ates PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1896. $1.00 PER YEAR. I1.—NO. 16. ER Ar | This Spring? prepared to furnish you with all kinds of Everything but the worms, | and you can dig them im any old place 3 Hyon know.” DTER . © will soon be here ‘and we can furnish you with all colors of dyes for coloring eggs. As we have told you fore we handle everything from a “monkey to an ele- : | phant.” k of Munyon's | Call and get a copy of Munyon's Guide to Health free. L Headquarters for Chemicals, Etc, ! Opposite School Building. © When we were boys we used to tell our parents what ‘were allowed to go fishing When we grow to be mer- chants we are apt to exagerate in speaking about our goods and telling the public how far their dollars will go if they buy of us. We're. afraid to say muck “about our new goods. We're proud of them we might ex- _agerate. sa come and look them, please, and form your mn opinion. others now is the time to prepare your boys for Easter. ° We have the largest stock of Boys! and Children’s Saits in this end of the county. All Ii agen from 3 up to 18 yrs Our prices will astonish you more this Good suit for §i; all-wool for §1.50; all-wool dress suits for 2, 2.50, 8, 3.50, 4 4.50, $5. | Those little boys’ Esster suits at 2, 2.25, 2.50. 3, to $4. All new things kin : ist _ Patton. Nobby and fashionable. ' to match these at 40c, 50c Toc. Match us if you can. Clothier Tailor, Hatter. Lud If so we are’ yard. : just now — Gleaned Here and There by the “Courier’! Reporter. Siphpeie FREE ENTERTAINMENT iA : To be Given In the MM. ¥, { hareh om Friday Fvening. March #0, ~The Epworth Leagoe will render a | Cantata, entitled ‘The Galilean,” in the Methodist Episcopal church on | Friday evening, March 10, at 8 o'elewhe The young people nre making com. plete preparation for this exercise, and they should be encouraged by a good audience. A silver eollestion will be taken for the benefit of the Epworth | League choir. All are inviteri Below iu the program: Cheon : { 5 Chorus. = PR the Merry Marry Fea Pveer 4 Cees Eee Toms : Missem [owier and Bporttawaed | Reidy Phe Fishes Wore Mending Ttadr Nota? : Miss Zimoraerraan, C Anthem. aa avhhe Phat Loved Cake med Chor. There Wan Pan bn the Cy i Miss Zinnyernan, | A He Mola and Chor. aPeedwrteees in Heaven” Miss Josephine Deorier. Csode , ; : ere Wis the Wiad” More Mpiehor wilcmpeniten In ihe Flighost Anthem, af Aer the Fred of Late” Pavel. TT Spend of The Bardot Mises Kathe Witsor sod Spotiawied | Haws Solo and hor siganttions Thea Has Cove % BE. Will Loreen, Crpryepet” DAnthem “AN Power i Given Tito Thaw" {horas eon aie WITH Clot Again . The recitation parts will be rendered ‘by Misses Ruth Reese, Bella Turnbull ‘and Fula Patrick. i Messrs. F. E. McElfresh and RB 8 Tozer will assist with their cornets and g \ ¥ Larne ?, Accompanist. Everybody ix welcome. Go and spend a pleasant evening. : Sudden Penth at Ashviile, : Auogustos Yost, of Ashville, died sud- | denly near his home at 11 o'clock last | Wednesday ‘morning. aged about 56 iyears. He and Edward Ivory were in ‘the woods pear the former's home, | chopping down trees, and at 8 o'clock | Mr. Yost was stricken with paralysis. | He was carried to his home immedi ately after, and Dr. HH. Somerville, of . Chest Springs, was wnt for. He ar. rived and gave the anfortuate man all the medical aid possible, but he never regained consciousness, and died at the | hour stated above. Deosased was born | about a mile west of Carrolitown. He was & well-known and respected citi- zen of his community. He leaves 3 wife and four children. viz: Mm H. Gibbons, of Ashville; William Yost, of Dunio, and Miss Stella nnd Demetrius, at home. The funeral took place at 9 ‘o'clock Friday morning. Mass was maid at St. Thomas’ Roman Catholic church at Ashville, after which inter- ‘ment was made in the chorch grave Frospoets for an Adeniice, The following is from the pen of Editor Kinsioe, of the Philipsbharg ' Bitaminous Record: “We have what ‘we deem the best aathority for saying that while the meeting of the operators ‘in New York did not result in com- | pleting the association, very gread pro. | gress was made in that direction, and we are free to say to those miners who are agitating the making of a demand they will likely do better ga little siow just at this 1t ix not proving an easy matter | tabring all the sft coal operators to- gs 8 . any more than it bas proved An easy job to have all the miners take the same action at the same time. We believe an advance in wages will come, ‘and that it will come all the more | quickly if patience is exercised all | around.” Prepay Eurly. It is not too early now to remind you ‘of the approaching of the grand and | solemn Memorial or Decoration Day “which will soon be here. Everybody should get ready and try to make the § LMETVIOoNS & AUCOUAS. § ‘sach. Show your respect by decorat- {ing the graves of the dead heroes who fought to save our country. A Swediah Church | A W. Pranklin, of Sheffield, Pa, is ‘stopping in town for a few days. He. iis here in the interests of the Swedish Mission association, of which he is | chairman, and will endeavor to organ. ize a church in Patton. So far he has met with very good sucoess. and the future prospects are favorable. To Advertisers, | display advertisement in the PATTON COURIER, or who wish to change their “ad pow running, must hand their . copy In not later than Monday evening ' of each week. If handed in later than ‘Monday evening it will have to be held | over 'tiil the next week. Try to get 162 Viewers. copy in early. Parrox Pus. Co. ‘by Mr. Cowher with violin. Mrs. | sport and should not be observed as Hereafter all patrons who wish a 10 7 D & COWD: MAY MEET AT ERENSBURG The Divbaos Encampment of Het Nationa Cianrds of Ponpsyivanin Dr. T. M. Richzeds, of Ebensturg, pecently received a letter from F. K Patterson. Major and Inspector of the Second Brigade, N. GF. arking if sn Mcient ground and good water ean be had in the vicinity of Ebessbarg for the Division Escampment of the Na tional guards. Major Patterson says there are about 5.000 med in the bi vision, and thas frova 700 to 1,000 acres of ground, with plenty of water, iM NECOAMATY : t Dr. Richards, with other, hax béen looking up the diferent [speaiition in and shout Ebensbeirg, and found that there are weveral spots in that neigh. borhood which conld not ba surpassed anywhere for beauty if sev nery or for the completeness of the ators ad- vantages required for the encampment, Ebensburg people would to doubt he giad to have the actors thers, ax ib would be an excellent thing for the town, znd they will no daibt do all in their power to assist in the movement. The encampment osaaily lasts two weeks GOVERNMENT AWARDS Hoewived Try 8 ina Slaten ise | mawmmbris and Noarlye Lead ies. The following pension certificates have Dean bweued singe he date 4 - Febroary IH: Oviginal ~Jobn A. Havmian, Ntahls town, Westmoreland county; John P. Rankin, Wiilat, Indiana sounty; Sam. pel H. Jamison, Bolivar, Westmoreland connty; William T. Siford, (Henhope, Clearfield county; Ellis W. Etter Cataract, Clearfield county; Samuel 8. McCormick, Irwin, Wostmoreland county; Henry M. Pardonnes, Owmewola ‘mills, Clearfield county; Was. Blose, Marchand, Indiana county; Ira Welsh, Sammerhill, Jefferson county. Increase Henry Blystane, Greens burg; Henry Byerly, Pansy, Jefferson county; John Werner, Ly kans, Dacsphin obunty; Joseph Lape, Buckstown, Somerset county; Joseph W. fang, Panxsatawney; Charles A. Langbein, Garman's Mills, Cambria phanty. : A Foal Practice, For the past {wo years the Beech Creek railroad corapiny Bis bean oon- siderably annoyed by persons misusing and stealing their property along the line and they were eventually com- pelled to place detectivia slong the road to ferrit out the guilty ones. The trouble which bas caowed them the most annoyance was the stealing of greasy Waste, or mors genoraliy termed Sdoup,” out of the journal boxe of the enal and freight cars, which is danger. ous to the employes of the round, as when these boxes are emplied the axies become heated and are liable to break at any moment. Through the efforts of W. A. Selita, an efficient employe of the eorapany, several perwon have been canght and made to saffer for their actions and it i» the intention of the company hereafter to leep a close watch along the line and if any person is seen or that suffciens proof can be obtained. that will conviet, they will punish the guilty ones to the full extent of law. This is a bad practice and should be stopped. Rivetveid Har Sentence. Minnie Swanger, the twelve year old girl who murdered her uncle, Wil- liam McGregor, and attempted the murder of three other relatives hy putting poison in the coffee at their home in Altoona, pleaded guilty to second-degres murder in court at Holidaysburg last week. The district attorney accepted the plea nnd asked the court to extend mercy to the child. Judge Bell deferred sentence, and said he would heed any recom- mendation the people of Altoona would make as to the sending of the child to an institution where a permanent re This is no day for form may be effected and she become i dances, base ball games or other such | a useful member ef society. Closing Oat at Hastings. I. BE Beader, of Hastings, Pa. w closing out his entire stock of hard- ware at cost. All must be sold'by the next 30 days. Call and see him and get some great bargains as he is clos ing out to quit business, -16t2. Nitder of ¥lew, Notice is hereby given that the view. ers appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County to view the ground, assess dimages and levy contributions on the property owners an Fifth Avenue in Patton, by reason of a change of grade on said Street, will meet on Saturday, March 28, 1504, at the office of Jas. Medlon, in Patton Borough, st 10:30 o'clock in the fore- noon, for the purpose of attending to the duties of said appointment. WALTER J. WEAKLAND, GEC. FITZPATRICK, Journ H. SOMERVILLE, TTONBORD ROMANCES Passed During the Session of I she Old Connetl RELATING TO STREETS? Gitivwaiie, ant Passing the Faturs Grados for the same According 0 Sarvey. ( : ORDINANCE NO. 25. An Opdinapes to Prevent the En- croachment of Buildings, Walls and Enclosiires on the Streets, Alleys and Public Grounds, Establishing Building [ines on the Different Streets and Al Joys in the Borough bf Patton, Impos. ing Penalty for the Violation of the Mame, oto, perion 1. Ba it enacted and or- dnined by the Burgess and the Town Connell of the Borongh of Patton and it iz hereby enacted by the authority af the same: That after the passage of this Ordinance, when any person or persons intend 1o erect or place any building on any lot of ground in the Borough of Patton, adjoining any Krpeet or Alley, he, she, or they, shall, before commencing the same, ascer- tain the correct line of said lot and shall not erst said building closer than Wx feet from the Jot line on any of the Streets or Avenues in the Borough, or that may subsequently be laid out as Streets in wid Borough of Patton, with the exception of Fifth Avenue on which Stevet said building line shall be eight feet from the lot line, and if any per son or persons shall fail to comply with the conditions of this Ordinance, be, she or they shall forfeit and pay to the Treasurer for the nse of the Bor ough Fifty Dollars for each encrosch- ment as sforesaid, and it shall be the duty of the Street ( nmmissioner, under direction of the Town Couneil, com. plaint having been made to them to remove any building or buildings or atruetores as aforesaid, that shail in any manner interfere or encroach on any Street or Avenue in violation of this Ordinance, at the cost and charges of the person OT PErsORS who cans] the erection of the encroachment, to be pecoverad by nw, as such debts are recoverable LiscolLs SX BELL, Prostdent of Council W. J. DoxNgLLY, Burgess. Attest: Harvey Parremsox, Clerk ORDINANCE NO, 28, An Ordinance Fixing Grade on Fitt) Avenne Between Beech and Maj Avenaes, Fatablishing Grade for Sidhe) walk on West Side of the Same SperioN 1. Be it enacted and orn dained by the Burgess and Tow Council of the Borough of Patton and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same: That from and after thie passage of this Urdinance the Street Grade on Fifth Avene in the ‘Boroug| of Patton, between Beech and Magee Avenues, shall be and remain of the same elevation ax the present center line of wid Street, Kp. 2 That the Sidewalk on the west side of Fifth Avenue, shatl, com mencing at north side of Magee A ve. noe. be of an elevation of 1.78.4 feel, thence north 50 feet to an elevation of 1,754.8 feet, thence continuing north 50 feet to an elevation of 1,780 feet, thence north 50 feeet to an elevation of 1,764 feet, thence north HO feet LO an aslevation of 1.787 feet, thence contin. ning north 5) feet to an elevation of 1,769.2 feet, thence continuing north to south side of Beech Avenue, 10 an ele wation of 1,771.4 feet, thereliy estab. lishing a uniform grade and adopting the same grade ns established by the Chest Creek Land and Improvement company and making the draft pre. pared by them a part of thin Ordi nance. Spc. 3. The Street Commissioner is hereby aathorized and empowers to go on the property adjoining and abutting on said Street and take ap the Sidewalk as already laid and to ‘grade down to the elevations, or fil ap. as the case may be until a aniform pr ade is made in conformity Wo Section a of this Ordinance. And the Borough Solicitor is hereby directed to petition the Court of Common Pleas of Came ria County for the appointment of viewers to assess the damages and levy contributions sustained by reason of. said grade on the property owners : along the line of said improvement, 8 Biri President of Council WwW. J. DoNNgLLY, Burgess. Attest B. F. Wg, Clerk. February 25, 15306. spring Stock In. Our spring stock has arrived and other goods are arnving every day. See us for prices and you will be happy. 18ef MmxiN & KUSNER. IN'S STORE, ALT A YEAR OF SUCCESS. 1 The Members of the ow ¥. Chareh Ask for Hey Warson's Reta | The Central Pennsylvania Confer. ence of the Methodist Episespal church : began ite twenty-eighth session in the Mulberry Btrect Methodist Episcopal | 4 yore ? ; Shgrch, Willlamsport, Pa. yesterday morning, Bishop Jobn H. Vincent, D. Iv. 1.1L. Dh, of Topeka, Kansas, pre-. siding. The vear just closed, has heen one of | great success in the history if the Pat- | ton ME church, and the pistor, Rev. (has, WW. Wasson, apd his faithfol people have reason to “rejoice and be gad.” The Sunday school and Epworth Leas bave hd a very pomarkable Frvowth aud The oastaoy has bubieny greted | from Sunday to Sanday with large and All the in. attentive congregations. vameats of the church aw wid} sirstained, ard more than S900. (0 Bik heen paid | an the church debt. The miport for missions and other benevolence is far in advances of the former year. The Rev Chas, 'W. Wasson has been pastor of this chireh for three years, and a strong effort is being made to have him | rotarnid for the fourth year, as will be seen from the following resolutions passed at a recent meeting of the official board: WaerEAs, Recognizing the faithful and sMeient services of our beloved pastor, Rev. €. W, Wasson, during his pastorate among us, and believin the ‘at Ebensburg the case of Horace spiritual and temporal interests of this charge will be advanced by his return, therefor be it : RESOLVED: 1st, That the Bishop and y requested to retarn the Rev. CW. Wasson to the his Cabinet are earnestly shar: for the coming conference year. Resor ven: nd. That a copy of theen older, Rev. D. 8 Monvas, DD, Bishop, should he deem mich action ar penjueet It appears to ba the aniversal feeling which will have to be paid by the and desire among the public at inrge, as well ax the members of the Patton : MF Church, to have the services of Rev Chas W Wasa returned to the Patton charge. He has pet with gens eral approval in his zealous work in building ap the membership of that obnred Information as to whether he will return or not will be published in the COURIER next week. € banged Fis Calling. TOW. Letts of Ebensborg, who formerly conducted the Saturday Sent- jnei, the predecessor of tie Penfield Press. and at which piace he officiated | as Justice of the Peace, was in town on Saturday and went up to Penfield in the afternoon to spend Sunday smong friends and acquaintances of former days. “Squire lets wa for a time the sditer of the Carrol town, Cam- brig connty, News, and more latterly in business at Patton, fle is now Mon the pos?! in the capacity of a travel ing man, representing a large Kan. tacky whisky distilling concern, He was warmly greeted while here by many former DuBois friends. DuBois Morning Courier. Fis Sentenie Commatesd, A.W. Van Houten, formerly of Do Hols, went west some time ago, and, in a quarrel, killed in man in Colorado. He wis tried, found guilty and con. demned to death. His execation wis to have taken place last week, but through the influence of friends from Dulas, piloted by Capt Gi. W. Wood. ring and Miss Father Moore, his sn renee was commuted to life imprison. ment. Will Sonn be Rewily. The Baptist congregation of Patton, it is rumored, will soon be ready to erect a church on their beautiful jot on Fast Beech avenue. The plans have already been submitted and when spring opens the work will begin in parnest. The lot is 50x140. The building will be of cased brick, and it is under stood the brick will be supplied by the Patton Clay Manufacturing company. Dies Corps Organ ied. A drum corps was organized in Pat ton on Friday evening, March ith, and the following officers were elected: WH. H. Bell, captain; ©. UC. Edmis- ton, secretary; W. Ho H. Bell, treas- arer: MF Edmiston, color bearer. {1 is understood that the hew srganisa- tion will be known as the “Ciranmd Army Drum Corps” A Car Lond of Faraliaee. The COURIER wishes, in particnlar, this week, to call vour attention to the sew advertisement of J. BR. Cornelius in anuther column, He has just re- ceivixl a car load of chiips, lounges, and window shades, besides some beautiful bed room suits at way<down prices. See for yourself, While others fail to please we give satistnction. -16t3 Di. SWARTZ. Phe Sivas man wha hp Lm rising, Must eer ag lout Dis advertising, ONA. PA. NOTHER 1. R. DISASTE On the Pennsylvania Railroad at Steelton Tuesday. TWO PERSONS KILLED And Several are sSoriousiy fnjured A Hear End Cotlission. Areording to dispatch from Harris borg dated March 17, it says that two persons were killed and eight others were more or less injured in a collision on the Pennsylvania railroad, near Steelton, St Patrick's day. The deat are: [Samuel Walsh, engineer, and Lee Strouse, firemen, both of Philadephia. H. Krouse of Arkon, (., sustained internal injuries, The accident wis cansed by a freight train ranning into the Fast Line, both being bound east, Two passenger coaches ware over tarned. Welsh and Strouse were in charge of the locomotive of the passenger train. Welsh was taken ont of the wreck alive, but died soon after reaching the houpital. Strouse was thrown ander the tender, and crashed almost byond recognition. More Court News During the second week of coor Smith, of Cherrytree, vs. the Pennsyl- vanis railroad for damages, was the first tried. On July ind Smith bought a ticket at the depot in Ebensburg and soon after boarding the train was put sencdtions ba sont to oar prowiding | OF by Conductor Rush, who claimed that he was disorderly. Smith thea throngh him to ba presented to the brought suit, claiming $5,000 damages. necessary to secury compliance with Ie the tia on SH. ages. The verdict carries tue costa, aon pany. : The case of the Catholic congregn- thon at Bt. Aogustine, plaintiff, against W. B. Auman et al, defendants, was brought by the plaintiffs to recover from the defendunts’ bondsmen the amount overdrawn in payment for the baliding of a church at St. Augustine. By direction of the court a compulsory pon soit was entered, At the Palmer Hou. Following is a list of some of the penple who registered at the Palmer Boose since lust Wednesday morning: FW. Boyd, Phila; C. G. Bilger, Phil- ipshurg; 1. 8. Kline, Pgh; ED Wel wood, Johnstown: [L. M. Patterson, Lock Haven; EA. Hamilton, Huw thorn, Pa. N. Anderson, Pgh; Jax MeMurry, Burnside, Pa; Julius Wed- degen, Wmep't.; C. A. Walter, Johns town: J. B Hahn, Phila; Geo M. Duneling, (Vf'd.; F R McCormick, Phila: J. W. Bloom, Jr, Wmsp't; D. A. Stewart, Phila; Geo. Hoffman, S iH. Haffley, Altoons. Moved Prerything to Patton. On Monday Ike Wartelsky, whe con- ducted a jewelry store at Hastings as well ax one in Patton, closed the one at the former place and moved all his goods and effects to Patton, where he expects to conduct & first-class and ox- tensive jewelry store. Asis stated in’ his “ad’’ in another part of this paper, he is in the Hodgkins block on Fifth avenue, and invites everyone to call Ered cvs Sasmiday. On Sunday morning at about § s'oloek the two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Crans Thumton, of Beech avenne, died of pneumonia. The re mains of their beloved daughter was taken to Ansonviile, Clearfield county, for burial on Tuesday. The COURIER, with others, extend heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved parents : Ansiber Big “Ad.” You can't help but notice the big new advertisement of Mirkin & Kas ner. the merchants who do a business Lin the Good building next to the bank, this week's issue of this paper. hese two gentlemen never do things be halves and you can rely on what Hey say in their advertisements. } Hund Smashed. : /on Wednesday afternoon Dennis otton, who is emploved at the Ash. roft colliery, had the misfortune to have his witht hand smashed in some manner, while performing his labors. Dr. Worrell, who was sammoned, looked after the injured member. : List of Unclaimed Letters, The following letters remain in the ostoffice at Patton for the week end- ing Saturday, March 14, 1586; : wo. Cone, Jos Carney, Mm Crans Thurston, Robt. Evans, Andrew Miss Magpie Lenhart, John “ngan Ringe, W. Y. Spencer, Mm Media Willismston, James wi Persons calling for the letters will please SRY they are adver timed E A Msuox, P.M £ 2 Ff TAL pp AE a a PR I ae ee ; RTE
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