oy VOL. V.-NO. 1. Here we are again with the Largest and Finest line of You ever laid your eyes upon. It surpasses anything we ever had before and you know by that that we have the largest line that has ever been pur- chased in any town in Cam- bria county north of the City of Johnstown. We have everything you may ask for —try us and see. s sar FREE TO THE BOYS AND GIRLS --Any boy or any girl brin to our store Sash armomtl the largest EE Years Day, 1898, will he a with a deotfie [Wesnt: ith a hy The boy will be k bran new $10 GRAPHAPHONE the gr w ask for particulars. Remember the largest amount of sales, not the largest amount of tickets. (. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Headquarters for Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Stationery, Confectionery, Cigars #8 Tobacco. you. ’Cause it does. It line of Rocking Chairs, Etc. The best at the very lowest price. Come and see for your- self at J. |E. HARDWARE CO’S Ranges made. line to choose from. The Store are the specials. A full line of Horse Blank- Wasson, ets, Robes, Harness, Whips, Ete, © Sausage Cutters and | Stuffers. HARDWARE CO. a $10 DOLL Call and {on the west, and from there by LOGAL AND Gleaned Here and Ton, ‘firm of Fowler, . which could n PATTON, C OOK, ENERAL NEWS There by > the “Conrier’ Reporter r THE B. C. - EXTENSION. Chet Engincer Marden at Ehoosbarg Noghing Pefinite Wot. Daring the past two wedks thi papers of Jats ows and other bria connty ‘towns have been or dderatyy about the the Beech Creek railroad, some going 80 far as to state that it was sssured beyond a doubt. The CoURIER that it is all too true, but has been able to learn anything definite in regard to it, that is, anything which could be EXTETs bie ¥ Tas perfectly reliable Both the Johnstown and Altoona papers of Tuesday morning say that Joseph C. Marston, chief engineer of the extension of the Beech Creek rail road, which is expected to connect in Johnstown, has for a withthe B. & O. been stopping in Ebensburg couple of days, and the impression there is that there is to be no halt in the constraction of the new line, Mr. Marston has not heen saying ‘anything, but his been examining maps and asking questions which have Ebensburgers to conjecture as to the probable route the new line will take. Tey believe it will ran from Patton, which point i now reached by the Beech Creek, past Csrrolitown and over the tunnel on the Susquehanna Extension, then Fhensburg, probably just cutting into the borough New post Germany toward Johnstown. Mr Marston gave no intim mn 4 Bow soon the surveyors would begin work at Ebenshurg, bot they sre pected at an early date A New Sore foi In another oolamn be found a large display ad the fact that a new stare Ri Dw tao the public in Patton 1 day : which will be known as handling & fail line of ladies, gents and « furnishings The new store is J. J. have personal managemen ness. Mr. Donnelly comes as a man of years of experience in Lae mercantile business, being with the Dick & Walker, Wilkes after. pe RY ans Fr 4 hii Dhan ves ¥ « * € Barre, Pa, for some time, and | wards manager of the large store of M. Nathan & Bro, of Johnstown, Jor sev. ‘eral years. The store ‘in the Cornelins block on Fifth and Kerr avenues, ‘ pelly wishes to inform Patton and surrounding country that they can get goods at as low will be located the corner of and Mr. Don. the people of rice at his store as they can in either 2 Hoona or Johnstown. Read his large ad, which will give you an idea as to some of the bargains he is offering. Don't worry if that means Fire in Paiion Patton was visited by a small fire on Saturday night and in consequence the means everybody who wants ¢ a Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Beadwear, Pictures, Baby Car- riages, Office Furniture, full The little house was locatexi on the yumiber of of North dhemtiroved little play house, owned by a n smali boys in the vicinity Fifth avenue, was totally “flat’’ pear Flannagan run, was sub- stantially erected and wis quite well fitted up in the interior and the boys enjoyed many a happy hour at this ‘pesort. The fire i» supposed to have been of an incindiary origin and the sad over Jomas, ot be estimated at this boys feel quite their ‘writing. No insurance Ladies Tnyvitad, All the ladles of Patton and vicinity | are respectfully invited to call at the (store of Mirkin Bank, and examine their fine line of are dandies at prices ranging Where you can also get one of the best Parlor Stoves or A complete stars will appear at i House next Thursday night, December ; Crystal Sunshine at the Furn-. oo iture Store and the Cinderella Air. Tight at the Cinderella & Kusner, next to They frora $3 falland winter capes and coats. to $25. -44tf dohp I. at Hastings. John L. Sullivan and his company of the Hastings Opera a 2. Secure your seats early. Chareh Noses. The revival services in the Methodist | Episcopal church are being continued this week. The pastor, Rev. Chas W. will preach a Thanksgiving sermon next Sunday at 1030 a m ' This will be the annual Thanksgivin sermon, and all are invited to join in this service of praise and thanksgiving, ! and thus express our gratitude to God for the blessings © % f the vear. Red Men, Attention. All members of the Kill-Buck tribe | No. 369, L O. R. M.,, are requested to meet at their hall on Sunday Novem ' ber, 28, 1807, at half past nine o'clock | for the purpose of attending divine | services at the Babtist church. i By order of SACHEM. BX [pecliaons relative IA CO, PA, Successor to COOK, SALMOND & COWDEN, WINING IMPROVEWENTS The Patton Cac Company is Making Some fhmnges Are if orml T 5d P "ren { rw} we yt ¥ or intern pl g Com Pan ing putting ¥ lannigan jot Wwe, The teed by electricity 1 ‘ the Roun machines oi in sloetrie tipple and will aiso the plectricity, The ¥ will ats past in an endian ripe ut the Fianniaan Kan thee Cio Boe mpany 100 new a hw dur: intention and 21 bret 3 3 fear ths mines hy iiage system TY wi IK £F A rhis dace the one In ox Unllivey whe y the Pattan Coal Oo were added fart 16 tue micicend in T th fs n itm tree g Ine next my re of the pompany « the capacity of ite output wh of rodirm will make more businsss for Pattor, all around. The Patton ( ‘om pany are steadily adding modern oon. veniences 16 their different mines in having eel fries in te dott wh Gxt € ail Patton and can soon boast of three of the moss 06M} ¥ piste this region Seeomd Roghy Teef Aone On Friday November 19th the Second heal! tern of Patton werd ta » Raghy for indy wert where they the: played £ Pride aed were defastsel hy 3 of $100. The ANG olr Ie game The Patton eam wns Lhe roy sr Crom Sem est WAR 1 Ee a Lave fddin E for Patton, af the e £6) : Cd poy re was the jong ron of Rhody of The e #1 Th Hwee od 4 Bl Ey Pat rat wt TW Tels Fogerty, BE a ne ET. Parr wright t. RK * 33. QF rood £3 4 BE iia : Felcdimgs, 1 8 was go $F aldwell November 5 Address of welcome How shy we empl Her RIN bewp primary pug . Kirkpatricz, I. 1 Kine tors 4. B Ibllon, WwW Monk man Wents, "ne A New 7, (0 Rabe, Assistant Posarmaster Deneral Mer has isstied an order stating that aot permissible Lo write apon thin fourth-class matter or le wrapper fi livery quently, directions to deliver to indefinite address most in ail cams Dae disregarded hy postmasters. Post. masters ve Deed instrocted that after March 1, 1998 matters ao address ed will be heid to be unmailable v ie it 4 or J ah {na TTR Be 4 Fair mad Festival, : The members of Patton Fire Con pany No. 1 are making exiersve arrangements to hold a grand far and femtrval in building daring t week the hodiays. The fire know bow the people 3 gon tirne and all whe attend the festivities will certainly enjoy themseiven er Tue Ove Tr HOW New Teiephanes The following new telephones have been placed in Patton since the last issue of this paper: Comer Drug Store, Comnmercial Hotel, Gonid & Beezer, Miners Store Company and COURIER office. This makes a total of teen "phones (0 our Own § A4 Yen New Fosidencor. The frame work of M. J BEyan’ residence on West Beech already u the will wi ready for ovoupany averse hase £4 A SLOries Caasit and wii fend, fwi raion & Me Mah Wi Are erecling thw town Conking of the chief blessings To instire bread, meals perfection. and Ranges Sod hy is one home your the 1 =iia None better, few as good E. Kirk Hardware Co. Acaiher Basisess Bleck. John Danielson, the shoe maker, is erecting a new bosiness block south of his present one on his lat on Fifth ave. I will be 24x34 feet, wa stones, and the work is under the supervision of Philip Burkhart Kinkeads Restaurant Moved Frank Kinkead, the popalar restaur- RE WHY gone Io inde moves nos ant reeper. is moving his baildiag froo the Goldstein lof to the vacant lot op- pemite the Central hotel, where, he will te pleased to see all his customers when he is again settled Go to Kessier's Bakery for your fresh pe VIR i 10 Ki NOVEMBER 23, 1397. LTOO] esenssune LITTER Lut Chere 4 Conmmriy's Capital Nos Sundey News ut Camheis CLIPPED FROM EXCHANGES. an Tk cs i Ris, 7K.. Bi. si. ter spent AT CLEARFIELD. Western -Barnesbora (0 FF CC Pmion Telegr pn CAMnoany 9 SE RC Hoghy of tar Flew Foeoriry the Irs exe Alva +5 4 LR after Mgr RL TW mbps Faacion Gf The Dew A Pittaburg. Tide- afd Hemmour spersior for the Postal 3 £ SES panY PRET, . . Carre rly yt TAL metnrday A - i, Easy, V Meswra Eto § i wes ident . rod Tow Sherifledect, i wmerelary {pons of Pio \ MAW, {mew eH Warts MMratdy, of Frpeene SLONYOresE LOW RSHRIp, ON Thursday ast € sf 8 I. Reed, Lake Year pureliasse Lhe property on Crawford street and will i 34 Foscy. orm Om about the frst Consideration $2.46 Meomsrs. Sion Lantey, ix and Ex-Steri¥ Gray appointed wolf tds Jersey Shore Vidette, The ia fire Frida partis aom 8 LAL oF {aronAn’s of 4 4%} 8 ¥ak Clearfield mn 2 3 Fw EE § EN of the ATT Mil SOW, mitey Wim Coll POY en sper saturday in H A Sb WRre stare 0 1 Fhemsharg. Bas hard which Wo. Ba SITAKST. Wha nis Psi re Row "i esr Lh was saved was recently purchased by Robt nave staried is Ths YR boogu oy Mr nor pate i #7 Hiding A new barber Shop Wii De ered $C Waey Ta Fre £5 rT en ik oe) i WS i POR emRRC OI i wosday Gls FP. Brean, afarmoer nese Ceniliere ia Sh Lr ) swarming a2 18 Hchwkh, interment being bain Af oy hh ; Sn hd At Lis Hai, passed 18 DORK HATS 3 . be 3 4 made (1 Lhe LeONG ele ry HISE ROTYR, OF Aan lit sia —— Fay 3 BV rage OF % & p i ' family hare the gy mpat elm lo dw Derrowral ROTE x \ x Best Of the enlaTe MADLY ine Ther {Ww reavy en. Thomas Barnes, Al Nir hiawi by al Nik Calm radical We Nik # Wks Too “we {at bodic xh ve Dives pe A iy PURE ETA makiog town ~% an with ewer; Lown and dedi cated fo Lhe service of Cewd lant Thursday, Bishop Phelan officiating. Afler the ssnal dedication servioes Rev Father Michael, prior ai Carroll oo town, celeb rated] 3 solemn high Dass, Eb- Ansdsten & by Rev Father Innoosmos, of Hastings. and Rov. Father Ausgustine, wtown. II was Rev. Michael s 48 ir the eletripity NE PUT poses Susi 31 i ETE IAT Rada hry Siri Baeient Wert on Tharsday par Faug., of Crawd SOTO Lio, Gy - ring R ar = ey ry ni chased Ir ensbarg, Lb atreetl whol Mr Fon] f= . Sl i Ty + ah bo op ok * « a Mite of Joh and erm ne wigs $2 000 worrewiedent for WIL rvs TY ISR laid the corner Nie RLGWn church, handsorse edifion were attended the chureh Ww after the dedi Bishop Phelan ii nt of Confirmation + fags wk fg f people whey uni BE eb a Fis a WL Mesie LOEYTe GAT A sheriff. 7 sone fo ‘Ww Brat we copseide ral ¥ which the present sucoeesis. The services Suoes That Tafton, oid aT a 3 nd street from Lhe mang avs d ALAIN, REG ipa 10 DAFT DY Oe a end Tees hod is Bok wis fo ry oes SRK J ronside ration Loe Pre gi EL al Ed Dar sa Raln, intared 1 she Sacrame being $1. 000 * WAR oa large numb ¢ the late Aaron ; ff Patchinyilie, of whom Mrs Johnstown Tribune Fi beanie nx doe 3 a n Wi PETA Kade, wel 4 owned by Peers Putehin, Nag opie Aly riday evening a surprise party was at the residence of H. Dixon, honor of Mbes Maud LOWIng Anna Mei FN Daflon Bie CIs It Ara n W he Pas dm Ba py iW oopne tO think about 1. y B raltber when we At Beither in Beech avenge, mn {hal na , 4 ig o's Thanks. [I NTY of Chest Springs. Fo a . 1 - A * hall ¢ardae Low ier Evans, Gertrude Noonan, Provicis wt, spangie.. Asta Rath Resse. Eva ran, Brid Adex Micuel, © Waiter Maeilon Losgs were (le guesis givin amie Ban, velar i Fred! Ranken, Bennett, Clare Monteils Mana uf and Miss Perry Moana, i hvewd vont § ¥ 3 A tiemiia Lads Yo We wish to inform Fund bak At the Philadeipt : and other hs ness £3 t R27 K 3 . % -id Dil & ATS aaa re all might and examine shame Mine A AD8 i raya Teal ads Basil To-Day Ragiy foot ball team will from Hoilldavs- Dims Ek. Pasta Thuarsia November ame be cailed at 2 pom Admission will be cena aiyv is imvited to attend as it will Cuties. rs Slore LUompan STARCK Tada Won tie Prise thw bad par Harry Todd won making the best score al lhe Shoatiag school contest. He made IT points out of a possible 30. Another prize wi i ! be offered this week. a soil of ciolbes OF Wilk SR Everis 8 IY be a CN A ENT Represented ' ireicgates. T. A. BR ADLE Taiks EN Y, PRES. of Fromme Freee. CK ow Wane id hig wt coal mal o0o8- purpose of (zation, ase Taesday Ome ling 108. Factory £Xx- sv WIAs presudent, Wik treascrer of was made TEL vis Wow forming a Mate organ bled az Allee ra eer dg WERE, {Wh represen Hanes, sr T sresichent of the Cambri were. Dress aslo on Inspects A. Bradley, of i1aMy, Brn alr wn WR 3 eke PETIA and ars su relary rime Pitials pHrmARnt secretary -M. Db hh United Mine W Bewered an address in which the Warner, ~ XE x, are A rd, president of the of America, de- mead that wisi obtain driEe of coal af the L855 Faas RET the muners wy A general the mArgel industries oy Justice WAY was Shri that wong and Rntry AL tle & 5 sends the ie fae 0 ¥ " Mr Ratehford’s Tews were appointed on Grgafizations 3 general disens the pro The ootnoail- ported in favor whe [United Mine This was SLIT Pen midi ress, ries, i This was Sllow whiogy of aie a 9 Cpe at PH i ae Gt EX i : . Worker of ARAN IZAIION BRE i ne ailing WR of FABrs Dislan Tiistrant § Pitin aniger George Har {he Puanxsalaaney f fein Ev ied and Jase § REN rein 2108 NaC relary bel ean 1% eins sir ow ashe a Tl reese uring the Hat 3 DerwGnas ene x ar Beale, an opwrsbor Br ama 1 » » Be. That Sipe lens arriage horses be. kmging to W Shier. of Hastings Ewin rh htened at place on Monday A fine carriage and Mr Shof, fred hyd «a Lui penoon and ran away baily wrecked Wis seriously For swhi wonid ool re writing is doing Was - $ wk IE 1 wil Ti Pe PRRs * hoes ond EAR 4 bot al prewe ve # he aver, very wel Vimtieal By Po glass Tw masked robbers forced an en- trance into the residence of Rev. D. 8 Monroe, [2 D. Mat Eptweopal presading elder, who resides al Adoona on Monday morning and secured §108 worth of jewelery and silver Foaling Woarth Comsicde Sug. inwey aud have cooked in the fanitiess in befire vou buy 4. E. Kirk roRst are Meats will r when 4 beller Savor {iaderelia ge xX = apergtion. Examine it : Saddam Plapd ware Lo gnaraniea FALLOR \WINTER uit of. Clothes OR OVERCOAT IREIGN 1 TE A is. evs 2 2S, : * % u read done w SAnng af oar TRAY speaks for itaeif No suit or Appar An at CALL Dinsmore Bros., Next to P.O, PATTON, PA The w a aa 3 A wa a : id
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers