Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. E Winn Gerese, Kiitor, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1897. mee ————ee CATHOLIC Father Mareiling stor, | Mass every other Sunday at Sand 10a. m. San: day school at 2 p. mand vespers at 3 p.m. AETHERAX In Good's Hall, Rev. BH, Dise, iL tor, Sunday school at 130 a. my. Preach. 3 at Idd a. mand TO pom at 7H p.m. Barrier Rex. Nv Patterson, pastor, boos ait JAD oi. ni ana Tp. pi Bunday school atZp.m. BY. PU. ats pom Prayer ing every Wednesday evening at 7:0. METHODIST Brmsooral- Bev, OW. Wasson, tor. Services at hg anday school at © pot. Epworth Leagaov ati p.m. Prave posting every Wind nom. day vvening at idl LODGE NOTICES, ved Order of Hed Men Kithbook Tribe, 0. 9. mects every Wednesday night in Bell's ball at x p. 1. sanyuel Liovd, Pres, Feank Kinkead, Se’y, Kuoights of the Golden Fagie Patton Castle, No, 8 meets every Tuesday evening in Heit all at 70 o'clock, N. O Patterson, N. WH H Bell, MR or ISDEPESDENT Orpen oF Onb Frriows Pat tom lodge No, bse meets every Thimsday evening at TO0 In Good's Hall rv lm Jones, NGF Johny Hunter, Sex. PATRIOTIC ORDER SONS OF AMERICA Wash tagton Crip No. 88 nwets every Monday svening at 790 in Bell's Hall 1.0%, $i, Pros, W. HH. Bll, Rov. Ree'y. Young Men's Fastitute. Mareviius Couneil No. OSH fpeets every Monday evening a1 R00 p dn. In Yemger hall, Patton, Pa. | - MM Nolan, Prestdent FX. Bauman, Ree Sec, Fimer Sovak Carsonic Usp of Patton, Wis, [E, mends every first Ramiday afternoon vil feds troarthe at? Giehiek J revive Shika, Pres Joh Fornmdley, Sed’, Amoreey (nthe oF Hipersisxs of AMER pea—~Iavision No, 2 of Patton, Cambri PoRnty, monte every first Sanday affernoon oof smc morith, Philip Calinhan, Nee'y, of the Republic Lisntenant Army Wir 65 ments every seond snd vier Post, mh Sgturday afternoon al NY pom In Beil's hall. Valentine Dumm, Com. W. HH Beil Aadintant, 3 fn ORDER OF HEsasoras Patton Conolave, No. 38 meets every second and fourth Fridices of emch raonth 31 8 po min Crews Hall, Goes. Privcdible, Archon, John Boyes, Sec’y. BONE Nery Srv. i a. mand T30 pon Only five more weeks "till Christmas. Call at cash grocery for anything in { his line. | R. 8 Tozer spent Sunday with his | parenta at La Jose. "IR. Youngkin, of Fallen Timber, wan! a visitor to Patton on Monday. Anthony McGarvey and nephew 4 were visitors to Patton one day last; © little daughter who arrived at the home week. Williard B. Wimer, of Philadelphia, | was a visitor to Patton the first of the | week. to arrive in Patton at 10:25 p. m. was well patronized. \ J. B. Hahn and W_ J. Pyle, two trav. eling salesmen of Philadelphia, were in Patton on Monday. Patronize your home bakery and buy your bread from Kessler, oppo ‘site the Palmer honse. Every iron fnrnace in Allegheny ‘county is now in operation for the first time in over ten years ‘ ‘Rev. Cann, Protestant Episcopal minister of Clearfield, stopped a few hours in town Saturday. | W. C. Hubbard has received the con- tract for erecting the new building of ©. M. Letts on Fifth avenne. W. A. Kinsloe, of Philipsburg, who is traveling for a Cincinnatti wholesale paper house, was a pleasant caller at the Corrier office on Satarday. 1. Gi. Rank, representing the whole ‘sale grocery house of Platt, Barber & Co., of Philipsburg, was looking after trade in Patton one day last week. Have you been to see the fine line of ladies’ coats and capes and children’s coats at the Miners Store company? Yon should not miss it by all means They are dandies Arrangements have been made by a | Hastings man to deliver Sunday papers to Patton, Hastings, Barnesboro and Spangler. They will arrive hereisome time on Sunday afternoon. A cow belonging to Ed Glass had the . misfortune on Monday morning to lose one of its horns. In some manner the animal's head became fastened in a : barrel, which resulted as above stated Prof W. P. McBride has been in- “dorsed by the music publishers 8s having composed the finest two. step on market. It is known ‘as the “Farmer's Two-Step’ and it will be on sale at Lees’ news stand in in about three weeks. Among the veterans who attended $ hig the dedication services at (‘hattanoogs, From L. A. W. Balletin, he aot be x splendid singer, Bevaaw, we understs od That a1 the reat of the chide Just hte ber fo beat the Bagd, he world bs wide,” we all deviary, Yet when we think a rmainate We know there are a jot of nar How apinded people in it > Go To the Miners Store Company, Limited And see their fine line Of Ladies’ Coats and Capes. Visit Miller's White Shoe Store. Have you called at the cash grocery yet? Parks unmatchable coffee at cash Attend the shooting school in Yeager Children's fall and winter coats at ~ Mirkin & Kusner's. LL. W. Richard, of Peaie, bad business «in Patton on Monday. Thos. McNamara came down from Ebensburg on Monday. : i : Flour, buck wheat flour, rye flour and Goto Mirkin & Kusner and see their fine line of fall and winter coats. -1t How Jealous some neighboring towns wn Patton's prosperity. Wonder Ladies are especially invited to at- tend the shooting school in Yeager ©. Rev. N. 0. Patterson is conducting aseries of revival meetings at West over this week. : Now is the tim to clean up the rub- bish about your premises before freez- ing weather comes. : Don’t forget that there is a shooting school conducted in Patton now in the . Yeager building by L. J. Kerr. - ™ The news of the terrible wreck of Friday night was a shock to a great many people in this immediate vicinity. Patton can now boast of having six passenger trains to and from this Ppl which affords ample accommo- ‘dation to the traveling public. ‘When you take a trip to Ebensburg stop at the Blair house and you will be ellent and rates moderate. -69-tf. Call at cash grocery for salt meats, lard, fish, country butter, eggs, syrup, vinegar, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pears turnips, cabbage, almonds, who conducted the revival at the | canned goods, in fact Christian church in this place, will ‘crackers, kept in a first-class grocery used all right. Accommodations ex- Fenn. were BM ; Wilson, of Patton, Luke Behe of St. Aagustine, and 8 8 Lowman, of Syivie. BP. MieCaormick, also of Patton, took in the advantage of the low excursion rate. ; Sanday night incendiaries set fire 10 the Adams public school ballding in | Altoona, bat the flames were discovered in time to save it. The damage will amount to only $100, owing to the +f. cient and timely services of the Al toona fire department. Johnstown Notion. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on two 35. cent bottles of Baxter's Mandrake Bit- ters, if it fails to cure constipation, billousness. sick headache, or any of the diseases for which it is recom- mended. We also guarantee one bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. For sale by C. W. Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. EBENSBURG LETTER News “Gathered wi County's Capital. EnenspUrG, Pa, Nov. 15, 1897. The regular court of Quarter Sessions will convene in Ebensburg Monday, December 6th. : Sherifl-elect Geo. M. Werts, of Stony. creek township, spent a few days last week in Ebensburg. The ladies of the M. FE. church held a festival and social in the Tudor build- ing on Saturday evening. Proceeds are for the benefit of that church. Rev. Shirowy Jones, pastor of the Congregational charch of Ehensburg, will leave for Wales in the early part of Decegber. He expecta to be absent about three months. Major RB. N. Evans and family, of Bloomington, Ill, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs, George kead for some time, left on Satarday for Pittsburg where they will visit for a few davs, alter which they will con- tinue their homeward journey, E. J. Luther, Ebensburg’'s popular blacksmith, who had visiting friends at Kane and Erie, returned honw on Thursday evening. Plasterers commenced work on the new residence of Andrew Strittmatter this morning The first snow of the season fell in Ebensbarg on Thursday evening [It was about two inches deep, and the ‘small boy enjoved coasting for two days on the sidewalks. Sheriff Coulter will move some of his household goods to Conemaugh this week. Edward Dufton, tbe bariware mer- chant, purchased the Caldwell property | which is located on High street at pub- lic sale on Wednesday last. Evangelist A. W. Abberley, of lowa, Important Cambria Ty has berry | lecture this evening at that church on | ® “Trip to the British Isles.” The first Beech Crock passenger train Thanksgiving just one week from to- | day, { Thursday. [+ Wolf & Thompson have a new ad in | ; i 3 Gable & Co | another column which will interest (yon. Look it up Co.'s new ad in this paper this week. There are many bargains offered. | Ressin is the name given a bright It will pay von to read over Gable & ‘of Mr. and Mrs. BR. Kosner on Palmer avenue Friday evening. Bonnie has ‘already done the “right thing’ by the Courier force. Shiloh’s consamption Cure where others fail, It is the leading cough cure and no home should be Pleasant to take and goes Sold at Corner Drog withoul it right to the spot. Store, As Popo rast Question If vour friends or neighbors are suf fering from coughs, colds, sore throat, or any throat or long disease includ. ing consumption: ask them if they have aver used Oto's Cure. This famous German remedy is having a large =ule here and is performing some wonderful cares of throat and lung diseases, OC. W. Hodgkins will give you a sample bottle free. No matter what other medicines have failed to do try Otto's Cure. Large sizes 25 and 50 cents, “The worst cold [| ever had in my life was cared by chamberlain’s cough Remedy,” writes W. H. Norton, of Sutter (Creek, Onl. “This cold ist me with a cough and | was expectorating all the time. The Remedy cured me and I want all of my friends when troubled with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do them good.” Sold by Patton Pharmacy, (0 W. Hodgkins Nostiew! Notice in hereby given that on the 20th day of June, 1897, I have pur chased from F. J. K Hine, of Patton, Pa. one cash register, one billiard table and two pool tables, which were left and are still in his possesion, and all per sons are hereby warned against inter. fering in any way with the same. H. O. HorrERr, $718 Philipabarg, Pa 7 A pain in the chest is nature's warn- 7 ing that pneumonia is threatened Dampen a piece of flannel with cham- herlsin's Pain and Balm and bind over the seat of pain, and another on Lhe back between the shoalders and prompt retlef will follow Sold by Patton Pharmacy, (C. W. Hodgkins. “tate Convention Calivd The bituminous conl miners of Penn- sylvania will meet in State convention at Altoona on Toesday, November 23, for the purpose of effecting a general organization of the miners io the hitaminoons coal flelds of the Rtate and to affiliate with the hited Mine Work- ers of America. The call was issued on Thursday morning, or You can’t afford to risk your life by allowing a cold to develop into puet- monis or consumption. Instant relief and a certain cure are afforded by One Minute congh care, C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Wii Have a Water Final The vote on the gestion of increns ing the debt of Haatings borough for the purpose of erecting a water plant for fire protection was 83 in favor of the increase, and 64 against it. It is probable that steys will be at once taken by council to erect the plant Tribune. You can’t enps consumption bat you can avoid it and came every other form of throat or ung trouble by the use of One Minute cough care. UC. W, Hodg- kins, Patton Pharmacy. Awarded SATE Dasma gos. Mr Hannah Bariebungh, of Franks. town, near Altoona, was awarded 75 damages in a case against the Pennayl- vania Railroad company for injuries received by stepping off a platform at White Bridge, on tbe Holiday surg branch. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The tamous fittle pills. The Bazaar [s having daly arnvals + h 3 4 * ey 3 Pn af chowe new goods for FALL & WINTER. Alen's : tats, 3 cloth and C hil- nd capes. iid and new style Ladies’ a capes Col > 1. | Sa ong coats. Nice large Blankets at $1.08 per pair. Nice Parlor Lamp for $1 A very fine line of DOLL BABIES. WE are still leading in all kinds o SHOES at prices and qualities that you! cannot find elsewhere. Call and examine onr goods. A word to the wise ‘SAVES MONEY.” THE BAZAAR, Patton, Pa. i G. O. Brady, Prop'r, Cares 1.00 this present season's selling, to he passed to our pat a < 2 he next two weeks; with the margin of profit shaved down to “Always Busy Here." ousands of Gable & easonable Dry Goods, ¢ rons during 1 3 the thickness of Lid ® TOO MUCH GOODS, TOO LITTLE ROOM situaty tions during ti a Merchandise ; 1s great on here to-day that has has capsed such trem t Saie being offered here now at we have to replenish our stocks at the present ¥ pay even more than we are asking vou for the same article to-day. tendons price redue- such little prices that, when > market prices, we wili be com- But we have to. much goods in stock now and, besides, we must have a space to house the new holiday lines, so Down Coes the Prices. , ary in an a SY", a x The sale closes Wednesday next. lowing are for this nN week's selling. sylvania o nn Ysera Lb ga ™ in soy : ? and the lowest assortments are alwavs here. You th Yt veiw I Eo. ower tian lie GQeaaer can fratisiingy MELE dU offer |. . wo a b 2 5 Ladies’ Capes. Kaltes plush. capes, edged with real thibet and other kinds of fur, made 27 and and 30 hehes long with full sweep and either plaited or cape back Real valine $10.00 during this sale at the fal ow price of $1.50 each! Other good values in plush Capes at $5.00, #6 50, $= 50 and up. Cloth capes at #1 85, $2.05 $4 85 and up evervone a special vane at the price! : : A complete line of pew far collar ottos, made in the best lengths and sty link shapes, 2.86 to $20.50 cach, OND FLOOR. mL ¥ ow Sid ba Underwear. Woolen underwear is bound to be higier in price fore many moons roll by betes these ols of reilable under. garments offered at such low prices are worthy of your special attention! Men's heavy cotton shirts, double flocced breast and back made to sell at 42; go for this sale at Me each! One lot men's heavy camels hair shirts and drawers made to well at 85c; No. vember sale price Sc gach! °° Men's heavy fine wool fleeced shirts and drawers Wrights $1.50 quality, No- vember sale price §1.20 each. Ladies’ heavy fleeced ribbed vests, November sale price 17e each! Ladies’ heavy fleeced vests and pants, jersey ribbed nataral grey color Now vember sale price 39e each! Ladies’ all-wool vesta and pants in either scarlet or natural grey, made to sell at $1. November sale price 75¢ each! Children’s underwear, many lots at special prices for this November sale! FIRST FLOOR. R ht Side [sle. er E Dress Goods. This store is showing a larger stock of worthy dress goods than Was ever shown in Middle Peansyivania, The beat weaves of the world's looms are <hown bat there's too much here now, s0- the prices must go down, Jik-dnch Elamine value, November sale price de yd! Novelty saitings, 34 inches wide, reg alne 2c value ] sirbods Weil cloths Sisc November price ole yd! Ome lot black serges, poplins, ete, foured and striped «effects, 40 to 46 in wide Regular $1 value, Novomber sale price, Ste a vd! Y 1: thi crus) in action to Lie spedial ] ust as interesting to ye ing this sale. One Price to all. 4 i {1 TICES quoted in this Ml. Is here The best styie, A oF mga dX un Yon de i 4 lw] die s 1 AK kets made of ain Gor-made the 11 * x 1 wx wd CLiisedi i worth is 8-.z0 but . 3 Ted * ¥ - 1 1 * vd % ag : .& 3 # gE NR 5. Cy Ix gosta Hundreds of the wortbiy coals are ory Ege Outgee aundred and fA0y fet de. voted] to this wondesrial showing if wens won ble dress goods! Many price surprises are youn hem fur Boys’ Knee Pants. Bovs' knee pants that ame sold hers, are the kind that wear they re made to stand the knocks All ages, and over a score of patterns to select from made to sell at Me. November sale price 480 paar FIRST FILLOOR. Warm Flannels. Our basement salesroom will feel the push for space first so the domestic section will have to be squeesad the price will help us do it quick. Woal flannels, in white red ar bioe November sale price 12ic a yd! Canton flannels, unbleached, full width November sale price 3jc a yd! Shrunken Hannels, the uine Mer. rita Make, plain colors, fancy stripes and checks: they wou'tshrink in wash. ing, Se valne- November sale price 37h a yd! . Merrite all-wonl skirt patterns extra size, rained borders, they wan't shrink either, made to sell at §2- November sale price $1.48 each! Fancy eiderdowns, sao es, capes, eto pretty patterns. November sale price. 38e a vd? BASEMENT SALESROOM for making Blankets and Comforts. Even if yoo havn't needed them yet blankets and comforts are cold weather necessity - buy them now the cold weather will come soon enough. These reduced prices will jessen the big stock considerably Fall size 10-4, gray or white blankets. legular 4 value November sale price 38% a pair! Full size half wool hiankets in either white or gray November sale price $1.88 5 paar! Home-made blankets, you know what Shame-made’” means, exirn iarge sade they won't shrink. Regular value $4.39 November sale price $3.90 a pair! hry ¥ i represented in thas paper GABLE & CO. 3 3 Wo Dever, Many new and These specials fol- The Best Coat Store in Middle Penn- the newest patterns and cloths The prices are much Wie big sale we latest style of back, Durn and 25 and 26 mmches long fn Tied te ara? 21% price during this sale will be \ for you to choose from. Pie celebrated Maney make of nate are wall represented by this They re full 1) stae, aes edd color pardere, ple and soft. November sale price © Eo palr! (Hher good values al most any price Nod CEN ian Cro orm fiesta Hla id Ale! with pare white cotton, lined with fgurad goods on both sides November sale price $1 each! Reductions in Linens. Cond dependable Bnens ame 2 com. fort ax well as a neosasity to the good housewific this linen store is full of the best sorts that the looms produce, but we need this very space, hence these anusual bargain prices: Good quality all linen damask, 8t inches wide November sale price 38¢ a yard? ; leached damask in pretty patterns, full 72 inches wide, The quality No- vember sale price 58¢ a yard! Good i Turkey red damask. November sale price 12ic 8 yard! One case all linen gray crash--No- vember sale pric So a Fl ; One case bed quilts, Marseille$ pat terns, hemmed ready for use. Reger $1 value November sale price sic each! One lot chenille or tapestry table covers | size, real value $1.50 No. vember sale price #8e each?! FIRST FLOOR, Rear. Prints and Ginghams. This department is now occupying the regular holiday goods section, that means that it must move out soon - either by vou or us we would rather it would be you-—so we make these special prices as an inducement: Pretty shirting percales, new this season, full vard wide, dark colors, regular 0c values November asle price 8:¢ a vard! One lot dress ginghams, mostly light patterns, worth November sale Prive 9¢ a yard! Novelty cotton dress goods, double fold, made 10 sell at 12ic -November silo price 30 a yard! New Hannetieties, dark effect, far 10 values November sale & ea vard! One lot monrming sergoes, hinek beek- ground, with white figures, regular Se value November sale price 4c a yard! BASEMENT SA] ROOM ye. : rant. ax tt Ail nee Rn ha GREAT STOCK REDUCTION SALE! there will be many others here Don’t fail to visit the BIG DAYLIGHT STORE dur- 1320 i322 1th ave. “Altoona’s Best and Busiest House”
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers