i ¢ fleld Building & Loan association, Pat- | Ambry. Allegheny, of Cambria county to J. | be published Wealnosday and Satardas Prides, Hea "EM. Gallaher, White, $10. Bdward D. Stiles et ux. to Harry Malien et al., Reade; consideration, §1. _ Bylvester Bokénrode et ax. to W. W_ PY Treasurer Marti, Blacklick, $17. John C. Marti) et ox. to Otillia E. | Storieback, Blacklick, $1. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Edward D. Stiles, Reade, $10, Edward i Stiles et al to Thomas A. ; §R00, Sheriff of Cambria county to (ear- Richard Adan to Thomas §. Baker, the ! Cleartild, 1,650, M. Crain ot ux. to George 8 | Good, Patton, 88%. John Penninglon, by treasurer, to Francis Lo Little et ux. to W. W, Amsbry, Allegheny, $627 "John Anstead et ux. to Hastings a Building & Loan sasociation, Hastings, | i J.B. Rager et ux. to Kate Burgoon, ' Blacklick Land & Improvement | company to J. BE. Rager, Vitondale, Gillitain Building & Loan associ. {le to BW. Litsinger, in ge Licenses. the foliose masta losses were | O | imsised by the Clerk of the Orphans’ 88 17 47 nw “148 25 1s » Em | Court for the week ending Thursday, | December 17, 1806: 94% 4 be the best mmedy in nse. We use : 1 it in our families, and it is a favorite Fred W. Carl, Dale, and Do'orous R. Miller, Roxbury. W. Adams, West Taylor, i and Elizabeth E. Connor, East Wheat- ¥ fed township, Indiana county, Pa. James F. Wissloger and Ida J. Cus- ter, Richland township. Samuel Edmond Boyer and Eva OC. McHeaters, Morrellville. Morgan Lewis Stomback, West Tay- lor, and Myrtle Lenora Wilson, Coop- | STONE. : “John Leoesko and Barbara Franes- | salxky, Lily. Henry R. Woodley and Maggie E. | | Laatsy, Eder township. : Edward Thomas and Lizzie Dull, Dale. 0 ent bottles for sale| metits noted, the {Harvey Evans, J Twice-a Week Conrierofauronl. Beginning the first of the new year, the Weekly-Courier Joornal, of Louis ‘ville, Ky. will be changed to the | Twivea-woek Courder-Jouraal, It wikl “mornings. The paper will be #3 pages, or tecive pages a week, fn (sted of len pages wekly, as al prise ent, an an invrease of X50 colons matter daring the your, The Wednes (day Isso will be devoted exclusives (0 pews and politiml, while the Saturday Gl ous will be strictly a family paper- fill] with storie, miscellany, plotares, postey, sketches, ele. The poiition of paper will n not be changed, asd the ‘battle for pure Democracy and true Denioeratic principles will be continaed | ( in the future as by the past. In spite of the expense involved in the improve the same, one dollar a year, with iib- | eral inducements to agents or old sab- scribers who send in new ones feature of the coming year will be the editorials of Mr. Henry Watterson on { political und other topics of the day. OMores Elected. At a recent meeting of the Ebens. burg Agricultural society the following ‘officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: President, the Hon. A yy Barker; vice-president, Ed. James: ‘secretary, 8. L. Reed, Faq; assdstant secretary. A. J. Waters; treasurer, A W. Buck; directors, D. J. Davis, H H. Myers, V. 8. Barker, lsase Hughes {. Evans J. JL Evans, T. I. Jones, OO. E. Wilkinson, ‘G. 1 Jones, Harry Lioyd and Thomas Hoover. Gaed Teibags. The grand specific for the prevailiog us- malady of the age, Dyspepsia, Liver [Complaint, Rbheamatism, Costiveness, General Debiiity, is Bacon's Cel NN, ¥ bX Wah ery King for thet Nerves. This great herbal tonic stimaiales the digestive argans, regulatis the liver and re {ators the system to vigorous health ‘and energies. Samples free. Large | packages G0c. xnd he. Sold only by CC. W. Hodgkins Given Away. A grand doll and a comic clown will be given away free to a boy and a girl. . | Who will be the: one to receive them? The happy couple can be seen any day. For particoiars call at the store of C. WW. Hodgkins, opposite the school build- ing. Children, be sure to look it up. The length of lite may be increased hy lessening its dangers. The majority : ple die from lung troubles. | WL As price of the Twice a-week Courier-Journal will remain | A £7 Art db 3a Mode, The enrrent number of 1 Art de la! Mode maintains the high standard of excuilimee Lal bas Mways character- fend that josirnal both in | ustrations and literary contents. The serivs of articles now runwdng on Lessons in Practical Drewsmaking'’ cannot fail to be of the greatest interest o everyone wit jn interested in dress. The colored piales show Lhe latest thing in sleeves, wiirtn, and combination of Colors and takcnys altogether tie journal is of the! ¢ Sgreatimt vaine to dresspsakers and sinters, L' Art de ln Mode is for sade by all pewsdealers. Or send 2. cent for 4 sample copy or 3 cents for etrrrent instie to The Morse-Broughton Co., 5 East 108: sireet, New York. When at Willhiim, Pa, always stop at the Munser house. and you will be kindly treated. Mr. CW. NH Muomser, the proprietor, mways| keeps, & bottle of Chamberlain's Colic | cholers and Diarrhoea Remy in the | hotel for use in case of emergency. He sey»: “It can always be depended apoti. Wheneves my guests have an attack of diarrhoea or cholers murbos, | I give them a dose of this remedy, and | it has never failed to cure them.” For; sale by Patten Pharmacy, C. W. Hedgkins, Tir Twaive {leven Orders, Thi Pennsylvania Railroad company announces that for 1397 it will lsoe | clerical orders to regular ordsined | clergymen in charge of churches lo- | cated on ar near ie lines east of Pitts | x To secare these orders | should make applica- | the pearest ticket ageot a8 soon an possible, as Hie de- sired that all applications reach the general office by December 15. huryg and Erte. verry men 5 3 Alwolately pure, perfectly hurnues, and invariably retiable are the goal ties of Ome Minaote Cough CUnre. It nover fails in colds, croup and lung) troubles. Children like iv because it is plessant to take and it helps them. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Fulr ind Festival A grand fair and festival will be: given by Patton Fire Company No. 1 in their spacious rooms during the | week of the holidays Extensive | preparations are being made to make | Cit a grand success. The old way of delivering messages | by post boys compared with modern | telephone, illustrates the old tedious . methods of “breaking” colds compared with their almost instantaneous cure by | | One Minute Cough Cure. C. W. Hodg- | kine, Patton Pharmacy. Ripans Tabules et cure bad breath. selote live of Hes It is a good hated | THE i A A SA ST I LL 'SurnMmer and Fall | description can be procured at our Store. A full and - and Shelf Hardware and all kinds of and a femers! line of B ITLDERS' MA. TERIAL kept constantly on hand. See us first before buy- ing. It will pay you. TIXNING AND PLUMBING A Specialty. CAMBRIA HARDWARE CO. Magee Ave. Patton, Pa. 9 When in Altoona on a shopping expedition DON'T FORGET To go to call at our large Millinery store for all kinds Millimery Goods, COATS, CAPES, ETC. RA BARGAIN SALE Is now on and the prices are so low that you will be surprised when yon make us a visit. A special invitation is extended to Cambria County Ladies.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers