Bo, my enchantres in ihe fo spire brocade, Nou call an elder fushicn to vir ald, Btep forth from Gains roel sd ranvas and advance, A powdersd (ialaten, to the Sane About yon clings o fi An thouh the Tink 1 : ahair, As though tae Moataravcs And the Frencn hatll They tread the ia The wiiver Un Jado pred Brilliant ao Yoit da We dn REN Whon rir: Bot dn no feu Xet It an | we Sue Terie OU FACT The Tolleemen fleep on Their Beats The Curfew Fe of Aneiont Use. Probably the & the world sre fi Antannuan the evidences of 1b members are a ol slnmber. At nig propery ix av he is actanlls tald by the half ap to police royal palace. HW arena. HW are w streets. i of houses tuts gnats, they dee p in slamber. find fn hey mains swaie 100 oh hourly call from the J back, the others, bait jeally shout Back te Httle di ftirer otinually * 5 wn ; B ston, hag eer BECHE + far sant There 18 po 0 oon. and w aot of stoning Agnore the pol stone hig fo ep have po Mlsnear we guage, dnd wh wronght agar they can do is to ; Yengeance ¢ i im New How Fal Che Earth Maven, Eversix one coy in each 2 24 Bosse. ‘have aur dea of 8 at which wench 8n tan in oriler to weomy making coe revolution night. A raph ide paco which tha o id ear after year dhs be hd by cok speed to that o 4 of a cunnon ball RE est velocity ov ' atta: ‘wife has barn 69 ort od second, which is equal 8 2-10 sevumds. The ¢ en one octmplete yevointion p of 2% hours, yorash turn with welogity almost vunctly equal 1 that the cannon ball In short, ik rate of spoed at the equator dx exactly 1,503 eet per seid. This is sual to a male iis Why Evaryhody Kmiled. An amusing sone Was wWilnosse many pedesiriana one day at the eure vr of Thirty seventh street and Broadwar A fence, about 80 feet hig shi. eoverpd with theatrical Lithographs, ine! & Jot on that corer, whers the f{omnda tions of a naw building are boing aid. It was the noon hour, and six brawn sons of Erin were seated on oa slight! ¥ raised platform, resting agaioet the fence. They were bating their luncheon and wers joking mol langhing bo | hearts’ content. Those who stopped Jook at the group could i smile, for directv above oh of Irishmen, in bold, lornid were the words “The G Parisians Here indeed Was a pleasant satire, the result of accident. No wonder the work ingen wondered why people smiled at them so much — New York Herald * mi opp The Inquisitive Small Bey. ¢ uPather,' said the little bor, up from his piotore book, Vif 1a w question, © il you answer 18° “Certainly, "was the affable reply HAnd not get angry © {Hf course not. “Nor say it's time 1 was 1 “1 won't do any of those things “Well. what 1 wa VE 3% Where does a snske begin when It wags its tail? VW shington rar, A bright girl in Maine recently began a composition thus: “The Puritans found a lunatic asylum in the wikis Amerion.”’ She had read in a book that the Puritans found an asylum in this oountry, and to make the statement more vivid she added the word 4 lonatic. : The Apache, Nurs 0 and Ute war be- gan in 184% and apded in 1855. The _ total number of regiar troops employed during this war was 1,500, while the volunteers and militia nsnmbered 1,061, the grand total being 2,061. I BR aia Sh he It 1» Easy of Digestion. Reneticial In Some Cane of THisemae. Ppa A brie WE ER yomiiy for deity § THE fiemeral tion od Arh ® Terinant pork fens ¢ off de bres oud part of it. am de po k temiabline, sab| Tribute The firs? Water ¢ Tans wen A Que iNT RE RY. Mepresenta’s Kh dir Aloe nnd Manes) By a Copw Io nila, A Jesse Fu Yremoh, [wes oo Parle times nn ; FERPA TREY Sims bas Spon ee ¥ 8 Fhe «if with his fry tha waste Ditaoet, es wf F 1 view, #4 i Ae 3 i arvas, snd ganieny may be eR dee teil ple Cmipe eapaured arcirreval Salas Hu Hike Bb = 1% oe Cama Die WW oearivoune Feliu pomstrnet al beavirs, and the on pineers have upon the wrbpatrions $i : tect oxse tatitad A ; * Rises Bess : : CRACKING Wreakish Hesuiis znd Wenttar 8 tive Twary Clabes, EG ao aw owisal the champion of cf the snoremaey pret ids, (iw one $s vy Ru wil, Broking ¢ be “bye wi! or iA rE ving ee Sun with iY fel ; hurl acai & Bulle 9 Ras MAE : gif bid deads the Ta hee i xpaw to best peogie © alle ame anciher : 2 Da you see (RES fon rats! Wail, he a Mr Rea en, fee sa A Wom. Was er § Es Li RIear aay ont LusiEst i Laat AGT Prey atl Bail ang RU Kring Mr se te Pe ile anal ol wav: CLL Rush This has Geel fees, Ti Baws and il siwindh, anal want on he pal TOT YEE lar hidden 5 the Las Enadeniy ee sbiden the Tathwe find 2 in A glare A New Woman of Yreagon Aaa ed CHA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers