tha pot, an tal Yioite J w big, vig o large teomied A cake in | will not ress, : I need Apples d a grat big | dphote minst | ®he frit wot dow fn hor Saker hurried to ber hauhanil 's bedaide wad Fregthing evenly, and on the floor {wan his (eerooit. Pio had heen Able to falfll hie duty, “Cakl be praised,” the | woman mnrmored and tursed to the he whens the trey was and her Hit Was siiing sitlanlom, pafily, fer, Sud ghee = nest xeric © to tha “Then 5 ich went tH his on it maptaronsly, and frou { ime clinpiied his hand, for 1 articipa- tion be already suw all the brandhes wp! ad and: nuts id he Mita bet . © aa from the curiv Bait of sioe ot SA i ard then Ha ERA DR STA PN A kob? The won brushed with her ont | * ohild and wit a milvery tink | i jocss fi right and left 10 the floor. “Great bea : Ing Julich saidenly bo start nh x penta por rn Bt fara, ron aise bog 10 the of wr. ho txeiaireng: pelivigs fo We wr Me ¥ peat with Bidh Fort ab ono gid, the train hae IRN Bae ban frye ¥ 1% ae beight or fine are, : almast He wR de ox aE wis Sh Sn eng XA A A ad Ba 4 Sr twigs of so PORT, § To sr the head of th SF Fetrle vibe | Bean of tha owe sett! ah oxelaimed, dans. | LE the pais ci Lenn niet entrance to he £naron, toe “ fons of whist are wide open, looking THE PART TOY CELE LAY iN § EUROPEAN ATION Yate Woaswn In This HN Abdnt Beasts sod | Covi Cartan tv) Comtry Rapes Birds Blessing 17 Mass In: Spain, A ong tha moet pleas ares of the nn: dod will that pro nt Christoastide in eorid is the kindly ion shown to ex. + af the festivity to dings fanel tha oh Joye i the damb’ animal herp ht itn more rear. : any wad Ansty £2 fie A are Mo af yheir cotta to whish iy fant Eo gue pris for Hh Bonk, BRE R se the 5 grEun: baying Tas % patel in the joy of mankind st the i aa feat MOC ae : small shorister os Bisth of Clrist shivnld participate in the annial ecmmemporation of the event , Thue in Brittany eattle and sheep may ba said to form part of the congregation that attends the gusint yet thoroughly revepint pass performed in most of the ehmmebios of the seacoast villages on a : Chr iatrpan eee. Um the night side of the lear u bower 3a sonstracnsd of fragrant fxn and Ar Pranthon, with great bang h- Eee Lm tent relies and midis pe phe werdare. Une sivas the moat penntital said vovidage oo bar pair falling en hee white gut Frente, WW WEA te aL Thee: YEE 5 A & rag if LEE 5 wearing 8 gold sms leanbigr onow staf, whi dankey and fay sbaepg from a couple of IGAPRuTR the guspvi bi bees read rinled fa the bad Baus of uo ecosiey Begs Wi vive Sersek, Fur fo usa chad 8 bors, Jog itating cheoveriy ab thn gue of randall winthy 1 ae da WU thE Hy Ut § ST “lows WOK ster bic ile BAER Bomar alive LEE of : LAR Ts PE 2 2338 pias ehnrieger cotenn ied near the which just at this | insy be sald to be madly ad intimate i 3 ALG CERT nd this flocks of the ¥illige have mean. and stand crowded together in the wil | ¥ ia i § iw t § {| Bn | ve # i i tal. Taking up his position in the top ae wt step of the porch, the rector ox. ¥ #) ehildren, has sent me on tix radiant | fe and your flocks, benanes 1 is only right that the animals which constitute | your greatest help aud ware of pros perity shoald participate in the ny whizh fille sll oor beavis Now lewd yoar flocks past me, The shepherd and euttla Herdors then ain to drive the animals past, whibs the Gries, the latter upon the hare thio ae, The Gwen. this feAVR an 4k rhe Tp The | | Blass Pg poauneny i InEY Limes Ahem } their nudist vey thelt Bait. shee bray. wkghing, a well 1a phe ofan ; ward of (haar ar Sin dees whih $1 0k : CIANE I nf : Ta tia wy Vis § toa Kran Fina 3! reins, uy yeh Hans et dgbeiras Rey brangimg fhe § Wha gk nae 3 And John's J suhe PRICES Wis E wey vEaLE AR aN RETIN of Ww hoops with Rmiasian Sere TEAR “iat that's pot bail of Tem, Jim,” - ¥ou | #E OW, hen glx" § CE NS fim for andy and prob at wus at promised we a dollar ef I keep off bier wy an beas nighes, The my » and my acut, sein Im ayia ao wd, are goin to chip in, and wo Pm | gain to tan Soeday sobocds 1 wu strictly | Cin it, aud don't you h Tipit i! After the Chrivinas Fen Pall, Up the broad steps they tripged inty her | home, Thee pt Boars] Joo Her P aloncsor apers ung to bis A moment, She sted di Erect wander a. gus jes, ~obee se liioh some on, iticipasion. of the Lad hang » sprig of mistieton id pot heir thee-bo Jmed hor bg tet yr, MY BARORERE, nikier pad au uneatiemanty and ry den Her frightened, haa He ut swiwered i Hop gesagt | ; oe # gave a little spvsagiend gevmt, "tbe thought, fare ber fur the SEE EO Em vastly anf onto the dex All the cattle while been driven inte the churchyard ve ry light of the moon around the por we: God in hie merey, my dear Figbt of the nativity to bless your oat Thornley aly La her what he should give her far Christus she awviled sweetly and re pling: “(Hive mo a fow loons od bs in skating. | have never Jenrned, anil the ambition of my Jil is to glide over the mmnoth sariace of the frogen river’ “1 shall bo delighted to instroot you, Miss Lakeside,’ Thomley said eagerly. And he meant what ha said. He little dreamed then that she woighed 180 pounds—-little cared, perbiaps, for Jive ja veeklom wd nureasONIng. Thorshicy himself, when equipped with an ower cont, & pair of rubbers and his cverydey slothing, tipped the scales of shout ¥20 pontide “De yon think you can support me, Mr. Thornley?" she asked gayi. Support youl p | but rash ul i kness and grisped ber hands to begin dipping thd sprinkler ints | the be ivr evr of hely water, showers : | wide,” isk ct RAE GL FU Cas they sit {which all men havo some glans Coated paeast. Christmas shall be merry and your now ARF yas bo rose 1 ‘the lveon. “Snpport yon? Why, I road support you for--for life, Miss Lake “Oh, Mr Thornley?’ she erie, fagr Fike 8 pose Hor eyes fol, and show and T Fhornley fol og how Tie 108 AFIRR, Tihurnioy tera Hii the Yoine aod Fen wl penitle a bis biow and y a Sow p 2 RB fe aie folly feos i under Pre wt shige catia RD by the ye. . 16 poopie wai 1 het that each aetations wad | arrwitamed go Tenet faey OBOH be g frigude, and of theeold onsh thts porw in adversity Rew wood aneh dis Leek on the merry 2, i vou have any, ghd fire, Ome Hetle Crpoelight form that a 3 ¢ round seat piv bosnndy | gladdened the fat ert 4 hevirt and romeed ; He bei sp’ s pride to lock upon may not w there, Erwoll not spon the past. Think : be thut one short year ago the fair | child now resniving into dust sat before | you wid the bloom of health upon ite { chonk aud the gayety of infancy in ite | joyous eye | blessings, of which every man Keflect npon your present — may-—-not sn your past misfortunes, of Fill Jour agin, with & merry face and ¢ Oar life on it, bet ye Ar % happy one, A KA STASI IIHT, Tough on the Turkey. Landiady ~=Are you ill, Mr Middle 3 agp? Yum do not seem 10 be | your Christians turkey with Mr. Young- blood? Mz. M ddicage—No, not ill. But Pm | mo re St cular as 1 was onow on coi War jovi aud blows the hands we Wau 1h 3 hristoans log WW ring.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers