GREAT LANDLORDS. | ASTOR PRCPERTY IN NEW YORK | WORTH NEARLY $200,000,000. Where Is No Sentiment In the Manage- ment of This Vast Property Tenants Must Fsce the Music gressive and Walt For Others to Lead. We are sil inclined to re tho great American lan wilord with disfavor, Hi is amsociated in our inde with the iden of high rents, deinanded the instant they ars dne, with onfalfilied promises as to yepeirs and little improvements that wonld #0 ranch 0 our comfort aud with many other small annoyances that make kim Yhe man terrible, the wan unfaithful, te man hostile Throuch the olscurity of these preju- dices it i donbtfal if many of us me Bin clearly or judge him fairly. Ae- oording 68 wre are near moving day or pot sod as wo secure repairs we are apt to regard him ss a very dismgreeabls person, indeed, with few of the higher Btrman ditributes or else the reverse, acd in tho rocantime wo pay rent and tolerate him beaguse be continues to ex- fst and the Jaw protects | Perhaps the ws example of the American lam! xd i Astor, or rather the Asters. The interests of this famous New York family are 80 numeroas and 80 extensive, so widely distributed sad go varied in character, that as landlords they hold sway over all classes of so ciety, occupying every kind of stroo- ture. Then, too, the Astors are typical in that no sentiment enters into the man- agemont of their propertivs, and, after all. this is troe of the management of most real estate in this city. As landlords the Astors demand the market rate for rents, and they demand it the first of every month oF quarter, | as the cass may be. Sooner than make | material ecmesssions in the amonnt to be paid on a lease the Astors will aliow | a house to remain vacant, nod one sea sn or year only, but two, three or more venrs, and i then a good tenant | is pot at band the Jui iding will be al- tered, provided tid condition of the neighborhood requires it. It is appar ent. therefore, that the Asters get the fignres they ask. These are not the high- ! est paid, frr the states take no risks, | but they are well op 10 the average. : No sme possibly recnires npore assur- ance of respomsiliinty in tenants than the Astars Befocuces as to character aud finsncial standing must be {orth- eanring if yon would be sn Astor tenant, and they mast be more than paper ref ercpvos, for they will bo investigated | carsfully If yom are snknown or can not show who you are asd what you! Bave got. and that you sre fairly cer ; tain of being atde to moet the rent for | the term of the lease, Go pot try to rent | ar Astor homse. You will be refused As a matter of faet, the Astor rent mils if one could soure copies of them, cedd bo eu exccilent commercial di- | — tory, far more reliable within the limited sphere, perhaps, than anything ever attempted in this city. Ninety-five pir cont of the perso WHOSS DAES APG | wp them jay the rent they agreed to pay | i ots the first of every mouth. Those on | the rolls who do mot disappear when | thidr leases are up ar before if possible. The Asters are not hard landlords, bus tlhiey tro very businesslike, and the dis | Posies proce: is resorted to when: | eres occasion de gnand { Thomgh of Dutch stock Astors have ne feeling of friendliness for the Yojuor traffic. The saloon kuoper is nos sranted, oven st the high rates ho offers, | and neither is any other sat of tenant who is likely 0 Ean time to tine, of course, persons | nt fi favor with be authoritios creep Btn usec properties, but when discov. | hey are ous wl as gulekly and ss Ngt Very Pro- dn Gan d add ain. £ Ere ARR BASE SEAN BAER st BLE & SEY Se cosets go, the estates aro ed hand mor of the other large Jandlords and a host of the ssaalior ones Up to a very recut pericd the manage paint of the tataily PORSCREGES Wak OX. cecdingly un jrogressive, and it is hard. Iy op to what might be expeetod of ig vet. [tis urged in defense of thisvpolicy that various sections of i5y Astor boldiugs ary large are as L undergoing a chang : and iemtions apps ray i ¢ Raracter w bw pale dater Tb at i% the trouble wi the Astore, Th ways 3 in wading 5 ehnn: heids ther in ghia, Ww hile wosker nen tals the ns ad «fren they stra tue Way 4 Progriss ty preseuting i x bined of property dirccilran th real LnRpreve rents i ef oeted all around than, 1 thy are Wi 85 ¥ £30 : Ju the matter of iudivilual repair earations and fas they Gru rod. bus they the reputation of Rolng what tacy Li des Lefare the fonant oie then the coon bas got to he very carctal pit by ti will be spent upog tae Youn Intereniss Tow Astors hold {ow and flea direct tiv, thong tiie und upon which Runde ds ot sah : This kel of Imildg with ediber they have ta do as paovtving leasehold are oomevguads Dw ings in Zr ising aud kinds, from sg in hmndrads yearly to ote and and L + | RlEatias £5 haan yu Jwd sd wh $y sept Fh Badd cfd aia, BGT 0 » FE % Liar ie ils AFaa NRE Tomy naw TRAY 45 0 alisa £3 CERT Ti a stand 3 LT the faiaiy. an with it so fir rents nu ole bring yiehling the wr sands, Gifice boii ami tho income producers aside {rom Jeaschohd properties wing bir wi G ¥ ny § A hi 0) boasiness are oh fines the Shah with the police. © val #% LY * 3 CAUGHT A WALKING FISH. dt Rr It Had No Gills, bit Had Pour Legs and Kopew iow to Use Them. Frauk Davey, the photographer, is | the posseswor of A very strange fish, ibited to hur alive he put brol The fish ie known to Borne pes bot is quite rare Its horce is in the dcop water, and if the story told ba ol Chinaman who pro cured tu hat the onteh Was made : How water just omptaicie of the barbor-is to be ia ponedadd mrrreioe ie indead osu It salen , which after having exh bor of friv : spd wide sil into aicoh 3 Bian +1x Ka ead ¥- eoatEY ¥ Ar ine on a3 - ME IT ches mn ben gti ard jar pan is that Sag are ¥» i wd a Ties Bay Pp Liar. 2 as such Wikre ied 1 f% just as in 18 all over the Bee distance of about half an mel trading (ron the belly near t part are what tong cali 3 legs. They pointed and have so ten very fine claws Theme, togeii with another pair farther anterior, fish. when alive, peed to walk about with on the bottom of the jar in which i was contaimsd It wonld show fight instantly when approached and gave every sign of bee ing endowed with the spirit of the evil ene, bristling up its fins, mapping vied Toro 5 PETG or seh Pars are td 3 thn appendage on the top of its nose and | sending two currents of water from holes or false gills just back of the large, above When the fish was killed and placed | in aloohol. the bright yellow disappear. | od entirely and loft in its place a whitish ouior. =Paife Corser fal Adverse DIPLOMACY. The Astute Mayor Koew How to Help Along His Owa Town. A number of indignant citizens had ‘Bled into the office of the mayor of a stoall but progres sai vn TOWTL “We called,” said the spokesraan of the party, ‘to soe abont yous annouooe ment that you would ght to the hitter end the proposal of those two rmalroad oompanics fo lay tracks so as to oon pect. “Wall " was the reply, “what of it?" “You dem’ deny saying it then?’ “Certainly not’ “And yen you call Fours! a wide awake man, competint to look after the | interests of an ambitious community | like this?’ 3 wm doing my best to deserve ap proval © : “Iran's von realize that the junction ef thee two roads is one of the host things that condd happen to this city? “Ceorausiy. “And yor 3 pou. are doing your best to stop 18 5 Tho rarer reflected for a few min- ates pred then wad: “*Grentleznen, will you keep a seermt™ “if it's nothing detrimental to the ofty’s Sater resid “Well, ata just as anxious to have that work desze as yon are, {kaow 1 thoy neually go about saeh | Lthings. If we let them salons, they’ 0 begin work abont tie last of November, ! env i 8 « torn gp all winter and not Enid before nest summer is half over Now, if ther haee really de make this roves diziprrove of it won’ it wiil hsve ove effi Pom thet? fae They i wet b ne 4 they Sl MALS night ag | fans Yr ws Ly > 3 Area THY Sey PEAS Rae § £ my RAVIOQ Ret thn, bg Baki wiih i wot hae whateve oh I 8G FETE fast fiat il traflin any Lae Soar omnes w VY ing Wg 3 How much those rests amount to pers | the Astors can tell, but the the two hravches of the £) . aR) haps only real estate of family is worth nearly $206.4 according to a conservative contin ate, | and most of it is rented. If it ave raged | b per cont, the yield we wid be 80 0, - 000 to $10,000,000 a vear, to be d livided | bet we cen two wen, —New York Herald | but yom | its gliarp teeth, elevating a sharp, knifelinn | armiiks appendages mentioned | Litas, i § | Elec turn fC pow - mand ali y ¥ ¥ of sient ERAS IN THE LONG AGO. When the Bt. Louis Spaniards Marched | Again thie Michigan Esgith. A ho nish army oan eR rt) > ae hidden along greats rid BAe NR SAIL TR G0 against the {It was a point wo mies Pentenr Har! or, northwest : Tie dangerous They ostin Ieagrues, ne x Ee surveys have proved that they mark ie od hy { Taptain Fr age Bio Porn mi, and Lacntenant Carlos a nlerpmar Was fais Cheval and Negmgen ied dians of the Fox and ¥ Thare woe Ah twas, in all UU special reforvnios to staid the arduous Journey They marched up the Misisapp to the mouth of the [linois Mich force hep: anes at an 5 wile a “3 TT 5 PR Was 3 Lie BSH Ps or thence along So track of the Fre The route took | explorves and voyagers them wp the Hin 48 river past For (Pocria) wo old Fort Heo they pi Creve Came Lonis | Steirved Kook) od the blood stained bani and Castile A coutury rocky vninence La Salle be the fear de-lis of France tha Pritish dag had waved over Now Old Glory waves tore aud beanty : Purre's fores toiled in snow g so the junction of the Rankakes Desplaines rivers They followed Desplaines wo a point west of sonth Chicago lake nl ite smtbern edgo it a descliste region of dunes. Thiuee they destinntion gi als garrison of S6 to Lit # a Lhe et Ast Cane To They warchad th z $45 Fi Ww Wis oo » of the sya eran] gathwrod | euch Lian Chrodaio Atlantis Currents AL FEL aT A Te Is i sy y i beens draggin ad ther oF : he Ta i i $a hon Bian abis § wih interns au i Tush faa J wR ! Atlant Ah TO i 1! * 13 Hu 3 iY wh ® 0 their atidlity tow r of Ara i: i tefore from that | wid anfariad | Rube Tt HEY Fra Ww hkE SWAN Ps ANG ssid Lis x wi roe | NYC &8 RRERC Less CONDENSED TIMETAL LA, Head Up 1 Exp Mail I Nip KT Min, ah TS ed am, May 18, 1897. Beech (Creek Railroad. AND CLEARFIELD RF. ad nonnerilons irra EEN IDA YH, SUTRwARD. 1 A. », A » Rear i ¥ : *. rr an § J a $4 Bhs Empartiy 15 5 x3 wt Fey ‘My Few Peiton WW ewtover New sitiport_.. cme RII. : TT Miteteeiin. - Clem rfield June. 5% a: Jil i i ol Ei Radyway inimnd Hon Mil Haven rviartmad Wharin Mile Blase Hewk Vipeysrd Run Cwmreier » i USAFE ¥ % - : YY 1 we = loarfieid.. Lieartteld June . hihi bern Bigier.. CWaliseston 0) $1 orem i asdav § Philipsburg : Stars Ca METIS es . Winkeirne, .. Pen a a EAI I Lew How Shoe. wim MGTSEE i hd a nl nl SE EYEE at RaNneN B AetrpameEe RLS . ; Jock spring RR i. ~Youngdai ie Wave) i ry 5. = REE EEE EE ie vadighean Hore Janetion.. Lderwey Whore Love. WwW Lifimmmeport. ArT tim. and Heading KIL» Will menage Ew ilmdeiphin Ar BAERS sn R:as anne “it oa 1 : #5 4s » ri - m Ph Shar WH. * ws CeisimaE al amie wy” we = » » . i Xie Aro ws yeiile Janrmew Mittin Hurveys ton Fails reel Pax Rp5ie a3 5 &@ EYE CR SRB Pltietarg P.M AN AW P TRAINS LEAVE RIDGWAY. 3 Eastward * Wastward Train 8 717 a.m, Timin # Sia ow, Train 6 12 0 p.m. Tain & 1 Sa, wm, Train LL 75pm Trin Susquelanns and Clenrfield RR. Trains are ron on Taewley 's, Tuarsdsy ‘sand i Maio day's mag thwarde Train 17 ave Kenting at # na mand arvives at Karis iG Bw me, Noethiwanrdt-- Train (XK aves Ranhaus oom and arrtoes st Kenting at 239. henovo at £15 5 me. i wet > we Tv N.Y. via Datiugis, Ar Ly. New York via Phin Arb? 3 i x “ih ti © Awl gsi ® Li i wer Pe At Simlly, YWesxdaye, BP {30h A M. Runduys. © Bs senpers temealing via Phil ®, 0 trmin frogs Willies cars al olumbie Ave, Pi fst Lmeded ol ia New York the Of Costeetions— AT Willie por wily rolisde AL Jersey Shor with Phi | phim wind Rending Raiiwsy, {with (he Fadl Brook Ky. al Mill Hal Wl Cantal Kailros® of Penny vanin, Al gy ipsa with Penn's. BK. Hand Altoona | 5d 2 railed. snd Northwestern ral! i | AGPALMER, teh | fn peri atendent. TY 3 FE EFRIMAN, of 1 Rm T alin: ated 30 M Roodays wiliehangs i} ipnbmry Connecting HK AL (lenried il wiih the Bafisio, Rochester sed Pilteba rg mii : At Manafey anid Patton with Vmmbriy Clemrftelt Aivigion of the Penneyivaniy At Mabadey wiih the Penpeyivani or Agl. nia Pa TRAINS LEAVE KEATING, Wows wnt. “I'rain 4 Y vi ™ EY Ri oR, J ; #rwl rs nn. Frain = thy Rasa: th at 5 Wawel Say = Toursde ve and Salnrinys. i BR Hawhinson. J.B Wood, Corrs. Munger, Pass. Ax an «limi yy. ¢ faeak, Jat 1 EAGLE YALL vy H. i, Wowk | hE Edi AN mye Tye ren Bur Hesil ser ts and Look Haven at % ie, 0 13 Band 7 Uh pom Trains arrive at Mie Toe | ek Havenal oa. pu oand JIS ta and BOD non. B™ VEF Traia waves Pal wrt : FONTE & SNOW RHOE Cowl wy indy Sd : 2 | ALLEGHENY: VALLEY RAILWAY. “1 33h LOW GRADE DIVISION, BOUN a | AM. 5 praise A$ I Pav Bank Te Say $ : New Flt hele Yiar i a {1 i. . 3 Jets 4s TE thie B % - 5 a oe $0 0 0 hh Ak et ne er si BRE 8E be - - Ed Mix Hrs Frruft womnd | i WEST fu) {DeMarco tc Mix Harn Pient ws Hun Wentoarlie, I medina CA mleviotine Vi er Dary SM imi Bods t Falis Creek iis | Revaoideyiile Hugi! 1s Filer g Bewley: New Het Hes! Plame. Pissing. fo oettevt May 18, 190, VY. Y. Ni haw Wa Lene Bode Hise ; ts Lomrrivinge Sade Noe A = srr mh JHE am Spow Shoe jutresiion al pone lemve MEG Eu Hel WIE ving ot Bellefonte 5 39% Lary 2 Pe x3. EEL jin Philipsburg and Moshemmon Branch. Taine § ot seta Bt é Trmisim sarerive at WMomstataie at # 1% a oy A565 and #0 po oa, Train eaves Mormiainie fr Belena and way wtwbiomin a2 & #1 pW, Train arrives xt Morristnie rom Belsens st £55 nn. 10 Hx, Vey ise) I Mata Lane Preansyiveania Ratiroed Toni war Parone dally Bir Philadephia ast privy east ay T IZ, Te 13 Wa me. [TOA 248 ® 5A pom ¥ Ha itinsore and Wank ington TIL TH ant 1 va aes ROE aad R38 pon, Omi. Foor Haititpoae only Jd8 5 me dail iv. Fisr Maret rg ow $000 1p. aa. damien. For Host dom, week Stir iF IT poo Trains wave Tyrone daily fr Ailocoria, Mis and the Vout #55 a pa, mud IMT Mand FUE pom. Work dav aniy, - Sn I. 8 HUTCH NSN, pred ll wimg ar Hi. i. 4, WOOD, than Pam. Agl LYANIA RAILROAD, iN EFFRCT AUGURT §, a, Phlisdaiplils. and Krie Ralimad Divison Time Tapia. Trine ve DEM wond FANT W A BI 910 A. MM Truin & wk dsys for mgnbore, Wilkestwrry, Semnbon, Hasllon, Potimviiie, Harn iets ry and tn terinediin oe sis hone, arfivine si Philsieipliin, &5 p. om, Now York, #5 p.m. Beitimore, 660 p.m, Wasliingion, 135 p,m. Pallren Pavior oar Frou limmapor. to Philiadelphibe, sod SAsSeREer Doct ¥ Troms Keane to Phila. 8 I Mo Traln & week days tir Har ciebiiryg. and iniermediate stations, arnt. Ing #1 Phlisdeiphin at ¢l we. m., New York Bom sae, Pallas Keeping cars fro Heo Asburg WW Phisdeiphis and New Yord, Halle del ph ia pees pers onn rennin i pales er Apt rheed anti TH a. mm. prey iales Yaar Sasler, ol Mo Tomin 6 daily thr Suabory & Hare Imes 1 mend) | BIO TIDE Iniceta i One Rr TIVIDG BY Phiaede pdb, 2:60 8. ma. New York, 38a. hy wow hk dmow snd HPs. In 00 ; Bais doors, 08 sm Washing .. rm ana Prams tage one Tom EH Ww "EES RE ts et asd Wollimensteurt 10 Ashington. Pasengers tn MERE Lhd Dade wi ow oanth gle 0 will voucarvent (iva we Bat en ew jer of Wi Paes pr © Go Phsuelphile R00 Ww Guibert 0 Heit win, Ee > grit Tayrin ganrt WIRNTW AR n «Train a4 werk dave, Dhesia 4 fertseont aiid $i sinbe Tatlin, PEL pad eed Ll wlan hak BP, ML os Etwas oh, well Jaye cid dmg Eran) bam lar Shan dad hie, Pad iisll TRAINS FOR PRN TRE BEAST AN Now Ww wr Kate ana GL TH $318 Pwo sil sdeaiw fAawom ENNNE 572 4 vpiptiia 3 1s WW Ean sgert i i BAIN wa ee pte. Phils CLE nom Washiigiten,, thei pa. AGRE, 1% wpe aa dikiey asTiving at Ab WE ee Wa 1 "3 cathainm Ten WE REY vai Lae Fla Xirmgarm FIRE Rat Be TE Tins Yr 4 a wt ide ad tin mpasrE “ wwe «le or IRL hp ema 0 RonF {LEY 1 Signe 33 wR Ye En Ths BY wend} omy Pree Ma $44. at % day To Ww TARE ala plaka S60 Wi inane ? IO NSONRBURG RAILROAD, Week laa PIANO mses RIGgway at 00 a. ma. JOB. sanbUrg al 00s wm mL arriving at Germont al | i i% Ca (TRAIN BO enves (Termont al Aeing at dubusnst ney at Ll Ridgwae ai LIB p. fw BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTIBURR 4 BE RE TIE BIEVER TRAINS IKPART de® Ure, Tae wee He gaa Ole evnadideviile Hradinrg sad Bow Pua ssulawnay. } ik LITER, three vi PRs Gger tral and slled } y {rp thals dnily =» Lamter, teopnd {rmrfeld Tsk Rantaw ney i He Wey, Brie, iy he mtd XE KE Wilms Teel tg Hanand Pun osiawsey TRAINS ARMIVE, Birr moR #4 Teartdeid. LYK rine is ad { ATW wv te and | NEUni EW peEY fowl and Hey noidgsy ck os 8 Hradiond, ead aor, IEARER wap ch) yee HIRI tw Fails TER Tomy feild, #4 iii 8 > HE ard 1 § « 33144 3 ANAL. vie Hanke of wind Tor essay Peal J ORNLK peer fe KER, A © Yalu JEL OY aid (Lim, M Landergan, Agent, 3. U. Lapey. (epi d wha al inireai hia Fy Baas, Aria bi, it. L far Flo tintaie nd Hed. | aod 508 pom Beimene ated i mM, Capel Tem Erte | ifks | * ¥ AR ES SOA A SORTYHWASD | | Beynnldsville 8 ie med vw Yay... wish: x6 2 » ® | Beym. alvten tl i | Rocko § i PEE ATW TARY ie Peat * 05 pom. | | | Ia |v Ly | i i § 3 HEANCH | 4 wi oN 3 fefinite Taw ary ving Snow | rare tions | arriving | i HE im IRE CAPT RIGHT ues. Pes Ag ® i Fup dw entering the ae TEX CENTS wl 5 ea LRIFTWOOL | i i i an] le I, aud Tae WERD | THIS [PATENTS the Byte — SUFFALD, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURG RY C&M DIVIRION, Loend 3 Tithe Tusle in Effet June - ay IT, EAST BOUN D. AcE, Angi: ruldis | eK. Moan, an Tavetdon bl TRS SN Cd LONE STE... WNC SIE. A KH3T TE Visser Lone 3s er port . Sreeasviiie fentew CAE et, Market ol ; “sewa nead 8. C. Ce Pogmt Ar $k ol va SESARG st Hs w (BEEBLARLOSREN xg 8 . E Bo REE Es ® K » yey & 13% are PEE PA Be we y po Sev] | Hr riageport ieee x ¥ Ss PE Marie n.d. | Clemrfietd B.C Deeps Ary wR PER $E2B0R3 at Train 71 connects tf Dobos for Ridgway, os nastier g Brediond ant Rowhester pain No 8 ossnnevts at DuBois Sr Bradtord 1 buew Phd Haman sleeping car trom Phiisdel- a! te Williams. Tegly Nix TH sos oowss at Clearfield with the Rewwly Crowell railroad lor Philipets jaw Haves, Jerwy spew, Wililavieport, Tatindel phin asd New York. Pa ORE are revi pemtasd 1 © pe rehee tieele An exons charge of wr oalievte hy Condoctors when fares gee pald on Trutos, from «il stations wivere a lirket offioe is miaintalnen, E. LAPEY, wri Pass, tt AR Y. BY vai HT. MARY AND SGUTH WERTERN BALLROS TIME TAB To take ofect Moauliay Aug. 9 -. wait ¥ E10 Kasdaey. Roath ward STATIONS, Korth ¥: ane i : ISREHESYD Ley RPP PPE RT RDE BL pe der Ww Wak Hh Wo WY CeueeeeERES ESTER u um - KENGESS FUSRSLERMENEZ EER a sxe > x FESS ENRGUUY §B ony fon Poon me Tome con teetious at St. * BR oral ie fama mont for all points on WN. Y. their connections, and at Hyde on Toby mosh of Erte | BE RD eokr.s > - 1 5 jer. Supt. SUMMER TIME TABLE North Bend and Hattle Crack RAILBOAD OO, ; Taking «Sect Monday, Mare 25 GOING soUTH, Rent Up, 3 - pmsl GOING NORTH. | A inst 4 & TATIGNS, tL } m North Bad a om 0 Cslemmesniton. =. Howsrd wii : a Li mee Jrshingls Hy And #3 Green Lick. i Ten M is #3. Oleonas J ane 8 ’ 3 Wim Samet gen EB "» = » 5 FRESE FREEZER $4 ol Rint EEG MLE “EB w 10 Loto Junction Sd Hig npring. $i si jew x Hun rea fe a a A PENG - sd ® or Pl oe Late * 9 Train No, § Saturdays Ri ode tosis Sally Sup Rinday. A. BLACK WE P Mgr KF Bi. ACK WELL, (hen'l. Pass. At eMEiY, ¥, § yngy” ws i AND FOREIGN PRCCUPED. EUGENE W JOHNSON. ¢ Salicilor and Atteraey is Pate Causes $A. M Ties i wed for Brie sua joie | ¥en ER. af [AED 198% Charge ss vdrmeor Heguesteod ROR ed wd Hai JOB A A A . PRINTING x OFFICE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers