rf Shelf Hardware - Paints, PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1898. $1.00 PER YEAR. ASTANA AMOR wc A AE SP IN RDUERTISING' Goes hand in hand with honesty in merchandis- ng; representation might draw you to a store and perhaps sell you once, BUT, It wonld be your LAST PUR- CHASE there. We not onl y want to This Winter, but again next Spring, and also the follow- ing seasons. We cannot afford to even exaggerate the merits of our offering. Our statements are backed with the merchandise, and if not the case, your money back if you want it. Newspaper mis- | 00K, LOGAL AND GENERHL NES Gleaned Here and There by the “Courier” Reporter. ASSESSORS’ REPORT Of Cambria Coanty as KEeturned for the Yinr of 18% According to the fri ential Asia irn- ment of Cambria county as prelarned by the several assessors for the vear of AS, the report of Patton borough ix as Santdxd ands Noo of aemes, 250; valuation, $6,450. Unseated lands not any. Minerd rights not soy. Houses and lots Number housed, i505 namber lots, 480; valuation, M400 Hames and males Nombey, 56; $580. Cattle Nuamber, #5; Occupation value, $61,240. Last and not least, by an; dogs Namber males, 10%; n compliance with an Ad bly regulating triennial and constituting a board of resasiog, the commissioners of Cambria counl the above statement follows: abilish if Py give notice that Monday, Jud aary 17, 1895, has been fixed as U time the county commissioners will 4 a8 a board of revision to revise 2 ell You quialize the pascssments as requirea by $d Act of Assembly, Tir Washington, Washington is a most interesting city. The capitol, the Congressionn library, the National Museam, and the Monument are among the great orea- tion of civilized man, and append with peculiar foroe to every American citieen. Few journeys, in fact, are of more benefit than a trip to this city, the Nationa! Capital, and the scene of much of vital importance, To afford an opportunity to visit it while Con. pi 8 in session, the Pennsylvania Railroad company has arranged for a series of low rate ten-day sxcurgions to the National Capital, to leave Pitle burg February 17, March 17, April 14, andl May 12. Roundtrip tickets will be sold at rate of $3.00 from Pittsbarg, Patton Pharmacy. Headquarters for by Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars #2 Tobacco. THE LAST DAY OF ’ S 7 HAS DISAPPEARED. . Nieholas Burke jJortng ta bay i allowed it : On the first Page of the New Leal we find a welcome "BETTER accommodation for our customers. ‘A LARGER surly of ND shall continue to rec- . tify mistakes, give satisfac- tion, sell goods according to quality and try to have what you want in ~ Oils, Glass, Etc A Good Line of ‘Heating Stoves. Washington, I. «, Pennsylvania | somewhat lengthy trial the note : Manufacturing Co. of brick, laid in ‘used and Messrs. Davis & Drumgoid well know the art of brick faving as former contracts through the county will show. wed going on special train leaviag Talon Station at 8 A om. sarryiag through parlor cars and couches, and making same stops as train No, 10, or on train No. 4, leaving Pittibarg at 8:10 p. m, carrying through sleeping cams to Washington, returning, Hekets will be good on any train except the Limited Tiikets on gale in Pittsburg at Union ticket office, 360 Fifth avenue, and Union Station Por fall information apply lo agents or Thomas FB. Watt, Pasanger Ag Western District, Fifth avenue nd SanithOeld street, Pittsbary. The args + uae Poded Attorney FF. J. O’Connor on Salar day filed bin peport aa anditar in the estate of Edward Burke, of Clearfield township, and this probably marks the end of that This in the state In samaw hat notable case which a son prodaced a note jar- fears bia father, in his avor, which swallowed up the entire property of the decedent and still lel the claims unmtafed in fall. Aftera pronounced genuine, and Mr, OF Consor It amounted to about $1,000, and when other claims and cowta ‘of the proceedings were added, the = estate, which amounted to only #$2,- 354.86, paid only 77) per cent. ‘The auditor's fees in the case were $18 ‘and expenses of litigation $213 more, There may be objections filed to the report, but it is the general fending that ie will be confirmed as it stands Brick Wark Commences. The brick work of the new (aldstein | block on the corner of Fifth and Ma- e avennes was commenced on Tues y morning Contractor W, ( Hubbard has secured the sorvios of Contractors Davia & Drumgold and their crew of men to do this work, and the brick to be used on the building are manufactured by the Paton Clay The first quality red mortar, will be Dasving Sehaol, Prof. McBride has been requestad by a number of the young gentlemen of Patton to organize a daneing school Hie has given the matter consideration and will open a school in the Firemen's Hall Friday evening at 8 o'clock. All wishing to join his school are requested to eall at this meeting and band in your names, Severin's Imperial Ur. chestras will furnish the musi Granted Patents. Among the many patents granted at last weik wie the ane to L. W. Adolfsen, of Hastings, for La clothes holder, and one to J. C. Bon- pete, of Brookville, for an automatic overhead joist-boring machine. Nota woman in town who doesn’t. admire pretty Furniture. A few years ago only the rich could enjoy | the luxury of a nicely furnished home. It is different now—Every- body can make a cozy, comfortable home. If you haven't much mony, | or if you have plenty, step in and see whit we have to offer. It is simply a case of few dollars and much sense, or in other words a few dollars and much furniture —If you buy your furniture from J. E. Kirk Hardware Company. | mtons. «1 yee Free, Fre, Freel Pith every $25 worth of goods pur. chased at our store you will be pre- sented with a beautiful pieces of siver- ware, which can be seen displayed in our show window. 35 Mirkin & Kusano Patton Markets, Subject to market changes: Hutter | Iowans Ley pravigied Cabbage en : ; Buckwheat . : RES ‘ Aras Potatoes baastied MINERS STORE Co. | Limited Shiloh's Consumption Care cures where others fail. It is the leading Songh cure and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. Store » Sold at Corner Drug made on it. Successor to COOK, SALMOND 8 COWDEN, FIRE CO APPOINTMENTS As Aunvanesd by the Chil Wililam FL. Probert Chief of Patton Fire Co. No. 1, W, I. Probert, has announced the follow. ing appointments as assistants during fire for the ensuing year Nozzlemen Geo. Hunter, Jesse Fox, WwW. M. Merriman, MF. Tate, Chas, Weston, Jonn Scheid, John Monteitn, H, Davis Plogmen John Lowes, John (hwena, ¥. H. Kinkead, Ed Hanter. Bar and axemen-T. N. Nagle, 8. EK Jones, A. G. Anderson, Paul Bilier Hook and Ri. A. Lilly, Wr Clark, John Boyer, Robert Man rests Y kHydrantmen Meiion finemen 2d Leish: Ed ttle Ram’ Fisher, Wn Mellon, Thos swen, Wm Howe, H 5 Conbey, GG Howe, Wm. Morgan, CO. A. Philips, John Howe Chas Bove, Alex Monteith, J RB Corasling. J. FE Parnall, BR. Som mille, 3 5 YW *T fr 82 rowel, Wm, JF Fine Ex ¥ % oder, Ludddormen John Hewlett, Fred FH. Wilson, f £ ¥ Martz, Clad ERP NSBURG POLE TAX WAR Son Hove LG Take a Hand in $85 wring be Ebepshirg refases to tion in passing the ordi tux of 50 cents an- puaiy on each ppt, elepnone atud electric light pole in that county capital, says the Johnstown Demoerat, and it is reliably stated that if the courts do not decide the tax unconstita- tional, the companies doing busine in that place will pull op stakes and eave, The origina ordinance Was jeoisid about «ix months ago and later ap proved by the burgess. At that time there was a determined kick against the measure and the people of that . borough, who were pot in favor of the imposition of such a tax presented a petition to the borough dads in which thay asked that the action tw reco isd. eredl. Last Monday night the petition was tarned down by the council and the action of the latter body declared final It i= nnderstood that in a very short time before the ordinance goes into effect the Western Union, the Postal, the Central District and the Johnstown shone companies will prescott a combined petition to the cout in which Jodge Barker will be asied to pass on the constitationality of the ordinance. It is reliably stated tial in the event the decision is against the companies they will promptly close up their offices in hat piace, dt jenst wo far as i practicable. amd that ail, or at least a grest many, of the poles sill be rernay ed todo fiftee ry Floated At a meeting of Patton Castle No Ww Knights Golden Eagle, held on i evening, January 6s, the following officers were elected: WW. W, MeFarline, pobie chief: NX. O. Fattér. son, past chief, OC. A, Danlelssn, vies. chinf> W. H H Bell M of BR; LR Beli, K. of Ex; John Sterrett, ¢. of Fx: John RB Anderson, H. P.; tea Jenkins, 8 H.: PF. K. Mitchell, V. H.; 0. FP. Bloomquist, trastee; N.C. Pat tepson, representative to grand castle; Fred Mitchell, Jobn Anderson, Gust Anderson, auditing committee, AQ members of this castle are ecarpestiy requested to be present al the installa tion to be beld on Thursday night, January 13, aa Sir Knight District Grand Deputy CH. Clesson, «of Al toons wili be present and confer the third degree. AL CIRCA, I. BR. BR. Orders New Rails Word from Philadelphia says that the Pennsyivania Railroad company has placed an order for one hundred thousand tons of steel rails for the building of new tracks and the re. placing of those that do not meet the standard of ita system. The rails are ta be of the 100-pound standard size, and the order is divided as follows: Pennsylvania Steel company, 15,000; Cambria Iron company, 25,000; Uar- pegie Steel company, 30,000; lLacka- wanna Iron company, 5000, and the Hiinois Steel company, 13,000 tons This is the Pennsy's first order for the coming year, and it Is said that the placing of such a large one at this seq. son has ereated a good feeling in ron and steel at Philadelphia. It is ander stood that the price was $18 per ton, Al Your Ooder. s dispatch from Loodon, Eng, says that according to the Vienna corres pondent of the Daily Chronicle, Dr. Schenck, professor at the University of Vienna and president of the Embryo. logical institute, claims that after 0 years of experiments he has discov. ered the seoret of exercising an in fluence over animals and men so as to fix the sex of their offspring. Dv Schenck declines to reveal it until he has placed his discovery befire the Academy of Baiences; but he says the influence depends upon the nature of the food consumed by the female. Patton Bakery Yrasslvored, On Tuesday W. WW. Kessler trans. ferred Lis interests in the Patton bakery to Brehm Bros, of Johastown, These gentlemen come to our town weil recommended, and are known ns fest class bakers with years of experience, and the COURIER extends a hand of welcome to the new firm. Mr Kessler retires from the business leaving many friends, won by his courteous treat- ment to bis trade. He expects to still reside in Patton. ts Tt all Wind? Hope Not. The Altoona Tribane says that Thomas A. Shoemaker, of Bellefonte, has received a contract to construct 80 miles of railroad from Johnstown to Patton, near the Clearfleld county line. It is an extension of the Beech Creek road and there are two tunnels to be {reine BORD. COUNCIL MEETING, y Held in the Council Chambers Wednesday Night. BILLS PASSED UPON. Ruosiuess of Mach Was Fransnelesd Patton, Pa, Jan. 5 -Conneil redriiar session this evening with following present DET call: President Hubbaed, Lelech, Mone teith, Jones and Leadbetter The minutes of regular meoting held on the evening of December 1, 1987 were res] and approved. The committee reported that board walk notices were served on the following named parties in Patton borough: W W. Speneer, C. OL & 1 Co, John Raker Catholle Chuareh Organization, Dennis Flynn, all of Beech avenues, which report was accepted by the Conn, Om metion of Jones and seconded by [endbetter. it was carried that the fol. lowing bills be accepted and Clerk bet inutrocted to write ardeps for the ame: Ro Somerville, 825 for salary for six months: P. H Biller, 81.84% [ Blacksmithing: Patton Water Co, &i8 34 for water rent for month of De. somber, 1897: Howard Woomer, $1.55 for salary for month of December and meals to prisoners, ete; 8. EF $12 00 for services as Board of Health ofeer: 8 F Jones, 8300 for acting as specind police on December 25, BF OWil £00 for clerk services for month of December, 18387; Hunter & Baughman, $10.97 for lumber; W. J. Donnelly & Co, $8.02 for lumber, and the following for street work for months of November and December per Street Commissioner 8 EE. Jones account: SE Jones, $12.46; Yeager, 6.65; Adoiph Hoffer, 3.00; Fred Mellon, 3580: Vie lLaner, 4.35 Geo Tempo, 1.75; 8. FE Jones, 14.00, Fd Thomas, 1.75 No firther business Coanell then ad. journed to meet at next regular meeting night Jan, 18 (S88 No her Pmperisnnes myer bra slp * » 2% Jones, £3800, - i 3 DR FETZER ELECTED Ae Fiwalident of the A Cemn! flararrasy Ile Bank Mun Dr. DD. A Fataer, of 3 mL a JAre MII anmnber City, Fas been elecied of the Car wensville bank to 81 vacancy dinised bey thw death of Hon, John Patton, A FE. Patton, who has been cashier of the Carwahsvine Dank sine 1 in the same position, but has also bsgmieny advaneesd 16 the position of vies prea ¥ 3 two positions 3x, coniinges dent. and will held the AR One Pir. Fetaer, the new president, does not need any introduction to either the of Clearfield doing business wilh hank He Jong known as one of the most conservative and carefal men of the connty in which he presides, and aa a financier, ie present fnancial sitaation Bon svidence of what be bs in this particular, : ar to the the peiple county, i { ‘ur hawt EL pe Wane ia EE] The Farmers Twas Step. Among the lg of late publications wa note, with nosmall feeling of pride, a cutehy two step entitled “The Farm: er's March’ composed by Prof WwW. P MeBride, a former St. Marysite, This is the young man's first composition in print, and is dedicated to his sister, Miss Anna MoeBride, the charming young organist of the Sacred Heart Cathoite church of this city, and al though just bsued is gaining great pop- alarity. It is not a diflesit composition although it possesses a peculiar charm, a catehy air, and an inspiring strain throughout. [twas first introduced to the public by McBride's orchestra, which Prof MeBride was the sucoessful leader of the past three years. He is now located in Patton, Pa, an enter. rising town of Cambria County, where 9 in mesting with slrong success as a musical instractor. We wish to extend the young man our congratulations. He has many friends in this vicinity who will always extend a warm welcome to his former home Elk Uo Gazette, Jan. 8, 1368, published at St. Marys, Pa. Notice of Elation? There will be an Fection held at the Firemen's Hail on Tuesday, February 15, 1888, for the purpose of electing the following officers: One Justice of the Peges: twaoschool direclors; two coun. cilmen, one for three years and one for ONE VEeRr, one assesor; ote Judge of election: (Wo inspeclur, one atditor. =. FL Joes, Constable. Following are the officers whos term will expire March Ist. James Mellon, J.P GH. Carfan and HE Barton, schon directors; Ralph Letsch, J. H. [rgon and WoW. Ressier, connaimen; JH. Ricker, and wil on the election board he Ls enn, Jwekein KRinkead Dead. Mm Martha Kinkead and son Frank attended the funeral of Jackson Kin. kead, grandiather of Frank Kinkead, at Philipsburg on Sanday, January 2 Deceased expired at his hothe on Decems- ber 31st at the age of nearly 81 vears He had many frends in that viemty whi will sadly mins a good citizen and riend. : Horn, A service in memory of Hon. John Patton will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday at 10:30 a. m. The pastor, Rev. Chas. W. Was- son, will preach an appropriate sermon. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend this service, john Patton Mining Machines al Hasiings. The Tribune says that on last Friday Duncan & Spangler closed a contract with the Sullivan Machine Co., of Chi- cago, for the installation of a fifteen machine mining plant at Sterling No. i 8, in that place. $ L. TOON WASHINGTON LETTER By “Mows Poking” Regarding the Civil weryvice Law, Washington, OC Jan. 10. Speaker Reed, when it suits bis purpose to do so, can play the role of the sphinx in a manner that has never boon sorpassed by any man in public iife. playing it during the tormpdl in the House weer the question of modifying ww repealing the oi il servion nw, and ap to thix time all attempts to tain where he stands have failed ing the warm debate, which aes Pur hegran the day Congress reassembled pnd whieh still ont not sald or done sides, if Fis i 3 haw which with Tae ands ‘Were ony making a rumpns on the subject for ae among thelr constitaenty has made trun ever Wo do anvihing to indicate ¥ psither, he svmnpathises ¥ statement thal them mote determingd something, They have oppenly told thse Republican colleagues that if they not help them to poss a bid evil Mw they 113d with Dietoerats for the purposs of passing a bill for the repeal of the law More than 1090 Re. publicans are said to have promised Le vote for the bill modifyviog the civil weryvios nw that x tobe reported toy the Honue from the oommiitee OD the civil wry fi that bill is not more radical than the introdoced fant week, which confines the operation of the civil service aw to offices with walarios from SOOO to KR R00 a year and Ley localities where thers are more than 35 employes If thi presen Ce 3 Pie +} Lhe ities I carried out the question of the annexation of Hawait will have the right of way ontil settled The treaty was taken up today by the Senate, and daily executive seasions are to be held anti it is disposed of. There have bens, it is believed, coough changes among Senators to make the vote in favor of the treaty reach the required two-thirds But the opponents of an- nexation are going to mike a hard fight, and, under the Senate rules, they can streteh ib out, if they are so dis- posed However, they da not talk as confidently of defeating it as they did when Congress fim met. Moss PunkiNe program is Firat Floetrie Light. Jas, Misdlon, Pag bears the dintinetion of having the first eb Haeht in the town of Patton, Fred Mellon, a son of the "Squire, wha is an electrician, work seversl months ago to effect a avatem by obtaining Lhe power from a water moter, which he has cat. < wtrneted near the residencd of GisSpar- After the motive power had perfected a small dynamo wis pape and placed in position aed the Bote a wired, About ten lights are being pot in and already a test has been made by a few of the (rst Hghts placed, which Bave proven to br Mr, Melton says brillianey of the light cannot frye a § wel Lo ls Lasers Tsireii gg YY ant i fist ay that thas PH RY rips d Flatel Tounsfer, fin Monday an important transfer wis muede in the Central hotel of Pats John BR Cordell selling hus inter esta to J LL Yeckley, a Summit, Cresson township. Mr. Yeok- ley, wh is an px perience hotel man, will take charge of that popaiar hos- tedry an soon am transfer of the fleense x made. Mr. Cordell, the re tiring landlord, has a host of friends in Patton and vicinity who will regret to learn of the change, as he, assisted by his estimable wife, have gained the reputation of conductag a first- class hotel in every particular. Saver, the Commi amd Clay Shipments During the month of December, 1887, there wis shipped from the yards of Patton over the Beech Creek railroad 3,600 cars of coal, which would ag- gregate over 95,000 tons. This coal wis mined at the different collieries of Patton and the Clearfield Bituminous Coal company at Spangler, During the month of November over 180 cars of clay products, principally sewer Bipe, were shipped from thé Patton Clay Manufacturing company’s works Another Death’ Grover Boyd, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Peters, died at the home of the parents on Magee avenue last Friday afternoon after suffering several days with diphtheria, aged 2 years, 4 months and 25 days. The funeral, which was private, occurred Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, brief services being conducted by Rev. Chas W. Wasson. Al Ashville, Ih The COURIER i in receipt of an inv tation to attend a festivai amd grand hop to be held under the auspices of the YM. IL, Connell Noo #84 of Ashe ville, Pa, on Toesday evening, January PN, 188s A general good time is prom id, Admission free. The members of the committees are DG. Myers, E. J. Adams and J. J. Rhody Chivkeas For Sais seventy-five thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Rock cockerely for sale at $1.25 amd $1.50 each. Abo Partridge Cochins, Buff Cochins and Light Brahmas. Address Dr. H. Somerville, Chest Springs, Pa Corman! Ball Lieut. Peter Kavior Post, 853, G. A, R of Patton will boid a grand bail and supper in Firemens hall on Friday evening, January 21. Proceeds for the benefit of the Post fund. All are invited. : saieide by Wie, Frank Diehl, Esq. a prominent resi- dent of Portage, this county, committed suicide Saturday afternoon in Merchant William Moudy's barn st that place by hanging himself with a piece of wire. Potatoes, a ples, pears, celery, syrup, meat of all kinds kept at Cash Gro. cery —in fact everything that is kept in a first-class grocery. Gi } Casi GROCERY. He has been resident of avenue and will ve me a call, | Notice of Election. At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Patton School District held January 10, 1898 the following resolution was unanimously passed by a full Board to-wit: In view of the rapid growth of the District, consequent inadequate aecom- modations overcrowded condition of dehodsls aiid probable large increase of any sehool atin the immediate future, ; Resolved, That the following propo- ition he snhmitted to the voters of Patton Borough at manieipal election rer be the third Yaeaday of Febraary, A. D for their “ap neoval. vizs That tse Patton Sehool {Hstrict be authorized a borrow nod to pxeevid Six Thousand Dollars 86.000 00 © at a rate of not to xvod $8 per cent, payalie semi-an- anally on Coupon Bonde of the denom. ination of PF Dintlury Rn oa pach, to Tan years recioemable after ten vears at option of anid Rehool District, for the prose of providing and | ne § shonl ace wintions by eredting an miditionad : af four rooms (Oo press ent sehool balding and heating and firnishing same By order of the Board, TOU Crowell, Pres, Geo. H CorrMax, Ree'y, WW, OC, liNeLE, 3 ¥ 3 LINTON WW. HH. RaNprorD, C. C. Houten, held on Tigtim ittterest ' Hund read tardy ditional SH T Directors. Alliost GH. Coredax, Sec'y. Annual Simtel, The last annaal sessed valuation of the Borough of Patton is $313,740; the existing indebtedness of Patton Bor- ough School District is, viz: Bonds autwtanding, $15,000: orders outstand. ing, 81,810.80: total, $16 818.60, The proposed increase of indebted- ness of the Patton School District for purpose aforesaid is $6,000.00, The percentage of proposed increase on inst assessed valuation is one and ninety-one hundredth per cent. Gao, Ho CURFMAN, Sec Patton Sehool Board, Swern and snhseribed before me this 12th day, January, 18S, JE Dae NP =3ataf Ioan Tor the This week flaished up work at the large quarries of Geo. S. Good & Co belo tawny, for Lhe season. In the spring business will resume aru. the ad stie again and the prospects bids fair to a. very busy summer's work, Superin. tendent Wm Prindible informs the Connin that during the season of "97 over NY cars of stane tao This important industry ioves! during the year anywhere fram 100 ta 140 stone culties Several of the emploves will remain al the quarry during the idle months to look alter the interests of 1he company the company An Aged Man Mes Mr. and Mm. WW. P and family seturned home on Friday even. ing from Bigier, Pa, where hey at tendind Lhe funeral of Jacob Hoover, father of Mes Jackson, Hoover Jao kson Mr. dind on New Years morning aller an {lines of about 18 months, suffering from cancer of mouth. He was aged 73 yours anid leaves two sons and five daugliters to mourn his loss. 1n- terment took place at the Fairview cemetery, in Graham township, Clear fleld county th Restavrant Chango! Hands frank Kinkead, proprietor of the Kinkead restaurant on Fifth avenue, has purchased the Sam’! Fisher res tavrant and hilliard parlor an Mage conduct the two for the present. Mr Fisher was com Hed to transfer his interests owing to lines. The COURIER predicts a bright future for Mr. Kinkead. Fire oo Rall Patton Fire Ca. No. 1. will hold a grand ball in their hail on Monday evening, Junnary 17. Every person is invited to attend. , A good time is assured. Saas Thy flee You're wasting it. ing to buy a Suit ar Overcoat, perhaps bay We have told you our stary many times, but it will bear repeating. Clothes of the best, cut by artistic cut- ters, sewed Dy skilled tailors and finished as only good tatlors can finish garments From now until Christmas we well a $22 Sait at $20, and a $24 at $14, and so oi. The cheap, ready - made man can sell von his goods for less than we can, but if vou want genuine tailor-made clothes look over our stock: if it does not appeal to you don’t buy. DINSMORE BROS, Merchant Tailors, PATTON. PA. Next to P. O. Insti Fone
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers