Vie | — uit for $1; all-wool | about our new goods. at them, please, and form your _ own opin i your boye for Easter rs a pin PATTON, CAMBRIA co, PA, THURSDAY, APRIL 2 2, 18g. at sic 00 o PER YEAR. VoL 1 mr xo. 18. EN’ 8 STORE, AIT This § Spring? to A inds of urnish you with | | Good Men and True Selected were at the scene and after moch diffi- | for the June Term. FIRE VISITS PATTON. The Residence of M. Fe Crain on Palmer over eight feet Avenny: Deovtrayed. If so we are Below will be found the list of grand Mr. Crain's house from destruction. aud traverse jurors drawn, with the of Johnstown, for the regu- i= term of Cambria county court livering nearly all the household goods | | commencing the first Monday in June: Grand Jurors. | Goons, Jos. A., Allegheny twp. | Harshberger, Cornelios, Adams. | Hetrick, Louis E., Hastings. ' Hveryihing but the worms, and you can dig them in any old place “yon know.” of Garden and Flower | Jomes, Philip H., Blacklick twp. James, Daniel W., Ebensburg, E. W ‘Kelly, Patrick, Blacklick twp. | Lantzy, Andrew, Hastings. Litsinger, Barney, Patton. | Meehan, Wh, Patton. | | Miller, Daniel D., Croyle twp. Miller, Jacob, South Fork. : Mulligan, James, Patton. - Ott, Joseph, Dale. | Robine, Peter, Jr., Washington twp. Ryan, Jobn, Chest twp. Stall, Josiah D., Stonycresk twp. ler, A. A., Chest Springs. ny Samuel L., South Fork. Traverse Jurors First Week. Rorsbaagh, David, Jackson tw. ‘Stutzman, Wm. B.,, Upper Yoder twp. | | Strittmatter, Anthony, Hastings. Scheid, Jack, Patton. _ Sheehan, Jerry, Rende twp | Soheirmund, John, Daisytown. Schettig, John, Cambria twp. Weakiand, Thomas, Susqoenanna twp. | Wright, Pdward, Franklin. Westover, David, Sasqoshasina twp. Travers Jurern-Second Week. Averill, James, Reade twp. Boland, Louis W., Barr twp. Custer, Ww, G., Conemaugh twp. i Wm, Chest twp. i 2) on we u were boys we. 0 rents what | 1 catch if we oeed to go fishing. grow to be mer! ts we are apt to exagerate | Dillen, John, susquelsnnn twp. * Dietrick, Martin, Chest twp. | Dysart, Wm. J.; Lower Yoder twp. Diebl, Daniel, Portage. Farren, James, Portage. | Farren, Michael F., Cambria twp. | Harshberger, Frank, Franklin. Hite, Henry L, Dale. i Horner, 8. 8, Adams twp. ! Keating, Thomas, Morrellville, 3rd Kirkpatrick, James, Spanier. i Kring, Jacob 8. T., Adams twp. : Kline, Frank, Elder twp. | Kirkpatrick, Deaane, Spangler. Lantzy, Simon, Susquehanna twp. Lather, Harry, Barr. Overdorf, Oliver, Morrellviie, 20d ward. Push, Le, Morreliville, 2nd ward. in speaking about our goods _*F and telling the public how far ore their dollars will go if they! buy of us. | 5 Tierney, Wm. J., Cambria twp. We're afraid to say much We're proud of them we might ex- srate. Just come and look | ion, Mothers now is Lh is the time to prepare | Supt stock of Boys’ ite in this end of the from 8 up to 18 ye. 8 3 you more this did last. We have the for $1.50; ool dress suita for 2, 250, 3 3.50, late sore Easter gt suits at 2, th, Casper, Barr twp. Stineman, W. H., South Fork. | Somerville, John, Patton. Schrader, Albert A, Richland twp. Varner, David, Adams twp, Walters, Wm., East Taylor. Wetzel, John, Carrolltown. Yahner, Ed. Hastings ne VISAS | ATION. cemetery at St. Augustine, Pa. “| BG TE FOR PATTON | In a short time after the alarm was, en the energetic Patton firemen | given a On Memorial Day; Saturday, | May 3oth, 'cnlty in laying hose, which was toa j Sndvaniage in every move, succeeded | in quenching the flames and saving the | property belonging to Sam’l Kirk- patrick, of Hastings, which was not’ rc from the burned build. | Soldiers. Extensive Foroerattons are Sine Made for the Duy. | Notwithstanding the bad eondition A large number of people congre of the roads the Grand Army Post, of gated at the fire and succerded in de- this place, was well attended on Satur. day last, there being present 32 mem- bers. ‘ing, but did not arrive in time to save to a safe distance. The fire is supposed to bave origi! ' nated from a defective flue and started in the garret. © Mr. Crain states that his joss from fire, and damage to household goods will reach about $1,500. The building was covered by $1,000 insarance, mak- The principal work of the Post for the day was making arrrangementa for the observance of Memorial day. They will try and arrange with the different ‘societies, Fire company, ete, of this place to join in a parade in the morn. | ing, after which the Post, with the ing the net loss $500. Som x Veterans, will ma march lo He sls ‘sanidy cemetery a1 r decorating GOVERNMENT AWARDS the graves of their comrades there they . Reeetved hy she on 4 Nallters in Cambrin Lil 20 to Carmiitown where they will : sud N¥oathy Counties. be joined by the Hastings Post. The The following pension certificates o jointly will decorate the soldiers’ fave beet imsued since the date of op ot that place and then proceed March to Chest Springs and Bt. Angustine, Increase James K. Deemer, Homer, ning to Patton in the evening Indiana county; John H. Brown, Raffle 0 4 noblic camp fire will be held dale, Westmoreland county; Conrad go, gor ll. Committees have been sp- Piper, Rochester Mills, Indiuna county; ' pointed consisting of soldiers and the Jobn Hamer, Hooversvile, wives and danghters of soldiers to take county; Andrew 1. Beck, JORRMOWN; i arge of the matter. It is expected Irvin Lydick, Indiana; Geo. F. Lee. 0 i, Sone of Veterans and other Irvons,ClearBela Soumty ; Duvid Bangh- societies and citisens of the town will hah, Sao erson county. | appoint committees to work in con | Original Benjamin Miller, Portage, 0 tion with the committees appointed Cambria county; John K. Myers Crete, by the Post. Indiana county; James Widener, Allch, | “yy oy cqrnestly hoped that every citi- | Hantingdon county; Daniel C. Little, of paton, Carrolitown, Chest Springs, Cambria county; Sam- go no 0 Aug and the town. {uel Calhoun, Advance, Indiana county; whi pe adjacent thereto will do all they Cyros Thomas Greensburg; Joshua po nake this the “swell” day in Indiana. ae iors, ca. Had 1 ar? of Sts Cumbr._3o| ‘Sloppy, New Millport, Clearfield mittees appointed by the Post: { county; Elizabeth Irvine, Hazen, Jof-| (0 mjitee 16 solicit Floral Contribu- {arson county; Barbara FE. Bottenborn, .. Patton: G. M. Tibbi Oliveburg, Jefferson county: Magile oy cman: Mra WH. H. Beil ME Henry, Houtzdale, Clearfield county: ©. Brown, Mrs 8. M. Wilson, Mrs BE minors of Chales J. Wilson, Bmokville, Jolt count Talis A.M Will Greene, Mrs. Matilda Kinkead, (mother, Deford. EL ar Tan Tae. rs. John Tate, a le Sa Fase Rapin. mm, roan; y Addons} Sylvester Bannet, Clear. Mm V. Damm, Mra M [trite : Renewal and increase--Jobn Wolf FE po 4 Sis. For et Heathvil'e, Jeffarson county, i: BORER, ’ Mrs. Agnes Stole, Mra Mary Hurd, Two Aged Crtiuens Puss Away. - Miss Henrietta Cramer, Mm. Anna Me- Died, at his home in White town- Graine. For 85t. Aogostine: Thos C. ship, Cambria county, Pa, on Sunday, Miller, chairman; Mrs Ida C. Wilt, | March 29, 1498, at 12 o'clock, Michael ‘Miss Julia Detomier, Miss Mollie Behe, Sheehan, aged about 79 years. The de Mr. Geo Harber 'ceaned was one of White township's Committee on Marking Graves: Geo. most respected citizens. He wasborn W. Cassidy for Patton; Valentios in the County of Cork, Ireland, in 1817, Damm for Carrolltown; Patrick Car. ‘and came to White township in 1854, ran for Chest Springs; Lake Bebe for where he has resided up to the time of St. Augustine. his death, and where, by his untiring Committee on Speakers: W. H.H.. industry and thrift, he has socoeeded Bell, chairman; Major John A. Wolfe, in acquiring a comfortable competency. | John Gants, (. C. Crowell, Luke Behe. ‘He is survived by one son and one Committee on Street Decoration: C. daughter TM. Sheehan, who C. Crowell, chairman; Jobn Haltagiver, resides in Clearfield townahip,and Mary Joseph Hipp, G. W. Cassidy, John | wife of James Davis, who resides on Cosgrove, S. M. Wilson, W. H. H. Bell, the old homestead in White township. | Adam Heist, P. Keith, Chas Prescott, ‘Mr. Sheehan wis a good citizen, a Bam’l Barr. kindhearted neighbor, and was beid in Committees on House Decoration: high esteem: among bis friends and ao Jobn Gants, chairman; Mise Grace quaintances. The funeral took place Juckson, Mra. John Gants, Mm. Adam day a9 x m After a requiem Heist, Mrs. GG. M. Tibbina, Mm. G. W. high mass by Rev, J. J. Lodden the Owsidy, Mrs. C. C. Crowell, Miss Katie remains were interred in the Catholic A Kinkead, Miss Katie Wilson. | Committee on Invitation: W. H H. Bell. chairman; 8. M. Wilson, C C. "Crowell, Geo. M. Tibbine, Adam Heist. Committees on Transportation: V. Died, at his home in Clearfield town- | ship, Cambria county Fa., on Sunday, March 28, 1906, at 9 o'clock pom, John Lomadoe, Sr, aged 73 years. Deceased was born in White township, | Cambria county, Pa, in 1823, He was a quiet, inoffensive citizen, respected Hi by everyone who knew him. His re- | mains were laid to rest in the Catholic chairman; | cemetery at St. Angustine on Monday, Jackson. March ist, at fa m., after a requiem | high mass by Rev. Father Ladden. Jan. Commons & Sons, who have a Faster Servinen. store at Hastings and Barnes boro, have A sunrise prayer meeting will be opened up a new grocery store in the held in the M. E. church next Sanday (larnelias block on Fifth avenuoe, Pat morning at 6:30. The Sunday school gon. Thuy expect to handle a full and will hold an Easter Missionary service complete line and will do a strictly #6 10:30 a. m. An excellent program cash business. gm ba Congrom, Martin Deitrick Joseph Ce mitiee on Mamie: W. HL. IE. Bell, RC McCracken, A J. A New Grocery. Chest ‘fore we reachid your tows. mast mail ews. A Few Pointers Anos the Patton Buse | Pail Clad and Others. Following are the newly elected officers and some of the players: {chosen for the Patton base hall club! | thin year: Renel Somerville, manager, | , assistant; Wm. H. | Harvey Lingle WILL HONOR THE DEAD Mears, secretary and treammir, Dave, Dale, captain. The playery are the | two Reillys, Armstrong, two Dales, Wolfe, Smith, Hunter, O*Rarka, Wil | leaned Here and There by the ° “Courier” Reporter. Attend the dance on on 17th | for ing of {the Yeager ball for the baoufit of the | Patton base bali club, The boy wonder says he is tino young ‘to raise whiskers, bat his strong arm | will put the Hairy on. “Baldy” was down to Philipsbarg | Patton Boroogh. We, the undersigned viewers, ap- pointed by the Cour, to make and remem and to levy contribu: | tions for the grading of Fifth svesus in Patton Borough, insice the fullowlag otttng sous of Socas homrruse be: schedule of of damages and contribu- ‘ pwed while them, Walt is using lote of linuel a To Chest Creek Land and Improve his arm is good for twenty winders, Cleveland is weak so fur, but will take a brace when the time cimes. have missed it in young blood. ment company we allow no damages and nemems Do contribations. To R. H. Yeager we allow no damages | and asses no contributions. Irwin, of the New York's, seems to! To John Solomon we sllow no dam- and assess no contributions. ages Everybody is invited to thy dance on | To D. A. Buck we allow no damages Friday night, April 17th. Who says Smithy's sneuk in the pond is the home for all. Nash, of the Phillies, is the right man in the right place. oh ee er mantic ar Be a ways gobbles "en ap. “Fatty” can’t and won't side as the pond will est him ap. Wander if Pittsburg will be like the cow's tail this season, Honter says if they deop in his garden, ta, ta, cut! : Pation’s teat for ‘96 proniises to ex- cell all other years. Dave informs os he is “in it” this year for good. Francis says, ‘don’t say von youd, | Fil kill em.” The dance, the dance, the dance on pApH 19h. : “Army's” wing Is O. K., so trot "em at Wait! Hear from Pap Ammon. Should be Evcouragid. Doesn't it make them wepry? It not only makes them weary, but it most. discourage them when they are en deavoring to do their work faithfully, und not asking any recompense for it! wither. You ask who it muses weary? The Patton firemen, who Vlumteck to fo tisk their lives to save property from “destroction. tain number of persons who make it a, point to attend every frvi fir, it seema, | 150 other purpose than bo iriticiee and make upgentiemanly rvnjarks about the firemen while on duty, and to give “instructions’’ to the chimf, who oer tainly understands his bisiness. Why | do you do it? Place yourself in the same position, working sninst disad- vantages like they were it the recent fire. and see bow yoo fhel with six or sight parties telling you ti do this and ‘that. If you want to by ative in the work why don’t you send your name | into the company and bpoome a mem. ber. The Boys do the bust they can Land shenld be encoursyud instead of eriticised and found fait with. stop to think you will ugires with the if you writer on this point, taking into con- sideration that they do this work vol- antariily. | saying you will not find ao letter organ- in this section than we hive got right “and become one of wig honor. Commuanicntad, The following is a letter from Patton signed by truly “hits the nail on the head: think of it- consumed m making the round trip. Such miserable accommodations as you people have to the (punty Seat, and aspecially from Kaylor, where we were transferred to a freight train, and had the Jife almost jerked out of us be There are always a cer- | and assess no contributions. To John Yahner we sallow no dam | ages and smsess no contributions. After viewing the promises Sd Hoar ing the evidence of the parties in interest, we deem that the benefits derived by ssid property owners are Squat to the damages sustained by them by resson of maid establishment of grade. We also make and report that-the ' grading be done by the Town Council | of the Borongh st the cost of the Bor- ough and the pavement re-laid in con- ‘formity to the grade established by Ordinance, sfter the ground is graded, ‘at the expense of the Boroagh. We Seiad at 4d grads a Ve VINER dan iw alitie parties in interest that we will meet at the office of James Mellon, in Patton | Borough, on Saturday, the 11th day of | April, 1808, at 10:30, when and where said viewers will meet and exhibit sald schedule and hear all exceptions thereto and evidence relating to said grade. W. J. WEARLAND, G. J. FIMIPATRICK, Jon H. SOMENIZE, | March 30, 1808. Patroms of Husbandry 1 Meet On Monday, April Sth, as was stated {in the COURIER last week, three ses ‘slots of Pomona Grange, No 81, | Patrons of Husbandry, will be held in ‘the hall at Loretto at 8:30 a m., 1.90 and 7:30 p. mv Features of the mest ings will be recitations, essays, and the discussion of subjects pertaining to ‘agriculture, politics snd the social life of the community. At 4 o'clock the | menting will be opened in the fifth de- gree for the initiation of applicants who | desire to take the degree of Pomona | At the evening session sn address will "be delivered by W. F. Hill, lecturer of the Pennsylvania State Grange. Three Tufivets Ruried. On Sunday, March 22 the infans son of Mr. and Mm James McCans, of Lang avenue, died after a short illness “anil was buried on Tuesday, March 24, : in the Patton cemetery. The COURIEN in safe in An infant of Mr. and Mm John Gowen, of Mcintyre avenue, died om ised and a more willing set of firemen wo ingly, March 25 Interment took place at Hastings cemetery of here in Patton. Send in your dollar prguey March 27. Us an Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pochorto died “and was buried in the Puiton vomemry on Saturday. “Smith” published in the Fhensburg Moantaineer list week and On Thursday, March 26, an infant of To New Quarters: W. R. Thompson, the pleasant and genial publisher of the Ebensburg “Did you ever travel from Patton to Ebensburg® It's a dandy trip. Just almost seven long hours Thompson now has one 5( the teatest Mountaineer, has moved his office from the old stand into the basement of the opera houss at that place. Mr. anid best equipped printing offices in ‘Cambria county as everything is prop- erly and conveniently arranged in modern style. The CovniEn extends congratulations. And sev- | : The Residence of MW. M. Crain on Paimer is being prepared. The pastor will Avenne Deviruyoed, {preach an Easter sermon at 745 p. m. | On Tnesday morning shout 3 o'clock, All other services as usual. Every. as all law-abiding citizens of Patton body welcome. 1 have now accomodations for a num- ter of boarders at reasonable rates. crowded. were peacefully slumbering, the still- | ness of the night was broken by the shrill sounds of thy locomotive whistles, i ringing of the fire alarm bel and the ory of fire and upon investigation it was soon Jearned that the residence of Will Build This Spring. Frank Ivory is busy these days mak- | to build a new dwell ing house on his property near Mellon avenue. Hobbard & Wise have se cured the contract and the house will | ; (‘all on Mra. Francis Hammond. -17t3 On Easter Monday night, April sth, 1598, the Patton Fire company will ‘hold a grand bail in their ball on Lang swvenue. Everybody is invited to at- M. M. Crain on Palmer avenue Was , 5.x feet, two stories high. Work tend. Don’t miss it as it will be a alsts | ablase, and in lees than an hour's time the pleasant home was consumed by. fire. The first discovery of the fire was that of Mr. and Mrs. Orain, who were awakened by being nearly suffocated | hy smoke. They at once awoke their two daughters, who were sleeping in | wiil be commenced soon. Por Sede A business block in Patton containing | two store rooms and tenement appart- ments. Terms inent street. Patton, Pa rand afais. By order of COMMITTER. Our spring stock bas arrived and reasonalile. On prom- other goods are arriving every day. Address P. O. Box 31, .i3ee us for prices and yoo will be happy. Ln Mmmxiy & Kosmm. > ton, recently had the stom Yoo ia his property dtied up convisniently and wuited by giving him a LR eal of th fort ta A Enetini Bonk. e o e more unforfanate pass. oo, : debited engers had to stand, the cars being so Th h h of BN y : ty I wonder bow loag people |, 0 of Superintendent of Pab- who ure compelled to travel will grave. | Ne 1 ction. of the. Comm th fully submit to such abominable rail- ’ Pe ivanin for the an road accommodations. If is simply an ane aE The r ¥ war yuding outrage upon the public and I think the people of yoar ors eet EY 4 Aki Geran \y blame for the present tienin it very useful volume, any An A A Ten Mare for Putten. : Prive Awarded. Alex Hanter, of Fifih avenue, Pat During the contest in raising money hin’ {for the Lisut. Kaylor Post, No. ass, has opened up a first-clies tea store. | prise of a neat He will carry the finest’ lines of teas, | toned i in over {80. The whois amount eoffes, ete. in this section aad all ean be | of money received in the contest wus | 6.90.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers