- and not to be endured.” “We Weak stomach ir a fon Causos Indi | $s Sarsapurilia Cures. “1 hdve always boost troublel with & weak stomach and hal spasms caused by | mdimastion, 1 have tatan several bottles of Hood's Sarsapariila and hava not been | ; bothered with spasms, nod { advise anyone Hood's troubled with Jrspepiia to take as, Hoxrox, Pratisburg, chy sh AN UNKNOW N ROOM. Sealed Up for Years in New York's Court Hoawe. A room the existence of which a known to few, if any, present ono howlers, was discovered last week in the County Court House the Surrogate’s clerks, fastened. and, it ix sald, aver the room or its contents, but on in ‘© guiry it was found that the room bad _ been taken years ago for the deposit of records of the Comptroller's office. The inquiry was pursued until a key to the | room was found filed away in the of Bee of the Comptroller and the room | was opened. The dead air inside nearly knocked isver the curious men who looked in "and the door was quickly shut up The hasty glance taken of (he interior showed that It contained a Joi of beoks and bundles of vouchers and such papers. It was the anwholesomie sdor that hung about the Surrogate’s office, where nine clerks are employed in a small room, that led to the search which resulted in the discovery of the It Is thought ha! | apartment. rome: of the waste pipes have sprung teak In the room. It I» understood that this secret room # the only part of the building re ohn for the Comptrofier after ax sffort on his part several years ago i secure quarters in the County Cotirt aonse. The ditfeeliy, as explained 1 the writer by Justice Van Brant son & me ago, arose throngh Compiroller Andrew H, Green insisting that he bad ihe right 16 take possession of qnarmen im the County Court House under ag tharty of the Commissioner of Public Works. iu whose charge are (he mo slcigal buildings. The Comptrolla was partly installed before the Justices of tle Supreme Court got into action He wanted the lower floor on the west side of the buliding, chiefly the pan) gow used as docket clerks’ rooms. “We told him,” suid the Justice, “that the State had subscribed something like EX, 000 for the building. and that ‘the fitate would have something to sas ‘as 1 bow the building was used Mr Green was told that he would d aot vacate, anu he vacated” The room now appears to show tha the Judges were contemned just a Lt tle New York Sun. ; The Art of Complimenting. Compliments are the poetical touches which redeem the monotony of Rercumle | [ERistence. In the Intercourse of syn tie people they have a nator on , and It Is as pleasant fo recoy he by word or look the charms of our | friends as it is to profit by them. Profit | y do, undoubtedly, as all that make life fairer makes It Letter, and a whole some discernment of good traits nse add fo our faith in human nature and ts cupabilities. Rigid moralists de : clare that compliments are so skin 1c flattery that it Is wrong to use prof in any way. This is "most Intolerable for all nead both to give and receive encourage ment in this practical and hurrying world. And, reprebensible ax hard na tures find it. there Is a charm la open Ing our eyes to the attractions of others and a warm. hedithy glow accom ponies the utterance of woi ds which attent our admiration. IB 8B re He ~ Young V Womanhood. Sweet young First How often they eveiop into worn, listless, apd herpes less women because mother has not sal weak- nessand per- fodical pain, and young girls ‘ust budding in- to woman- hood should be guided physical- 1Iy as well as morally. _ If you know of any young lady who 4a sick and needs motherly advice, ask her to address Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass, and tell every detailof her symp tom. surroundings and occupations ‘She will get advice from a source that | has no rival in experience of women’s | : Mia Tell her to keep nothing back Her story is told tw a woman, not toa man. De “not hesi i tate about stating de tails that she may | not wish to men | tion. but which are esseatial to a ful} i of certain to come! » Spasme— Remember | ad's Sarsa oe rilla ia It is the ‘southeast corner, under the office of It was tightly has rot heen spend for twelve to fifteen years, No | oe in the building had any control lh Tr RL lh Bk nd sbi Cb ere imei Seenring Early Leftnve The outdoor crop of a nav hs made several days sowing the seed 1 some sane late in fall Tt 1a not if sown now any uf the soma ap thin fall. A few tered over the bed will keep the seed from injury, and it srow with the first n pring Abnpost avery self mown leitar was grown and want to seed ons year It MOT han spri in the same locals spring jetinea Frpraad Hikoly tliat lottupes Ww iil hs fone 30a. will Apron t and weather in hima warm Sad Hv y & 0% ia mich nd iy. faspherries, Tiead before the Missouri Hortionl tural Society, Ly DA. Tarner: Basp- berries should be plasted Sxd four apart, plant as early mn spring as the ground will work well plan ix to let the plants ge to eight inches high and save to have a staad, 3 nl IVAN wh £1 } aA i “shallow, | nue Plant Junior plow and a two (1 horse and enltivate every emght to ton davs from the plants $s Anwnst Fit ang hoes ay rary CE Pray ine no wWepds grow Praning the first year, when sixty-one to twenty ft will fans them mors will throw ont laferals venr, pinch back when feet high. I never tak wood tall Spring g, for at to the new lanes, “tera! shoots from ten to eight in early spring varities I Bave basn growing rasphs twenty years and now sas at the bead it sian better and rasan Anil ter than aay I know nese as large as better in gasiity atid second early and makes fine, large tips The Progress js the iety herve, fine and larga betiar hone than the Tolmer and well on the sandy olay i the or a enitivator rm spt ar TARA ta ont Is proteriion 4 ¥itey when in thy the Giregy and much sesil fina Teouss po A 13 inated, boearily Brees land The Queen of the Was: ene, and makes the largest any other variety e Xeept and point abont tha N en red varieties I will say nothing about, for they have not heen a sa me. | have a number of var 3 CRO Nid XE; #34 Liye ponass with ILIA BOW, te ught before us for contempt If be The Pig- Eating Sow, In saswer to the question, will a sow sometitons destroy and eat her young pigs?" the Western Swine herd says: "There may be several | ferent causes for this tron! “in some cases we have seen & evidently saffering a form of hysteria, sucilar to what is | puerperal mania in the medical pro: fession, std in sack eases the troubl bas beegevery mneoh aggravated, erally, by ingndicions har sling gow 18 inchined to be wile #4 the time for partarition approaches, the best pian ix to leave alone, | Do not go into her pen ab all it will only aggravate har Handle your sows as mach as possilie while yaunz, Land nine times out of ten you will : have no roable at larrowing time, bat if you have, make nt interfere uniess abiaintel nd oa Bo account wlas £0 nesr the pen, in other mea Bes Bed that the sow was indnee Po her pags throngh an annatnral era prodaced by an oheal} i rondition of hia bads, Lice SNR 3a 59° TO Ler Rees we kh handing fhe isa AR TeRiRT slow nioe Pes 1k " ahd * of : POW In ia th pe fi Field and Fireside Winter Feeding of § yo a Ts wonid he batter w i piss Fray id grown bh bias gr Lwinter, 1 BGYMOOS has in Jaced i stock to pat ‘eorn fodder ; tunate {tumn. gra ; { early summer sug hay, 2% a rule 18 jaw eompared There seem alarm as to a great advances inthe nes of stock food within CEIX months, The f§ fen fer Ty 44 vii bed : tion to the subject for his stock in winter, , that 12 put 3p In % rare wp Eas) wy by x & toy ot domestic animals as ay oil-meal | mpi SA RTI NAD 17 eo Yahi ei rs RT Loh Bat alan i : Land other laxatives L however, Lior } PAriIeY ¥ Attra ard the beds where 4 w sown leténes oan be had cars sed i { The pros vonidor, in only a maid degrae, asa rule in laxative proper- On the other ripe hay, pers fodder to a degree Baye sanding $0 cons 1m affective les, hwnd, the opposite aaalities, sbipation, In putting np the a role to tendenvins in hav, many farm nentralize the ex- their hay hy sral gnantition of salt distributed in enring, Ordinarily the watchful sda pr vides a liberal supply of salt anid wood ashes mrxed, 11s the ab sone of word the ashes of corp coda Thiz sondiment is regard. eMeacions in maintainimg an in digestion. At the ers make yt frame fib tu ¥ # 7 1g iY or, ed mn eqmilibeiam | presont time, very copious rains have gtnds ti ; of mineral a ta % YY nas ax Rucown as SE oa ! and HETVOUS | ¢ tak Ri ind them when Fihem by # revived the Lime shoald alae be faraished as a part of the con. nt Jor the grazing animals, 1 ho provides ensilage or ag; word pate of roots s will have little trouble toeniaty dizontion of domes. a5 rales of diet has pret Ary eX- LL AZINE. dime 1h ia: vr B § 5 Hh n 4 Tie fan fslgidlishe $y - periments : The akilifnl x rogniste the dist be able to of the annuals by a jndwdons maxtnre of the grains and requir ing only a limited amonnt of bone natriment in tha way In the case omts that are rips, 8 mixture of an eqnal balk of wheat Lran sat times fe wll liay or straw ia Top tor + wil 1 fin rae, } condiments WE £35 sre the wvl may be 4% the woather in he amount of Fram bd wenthe J its BETETe of animals fate feat pn A sd Fania appl £54 De AY Rr ae Meat Lisp 13 the case thin! are weaned He HORAT Whare thelr grain gradnally incresssd be sre taken from their dams, he fittle fray Whera IAT been made, is if jussible, that the yonogeters 1d be farnished ¢ wa milk diinted y, atvrmr with gran rations, weeks, gradaally diminish amonnt of milk. When one sod mamber of yonag things, it te farnish them warm cooked joan a day The same nesting applies to minh cows, When the ies # gathers, water shonld ha warmed for ali the stork. Vigilant eare will have abun ward. «Fara, 1 3 Wil: eda ! Ld % 3 Tis few 3 LEIA Theat fs SY The WE thera gn bier, wyid AE a rm ak PaIBOYals 0 1a tha GE dant res Field and Fireside, Farm and Garden Notes, Rory the wagon well greased Barn tp the brash on the place, the k ¥. 5 sy Kean d der tied up elose to the } Ruski shal Buccens in farming depends much Spon preventing Potie Waste so] to be marked oF pant Pasiures pg an Oo them, 1% £41 5 « hie Ww éy Saw TAriely not sadaiie to vonyr » w 14 worse than an old, y Deans, 253 RA of aod ide Tr a Ree. FE inn? Liter read ¥ ower and loader His SH Aw Barat Laat and gp aver taagt ot Sigh £3 pooper of PRINS G4 ive, tan op i Iry { have bees ratsed nn (hve regiire a soil of clay SLE 8 41 the Safe ! pow that Care not bin rT A Pb Gd wi ISDOM. HOROS oF Young men baliave » platonis friond 1 by pid men know better wp pr pasties ft is only the good at heart who really : , v Hea “Fy FEHR jastion along at 10 ARTY Ara frome hs ‘To tisnce you should amd by habit you Fa thew Keon eloge to nx winle we a ! he into the shade things 3 peotEten wiii bear them fue friends are ONY the sunshine hu vo us The natan we walk Our sonscwencs harder ony and accounts with om harder to If ha!f the time ware spent in prac ising phalosx opis that 1s spent in disonsying it and aren ing abont it the world wouald have pasdd of both ie bitterast enamies, Knows more ra nicely, an i uo be appeased, either religion or vay To resid with of old age. one the rained and n' parallel stady and love Visk sr Till a man can judge whether they be truth or Ins anderstanding bat little improved and thas mitch reading are greatly may be Lule kaowing. . It is hard fo part long, for where tr wittom, nature will slways be wing to return and will peep ot yr 15% A ¥ nen ; y Rr ea 320d yy i 5h BE is ht perssnats betray herself one tine or ot The downers af your ivy! Ara hers and theirs on you. win this world, whateve or EX OerE an iif: LAE shan ared with whieh m sar nasion ars feehip Oadrapeds Gen Fishing. the aaly ir i Pp ES hey wid Man 38 nt nen : $ § w res Padus Iie In 18 Hate 1% man ow cateh mors fis iy 1183) Can, atl, WX yours 16 bE simply 3 Wi tg he gi go water ever tales | by ik ia eves fr by £31 fife? bused we rahi] thnx t rianbey art of lis and one paw th tremens aree, strikes wa, Citing hroaes fest and seldom does he tie thie the rest fail to if the bi Sover da we aly outriyg inch of id terrible ws compl ¢ Work [he blow wsuall iy lands the stunned w killed fish back over the log into a quiet pool, from which it cannot easily PRADA, Ia the course of tuanty minntes he ‘raquently catches from fifteen Ww wenty-five salmon, ranging from five » twenty pounds each. These salmon sre usually a trifle weak and shightly inder the weather nibs the hook. stil, but more than LHETY the do mimon. Bat this dog is not the only onr-fouted fisher for thess out there, vither. Tt is a common thing to within a distances of jess than a slong the coast half a dozen bears, amily or two of w sidentn, i wiony of raccoons, not a few oy senides a doven or mora razorbmok sous, to say nothing of We yf angles, all engaged in the spor Yshing for dog salmon. Shronieln Glasgaw" $ e Family Homer. mg the many new thing started mw. Corporation it intended % at, a ary i shod Liye Hep mia aS whole ay tof aN HOOTra < Aim rive ity Ly tlim sa ‘far npatbly 5 onl ba work Thera ara a hu enon of i flan ia indre ganiains for the father mother and + bramd cot far Jie Y children For thesa rool the vs } 18 i a week, and that sum eludes Beating and eleaning thera Clemss Linea is supplied once a wank. In the Ghutae also there are lining, recreation and nursery r Phe ehinldrsn are looked after : for whale the parents are visrk for an infinitesimal “a {he washing and bathing ar PALA ara exccbient: and as the thing a done on a large scale and sconomieally arranged, the establish expected to pay for usell {Hanglow benevolence 18 nothing if not prac, anu seenis most ailnnraiile pO LOWRY wired EET LH oy $33 wk Sun or trating, CRIN, and im. SOG ING, ta wy # uant ix this tiew home ISI RTO oe i mt James's (iazetla Wature's Teanle. Nis 7 af watars a tognie grades of wi TEE bn thas coun they ars grown enly ih Ono dna y in New York, though a vif Toaslox ved Dias in ower ns shad otha, ' ve wy f Lannt foun ail proportions sa that thew ta po sharper than found in Marcellus X 3 & ¥ Gera 1asy miteh soil 1s Behe] n mK aneateiod Base Bevo a star tina for 8ity years 3 svown in Engla Amerigan Hy for widawsars and { widows wiio at; Prod of the Capital. country are fod More than fhe Wash ih Wenig Washinton sores of pesartde af fhe 4 {rapt pital €4F APTA TV have gana £ the wouderiul for Ly visite proglte wh if at intervals them extending ov with some £17 JPrahe fet Prat rants wh RYT RTE FINES Thee PIES af wiry than constant Living par w gl epuniry tiie pride and various Fray Pl ah FHT shington w of die who Was tiers vn ot Snel agai + Tape l Dome which | xa ie twenty years ago, and who takes a tale tires of telling, will Washington have | He peer And not only no rival int Mat fiw destined to be beautiful berond any other city or any other capilal iy the world What has been done a alin ply ap earnest of what is to conw. if will well as polities Ar and elueation will fol jow, and already it f= a fact that more earned snd authoritative men can be he ‘sense af competition iw the capital of society, as gathered in an audiences in that citp i in Baltimore is giad to 1% so near than anywhere else In the country fart, Washington. Baltimore American, Advice 1» Klondikers fagdes go abiead ” jem with all sete tha Yukon + thas ata vied 3% pe ET od Kt fe Are Tee Em wat Dr Pw RT #3 “ Ps The Wratesien ths ts 25 Per Lhe thers | Tanks m3 y an Fovaem Pe £ has ; age Tor th beds sear rtm in ieat id map pais S100 Reward 8100. em eT es sare thal there is of this paper will Al wast ote Sresdel dis vase SHES wistice Has wen glide 1s iw im Et ,aanl that ia aterrh Hall's Catered p sitive Citee ow known ata reh eling THA A TOT tidy Ls nat 3 4 te intake inter vost hg Blood sad ne pats. tieireley rire Sumit mei wees that oF EE ee tw wk ima) GEL wy gi ft fabiano Adel vom 2 wiles be Li 9 $e mw, Li apvey & L6, By ta He iw ape This A ¥ sag Fade bs 4 wig ees prs estin ER 375s! Waskiineton | i 3 ing ta the of trains rit a Rilledd or iniursd af this number tember 1h Aciaeding 10 Sereiary Etate Agricultyral Degas spe, the total value of the stark pireducts of firenent year is $350 Bat Ine reasee ue of the SM (Wi To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Lagstive Rene Qu Tablet ARS Diruggiets refund mone! 8 fats tyne Be, Ee Foss 3 inine De You Dance To. Ni sg ALLS: Gives new life and vigor to the roots of the hair. It's ike water to a drooping plant, 1 No gray hair. 4 No baldness. ha) el i fy # GET TRE GENU ERMA EE ard i And Ls the anly cur : feed iy ba phenome So | funerals 1 phn tilieal ies nak writs desk jm pis jehed like 8 plato, It has 8 ® inch Tee lesd dew pai! Li tie French jeg nis fotehed in mabOgRny. $3.95 is OUT FDRG. ia! price for this $10 desk. { Mail orders flied promptiy § We wiii mati anyone, free of a'l ehgrgen, our pew 110 page Special Cte oye, cot tatuing Fornitars, Draperies, Tamips, Stowe Crockery, Mirrom, Pictures, Sedding, Helfrigerators, Baby Caring, eto wis ig the moet gome piste bod ever pratdistnd, and we pay ali petage Our (thogreaphed Carpet Carnlogue showing carpets in colors, 8 ain yours for the gaking., IT carpet Mmpies are wanted, owl us Be in stinzang. There is po resson why yoo shod pay yonr local dealer 6 per cant. prs when you oan buy from [the mill, Deop a line pow 0 mney SYe es, JULIUS HINES & SON, Baltimore, Md. a — od It Makes Coid Feet Warm Biftdabnn, Frosthat anid Hunde Puomder ta De Drrogyists aod LF I Adsl reun Foire s Shari, £323 ¥ i ‘ ¢ 4 Alien 5 Olinisted Fite on ranentiy cared No fits ar serena. eas a fret day's gue of Dr Kilne's Great Norve Bat et Soa Lettie ard treatise Tres Da 0H Notwe Ltd 8 Arch St Palla Pa ran for ch Ares ing inflamma fer, Be.a Dota Mew Wisslow' s Jonthing 8 caeiften a the gue, te Lge. wits San, RLIAYS pal, Arrested a Whole Funeral, las long ihe custom of world over to proces] var with funerals of Brooklyn, The ity a funeral was wher the hearse driver Ova It Iaeserny fe slowly; not en, howe in ther day spinning a rarely ¢ Lie DUtRKIris in that ong a1 a boy's bicycle and eiined it il w hii il frist gave chase, Siifulbesd up on driver for jaé paliow rar. SOR ae tae fury fon Lis arrested ’ “2 : ios gl pean TLRS lms | “Ail 3 follow me” the Sain I fae ddrivore of fhe ) ral cortege the horses staal Phe hoards driver was wit ment, All ar dutifully teandled ¢ behind stanishiment of th ithe JE tatiang and = AEmTetin ty Tees Th sion Qe * Fyae rons of Br funeral pu bseRup. The unt 4 Pes | IML rag ak Iv hn gon sewing a wiinle inward the oer nants i Works ell TIN dling Np yY af the i mnthing of the rea. ‘hange In thelr of indignation earrings for the were Tull Tle wepgeant refugusd to entertain the won itinerary, the hagrse driver set oy to get a warrant for Bs ow la bued Pris harge against bo il wine] the dptgar if prosecite Therupon the Mera] procession itu toward the come thie fay Bim rested iogrney tery The miseryof it is awful. USE ST. JAGOBS OiL TO CURE You'll fea! it is worth its woight in gold. - pATENTS are Praperiy, Repres wrest Wenlith, (aw be sald, Arv Assignable, er tr Wr = APPLES $m ver, Warder Hide. Toned rodney sued sink Taw teas ENT RNT Har 3 AN, Patent sian, AF. 3 3 ive fe. Fulowssesd Tantine INS RANG E POLICIES PURCHASED $ i x 24 sri rE } Herp fedd, 55 Napesng BY SW als AND TUMOR ANCER PERMANENTLY curea without knife, plastor or pain. BLOOD RINRASKS s¥ntesn =ix Heok Phy wf era Heated fTyoan Meme Treatment CHEESE ER Stu. NA TURAL REMEDY CO., Swtisii Man CInsUMPTION AND CATARRH Nir reat dr of Cottracied Nostetls, Deg {7 snd Heed Mw, for NANAL INKPIBATOR ri oi tia nkghiette GB Fassks Perth Gai, CaaS. flay fiw for sia PX LU #7. wh | Thompson’ s Eye Water 31 Embed WA Le rie sad ek Sori ha ro ? raat, 2 UMP TION INK ART rere! Walter Baker & Co.'s hc 2X Breakfast COCOA Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. Counts Less than ONE Be sure that the package bears our CENT a cup. Trade-Mark. Walter Baker & Co. Limited, [Established 1750 Dorchester, Mass. “IF AT FIRST You DON'T suc- CEED.” TRY OLIO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers