| 01 Penrintn 1a + Mage Year aver foctiv. This individesl is notto bes we Tecate. sebon | | member of the board, bul. my ba kay of the bide to partake of a bosfal | pared in honor of the suspicions peos- © prov the = ori, son oe cn body, not subject to frequent snd prompily and efSclently performed. pon | radical change, and consequently In In no case cnn the expense of the T | position to earry ont any project look- board exceed $54 per year for their Ee raarriage of Mr. GJ. Fiispat. | | ig towed any complete and effective sigcles, thus tomoving the dtice from rick to Miss Winnie Sheehan, dag stem that they may advise. Under competitors who wish the powitio of Mrs. Celis Sheehan, of St. a the present law State aid is practically | the sake of the money that eyo i die, was solemntved Taeuday mori | mPostible, there being no permanent Under the present system the rosds | '® | ut 8 o'clock in the St. Augustine (sth- organisstion to which such eantribu- | are liable to be neglected at of jtharel 1 otic church before a og | tom by the Commonwealth could be the yesr when they most nud atien- age + + | friends of both the Ee groom. made. The new law provides s suitable tion. The new law proposes to district | | The ceramony wha performed hy. the | 10%: in every way. responsiile. and | the lownebip inte sections sot sided | Rev. Pather Ludden, the bride's pestor, of the most capable citizens ing twenty miles of rond to each seo- | thir > | after which congratalations and good in the community. dion, and places on that section & good | ough oY | wishes were bestowed upon the Under the present system the powers common day laborer, who is to keep tes st on Ba cto Fe Te iF pe in Altoons Me and Mes He ee ive le rly time to time from the On Ene ay iaded or eat patrick vil ammome the respond. | 18 debt 10 an unlimited amoani, which | visors. This will insare that what ver oF refusing to comply with suid ckeeping in rooms over debt their successors must pay, They | in done will be kept in piace moti] the i i also have authority under the law to next season, and additions inde yosr k the I Place of basinews on ' : levy a special tax for such payment. | by year will grasuaily bring the roads | ’ ages ave) ARIEN joins the: many triands {The proposed law fimits the powers of into fine condition. of the two happy couples in ext:rding the supervisor in this respect. Jt These are the leading features of the | hearty congratalations. grants the board of supervisors the bill proposed. It is believed that this he | power to Jevy & tem mill tax, ax in case Taw will meet the general senme of what, The Priguctomeoe. of the old law, Befure any greater sum is needed in the way of rosd bigisi The marvelovs : pt, on be levied, it Is necessiry for the at this time. Umamly intorent nas bees | abl latast of the YW 2 Edlmonts great, | supervisors, by Gasnimons consent, 10 manifested in it by ali clasmn of our !inventions, will be exhibited at the make application to the court of citizens, and the stfitode of the farmers Hastings Opera House next Monday quarter sessions of the pence of their of the Commonwealth lowan this pro- , evening, eT. st 8:15. The winder | country, showing canse why an addi: posed bil! may be judged from the fact ful moving pictures shown by this tional tax should be levied, #nd giving | that out of 108 granges who have re machine have created x great furor opportunity to to the citinens of their plied 10 5 memorial asking their view r | wherever shown and are received by district to be heard in opposition 10 of the bill, 161 have snwwered in tn {. erowded and enthusiastic houses every pa and if =” qt favor. : } ); | where. Among the pictures sho as | As are : PENSIONS SRANTED { tha ever popular Ha risbur known to the court, then in no cme men . o | shall the supervisors or the cours, levy Ts the OM Suldiscs; Thetr Widows And | TE the Tro eoery om : | munity against the possibility of bav- . ling their township involved in debt mu yal | to levy & money tax smounting to one- | ; t filth of the etties sum levied. The Ru. thom ated that ifthe tax were paid in ; : hi to two-thirds of the In 4 a with the whole tax | *; | under the precient conditions. Many | 1 | of our citizens in the rural communities present. retiring presi. : Seri In a of 0 1a to bdo © ler, prided snd te ly in money. This at, Srvice was & sucoss Sheunghout. Ini : Homey se Under our present law many taxes {rua as low as ten, fftsen and twenty 7 Remmed Gparasis J | After being Wie for several months, tax of $1 upon every male taxable of Secretary, EO. Hartshorn; ‘tresmrer, "ithe large stone quarry of Gen. 8. the age of twenty-one years and up| Joseph Taylor. AL730p wm Prof T. | Good & Co. sitnated & short distance Wards, and dos so on the ground that J. Palton delivered an ernest, thought- | ® | below Patton on the Beech Creek and every citizen la advantaged by good ful address on the “Winning League.” Pennsylvania railroads, resumed! op- | roads each year to the extent of at The Epworth League in Peiion 2 8 8 " | erations again, and the company ex- flourishing condition, and is doing | | pects to ship & large amount of stone er the pi : most excellent work in every depart- | . wish, through the columns of the | Stalls for the flowers presented during | | of the district. | {clodes busy wen or basivess men from to blew them snd me andestaking this office, because they | a : cannot afford to spend their time away Tee commen Mr. Frank V i now tion that a sopervisor receives. The King, both of He Ses, of their beloved | 4 | new law propuses to relieve the super- May 8, 1897, at the a | visor from this duty, and place it upon pal parsonage by Rev. Tani Camsmander James Campbell. j4.toad master; Who fs not siesta by Wasson. | : a Past Commander James Campbell those who work under hg — an saditor shall be elect=d for the upes- was elected chief marshal by Lieut. | Pointed by the road sapervieors, and All ”e aed mat fo Pired term.” a . esting 30d. wil bars work shail be performed by eash person trespass on the RE of Hunter & Notion! their peng himself for such service on ‘Banghman's works or siding. All vio Having made up my mind to looate ‘the public roads. The effect of this Iaters will be dealt with secording 10 in Patton this summer I will tach | system will be to make it posible for law. HUNTER & BAUGHMAN. muosie Joe at te pinas sad ern. corer peice ad he ats Per F. A. Helin. Satisfaction § AAA PRE _ Goto Wolf & Thompeou's foe, your
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