BE Tat eco ceil Things that count. It's the step on. The collar button you While y su are look f Te staple 0.piece dso rm, wanteed to give perfect satisfaction. TOPE KOR PAB. sini sei BER bh a RH a ea ww Badin shirt wml... 5 Jane curtnine st $0 4 Round. mses - a ral [REA ak Sendai eid ASR WE roept to carry a A Condron’s mill. A -agur OF the Crome | Record was In town ou Monday. Call Send in your name to the Patron ny Couaisin, the largess Sud best paper in # 113 o'clock on Dart a gting to be que » piscs Se Rtn re uu HE vic ia, es, ae in Cambri comity to il Powell Perttiiners Trilby toe, pat. iP: & pafogon of fit fit and on mary or or commdasion. # referonces and ‘THE “¥1 # ORL "Ladies don ; POWELL FENTILIEER & CHYMICAL 00. tip and front stay, silk top facing, wn ; —— Do you want the finest, neatest and best shoe you ever saw; ask for the “Victoria” and you will be ly surprise "Fate sok spi to seri the the ‘Melba’ st $1.50; the “Ruth” 40; Now Era at $1.48 and dozen other articles that a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers