Making At & regular Wanting of Lisulenant IB. Kayler Post No. 633, rnd ey | | Republic, Pennwylvania, QM. Serg’t, Adam Haist; Trostes for two counties, Assistant Adjutant | two yemrs, Martin Deitrick: Repre- General Reeder said thet it was pro | Sn rock, John & obn Wilson. sentative, Department Encampment posed to make s «iff fight for the Gmrevs HEun, Teacher. Johnstown, Pu, W. HH. Bell; Sorveyorship. There will likely bey ! ON, teil ns eit, complications ising owt. of the Wash. | ; i he Bons Cute $y Weston elncid, Johnstown, Pu, 8 M. Wikon. ; and ting interests of Phila | doped at the Tie Grownstuirg Triboms se i ie sh Commander James Oamphell, Ant Ee iB which event Mr. |) mont exalent, and | estabiished fact that the Bewch Creek mpector, Hastings Post, wis at Post Brown will stund an exelent cham. | i ressive tincher C28 | Railroad wil be bit across Westmore- EUNR to inspect Post No. 633, “We do not propess to carry this to deprive Himself of is 8d and county, and thet at tle meeting Comrade C. A. Wood, of Post 184, sight through on that basis, thomgh™ W, G | ve pi . of the Directors in Philadetp bia on De. COr™ensville, and Comrade R. A. Dun-_ said Colonel Beeder, “Mer. Brows will | the ght, titie and Invterest . Fol owing i wn a detailed report of the cosgher 18th, it will be deciled which of Post 560, Westover, wire visors make the contest fur the place pn bis C, Blolien in twill iots of ground asd : enw of the routes’ will he taken after '0 Pot NO. 851 and made ome ery put meond fn the party, and the fict | twa story frame dealing situated ih leaving the White Thorn Creek, st TUE remarks for the good of the Post grat the office has been given in. the | Ash rile borough, pug fe enrolled, 31; aver "Squire Robert F. Stewart's, near Con- And comeudes NO Viking somteaom past to candidates from ootelds the Ti interest of GG. sgt Bowen , 27; per cent, of attend. | gruity, the s route to Vhst point having | nat Tore tiie a .. sity. Mp. Brown is not handicipped | acres of land, two-story plank pills purfect in aitendance: already bon determined. Jt is pretty ed with . . : AH viet. by any partisin entanglements oo ul banc barn and other farm pre, ‘ruin, Princes Pree | genersily conondod that the Joute fom ceived with maw i: iow. Al Hanees, sod, besides, he is thw Bist wie ted mr Resde township, mans Sara Holter, Minnie Hoiter, Sara | there will be to Jeanette, where it will ing comrades cxprassst (bermmeives 8 yugwed candidate for the position te : Hunter, Anni, Kinkead, | ints rach Cf and that it win a ia Rayiar Poni 800 wide the large cities? 4 Ee Anes a south ¢ ie : Lawrence 1. Brows has been active |B wg Harry Mali, James pa short diarer ray Wangan. | A vewlution was famed thal or i, Penseylvinis politios for a ute ry) teen | and Neliry fara. charter be draped in mourning for 80 yours, Hels at present » membre of Mary and Joseph Mating har. ‘days in bosor of oor dear Comen ander 4 Republioan | Skate Committor from groimd in Patton LA. J. Jackson. who has joined HSL (uembria counts. Price 16 His oval | the it of Pe ?. Sos & Bea. was | TheB Ba allie, Hechudor & Pitlsloeg Grand Army shove wiers od is theo, Cambri tet wis for six year . y fate 104 paar of Sapreme Com macier, andl all mimbers tan of the Cmts € Hm Joyous Chritroae. sos New Year of Kaylor Poll S13 to Wear cYApe OF (oaths > ie aliesk f Holidavs in acoortinnee with its the their left sieeve for 68 days. Afler ove the State committer. Ho hs fp Sh i {| pater or baiding tn AI hE sed coistons said penal penerosity, of the best menting hell bir the Post the Stake ehalrmandip is 1990 parr bs 4 omjmon, Edna bra wad I the dow rate of u fae — uti i closed in doe form. | the Delemater campaign, bat bones and 485 acres of land In Crain, 1 Camel | Committers to draft mmolations on duties tomps lod Sim to doetten Hoe | township kaown “The w the denth of Commander A. J. Jackson offer. ve 3 Eo sarsgans aay rset ee or In ther late vigatoms fight 0 is .. Aske sp to Carry We Goo to he man Hicks sod sointed rly ¢ Comrie election. | way in the central part of the State. Wyler Hasged in Efgy. The town of DuBois wan foil of ex. | 4x0 Ret and Will be tucd for sore» {rooms on the first floor and living Are Mere Yet. building = spring i we ey pers crated yal bought a present for ot hoe dng he werk [he shots be ows on the rege. T So a wil ood. | ‘ fom be wrote ro the Cambria County | { The Stage Grange. which was in Jall on Satarday ao appeal to the ed- "| session at Altoona List week elected the tors of Cambria county the sub | | following afficers for the emsaing year: stance of which be desired sande known || | Worthy master, Leonard Rone, Centre | through the press. | Hall; overseer, A. G. Barreit, Bradford He desires, be mays, to carry his case opunty; lecturer, W. F. Hill, Bradford : to the Superior Court, and requests his | vo county; secretary, Jerome T. Allman, friends to furnish him with funds to 4 7.5 o'clock Monday evening one It is seldom you have such | Juniata county; treasurer, fi. E. Niver, pay the expenses, which will be about fhe largest fires in the Bistiry of an opportunity. % of Chester; steward, EP. Whipple, £20. He waid this amount must be paid | s 1aona origisated in the display win- {Town county; chaplain, W. F. Ever. | at once, or he would be sent tothe State 45y of Morrow's stom, comme of ‘So much GOODNESS son, Brie. ‘ Prison at Allegheny. | Eleventh avenue and Twelfth sireet, . Commenec] the Lime. In bis appeal he says, “When Thad | ond before it was extinguished property | So much VARIETY Work of laying the extension of the | money Bo oie Who needed help applied, on amount nearly resching $HE.000 iSo. } BEAUTY ly | water main throagh the oatlying dis to me for it in vain.” wae saerifiont mac ! tricts of Patton borough was com- : ent : : ATT rye menced on Monday. A. M. Thomas along with other convicted prisoners, Married. So much QUALITY has the contract and be hina a large on Tuesday. © 8. W. Deitrick and Famny A Se ‘much STYLE force of meu at work digging the An appeal was received by the editor | Vasbinder, of Patton, were unitd in - trenches. The first work was com. of the COURIER on Monday. | marriage December 10th in the presence And all for for so jmenced on Palmer avenue near the Ofheers Klevted. {of a select party of friends, by 8. J. | 3. E. church. | Al a meeting of the citizens’ Fire | Tie happy couple: will EL. MI ~Y Three Banke Full ‘company held in the Good building on | ¥ er nL The First National bank, of Holli-| Wednesday night, December Sth, the r futore Ther is uo. place like our arg, | following named officers were elected | Preket-bouk Lost stote to buy Holiday Goods. | Ror the sain rms Major Jom 4 | On Saday § Packet Nok: Suan | A that we iu carrad oud bo president; John R. cordell, vi — clisims En Cee Patton and carvoiliows. Dh letter That's what makes our | wacretary; chan. F. Lehman, treasorer; Pinder will be rewarded by leaving the: east mers happy, | M. O. Lewis, chief; Dennis Nolan, fore. Fat} Hi Ii} il Ao ai SRR sd
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