier. H. A. one of the efficient councilmen from Second ward, it is rumored, will resign. We hope the rumor is not true, bat, if it is, five new councilmen will be elected this spring. ~LCurwensville Review. pring : Sts W. 8. Kregar, representing Ottis % & Co, w - grocery firm : of was looking after busi- ness interests in town on Monday. Mr. Kregar, is the honorable sec of the Storm Sayed Association, whic will meet in Pittsburg on Satarday, February 19th. ; ‘ An exchange says an editor ina neighboring town sarcastically remarks that he wants to bay a sack of flour, a pair of shoes and a felt hat, and he ia ready to receive lowest bids for the same. He says that some of his own town people treat him that way when an printing to the amount of $2 or §3 done. The following persons have been el- ected directors of the Cambria County | Mutaal Fire Insurance company of the Patrons of Husbandry: Michael Noon, John E. Tomlinson; J. J. Thomas, Wen A. B. Kirsch, John Ricketts, H. J. Ivory, T. L. Parrish, John SMe. Coy, M. 8. Carl, John Wright, H. J. Dimond, James Westrick. The postmaster at Coalport has ad- vised United States Commissioner counterfeit fifty-cent pieces are in circu- lation in that section. Action will be institutad to run the counterfeits down, as it is supposed that those who are ng the spurious coin resides some. where near Coalport. Dra. Murray, of Clearfield, Murray, of Patton, and Somerville, of Chest srformed a successful opera- frs. J. H. Dixon, of Beech afternoon. She as could be ex- the care and kind villiam McCale, of she will regain her | month at least this spring. Judge White has annoanced that he will not ‘ decide license Applicagions until the 1st of next April granted last year date from Mareh 1st; hence a month will intervence with no Lioense, no mial- ter how the deciiion may ultimately be. Notice We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on two 3b cent bottles of Baxter's Mandrake Bit. ters, if it falls to cure constipation, bilionaness, sick headache, or any of the diseases for which it is recom. mended. Also will refund the money an a S0-cent bottie of Downs’ Elixir, if it does not cure any cough, cold, eroup, whooping cough, or throat or lung diffienity. We aise guaranties one 35- cent bottle of ejther of the above to prove satisfactory or money refunded, ‘or sale by C. W. Hodgkine Patton Pharmacy. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The fae kn soutan eery of TIARAS. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. The Greatest Of the Season AT THE Bazaar. Everything goes at pri yy any would-be Miners squibs per box Nice glass lamp complete arge glass pitcher at 1 gallon galvanized oil can Best oil cloth, 2 yds for Good wash rubber af : - i bushel basket - . and every other article away regular price ie 20 10 15 5 10 0b under the We are also closing out our winter shoes at prices that surprise all. See a fow samples in our window which have prices on them at THE BAZAAR, QG. O. Brady, Prop'r, JANUARY CLEARING SALE. SPECIAL REDUCTION FOR ONE WEEK. Commencing Monday, january ending Saturday, Jan. 22. More genuine t than any other store. been satisfied with the results of their purchases. The new year finds us in position to eclipse all previous efforts in bargain giving. Your interests are our in- terests. Make your purchases here. F sults at the end of the year. You'll find yon saved money. For a 1 comes this Clearing Sale” We will ¢ satisfy the n ndent that. Remember every article reduced for this week. * given oy us 4 . ATZAINS ~My aE 1 Ce Ser The roeenest shappers nave igure the re- have (Fe * i $4 AN eran ay * 3 111 1d ® MH : x : * . . 1 Ive you bargains encugh o i Al * + - r 111 fae stove is 3pe]! i ¥ * 1 A0G, enue Lurgains 1GSt “ + NOTIONS. 5c, sale DOMESTICS. fu American and Merrimack indigo blue prints, sale price per yard Alabama cheviots, regular selling price Se, sale price per yard l-wool country flannel, 30 in. wide, others get 350, sale price per yard . . . Patent safety pine, worth price per dogan : Superior wire hair pins, saie price, #) pins - . - . Plated thimbles, worth He, sale price sach - . . Darning needles, 25 in paper, sale price per paper - . large sige pure aluminum hale pins, sale price each . . A Robe prints for covering haps and : Plated key ching, worth Se, sale furniture, sale price per yard . : price each . Safety wateh chains, made from ent leather, worth 10e, sale price ach . ” unbleached muslin 38 in. sale price per Heavy wide, worth 8c, yard - Skirt lining, the regular 5-cent kind, sale price per yard . Bleached pillow case muslin 42 in. wide, others charge 12c, sale price per yard - . . Ladies’ mises’ and children's howe supporters sale price Cosmo Battermilk Soap, others charge 100 sale price, cake Stee! rod ambrellas, gloria cov. : ering, worth 75, price . Heavy bleached sheeting 2] yards wide, worth 5c, sule price per Unbleached sheeting 2; yards wide, good quality, sale price per yard . - - Light calico, best quality, sold usually for 8c, ie price per Simpson's mourning prints, fast black, sale price per yard Shaw! fasecinators, others sell for 5c. sale price cach Fifty corsets, sale price each Jee Y “een y v v - MEN'S FURNXISH- voy El IN ( nD. Men's cheviot shirts, sizes 14: to 181, sale price each . Men's wool shirts, worth §1, sale price each - « . sutine shirta, for Me, sale Men x fine French sold every where price each Men's fine dresa shirts, colored bosom, worth $1 each, side price each . . - . Men's celluloid collars, sale price Minch curtain scrim, sale price per yard - . - All-linen crash, 18 inches wide, worth 9c, sale price per yard Extra heavy unbleached Canton flannel made to sell at 12ic per yard, sale price per yard Turkey red table demask wide, sale price per yard B40 $c Linen collars, sale price each oe Men's atlk and fourin. hand ties, regular 25¢ quality UNDERWEAR & HOSIERY. Men's gray Sanitary Underwear sale price each - Mion, senrth 15 42-inch tinted damask, known as a coffew cloth, others charge 330, sale price per vard . . Cotton crash, sale price per yard Table oil cloth, best quality, not seconds, sale price per yard Fifty pairs : ton blankets, worth 6hc, sale price per pair . - . All-wool blankets, worth $1.25, 12ie ; . on Eig LATER Mase Od Ladien Fyn pian ribbed Hewced lined underwear, sale price 0 Men's wool socks, sale price large size, Ladies’ feeced hlack hose price per pair #244 side price per : lined wig a ¥ 36 we sik dt FHA 3 1 ER + ly ek Lasaliii Liaskiy We HM paArIson We don't preach 1 degree of honor ticed >. . aU rt Patton, Penn’'a. Corner of Fifth and Kerr avenues. diy SUERTE ABSOLUTELY GUAR LTE] In ror sepessof oetvaion. Cores sr he Lal Lamm ple and booklet free. a, STPRY ING REMEDY Cor Cairn Houtres, Con Crean. Ahi. POPC APA Ee - toe A oh in) A JTIIITTTI IIIT ITT IIIT IIIT IIL STO STLOLTS Do You Eat? xs Y on 5 after the holidays otel] veut ciel a i eating just the same Perhaps not so hest, and at reason- over. 1 1 myth ery # TAATY raed Eyes ea a iN 1% 5 » RN 1 Py 44 ” ahle rice (nr line nt GROCERIES ra 3 x * $y ox Fa 4 § * . i Lie tra wile Cony hiice yall that the is ¥ 1 * a «$3 hs i” Dacotah ’ surpasses all other Flours Mid si} ® WHITE, - SWEET - BRERD That holds Moisture. Try “Dacotah” Every sack guanteed. w= "All Goods Delivered Free. Miners Store Co. Limited. SALIBA LBB MAL MAE ALIRN + 9g Or 1114Y Tree TET Tre ry err Terre I IEEE ese Tee ree rIeeITeIeeIeeITTILYS bibbibbiibibbibbiissssisssisiiibbibbibbbbbassdasiddisdisisiaiisisiibbbbbbbibbiiis Maddie PAARL AA RAR RAL Beginning on Thursday, Jan. 20 and Continuing tor 13 days we wil he fol- \ hat- + ] bE... i oHer * , a vx} h ] ains, and remoenmoper that lowing barg lv up to. 1 We Pi ever we advertise ’ : ‘ - Men's Suits I R5 and $8 suits now #4 HD ries now $5 T 50, 8 and S50 ones now $4 S50 and 9 now only 87 10 and 11 now X ve 1s Mens Trousers marked (Own. NX & dve sone which . 1 a sacrifice itWay Heavy Y ih » 4 Wiis Ut PA Hang 7 0 i Y. . SMHUC (ITISS SEES Xi 3 we img (3110 a4 i A Ad x 4 y } ¢ 1% 18, \ 214 and some Working will pair— =3 per Boys Long Pant Suits For hovs ayoed from 14 to 18 years £5, wid 4 now M4 and T now only #8 Mand 85, now $d and 10 now goes at 87 t Suits ix Ios Wins Fee ss . ia ‘ : i s HICKS I Hd wiZON Willd % 4 " ' Wry: 3. MY IM: CLOSU $6, 4 8, 7 SE Boys Knee Pan For Boys aged 1 Kat from $210 Lan 1AM All Overcoats at Cost ved Gloves will LOT OF HATS THAT WERE 730, 1 & 1.25 non nN UND All La sold ar a sacrifice. BOYS WOOLE WEAR to be and 11 i CEATY ¥ " ve eT 5 ail our underwear must go 1 ve to mm lor our SPRING GOODS All goods bought at this sale must be Spot Cash to All. WOLF & THOMPSON, Patton, Pa. were + hy Lai pair. 11: 4 LEW LIE 3k Winter Caps Al Tay FR “Oa at caste ie AN =i dR cost: * ‘ r # 5 3 3 i on At 3 TY) Leas i Building C ® FOOL 8
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