Bn PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, P. A\.. THU RSDAY, DECEM BE ER 16, $1.00 PER YEAR. VOL. V—NO. . 4. COOK, Successor to COOK, SALMOND & COWDEN, STOONR. PEX VA. TO THE BOYS AN D GIRLS-- LOCAL MND bENERAL NEWS Cleaned Here and There by the “Courier” Reporter. ge Joy FOR WORKING MEN 3 For your mother, , father, son, daughter, grand - parents, friends, 3 wife, husband, yes, for ¢ your best girl or lover. Two i stores brim ¢ full. ¢ for from one penny, up. » Our store is well-known to everybody. ic W. Hodgkins, : Patton Pharmacy. Headquarters for Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ~ Stationery, Confectionery, Ciges ®T Tobacco. matritaony A Valuable Ch wristmas For a friend and prett as can be wished is a rane. some lamp which can be . bought at SE a a a | Proupects for a Busy Reason in the PR BR Ships a! Aloone The prospects now are for the busiest winter season aver known in the Al | toona shops owned by the Pennsylva- ‘nia Rafiroad company. There will be ‘steady work in all departments and } night work will be necessary to keep } op with the demands, } present orders on hand for the baild- These are at ling of 500 new freight cars in the Al 3 ‘toon shops. This is by far the largest } order that has been placed since the ‘beginning of the hard times in 1563. {Work will commence immediately, as {the Pennsylvania Railroad company is in nved of the cars. The company’s shops at that place have been running short-handed for ‘the list two years, bat a fall comple ‘out the work. Besides the carder for for i number of class H engines, the lurgest and most powerful engines ‘ever built. Five class H engines were ‘an experiment and proved eminently suocoresful in haoling heavy trains of | ore hetween Frie and Pittaburg. They ‘will be ased on several western roads and also on the Pennsylvania division, The number to be built is not stated. lant over the bright prospects for the winter. De Mortals Ni Nisi Bonam, Sanday was the last day at the Bach- felons boarding club house, or which was occasionally termed the “Saint's | Rtn and the deeTRT day was ended joy Jur a large torkey-roast served Lo the dozen and several friends who ER to pay their last tribute of respect. The Bachelors Club was or- ganized nearly a year ago and one of ‘the large brick houses belonging to Geo. 8. Good was rented and most beautifully and elaborately farnished. Mr. H. 8. Godcharles, who hes so hon orably looked after the welfiure of the members, expects to depart for the | Klondike gold flelds soon, and what { members who are not contemplating in a short time, are so few that it was deemed necessary to “close f | i | } Anything you wish mo | Thousands of working men are jobi- | wi } } ) 'shop,”” and the poor weary bachelor will have to look elsewhere fur his bed ‘and board. The writer's relations, as H weil as those of many other friends of ‘the “boys,” regret very much that ‘always be ax cheerful as they were when “at home’ at the Bachelors Clerieni Orders fir 1898. The Pennsylvania Railroad company announces that the issue of clerical orders will be continued for 1398 on the same lines as in effect at present. Ap- | plication blanks may be obtained of ticket agents, and same should reach the general office by December 20, so _ i that orders may be mailed December large body of timber left in this county, etatoh. out doubt one of the finest piano play- Ri oo. Lamps with shade or chimney. Night Lamps, Bracket and Kitchen Ramm poabular, Lanterns with No. 1 or 2 , chimneys, shades, tripods, &c. such as of Furnitare of all kinds at the Furniture t. Will be glad to see you at KIR ARDYART CO. ers in the State, is meeting with great success with his music class in Patton. He says that he bas improved some of his pupils (who have failed to succeed ' by former teachers fully 50 per cent The Parmer's Two Step, which he is the: composer of, is meeting with great success, as he is receiving orders for it daily. Kilied at Cresson. Charles C. Slick, a resident of Johns town, was instantly killed at the ! overhead bridge a short distance above and | i Cresson at a lite hour Friday nigia by | being struck by a “snapper,” which | wis making its way from Gallitzin to | Conemaugh at a rapid rate of speet. Ladies Invited. All the ladies of Pation and vicinity are respectfully invited to call at the ‘store of Mirkin & Kusner, next to ‘Hank, and examine their fine line of fall and winter capes and coats. They | sre dandies at prices ranging from $3 3 £ 25 : “a hn ET 5 ‘ment of men will be necessary to get’ | ears an order has also been placed i recently built at the Janiata shops as | they are turned out into the cold, erusl 34 | musician of Patton, Pa, who is with- ‘ be served at 12 o'clock, midnight STATE PUBLIC SCHOOLS sntendent Selo Mer Bepun + a Toad of 1. ou. nT: Foap Ses por sheets of the annunal Nathan CO. Schaefer Public instroction, Jane 1 ast The report school dis. tricts hae reached that the total enrollment of pupils during the year ending June 7 was 1,108 872: the average comt per pupil was in Philadelphia $2.28, and for the State outside of Philadel: 81.22. and the total sypenditure was 819 818 187.08. Of this amoont $1,113. FRO? was expended text books and supplies, $3,685,604 38 {or building prrposes and $15 828 582 73 for man. tenance Dr. Schaeffer suggests that the pow. ers of school hone he limited to the amount of money to be expended upon apparatas for angraded schools. He declares the State appropriation of $5. 500,000 has put Pennsylvania in the front rank of states that have advanced edneation. Taxation, distribution of the funds and legislation also receive attention, and the subject of free libraries is exhaustively dealt with, Of the county institoes Dr. Schaeffer says: “Comparison of the overflowing houses which now greet the school ‘officials with the slim asdiences of the early days of the system shows how the interast in the public schools has grown everywhere. In some of the cities and larger boroughs the high school attendance has almost doubled in the last five years. Without doubt more should be done to establish high schools. The era of manual training has hardly begun to dawn ontside of Philadelphia.” ARE YOU GURLTY? Pemdsyivania Game Faw Being Rrolen in Daferont Seclions. Om the word of those who have heen looking the matter ap, says thw Johns town Tribune, the new State Gaow law i= not being obmerved very closely and the matter of its rigid enforcement i= DO easy task. Among its provisions are that game killed in the State shall not be offered for sale therein nor shipped elsewhere and sold. Nevertheless it is said, con. siderable game which has been shot in the Commonwealth finds its way into the markets within ber Dorders and The advance report « of Pr Superd pterdent of for th flscal vear ending just been 3 ¥ Ray thes Hagen ses pend, BIRR win of 2.452; for Thee some is being sold in other states. In neither instance are all the parties con- cerned always guilty of violating the law intentionally. Dealers buy the game on the amssur- : Spencer, Joe lingle, Daniel Joves ance of the seller that it was killed outside the State, and sometimes it is even shipped from other states, having first been smuggled across the line. In other instances the game is killed in Penneylvania and sold to dealers out world, but it is hoped that they my. 2 0% Who ate Amare that it has not been killed contrary to law. easily detected, Extensive Lumber Then. : deal made in Cambria county since ite Bradford county, Pa. It is for the last the options for which are held by ' Messrs. Barker Bros. The tract con- ‘tains several thousand acres of various kinds of timber, ‘sald to be $28,000. The purchasers of this tract are buying large quantities of timber along the Blacklick, which, it The corsideration is is said, they will begin to operate very soon. By spring they expect to have running the largest saw mills in Cam- bria county, and promise to conduct extensive operations. tiraad X-mas Bail. A grand ball will be held on Christ. mas eve, December 24 in the Firemen's Hall, Patton, Pa., under the auspices of Patton Fire Co. No IL. Prof Sev- erin’s Imperial Orchestra will furnish the music. Tickets $1.00. Lanch will On December 29 and 31 a public dance will be held by the fire company. All ame invited to attend these dances. Burn Barend. On Toesday morning John Boyce received a telegram announcing the fact that the large barn of his brother. in-law, Geo. Lee, near Glen Hope including its contents, had been de- stroved by fire on Monday night. The loss is estimated about $1,304, with no insurance. Al Gireal Reduethon. Alice A. Ashcroft bas a few of chil dren's coats and ladies’ capes and trimmed bats left, which she is closing out at a great reduction. You are in- vited to call and see what she has whether you purchase or not. Don't miss the opportunity. 33 Jolly, PUBLIC SCHOOL na Fo g- th 16 Third MMe IH h En - 1 a a we wr November FL pr dog an Inetopse of Three Over Last 7 Month's Bopert, enrolled, Ex- number of puplis qt. of attendances 84 aminat ons math in the several rooms show continued improvement. A pumber of visitdrs wer pressnt during the month, Following are the reports of the ssveral rooms: High =“rhonl Pupils perfect in attendance: Vir ginia Dale, Minnie Holter, Sarah Holter, Rachel Anderson, Anna Moore, Clara Myers, Eva Crain, Lizrie Brewer, Ruth Reese, Anna Fvans, Lise Wil. kins, Florence May, Mamie Jones, Martha Hewlett, Murry Lewis, Richard Owens, Rody Mellon. Lizzie Brewer wan present every day last month, but by mistake her name was omitted from list. Grammar Sehool. Namber enrolled, 38; per cent. of at- tendance, 85. Papils perfect in attend. ance: Howard Bloom, Carl Crowell, Jacob Sandford, Joseph Radcliffe, Arthur Thomas, Edna Blair, Blanche Brideson, Jennie Crain, Grace Cowher, Lida Davis, Mary Hornaser, Edith Holter, Agnes Flanter, Christina Lees, Maggie Lowe, Laora Mitchell, Tillie Short, Jeanie Waters, Stella Wasson, Daisy Wilson, Mabel Wharton, T. J. Hawr, Teacher Third bate mediate Number of puplis enrolled, 54; per eam of attendance, 94 Perefoct in attendance: Nellie Shaffer, Bertha Patterson, Iona Sandfiard, Carrie Hol ter, Graoe Gantz, Effie Jenkins, Anna Quinn, Jeanie Spence, Walter Beek. with, Wallace Foyer, Charles Cordell, John Edmiston, Hagh Huoter, Reuben Heist, Jacob Hunter, Charles Kessler, Leo McTigue, George Myers Thomas Rounsley, Leroy Wilkins, Charies Wil sori, Cecil Wilson, John Waters, Ben. nie Wiking, Howard Waagh Eorre M. 2powessan, Teacher, Sewontd Intermediate, Per cent. of attendance, males, 97 fomales, #1: total, 84. Those who at tended every day: Enid Lewis, Mary Sheka, Annie Bauman, Daisy Com- mons, Mary Pope, Angela Burkey, Bertha Mellon, Florence Patterson, Peter Kerra, Wikson Cramer, Victor John Reese, Joweph Hadson, James Corpelins, George McCaffrey, Henry Pennington, Paal Barton, James Brady. Nina Waiiken, Teacher Firs! Intermediate. Number of puplis enrclled, 0; per The Ont. of attendance, 9. Perfect in dealers in very few instances are culp- (able, having been imposed upon, and the hunters who have deceived are not | Crago, Daniel Jenkins, Clemens Biller, Eadie McCormick, John Lehman, | Willie Blair, Earl Wilson, Louis Laird, Perha : erhaps the most extensive lumber | x McConnell, James Hudson, Rig- ‘early history was , ted a §° Radcliffe, Marshall Glass, Harry ' Ebensburg the first of the week by the attorneys for J. Randall & Son, of attendance: Arthar Jenkins Emanuel Thurman Jackson, Howard Shunkwiler, Charles Gradwell, Richard May, Maud Singer, Elnora Trueman, Wilson Truman, James Jenkins Sara Jones, Teacher. Third Primnacy. Number enrolled, 71: average attend- ance, 80; per cent. of attendance, 91. Those present every day: Charles Abbott, Charles Black, Earle Cramer, Oscar Danielson, Homer Hill, David Sperry, Clark Cowher, Commons, Willie Plochers, Carl Fores. burg, Harry Warren, Josephine Blon- quist, Lala Cramer, Thomisine Holter, Maggie Kellle, Mary Leonard, Hen. rietta Nothnagle, Dora Prescott, Mary Summerville, Effie Trueman, Mary Oeziowania, Nora Patterson, Xomenia Peightal, Lizzie Saltagiver, Fannie Wilkins, Mary Wagoner, Nellie Ura mer Gerri ne HuirvaN, Teacher, wesoand Primary Number enrolled, 78. number missed no days, 34. Mary Andrews, Kattie Cullins, Tillie Fedor, Annie Fornadley Ida Forsberg, Cora Juckson, Edna Kessler, Mildred Lewis, Lizmie Mon- tieth, Anna MeCormick, Myrtle Mai ligan, Bessie Quinn, Julia Richards, Clara Short, Annie Sheka, Blanche Yocum, Sadie Sammerville, Fred Cooney, Edward Crompton, Thomas Glass, Willie Iddings, Joe Gaglardi, Willie Meehan, George Merriman, Daniel Morgan, James Peightel, Joe Petoniac, Walter Schmeleskey, John Sterrit, Carl Spencer, Peter Sumiteh, David Turnbull, Francis Mackin, William Astberry. ALICE Maun Guns, Teacher. Platt, Mary Mitchell tee salon 16: females. 18; Avarilla Tackitt, : Pear! Letta, Lillie Willis, Locy Mellon, ‘Mary J. Hewlett, Hanna Bytheway, Eva Cornelius, Mary Hewlett, Myrtle Waters, Jessie Fish, Bertaa Abbott, Roy a Firt Primary Number enrolled, 08: aberage tendances, #0 per cont. of sptendance, 8. Those missing no davsl George Ashary, Wilfred Cart heim, Joseph Campbell Frank Callahan, George Delogier, Marcellin fill, David Gynn, James Hodgkins, Albedt Jenkins, Charley Jackson, Thomas Jadws, Willis Ledsch, Charley Lees Frank Morean, Jomeph Mackin, Dick Morghn, Willie Powell, Anthony Pochwatillh, Ceorge Quinn, John Sommeridgd Claire BEmale, Mary Callen, Maggie Jones, Anna Jones Genive McCormick, Flora Richard, Minnie Rowland, ingz Wilson, Charlotte Wills, Fiva Webb loa Deckert, Teacher. T. J. Friron, Principal. Sebhont Reports The following ls the repokt of the township school, Patton, flr month ending December "th: Number en- rolled, 73; perfect in attendance, 30, Cyastn Borkey, Lanoy, skey, Carrie Dyooskey, Mary Sponskey, Stasia I’ Stasia Sabaolskey, Frances Rolka, Rosie Farabaugh, Bertha Farabaog!:, Regina Farabangh, Annie Sponsker, Edith Lonsberry, Iva Lonsberry, Emma Emigh, Maggie Wilkinson Gertie Shunkwiler, Rachel Lelo Edna Frank Coffee, Thomas Bailey, John Wilkineon, James Wilkinson, Thomas Spotskey Sponskey, James Mitchell, Jee noy, Oliver Tidswell. Cera V. Duxeaax, Teacher The following is the report of the Frogality grammar school for the month ending November 38, 1887: Namber enrolled males, 3; females 13; total, 18; average attendance dur ing the month, males, 5: {omales, 12; total, 17; per cent of attemiance dur ing the month, males, 84; female, N59; total, 92 Those present overy day: Blair Kough, Wm. Carr, Hortense O'Hagan, Lorine (VHagan, M. Clare O'Hagan. Those who wera absent bat one day: Janet Cooper, Lizsie Me- Cann, Myrtle Hamilton Walter 0 Hagan, J. Lawnexcr LUTHER, Teacher, The following is the report of the Frugality primary school for month sanding November 28 1587: Number snrolled, males, 98; females, 15; total $0: average attandance doring the month, males, 23: females, 13; total, 35; per cent. of attendance during the month, males, 22; females 52; total 87. Those who were perfect in attend. ance: Aanibe Stadt, Andra O'Hagan, Lettie Greggs, Agnes McPhee, Leslie Prough, George Henry, Car! Madigan, Robert Galloway, George Glover, Jobn Banis, Tommy Sanderson, Jumes Ham. ilton, Martin Prough. Srrria Strovy, Teacher. The following is the report of the Buanber in attendance, males, total, 40; total, 32, per cant. of attendance, males, 39; fo- males, 30; total, 35. Those in attend. ance every day: Moses Blakely, Leo Hammond, Negley Guiber, Thomas Rice, Andrew Carison, Nellie Blakely, ‘Sadie Smith, Julis Carfonta, Annie Carlson, Dora Shomo, Susie Hammond. J. B. Browx, Teacher. Bil © Pare. Restaurant, where you will find the following bill o’ fare: Oysters in all Myles. a. Fried Chicken. Ham, Switser & Limbe Sauer Krant and Pigs Feet. Ham and Soft Drinks, . Ete. We will also have for “the hoidays a fine line of Florida and California or anges, grapes, figs, dates, and nuts of all kinds, candies and cigars. Leave your order for ice cream to be deliver. od Xmas morning. KINKKAD RESTAURANT. Dogs Rill sheep. On Monday night two dogs entered the sheep pen at the home of Martin Thomas, who lives a short distance east of town, killing one sheep and injuring another quite badly. Mr. Thomas says that the dogs were unknown. This is the fisst incident of this kind that has | occured in this vicinity for some time. Lutheran huroh Seriioes Rev. B.S. Dise will preach in Good's hail Sunday, December 19, at 10:00 a m. and 7:30 p. m. Sanday school at 2:30 a. m. Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor at 8.30 p. m. Here Yuuldre For a Christmas preset. Dolls, toys, school bags, leggings) ladies’ jewelry, handkerchiefs, pockft-books and a fine line of ladies’ wrappers. Mrs. Rook, Next to White Shoe Store. at Sabwiches h- Hot Coffee. : NEW POSTOFFICE 1 Law sahisits Down on Oe selmi, Pastore hepartmen Lottery The PostofMoe Department is taking a firm stand against the so-called “miss ing letter” and “missing word” con. touts which are being conducted by a sablishers 10 increase the substriptions to their papers. The lot tery law directs that the Postmaster. General, upon evidence sitisfactory to himself that a conosrn or persca is operating thraugh the mails a joltery or scheme offering prives dependent upon lot or chance, to prohibit the delivery of all All newspapers and periodiculs containing advertisements of this character are forbidden transmission in the mails This law, i is now anncanced at the Postoffios Department, will be applied to all mohemes whish are vielations of it if they are continned in operation or advertisements of them are pub Missing letter contests are held to be such violations becavse many correct answers can be given, hat only one list is deemed the ‘‘corpect list” by the promoters of the scheme. The chance consists in guessing what words com- pose the so-called “correct list.” Suoch schemes are held to be especially ob- noxious, owing to the skillful wordings of the advertisements which make the chance for obtaining a prize more re namibwer of mail mailer 005 mote than in the defanet Louislanna Another fork Wasted, One of the most needed and much appreciated changes of the postal service to Patton and sur rounding towns on the line of the Cambria & Clerfleld division of the Pennsylvania railroad, would be the addition of another mail clerk on pas. senger trains Noa. 703 and 708. The first mentioned train leaves Glen Camp- bell at 4:45 a. m. and arrives in Patton at 4:50 a m and is due at Cresson 8:10 a mm. Traian 708 north bhoond, leaves Cresson at 5:25 p.m, arrives at Patton at 64% po m. and Glen Campbell at S40 pom. At present there is bat one postal clerk--on trains doe here at 350 p.m, sonth and 10:47 a mm, north. This does not afford ample sooommodations and the citizens of Hastings, Wastover, Mahaffey, Glen Campbell and other towns are exrnestly requested to co-operate with the citi- sens of Patton in their endeavor to secure the long felt want. How 1 Prevent Poenmonis At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted, and if left to run its course without the aid of some reliable cough medicine it is Hable to result in that dread disease, pneumonia. We know of no better remedy to cure a cough or oold than chamberiain’s cough Remedy. We have used it quite extensively and it has always given Bangor school in White township for Satire Satisfiction — Olga ie the month ending November 29: Whole he only remedy Laat 19: fo. | KDOWN to be a certain preventive of aver ttend | phenmonia. Among the many thous ands who have nsed it for colds and ‘la grippe, we have never yet learned of | a vingle case resulting in pheunmonia Persons who have weak lungs or have | reson to fear an attack of poeumonia, i should keep the remedy st hand. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Patton Pharmacy, C. W. Hodgkins But no use wasting it You're going to bay a Suit or Ow buy both. We have told you our story many times, but it wall hear repeating. Clothes of the best, cut by artistic cut- ters, sewed by skilled tailors and Anished as only good tailors can finish garments From sow until Christmas we seil a $22 Sait al $20, and a $20 at $18 and so on. The cheap, ready - made man can sell vou his goods for less than we can, bat if yon want genuine tailor-made clothes look over our stock; So i does not appeal to you don’ DINSMORE. BAS, Merchant Tailors, PATTON. PA. Next to P.O FLAVHUVLH HLTA VV LVEN BREESE sll ek
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers