Prospects of The Home for 1898, The bladder was created for one pur- table for the, any will be kept up to a high standard. Mae of WO! gate Sanborn will continue her bright every one of coal treatment of the numerous departments will be in- y namely, & urine, and as such it is not liable to form of disease except ways. The first way is n of the kidneys. way is from careless other diseases. CHIEFY CAUSE, Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid- | neys is the ¢ troubles. der, was created for one if not doctored too much to weakness or d cases. Ttis sitnated bac lose to the bladder, therefore any , disease or incotveniences mani. bindder or | [llustrated premium list or outfit for | canvassing went free. The Home Pub. back. by mistake, in the kidney TE in oO Tina pamegy weakn ot Hod aside for twen a sediment or eettlin od o- bladder sronble. rhe Swamp Rook, — at kidney is soon realized. on Rees ig a FE eine you should have | t fifty cents and | with ns and obv A a Nak. You ma; Dott: and er sent free bY free . pasil. Mention the Parron CoUrier : 204 send 3 address to Dr. prietors of this $his pape: | guarantee genuineness of your Rvervhody Nays So. ~im 1 mand Catluriic, the most wan ik recy eE of the = Cov erin. So ant al relovabme to m imperfect The nbn} cause of bladder So the womb! like the blad- rpose, and | Lord Lisle’ not liable Braeme: book of 60 pages on crochet: p, €xcept in rare of and very 088 OF womb | trouble of some sort. The error is made and may be as easily To find out Sracily sot | y-four hours; | cates kidney | | French mild and ex- | the showrooms of our pattern depart. Dr. Kilmer's pant Each complete pattern consists if {of a made-up model and a flat pattern have s sample . peas taste, act geotly | : and pom tyeiy om Kidney . fiver and bowels, © sib pth BESO, and of CC. C today; 10, 25, 30 cents. roraniend in care by all Physician and Surgeon. dpe! colds, Is uy, fever, habitwd constipation | isaess. Pleas buy and 5 ed $34 Office in Mellon block, pext door to | Patton, Pa. i cally, DOr V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Offies in Arlt Blobk, pext to | pm All sight culls 1 attention. or night, promptly responded | responded to! oar nose and throat OFFICE HOURS: 7 to} a m and Hinlrm DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, The excellent stories, for which The {Home is noted, will be continued; the fashion and fancy work departments “Off-Hand Talks,” and ¢ | creased and made brighter. Take | Notice. -You are given a choice of one | of the following articles and The Horne | 8 Danghter, by Charlotte M. ing and knitting; or a stamping outfit of 86 patterns many large designs, in. cluding centerpieces, doilies, Co., 141 Mille street, Boston, Mass, French Model Pattern ‘In paper and crinoline by the best | designers are on exhibition at - to cut from, a feature that is origioal i terial. We have no branch offtces in| Kilmer & | | this country. Our patterns are on sale ton, N. Y. The pro- | only at our head office in New York, 3 the | | East 19th streot, and our branch office The Morwe- | in Paris, 34 Rue Vivienne. ote. iates the necessity of taking the model apart to cut the ma- | for three months for only 15 tena | AVegetable similating ! the Food and dandFegul | ll ig the Siomechs and 0 NARC OTIC. Ld | Broughton (Clo., Publishers and Im- | porters. The Deiineator the woman's favorite magarine, and lishers, The Butterick Publishing Co. | is issued by the famous fashion pub- | | Lf Limited i, at 7 to 17 West Thirteenth : low rate of $1.00 for a year's subsarip- ean be recommended for its cheapness, nsefalness, ~ beauty, atility. Karl's Clover Root Tea is a plossant] | fies the blood. Clears the complexion, | ee iaed ee 8 jets. Sold ut orner Drug Store. Prosperity comes quickest | to the man ar Little Barly Risers Are famone little pills for constipation, billiosness, | indigestion and all stomach and liver itronbles. (0. W. Hodgkins, Patton Office in Good Building, Room No. 3. | | Pharmacy. oy Sr-Senernl Surgery and the Eye 8 Spucielty, All IE Suei¥e FROME Attention 8 Ths ha REPAIRED. ! {am pow leeatsd in Patton and am prepared to do all kinds of repairing, pier AR work goamnieed. Give mes eal, fn (ito Building, Beech Avenur. 54 LEVI YINGLING. ARE YOU READY For winter Does your heater ore ox Bmt Jae he £7 ue to oui war. LY A usw * your oe either b ir, rr oti mn give yon : GOULD & BEEZER. PATTON, PA. nes SPRINGS FOONDRY. 3d 1 metal taken in exehings for new work. CHEST BPRINGS, PA. | Offies in the Good BufMing. Ofte Commercial Hal, The Snest line in Patton at 'G. J. FITZPATRICK’S Besacrant oo PRE _ MEALS AT ALL HOURS. SHAS. F. LEHMAN, Hair Cutting and Shaving Priors, Good | | Buliding, at Main Entrance. AIRY AND ELEGANT ROOM. Give him a» enll. ARS A se) Sn : Your our Watch may need Exsminailin Tat Sulack at i. X9 ela it needs attention w oh you, and if you wou shape wel do it well at Fou wan't object io bok on avetiue, near | § would have at | with the Chinese. An attempt has tar cha 8 regular charge that | been made in this country to cook and Ripans Tabules cure flatulence, Ripans Tabules: one gives relief, A French Dog Story. The Gaunlois tells the following story | ‘of an intelligent French poodie: "A blind beggar was in the habit some | years since of frequenting the Pont des Ste. Peres, where he need to station him- i self with a clarinet and an intelligent § | poodle. The place was well chosen, and | on charitable coptributions poured into the little wooden bowl whicly the dog hold | ; ART, Was had fallen ill, in to pursue his avo- cation. Hin faithtol companion, how ever, continued to frequent the aocus- . somed spot, and the passers by to whom i bo was familiar understood that his master was anwell, and, touched by the od the patrolman. “Wall, is was lighted a8 that last turn.’ Boiled peanuts are a favorite” dish TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. | dry peanuts and grind them into a flour. CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. Accommodations the best. First-class connection Bar in RATES $1, 125 PER DAY. el ep A A "PATTON HOTEL, TWH. A. MELLON, Pro's, First-class accommodations. Tuhie suppl with the best the market affords, Choles WINES and LIQUORS wt the Har. i AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. scommodations first-class, Best of Liquors Wh "Wines at the bar. Stabling attached. GEORGE FERGUSON, Prop'r. weer | - % Bread made from peanut flour is said to possess especial value to diabetic pa | tients. There is little doubt that we _ still slight many useful food products. The several mycological elabs which ex. ist to disseminate a knowledge of the eatable fungi that abound in our fields and woods have been sufficiently sue- cessful to show that movement in such i directions is quickly encouraged, but we | have much more than mushrooms at our bands that can be made available. Ital. fans make a most palatable four or meal out of chestnuts and from some species of acorns. —New York The Height of Mer Ambition. Bertha— What is the height of your freshnoes and | laxative. Regulates the bowels, puri- — ** solemuly amert- | | street, New York, at the remarkable + tion. Of all family magazines it in the great caterer to domestic needs, and | ER A SRI PN SE How to Privest Poemmonis, At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted, and if left to ran its | course without the aid of some reliable | cough medicine it is linble to result in know of no better ’ pomiedy to cure al cough or cold than chamberiain’s cough Remedy. We have used it quite | extensively and it has always given | entire satisfaction. Olagah, Ind. Ter. Chief. This is the only remedy that in 'he Kind You Have wa Bought, 3 the Fac-simile Signature ff ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. THE KIND YOU HAVE Patton Murkets. i Subject to market changes: | Buiter : = ents per pesind | Onlstuge ai 3 Buckwheat 2 us | Eggs { Px Halo... * Yorn ar = “ haahel sii 80 MiNERS Store Co. [Limited | ‘THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE Lung Troubles and Consump- tion Can be Cured. KNOWN to be A Cortain Preventive of 4, geet New York Chemist snd Scientist Nukes pheamonia. Among the many thous ands who have osed it for colds and | s Free Ofer fo Dur Readers, The distinguished Now York chemist, | TT A. Sloonm, demonstrating his dis. In grippe, we have never yet learned of | covery of a reliable and absolute ore a single case resulting in pneumonia. | Perscins who have weak lungs or have | reason to fear an attack of pneamonia, | should keep the remedy at hand. The 25 and 30 cent sizes for sale by Patton Pharmacy, OC. W. Hodgkins. Mee M. B. Ford, Ruoddell’s, HL, sof. fered} for eight years from dyspepsia ‘and chronic constipation and was | finally cured by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little piils for all stomach and liver troubles. CW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. No-To Rac for Fifty Cents Guaranteed tohaeco Babit Sure. makes Weak Se #1. Au drugeists AND SIDE, anid back—in fact, tite whole point of our argument is— That ™d we give better value in shoes ‘than any one else in Patton. This is not merely an empty statement, bat 1s back- ed up by a stock that has no superior, There is a combi- ‘nation of good things about our footwear. Once ered they prove irrestible Good Quality is first, of course then there is style and fine workmanship and the whole capped with prices that seem ridiculously low. Truly there 1s lots of goodness here. Wolf § Thompson Patton, Pa. consid- for consumption | Pulmonary Tuber. ' cnlosis i and all bronchial, throat, lung Land chon diseases, stabborn coughs, eatarrhal affections, general decline fant weakness, loss of flesh, and all conditions of wasting away, THREE FREE BOVTL ES (all difter- ent; of his New Discoveries to any afMlicfed reader of the Patron CorRien for them. writin Tis New Scientific Treatment” has thousands permanently by its - timely ose, and he considers it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity to donate a trial restilts as benefloial to genios. His assertion that lung troubles and consumption are, curable in any climate ix proven by “heartfelt letters of gratitude,” filed in labra- tories in thousands from those cured his American and Earopean in all M -chial, at and lon soencesphicn which, sped | and certain death. gv to T. A. Slocum, M. C,, rot the world. - Pine street, New York, giving ost ‘office and express ress, and the | free medicine will be promptly sent. : : instant. his. offer in the PATON Covnien. i YOUR. FC RIUM Sri gs Shr H. S.BUCK, DEALER IN FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING Wishes to inform the public that he is in his new buildin next to Patton Hotel fitted — filled up with the very best of Furniture in Northern Cam- bria, such as carpets, window shades, mattresses and springs, parlor suits, bed room suits, side boards,” wash boards 35 different rockers to pick from, Hc up. You can save 20) per cent, on every dollar's worth of goods you buy from me this month. All goods de- livered free to all parts of town. Special attention given to Undertaking and Embaiming. Yours for a Bargain, H. S. Buck | chamberlain's pain Balm costsino more, {and its merits have been proven by a test of | the following, from L. G. Bagley neme, ceived: Balm, and [ say so after having tsed it | Hem Bem : Pharm acy, OFFICE IN GOOD BUILD'G. will send of his infallible onre, Science daily develops new wonders, and this great chemist, patiently ex-. perimenting for years, has produced | suffering humanity as can be clained by any modern conoede that bron. troubles lead to uninterrupted, “QUINN'S, I= Don’t be persuaded into ho ving lini. t | ments without reputation or nierit— many years. Such letters as: ,. Hue- Cal, are ponstantly being re- “Ihe best remedy for pain I have ever psed is chamberlain's Pain | in my family for several years” It cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was msds for. PRUN KEN NES: rtd t vE. i, can Fa oF Thea vane "ig Li © parti inks iH 1 envy pt 1k CARTER Ea AL A 8, Philladetphla (Get Your FIRE e THSORANCE Frostes- James Mellon, J.P. Good panies. and reliable Office corner of Fifth and Magee Aves. Patton, Pa. [Parnell & Cowher FIRE | LIFE AND ACCIDENT | Loans and Real Estate. Telephone Connected. | Pride ex ye. Lemve vel FirstNation'IBank OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. CAPITAL PAID , UP, $50,000.00. SURPLUS, $30,000.00. Aventis of Corpomtions, Firms, [hdivido. ats and Banks neelved upon thie roost favor. te terns consistent with ai aul conservative | tanking. Steprnahin tieketn for sabe five ill the taadi tines, Porvign Drafie payable in the principa eitieon of The OB WY | Al eovrvespondat: will have oir prompt and | persona atiention, Triterest pald on time depen A. E Patron, Wx H. SANDFORD, President. Cashier. Unninpbed! at | nin Loh and Glen Camphill leven © | Ruin wil Phenabarg Sd Pride i Hastings for (enn mm : ilen $asmnpheil} £7 or Maha § { i [1037 my Express from Buy Holiday Presents at | | i i : i i JOHNSTOWN, | You will find a great va-| riety and the lowest prices in ‘the City. QUINN’S, JOHNSTOWN. | Pittsburg & Eastern Time! . Table. 10 TAKE EFFECT NOV. 18, 1087. : Westward i Nal Nos oy A In. pom. po 20 Co 1 pape Lamve ‘aton Mation Mabaffey: thaet Crook Junction | Masbate A Tabatharst { Moetiorw Watawell { Works ¢ Muiralerinn Eik fiek | Hurdle Powsitsoref Celery Carn ptell Horton Run | Wailer Hun Eastward NEL BA. MW. i 3s Hin vx $2 50 38 3 “ 5 id a hE Ziad 13 "42 ; tH be Woah 1h i #11 Hous His os Is Haar fii Laomve Fuller Run Horton Huan tebe Untnpinel! Passion { Ha reais ie... Ah I ae “ 1 LAR i 0 Bung RES Ws Motes abligtihursg a LT Me atuattey Hews:h § reek June Phin Vnbom Station Mabaihs { Pipg station Connections At B with eel Orel miloosad, £0 & C division Pe gry Ivania niroad, apd 11 & N. Womil vail, al Whiskey Hun with Mets & New. | onbs whe mitral at Motes with PLE NW, road browsed. Notes--L nil further notles tmins will man only between Union Station (Mabailey! aap Glen Campbell. AH trains disily exeept Sal day. s. H. Hicks, Genoml Manager, | MahafTey, Pa | iin 318 i sion Station, Mahafley, Care to ond, . Pharmacy. Patton | i bo COM- I= welelpihin ont 10 | Retitustvm wii’ nhd Northwestern § Patmer, | Ment Hhore Kypross, wes i Atenas Accommodation. ei day | Main Line Express, dally | Altnons Accommodation, dally. {alone Jemma 50% | way Miation, daily TTT cHERSSaSS Cush Creek milroad for Pholipeba goeml for presage Det woe all stations, y 2 It in easy tocateh @ colt and Jak me easy to get rid of it if yon commence to use One Minate cough core. cares coughs, colds, bronchitis, Ir monie and all throat and lung Cronies I is pleasant o° take, safe to vse and " Hodgkins Patton Beech Creek Railroad. NY.C&H R R Co Lessee. Condensed Time Table, 13 & sb . 14, ler BER Nov, 5 ® Fan 154 5% ae ja 25 % - 3th oi Ba # 1% 8 on - - Kersmoor Onerrm A Ie iam Rervmoor B58 Near Miiiport i¥innin Miteheile Hm rield Waoedland a os wr a - Pow wk of wd mE K " Wg » EeNE zaiENSEONE Morristate Mines Munson ail pebiirg ETI © WEEE Brus " bi 243 te Beige BEEBE RES aS GD Mune Wine ree Pestle Galilintowa Spire Show Hewwhi Uvek Mit fal! flowy, Haven Youngwints 'Wasne Jermew Alery Jasetion 6 rney Nhe Wit Ha naport Pita & Reading | ” a Ww Ww iHtinmeport iv Hig Phi sr AN NY a Binagus ar $35 NYvia Phila arhio® —~ wear ge om Sanday wf vd 0d IE SE RE EYE NX be ge VQ SEBBeuw ShgEgnEn : 7 Fg i IE - pe. 1 } % FEY - m % " Bot wo jr 82 2 SEEINSBNUSHIZARRESUAPEIERIU YY % “ll By ton iy simile ¥ ¥ “hs,” ae Mi fb! i train from Cwrill change cars at Colnmbin Aveda Cotnentionso Al Willits deiphia and Heading mie i: nt Jem pn with the Fall Bronk Hall with , {‘cotral Reliroad > Yr yivmtiin at Phtlipsbarg with Pennayivania iad unl Altoona & Philipeba pubury Connerting : &t { lenatield with the ated Pittsburg milway: at Mahaffey ' with Cntnbrie and Ciearfiend division FP Penpayvania ralleond: at Maha i F. E. Herriman, “Pitiadeipiie: Pa. Pennsylvania Railroad Time Table November 15, 1807, Main Line. Lewve OO Fol Knsgward. aa eat wil Kx ial dally. i SH—-— it Johnstown Aevam., Pacitie Express, daily. Way + dail ¥en Pittuba rg B Ma Fastiine, daily. Johnstown Aran, week days. .. cambria and Clearfield. southward, Morviing train for Paton and Cromon lesvis 1 oth Manag fo rok, a; = — OD 5" pation Sas fird ie Pi 8 2 gE 3 i Ee ns > 2 LUE: onSENE WUCT EE THC ESE g itor Crosson: &0% Junction 7 hs ifr iarriving at wiry at xi xr mi. Af non train fie Patton and Cresson leaves Glen FOamptetl at B15 pom Malate at 208 Ladose bpars Westover dak fa Garwsy for Lemon 9 Patton £3 Bradley Janetion | 43% Kaylor ©, arriving at Creomon al 20. Northward. Muming tin eaves eo —- ey Pat Sel Ehwesist rR ior Kw Junethon Ek Patton Ing ya ori beg Bian Hastings | tor Mahaffey; 1 or Wish boii: Westover ied Jowir [30 Mabs ex Li arriving a Afternoon t way for Put. at 5s; 3 Junetion Patton &6) Gareay (fr i: ie av Ta ye v Xi arriving at tilen Camphet y Jo > tek Fogg oD al Py LIRR Fuse a or pddrens og 2g “Wat Fifth avenue, Pitttabarg, ! J. B. Hutchinson, JR. Wood, Gen, Mgr. bers, Pass, Agt RB R & P Time Table. The Xbort Line between Duflois, Hidgway, . Bendtord, Rais Huth, Hoehester 3 = Falls, and ta in the upper oil . On and after Nov, 10, 186, ward will arrive depwrt fro aie Nunday, as : rex and Rostuster tun row A FR rein rE E=. Corry, & f b Ridgway, inter iQ late stations, Brow miei and ang en Us wney, 1:86 pb. 1. Avcommodation- For Dobos, Sxk- on, Big Ea Punsamswner: TX pom evou modation— For Heeohtres, Hrockwa ie i. Kilmont, Carman, , JORBOn Mi. Jewett, gn op m a Dafials, Nykva, Big Run, Say whe a aoa or mall xen froin Butlee and Te » C & M Division, mom ie 0 pm am : ** Pastl Creek ay 2. Dabeis 124 92% DuBeis Junction “5 Habe a © 3 Iv “ia dD TEus Xa was ® igus dail Aes i tHEEESEEES a ow rT Beswh Creek X45 Degunt Bm oan ly ar am Tatly, esoept Sunday. Na. 71 connects ut DaHels for Ridge. wiiy, Johnsonburg, BradBed, Heflkio sad Rixehewter Tratn No 73 connects at DaBals for Bradfond, aril Pittsbarg. Tein No. 74 $n Flag. Train with Lak Haven, Jersey Shore, Willimapeat, Philade ahd New York. Thomsen mile tiekots at two cents per mile, Falward OC. Lapey, hen, Pas, J Hiwhenter, ££ Poss ngers are reg ested to parchase Heki- etn Before sritertng the cars. An sxeess charge of tert cents will be collected by condartors when fares are paid on Lenin, Frum all stations Ww whe pm the ket offloe is maintained. R. FE. Notley, - Dealer in Wines, Liquors, Beer, Etc. D. Lutz & Son's Beer a Specialty. Our Bottled Beer and Porter for fumily use cannot be excelled. Priges connerts al Clearfield are reasonable. FLASKS, CORKS, JUGS, ETC. HASTINGS, PA. alte 333 BEEBEs Ea “with the |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers