The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 26, 1896, Image 2

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    Bo, my enchantres in ihe fo spire brocade,
Nou call an elder fushicn to vir ald,
Btep forth from Gains roel sd ranvas and
A powdersd (ialaten, to the Sane
About yon clings o fi
An thouh the Tink 1
: ahair,
As though tae Moataravcs
And the Frencn
They tread the ia
The wiiver Un
Jado pred
Brilliant ao
Yoit da
We dn REN
Whon rir:
Bot dn no feu
Xet It
an | we
The Tolleemen fleep on Their Beats The
Curfew Fe of Aneiont Use.
Probably the &
the world sre fi
the evidences of 1b
members are a ol
slnmber. At nig
propery ix av
he is actanlls
tald by the half
ap to police
royal palace.
HW arena.
HW are w
streets. i
of houses tuts
gnats, they dee p in
slamber. find fn hey
mains swaie 100 oh
hourly call from the J
back, the others, bait
jeally shout Back te
Httle di ftirer
otinually *
5 wn ;
B ston, hag eer
BECHE + far sant
There 18 po 0
oon. and w
aot of stoning
Agnore the pol
stone hig fo ep
have po Mlsnear we
guage, dnd wh
wronght agar
they can do is to ;
Yengeance ¢ i im New
How Fal Che Earth Maven,
one coy
in each 2 24 Bosse.
‘have aur dea of 8
at which wench 8n
tan in oriler to weomy
making coe revolution
night. A raph ide
paco which tha o id ear
after year dhs be hd by cok
speed to that o 4 of a cunnon ball
est velocity ov ' atta:
‘wife has barn 69 ort od
second, which is equal
8 2-10 sevumds. The ¢ en
one octmplete yevointion
p of 2% hours, yorash turn with
welogity almost vunctly equal 1 that
the cannon ball In short, ik rate of
spoed at the equator dx exactly 1,503
eet per seid. This is sual to a male
Why Evaryhody Kmiled.
An amusing sone Was wWilnosse
many pedesiriana one day at the eure vr
of Thirty seventh street and Broadwar
A fence, about 80 feet hig shi. eoverpd
with theatrical Lithographs, ine! &
Jot on that corer, whers the f{omnda
tions of a naw building are boing aid.
It was the noon hour, and six brawn
sons of Erin were seated on oa slight! ¥
raised platform, resting agaioet the
fence. They were bating their luncheon
and wers joking mol langhing bo |
hearts’ content. Those who stopped
Jook at the group could i
smile, for directv above oh
of Irishmen, in bold, lornid
were the words “The G Parisians
Here indeed Was a pleasant satire, the
result of accident. No wonder the work
ingen wondered why people smiled at
them so much — New York Herald
* mi opp
The Inquisitive Small Bey.
¢ uPather,' said the little bor,
up from his piotore book, Vif 1a
w question, © il you answer 18°
“Certainly, "was the affable reply
HAnd not get angry ©
{Hf course not.
“Nor say it's time 1 was 1
“1 won't do any of those things
“Well. what 1 wa VE 3% Where
does a snske begin when It wags its
tail? VW shington rar,
A bright girl in Maine recently began
a composition thus: “The Puritans
found a lunatic asylum in the wikis
Amerion.”’ She had read in a book that
the Puritans found an asylum in this
oountry, and to make the statement more
vivid she added the word 4 lonatic. :
The Apache, Nurs 0 and Ute war be-
gan in 184% and apded in 1855. The
_ total number of regiar troops employed
during this war was 1,500, while the
volunteers and militia nsnmbered 1,061,
the grand total being 2,061.
BR aia
Sh he
It 1» Easy of Digestion. Reneticial In Some
Cane of THisemae.
A brie WE ER
yomiiy for deity
tion od
® Terinant
pork fens ¢
off de bres oud part of it.
am de po k temiabline, sab|
The firs? Water ¢ Tans wen
A Que iNT RE RY.
Mepresenta’s Kh dir Aloe nnd Manes)
By a Copw Io nila,
A Jesse Fu Yremoh,
[wes oo Parle
times nn ;
FERPA TREY Sims bas Spon ee ¥ 8 Fhe
«if with his fry tha waste Ditaoet, es wf F 1 view, #4
i Ae 3 i
arvas, snd ganieny may be
eR dee teil ple Cmipe
eapaured arcirreval Salas Hu
Hike Bb =
oe Cama Die
WW oearivoune Feliu
al beavirs, and the on
pineers have
upon the
$i :
tect oxse tatitad
A ; * Rises Bess : : CRACKING
Wreakish Hesuiis
znd Wenttar 8
tive Twary Clabes,
EG ao
aw owisal
the champion of
cf the snoremaey
ids, (iw one
$s vy Ru
wil, Broking
¢ be “bye wi! or
ving ee
Sun with iY
; hurl
acai & Bulle
9 Ras MAE : gif
bid deads
the Ta hee
i xpaw to best peogie © alle
ame anciher : 2 Da you see (RES
fon rats! Wail, he a Mr Rea en, fee
sa A Wom.
Was er
§ Es
RIear aay
ont LusiEst i
Prey atl
Bail ang
RU Kring
se te Pe ile anal
ol wav: CLL
Rush This has Geel
fees, Ti
Baws and il
siwindh, anal want
on he pal
lar hidden 5 the
Las Enadeniy ee
sbiden the Tathwe find
2 in A glare
A New Woman of Yreagon
Aaa ed