isle tive ro given in on at. sujtrage Judge fais Huaie sas, | posse i glues i Fi 54 o Ende cx Doar ain An advantage Hy thew gon) over all others ix that they carne be initated. Ay Lor apy ak ar satel fajrified opal does. 1 pot exit. With the pasting of the opal | bugle lus gone, to, fhe bun under 3 which }é cachel fouthers have long Iain Desomatore selight in the rich colorings thea pitities and Bais done much by oth, to do weeny with, the non- riit bestiel that they te unlucky Yo have jot, BE Needle werbers Baw discovered that the Brads of Madagiscar grass omr- tains, wulicd out, and used in place of wmbrojdery silk, produce excellent re. salt Phin is the! tonndinion of the ew will Atak washing 5 weting in Troy, cute elects! sebond © Misq Alida Lo Mra hi $150 TRR Alin vote was Mra W. = Er peta Ld isbnnm Cal. Phe bas ® Ls 3 hone fed be 3 ahi Bi “i of her extensive laminesy, hich she Bits in sccaSfully managed fiir years im 5 i oh 4% Nine women hgve boom elected as lay nite | felegates to the general conference o i Brethren In Christ, which in Todede, Ls, May id. a A wimber of tireek 1 ctnen: in Athens aro wearing the old (3 bok oustume now These threads never fs Boston, the pris w show Hueir, patriotizal help hdr. Whi om al ; mission ome the glad split. Tt will be delightful it only we have & sumower worthy of this ane gleliu Year bd sce omen utout In these pretty, freuh looking muslins, which somehow seem to eall to remens | brasice the odor of wwees lavender and | southern wood, avd the moss roses of old fashioned gardens mm rt Soon : Samy 1. Jenkin, Mrs. Sara D. Jonkine of The Popular Educator possesses the qualifications of the ideal school journalists. Mra. Jen- kins, says the New York Tribune, com scholarslip and pro-d bines with a rip: # femtional training a natural power to see clearly all the relations of a smbject and has the skill to presst tem simply | and attractively 30 a8 10 arouse pth siasm in her puptis = and | in mre the Be At in the Girls’ Ry Ses sins Trak Hg = nel, m 5 all of wi i work IN Le editing of $e eat Woaatsing Paddle wntiog For the Heat § ti { ganieed fala en have ap ented ox the oor of the d Building Tavhes conn They were rept sintatives of the ladies” Jusiliary and jammed 0 poy Cv fi er. The tron of ¥ iw 9 Wilhen thin the Hise nr Fut lon & deo erything thus went on, carried, In add il an delegates | bat tie | Baruth to torn hile sweet | accorded to few omen. “Morepver, I look sien the onteide Hite, impelled Ty nessssity, a8 in 8 ma 3 jority of eases to be wimply experiment. ; al. Jt cannot be cotuiineive, for the vast! oy piajority of women ras box, mento life, while my the conflicts of the public life will oewaTprOYe Bhe in naturally a hei te Congregaioml: church xt" Lote doe ws Rock, Wis, has personally goose fran} house to house theoughont the village, visiting all the sarrchants and saloon keepers, sue Bas seopred signatures for a menanre prohibiting the sale or git] of cigmrettes to minors. Thin petition wis presented so the teoen board amd on $s s diving 34 Brides eh Sreinday whee contin fare ways ar the Peed Mes. Willian gid yt i the Bb Wl # : shin Igton ba { Jouwrnal wil 5 i cial bya good iajority 08 van snragy amendment. About five yerrs ago a sadlar smendigent was submited in Scath Dakota aml besten, Dukuta Women an enger sus thie wiumen got only $000 votes iy ao whet: satimeitted for he secand. «15 mon Tramseriph, AHL alow ead days ERS bat i! ake an hor seem Ihe a moment. — : cover Wa shut ate an tay save $E The satel was alee the candles lights ol appr wi ir Warkisg ait Waiting. IE yon buen sar edt a to a work while yon vu Workime We the aly thing thal will make thaw Br, Wateh ig the clock 5 ¥ a moment an hour, sad working will Brooklyn Eagle. I ; He Would Like "- Koow, ® “1 hate te bother vou, papa, bad vols ly I'd [ken 8 know! “Well, what?! | SE it haprons that baby fish get drowued bofurs they've J swim?’ to smother tis Hobted tinder and W axtimmivh- ed a8 ones, fo TE the goof end nyt ; nt thom y Street way Womeks R
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers