- We not only want PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1898. Se on a ios i cen rR "$1.00 PER YEAR. cessor to ALTOONA, A : COOK, COOK, SALMOND & COWDEN. 3 . Goes hand ini hand with honesty in merchandis- ing; ; Newspaper mis 21, representation . might draw youn to a store and 4 1t would n CHAS This Winter, but again next ‘Spring, and also the follow. ing seasons. afford to even exaggerate perhaps sell you once, there. TE pe {sign of increasin We cannot the merits of our .offering. Our statements are backed leacher, Snsoived, from a practical with the merchandise, and if not the case, your money back if you want it. Patton Pharmacy. J Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ers could farnish evening entertain. whose name this town of Patton was Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars #9 Tobacco 0. / J. E. Kirk Hardware wv Witch for it next week. ¥ be po LAST PUR- “and B. F. Wise huve purchased an in- | ganiging a stock com jose. 0 - manufacturing an # hn & urge scale. + chased at our store JL 0 SNE HS Gleaned Here and There by | the “Courier” Reporter, a | £ & TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE ahve den CAs Reported by “Sub Rosa)” a * Courier” Contribhator, . The Cumbria County Teachers’ Insti tute held at Johnstown December 20, 22 anil 23, was, as Institutes go, a success, The attendance was large and {the instructors were men of marked ‘ability. The address of welcome was | delivered] by the Mavor of Johnstown, « ‘Mr. Wm. H. Samiford, of the Patton schoo! board, and cashier of the First ‘ National Bank of Patton, responding. ‘ His address was listened to with the closest attention, and that the large andience was pleased was manifest by ‘the applause that greeted Mr. Sind. {ford at the close or his remarks The reporters of the city papers got things htiv mixed in reporting the session and siluded to Mr. Sandford as “¥Fro- fessor.” 1 think the mistake was probably due to the fact that thew: re- porta linve not vet recovered from he pani: which oorarred in Johnstown daring the flood of 18898. The State wintendent regards the large at ee v f=" oll en tendancd at car County Institutes as a EE A ph ng interest in odoca- ! tional mptters. This may be true, hat that we have ontgrown our methods of {conducting institutes is also true, and, . until the teachers themselves do a share of the wiek, now done almost e tirely "by instroctors (7) whose instraction (7) “while dstevests ng, g* ral] Sati do ! ;c more than entertain; ving the diffl- 31 x: thao IF ler or ir Tr aly rE > avery He Was the Founder of On t yy Sri i» { bo» PATTO! # we HOX. JOHN ‘HH HH sll the pay, mileage, ete, of the ; HON JOIN PAT | Fileetoral College was donated to the ’ : Ws United States Christian Commission in 7 wid of the suffering soldiem During that vear Mr. Patton sade an indi vidual contribution of $000 to the Christian Commission, . He was miso elected a member of the Fiftieth Congress, in 1588, overcoming the Democratic midority of, nearly 2000, and then representing the Twenty -eigth District of Pennsylvania In 1878 he wan elected as one of the Board of Finance of the Centennial Exhibiton. Mr. Patton hos taken an active and | prominent pare, in religions ages : cand early in life be anibed wit ments highly acceptable to the general cited in honor of, and who was a | Method Ppiscopal church, He was | publie atid at a lean cost Shan sn per prominent resident of Clearfleld | a delegate to the Feumenical Confer mght. | \ PUB HOSA. county, died on Thursday ovening, ones at Washington, D. C., and has New Industry for Patton, Tiecrinh wr 2, 1597, at the Aldi ne hotel, twice served an a Aelogate to the Gen. | LM. Patterson, Dr. 8 W. Worrell oo. . . : = "eral Conference of the church. He : Philadelphia. He went to that city | has been a liberal contributor to every during the month of September and wogthy objet in this charch, and to until his! many other churches Thriving Town. It is the opinion of your corres pond Sr {ent that the teachers themselves should gy ADL do actual class work at the County In- HIS BUSINESS CAREER. ‘stitute. This wonld provoke kindly | criticism and helpful suggestions, which Meiped 1 Nomisate President Lincoln | eonld hardly fail to be helpful to every A Very Ceetul Lite. {real teacher. I wil step : each ay 1 bite the ta el | Hon. John Patton, of Carwaensville, AeA i or ‘vention. It is & machine for abavin i or planing spokes or handle, a model remained there constantly : ee pp | of the same, which is 1-12 size, is ROW death, When he passed away bis Fe has served asa director of Dicn- Lon exhibition in working order in Mr, id he tdgide TT COUNTS, At Rig < Tae ‘RB. P. Wise's office. The machine will ®yen children were at his bedside. | ological Seminury and the American shave or plane eight times the quantity Fis funeral took place at Carwensville University at Washington. He has of spokes or handle at the same ex- on Tuesaday afternoon, December 28th. | gIVen a fund of Phan, x he Chumb (pense of any other machine in Whe Hon John Patton was born in Tioga | SXension RocietY. Woh Is Snows As { market, which no donbt will certainly ; 7 the “Patton Lown Fund,” for the bulld- | market eounty, Pa, Janoary 8, 1523, and was ing of churches upon the frontiers, and revolutionize the spoke and handle | Pra he eon a A descendant of the Scotch-Irish race. | has donated many thovssnds of dollars ay for the puro His paternal grandfather was Colonel id we 2S hooks and to indi. ay od John Patton, & Revolutionary soldier. | 5 as or a liberality ie able to sell spokes and handles, if they His maternal gr andfather, Philip Antes, found in the Patton Graded Public i 80 desire, as cheap and cheaper than Was of German descent. School, at Carwensville, Pa, whieh ho other parties in the business can man- His father, John Patton, was in early built at a sont of: $25,000, iy Zrasnied : iactare are them ; hich will give them 8 1ifo a lieutenant in the United States In a chatacier: During this er dact. The mill now operated by Mp NAVY. where ho served for eight years, Mr. Patton's contributions for educa B. F. Wise will be used for the factory Part of the time ander Commodore tional purposes amounted to over and the capacity will be increased from Stephen Decatur. In 1828 he settled in oe : or wy Hue to time, as the business will warely Clearfield county, and two years later, . “sfies (" a le E han Sot 3 ly { ; ate. Citizen | vim, he moved to Carwensville, when who died in 1855, leaving three sons on the the son, John, was 5 years of age. ‘and a ter; in 1858 he was married to the | His mother, Susan Antes, Wah R& to Miss . Foley, of Clearfield : fo ‘county. He han at present a family of | Masons al Ehensborg. | aman of remarkable energy, and to a hiv sous and Yr The snnnal banquet of Summit ber Mr. Patton has always attributed hters. Ex-United States Senator lodge, NA BIIF 8A M of Eveisbirg, much of bis success. For the last 38 John Palton, Js “ lawyer 1 Grand | Wai heid in the room ng the 80- years of her life she was a momber of Rapids ; his next son, A. E. | I I rn Myvining Pritiey | Jury of har | | ton, in cashier of the Curwensville | evening. Ed James was master of the : : ‘Bank and president of the First Na- ceremonies. ; ots were Mr. Patton received his trainiog at gi,ngl Bank of Patton, Pa, and was d ress the school of adversity. Atl the early associated with him in his various ' A. age of 11 be was an errand boy in a enterprises : . U Alvin ire and in 1844 he commenced busi- a His Other hice Willian J : ’s ness for himself as a lumberman and aw merchandise and SY Hina Guests,” merchant, with borrowed capital, daughters are Mrs. C. D. Russell and waa the which be continued with few interrup- Mise . Sor | Pation, ef Sarwar vile. | { tions for a period of over 50 years. had not i Vy BU As a lumberman and banker po man hue has t most of his time in waa better known on the west branch travel The cares of the bank bave ‘of the Susquehanna river, and in times been taken by his son, A. E Patton. cof stress and financial disturbances he The Faneral was a tower of strength in that region, | : ir 4 An immense concourse of ple as an adviser, counselor and frieud to 8 were present at the funeral, Fron host of business men who have leaned and near, the rich and poor, the dis upon him. tinguished and humble, came to the His Havinews Lite last sad rites of one whose kindness had : ; 4 touched and helped multitudes of all The materia) development of the classes. Amidst a bower of Howers the & ¢ region owes much to Mr. casket lay within the aitar of the Patton. He was one of the mem- church he loved se well, and hundreds bers of the first board of directors of of persons viewed all that is mortal the Tyrone & Clearfield railroad. The of John Patton. flourishing town of Patton was named The services began with an organ se after him. He organized and became lection, “Sunset,” tenderly played. president of the First Naticnal Bank Prayer was offered ‘by Rev. M. L of Curwensville, Pa., in 1864, which Smyser, a former pastor of the de voluntarily went out of business in parted. Dr. Geo. Edward Reed, D. D. 1575 amd was succeeded by the Cur. LL D.; president of Dickinson College, wenavilie Bank, a private institution of gave the principal address. He told in which Mr. Patton has been president eloquent a wmge the story of an elo since that time. quent life. fe recounted the virtues Although never an office seeker, Mr. and generosities of the deceased, and Patton has always taken an ardent in. with every statement the vast congre. terest in public affairs. He was a gation concurred. When he concluded, Henry Clay Whig, and in 1862 was a Dr. D. 8. Monroe, presiding elder of delegate to to the National Convention the Altoona district, for a few minutes of the Whig party at Baitimore, Md., spoke of the impressions that many which nominated General Scott for the years of acquaintance with John Pat Presidency. In 1860 he was a delegate ton had produced. He said he was a to the Chicago convention, which nom- man, of ; and into everything that inated Abraham Lincoln, and in the he did he threw his whole heart. This Potatoos, apples, pears, celery, syrup, same year was elected a member of the characterized his business, religious, meat of all kinds kept at Cash (Gro- Thirtyseventh Cong from the social and civic relations. Dr. E cery—in fact everything that is kept in Twenty-fourth Di of Pennsylva- Gray, president of Williamsport Dick. a first-class grocery. Give me a call ma, overcoming an adverse majority, inson Seminary, also spoke and testi Casn GroceERY. and likewise the Democ | fled to the breadth of the deceased's 'eounty of C as a Republican, henevolences, manifesting themselves for the first time in ite Bimery. He in so many ways, and especially in his | was tendered a renomination, but de- endeavors to give to others educational clined the honor. | advantages which he never In 1864 he was one of the Pennsyl- himself. After a few appropriate re- ‘vanin electors, when Lincoln was re- marks by his pastor, Rev. J. A. Wood, | | elected, and it was on his motion that | followed by prayer by Rev. M. L. Ga- | Infant Dead. Mary G dau r of Mr. and Iommisg at 8 o'clock, after a brief id nem. pwas aged ba Funeral services were held at the St. Mary's Catholic church of Patton on Monday at 2 o'clock p. m, when in- terment took place later in the Catho- lic cemetery east of town. The par- ents have sympathy of their many friends during the bereavement. ‘A good pool and billiard pion ros taurant and cigar stand. ‘ill be sald at a baapain. Call on or address Sam’] Fisher, Patton, Pa. wil) = Free, Free, Free! “With every §25 worth ot foods puar- ; rou will be pre- | sented with a beautiful piece of silver- re, which can be seen displayed in aw window. 38 MirkiNy & KusNvER Patton Markets, i Bubject to market changes: EBOIBEE. oii ST gOTES Pa pra | Cabbage ik eka he i a | Buekwlunl fio 2 oR { Fags. Abin sats xo din : Potatoes... ein mana RY bashed | ODRORS. cep $5.00 w : Miners Srorg Co. { Limited | in Se A S53 A AA . Shiloh’s consumption Cure cures where others fail. It is the leading h cure and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and Sat to the spot. Sold at Corner ; Oe, Zz noe, the services were dismissed and | the great throng proceeded to the place | of interment, where with tender song and prayer the remains were wo § at rest, After the funeral a citizens memorial meeting was held in the Academy of Music. Burgess Samuel P. Amold pre. sided, and with a few aptiy chosen re- marks opened the meeting. RD. Swoope, Esq. was the first to speak, apd he offered a few brief resolutions and concluded with heartfelt testimony | to the worth of the departeni citizen. | He wax followed by Hon. S. R. Peal, of Lock Haven He anid that they were not there becanse John Patton had died. but becanse he had lived. His greatness had grown out of his symp. athy with and interest in the people. Judge Cyrus Gordon, of Clearfield, | expressed a personal sense of Joss in the death of one whom he rogarded as | a friend. He suid the inflaenpes of John Patton were not limited to lo cality nor confined to numbers, bat it is impressed upon our race. He noted the breadth of generdsibios- how {hast all worthy causes were subjects of his helpful considerations. The world has more sunshine, peace and greatness because John Patton has lived Congressman W. ( Arnald, of Du- Bois, gave a very eloquent tribute. He spoke of the pablic spirit of the de. «dl, how he was concerned in pvery- thing that concerned the peopl, both at home and abroad His keen pene- tration into affairs that greatly per. plexed less acute intellects, his grasp of business situations made him a coun- selor, whose advice was constantly sought. Mr. Arnold further stated that much of Mr. Patton's charities, | and many of bis kindpesses wer done so quietly and obscarely that the world knew nothing of them. : J. B MeEaally, Esq. of Clenrfleld, presented a few circumstances from the earlier history of Mr. Patton, show. ing that he always phesessect not only | quick perception, but promptness in action, and to these two qualities he attributed much of his suecess James Kerr, Es, of Clearfield, pointed to the close connection be- tween the history of Mr. Patton and that of Clearfield county, and how prominently he figured in the devel. opment of the county. His history was part and panel with the history of The cotanty Courage, frmness kind. poss combined in his pata, County Superintendent G. W. Weaver spoke briefly of the inspiration Mr. Patton had been to him for many years. j Col. BE. A. Irvin noted the intervst felt In Mr. Patton abrosd- an interest that was so strongly evidenced by the presence at the Tuperal of so many strangers, many of whom were men of rank and position Henry Hile, of Philadelphia, said he bad in Mr. Patton the best friend be ever possessed in Clearfield county. He thought we never really kmsiw the worth of the departed Thus ended the exercises of the afar noon. A sense of grest loss has fallen ppon # town, a community, a dounty, a commonwealth. Who shall fill the place of the fallen citizen and bene- factor? May his mantie of asefliilness, | of loyalty to his Master and to his fel- lowmen, fail pos worthy shoulders, | His memory will never perish und his influence for good will bot widen as genarations come and go. Who can. measure the benefloient effects of his | gifts? Who can number the benedic- tions pronounced upon him by grateful | subjects of his bounty? Hundreds of | Shavehon sad Sn are HO to his liberality. His greatness of beart | SERIO he Foung men thy! e example | er ime I make the world better. ! More About Postofces. i There have been no quotations on | in this county during the | past week. There will bably be a | reaction in the market fore long. — | Hastings Tribune. What is all this turmoil we hear about | 8 ? Is it possible that the Din r bill has given such an impetus to ss that government offivers are knocked down to the highest bidder? A fine wtate of affairs | —Ebensburg Mountaineer, t Ebens bang's New Hotel. to have besn due to a broken ‘at 830 a Is the founder of our town. PENY'A. Cine Over the C. C. RR On Wednesday the Pennsylvania pumtnger train, north bound, which is ue in Patton at 10:42 am. arrived hers at 1d noon, owing to a wreck of losded coal cars this side of Bradley Jnnetion. In order to reach Patton the train was ran over the Susque- hanna division to Spabgler and from them (8 omens over the Beech Crook ox. tension, known as the Cambria Coanty railroad, to Patton. This is the first full fledged passenger train that bas ever beet run over this line, Consid. ering the roundabout way the train was compelled to travrese, it came into Patton only one hoor and sighteen minutes behind ite regular time The cause of the wreaked coal train is said axie. About eight voal cars were plied up. 3 Fox Hunt, A fox hunting club of several mem- bers has been organissd io Patton, and SUhacke BENT well aown lo many, has tween elecleds president. The first hant will take place in a few days on the farm of George Baker, who lives near Brailes Junction. Mr, Baker has extended the president of the club an earnest [nvitation to spend a day st his place and states that besides several species of red and gray fox which in. habit his vist farm, there has been seen by him and many otbers u black fox whieh is considered quite rare in Penn- sylvinia, The hide of’ a black fox is worth feom 875 to $100. The boys are antivipating a splendid day's hont Mr. Baker has kindly invited the boys to dine with him daring the days sport, Miners Lite in Claufield Region. The Rochester coliery at DuBois was on Monduy closed indefinitely, the re sult of which has been to increase the diseatisfietion among the miners in that section. At Beyneldsvile, where the mines are operated by the same Company, trouble is brewing over the collection of the checkweighman's funds. The miners at both points are well organized, and there is a strong poemibility that a mid-winter strike may be insugurated. Over six hun. dred mum are affected by the shut- down at Reebester, of which bat a small number will be able fo get work elsewhere. At Reynoldsville about one thousand men were idle Monday, Prime A wired, On Now Years Day the rs of a $10 graphspbone and a $10 doll offered by ©. W. Hodgkins of the Pattom Phurmaey, for the boy and girl fara. ishing purchase lickeis to the al amoant of money were rewarded to Willie May and Mabel Wharton, respectively Willie May furnished 79 worth and Mabel Wharton $10 55. Considerable interest was manifested in the race and a large um. ber of tickets were turned in daring the time specified. The Young pe re the effords of Mr. BF Jeopie in the above sondertaking. Brofseman Killed, Mr. Dofleid, a brakeman on the Beech (reek railroad, was instantly killed on Monday by falling down be- tween the moving cam on the coal train which is due in Patton every day m. The sad sscident ha med at Clerfield Junction and h iy was badly mangled when found. His remains were taken to Jersey Shore, where he resided. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his sudden death. Ooo Elected, Patton Fire Company No. 1 elected the following officers for the year 1898: Sam'! Jones, president; A. G. Ander son, view president; Ed Hunter, record- ing secretary: Wm. Clark, financial secretary; John Boyoe, treasurer; W. E. Probert, chief; farry Stear, fore- man; James Hunter, assistant foreman; F. H. Kinkead, manager of hall. Memorial Servies, A memorial service will be held in the M. EB charch of Patton on Sunday morning, January 18, at 10:30 ack to the memory of Hon. John Patton, An appro- priate sermon will be delivered by the pastor. CASTOINIA. pew hotel recently erected at , The Ebensburg by John P. Lloyd and C. s Thomas Davis has been leased by J. R K. Shook, of Westover. He will take possession about the first of April, the yment having been entered into that the building shall be completed in time to allow the application for a liquor locense for the hostelry. The name of the new botel will be “The Metropolitan.” [It is one of the finest establishments in the county and a credit to Ebensburg and its people. Christies Selenading. > i On Christmas Day the Miners Brass and Reed band of Patton treated sev- eral homes of the citizens, invluding the home of the editor, to a beaatifu serenade which was very much ap- preciated by all. This organization, notwithstanding ite short existence, is able now to pour forth music that would make many much older bands stand back. The boys do well and should be given much encouragement. Beooh Cresk Improvements, The Beech Creek Railroad company recently ordered five new freight engines, which are to be placed at the west end of the road. They are being built by the Schenectady Locomotive Works and are expected to arrive some time in the early part of January. The company has also ordered 1,000 new coal cars and 100 coke cars. A Big Porker. ! a hog w w i dressed, 310 ) pounds. ®This in the larg- | r that has been reported ont the this season. i § But no use wasting it You're going to buy a Suit ar Overcoat, perhaps bay both. We have told you our story many times, but it wiil bear repeating. Clothes of the best, cut by artistic cnt. tery, sewed by skilled tailors and flnished as only good tailors can finish garments. From now until Christmas we sell a $22 Suit at $20, and » $20 at R18, amd 50 on. The cheap, ready - made man can sell vou his goods for less than we can, but if you want genuine tailor-made clothes look over our stock: if it does .not appeal to you don't buy, DINSMORE BROS. Merchant Tailors, PATTON, PA. Next to P. O.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers