The Greek fing ta & white cross on Rn a Abo, rating the | , | court for the appointment of R. Somer. , | ville as goardian of Bertha and Charles | bbott; granted and bond fikd. The 1 petition of James Mellon for leave to prove a deed Simon Noel ¢t ux, to ‘John and Henry Mellon; The Wartell. sated nt Altosss. Howsrd Bloc, ¢ Carl Growsll, Charley ¥ John Mackin, Anns Qor- 4, Ba, Teacher. greater part of the work Number papi ls attendance, 4: ce, 85. The fol- blue ground. —the Bavarian Lt Lottie Hewlett, Mary A. Howlett. i Sasa Joes, Teacher. Third Privy. 3 1 i atin Craw, Avarilia Tackitt, “Mary | Number of f gulls wnrolled, 55; per Those missing | | The petition of Isaac Wartelsky, pray- i {Ing the court to change his nate to, Elva Johnston, Lizxie Saltagiver, M | Onlevonel, Bessie Quinn, Ray Shunk. jer Sadie Scmervilie, Nora Patter i 3 ¥ Th Spencer, Frank Short, Abert Wilson, Earle Black, Roy | Glass, Peter Lungrine, Carl Spencer, In Ladies Trimmed Hats and Shirt 1 Ned Crompton, Chasiey Black, Koy after which we were di pid ah ‘ommer in Cambria county. [bot A Hosen, ra x a wing ie tistics for the United Sates: Archi- bishops, 14; bishops, 74; priests, 10,758; churches, 09; missions, Si; uni- | | Walnta.-3118 Sh aalch Indi Sa En “51 talon thane Amit ny pay hronst: Protestion — Pil ond fn re, In the Be wt lost, RELP Chest Spring, Apel 0, Wd. , es dy RS | the erection oMn new d ; Jot on the west end of Molntyre ave nue. The dimensions were not learned. 8. W, Bdidy bss commenced the ex | cuvating for & lew residence on his lob on the wrth sile of Bast Beech avenus. ¢ The building will be two stories 2x8 mites W. C. Habbasd has the contract hii A Fa Aha Kvim Moss Dead. An the Counizn gow to pres it lain formed of the death of Brin om, son.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers