pipet Go to The Cambria Hardware Co. for skates. 41 rE - op Sway 1% nn Whe sable Vaan off | Bia bead. al i Pout Gouds % Chas. A. Rogers, 0 ee itral hotel Tuesday. Never say soything in your ads that g) TOU MAY hove is deny in your store. candy when Don’t miss buying ir employes you buy. Nothing ot amigo Jogr- ta here. Suite for bays a, stopped | y- 0 a0 Lar the tao of Mable, eame up to Patton on Saturday Ha MYMAS at Pilatiarg, sop | 3 , of Johnstown, was s Saturday. , Was YY, 3 i ; i Sentinel. i bof Patton know sl - gon it and they COURIER. EO EE - won't study kang to mt when you do. ——— a Son: two | and Wed. st redoved Erith. of Neasmber | 4p oak J. © atrink’s galery om Filth enue. 2H Mr. x. and Mre, A. C. Fisher will leave nd f morning for & two p friends and relatives at ah to do business with | oe) merchants come to i 85d them af repre. | Vater company has ex- : from the corner of » Magee of ex- have but De will care RRR has Patton. Ce the past fo fow ry and show | i | at of the designer. 1d Hateh, wife of Dentist i eritical condition . of an extraordinarily le, Sad the Doctor, him- from a felon on one of hilipetrarg J. P. Me {home om | like resuits. st. South | The children of Police were i] with messels are valscing. Editor Foley, of the Carrolitown News, 4 ef GucurEn 4 gop Sul of | Saturday. ales (. Thurman the “Old Roman,’ jast Thursday st his home in | 0. John hunter, who has been oversee ‘ing a colbery near Coalport s bom on ‘ns visit this week. HH. the multi-murderer, recived his death sentence at Phila delphia on Batarday. John R Cordell, the genial pro of the Central hotel, was st on Tuesday. The Cambria Hardware oompany EE . For ent, store room on Ma- gee avenue for a jeweler. All thas gee Avenue sls 8 0 wire st | offios. |W. (. Bhiffer and Mr. Van Dusen. two of Hasting's prominent business welcome men, were visitors to Patton Howorth's and Dublin | Dan comedy and speciait oom: at Ban comedy mS ‘noon aid evening, a ben pk 1h re of returned to her y. — Ebensburg Sry Sntermenied, Grape Juice in 0 has 5 wide from. $14 | nine pheasatiia, one woodoock, town Tribune, 1 walfaring With piles, est you to know that De Witt's Witch | ee will cuir therm. This med icine is » specific for all complaints of : this character, and if instroctions which are simple | sre carried out, a cure will result. We have tented this Lin DUIETOUN and siwsys with it will ioter- The Patton Coal company bave beet. ow the convenience of the “and the supsrintendants office. which i» a1] the go’ It never fails. CC. W. : But what we receive orders for either WATCHES. ‘NOVELTIES. You may not understand why-—we'll tel you. Tittle prices five little words, but they make us ham. = HONSTILESD It hasn't been very long since footwear like this was Qur grandpar- Fonts will perhaps remember | 11. And how prices change ts! lLabor-saving devices have made it poss bie for us to sell ladies’ fine Lyons Kid Button Boots for a2. 50. hey are shapes v. soft and pliable. Not very long ago fhe 8 same Guai ity shoe would Bays good 1 25.%0 $2. Misses dress to 82. Ladies shoes 1 35 to #5. Mens shoes 1 25 t to 85 Rubbers 35¢, 49¢, Soc to &5¢ Mens leather boots, ‘ones 2 to 350 COLCHESTER NO. 1 Rub ber Boots at 2 60, same as all others sell at 83 (OME HERE FIRST. Your money back for the asking. got, The Shoe Man. 'Reuel Somerville. Attorney-at-Law, P. ATTON, Pa. Oem in the (rod Busiding. in the adjoining room is made more convenient Bell, the clothier, displays i mine tasty sbow window Ui prepared expecially for the holiday season. AD +. Assortment of smoking eta, Sk NI en fflern thes, handker: dress night Siri: and are a in a Hanmi Tore Pag to be window dresser of merit. It's worth your while to go and see this window. | he new runing | ivanis railroad water from the Sars of thi standing the facilities thos increased, the water fumine is. rT felt around the railroad says the Altoona Trivane. Water trains ure running ith u regularity, but on account oe the weather the required supply is hard to maintain. C. C. McKelvy left on Monday x gret very | ren as citizens of our town, berland’s loss is Patton's gain, and we | wish them saooess in their pew GBedd New Comberiand Independent. Lv Te to Loa, In sums of $200 10 O00 on ap 0 proved real estate secarity. For ticulars address J. C. Patrick, Patton, Pau One Minote Cough Cure is rightly i It affords instant relic! from ing when afficted with a vere cough or cold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tabes, and longs and never fails to give instant relief CW Hodgkins. For Sale. A good restaurant in best location in Address box 313 for | particulars, Patton, Pa. ose Coughing irritates the delicate Org” ans and aggravates the disease In- on stead of wal try One Minute bai =i a tion Every one likes it CW - Hodgkins. We now have skates of all sips THE CAMBRIA How. Li, No excuse for sleepless nights when you ar pg One rth Cough Cure. TH Br wil relieve all annoyances, cure the most severe cough snd give you rest and health. Can vou afford “A CHANCE FOR HOME SEEKERS AND INVESTORS. : Free of Cha ha We have several building | terms. We will sell vy You a ots We trust our patrons will order ear ly so we can Bl all assortment may be somewhat broken, although we have i large stock. Some Samples of Our Chnstmas Provision. 1. LOW-PRICED GOLD WATCHES. In all qualities, sizes, weight and sty les of engraving; some Teal plam cases. A selection of the best pattern of most reputable m makers. We would ike to show them Io jou 2. SILVER & SILYEROID WATCHES. uperh line of Jadiey designs rn back rt of hecorating on Especial mention is directed to the su Silver Cases, with Gold centre an nd nla They are the last work in the damty = » silver. x 7, ) hE 3. CHAI Gentlemen's Vest Chains in &iff ferent qualities. [orgnettes (or Gu ward Chains differ Groid. 'S AND CHAIN BRACELETS. Ladies” it styles in Sibver and 4. Clocks. % 3 # ] 8 ey oF ~ nd TL AR ke. LYral YO at als ow i A lars Tad 1 Ccks, amtaque 5. RIiNgsS. mtd plain ringn wilding Fog, , pentiemen’s wt rings mite righ. ehoag and ohidd mn Patton and vicinity snd eb 7. Buttons, Link off buttons, regular cuff buttons, shirt butions, studs neck bottons, ‘nv 14 Karat solid goid, plated gold, and sterling siver. 7. Novelties. chain silver besmben, paper catters, match hazet brick , Crochet needles with wissors © frazoes ad Bon siiver snd gold trim a. Right Goods Thie is oar mitte and with thowe words 3 uf the tweet equipped Jewry Triiby hearts, you to write for 4 selection package of vot are andi 40 pay ¥ give VOU your own time to pay for same. agreement 1 is signed then pay the balance onthly QU ARTER lL.Y Ar 3s on just Here 1s a chance for everybody at ¥ 5 Call and ses us whe ther a thing 1 interest Vi in Patton advantages of invest Remember - We - Give - the - Best to do without it? C WwW. Hodgkins Our avercosts at §7, all-wool Dress. ing and good. Better ones at | 8 14, Rest coat in three conaties al 12 50. You want to look over our. suits when ready to buy. Beri. ®% 2 w sh We RAKE a pro 0 will be ing in Patton Real Estate. Rather Slender ¥ This store is ran chased rings, CL KS JEWELRY, or SILVER “It's our big variety and orders for nearer Christmas our Ns i nil & Pe RY WE oa the Pr ripciple of slender profits and : lots of then: That means ‘many sales with a hrtle margin OT 2 gach a AaRl. AY w 5 worth Sw gets For Instance: It means. further, that thas wi the cheapest store vo ¥ 10 owy-—theap heeause aman money 's Men's god alb-wool suats w ag 5 By re of = Better anes in ot, =, well worth $10. , worth $6 50 Black & fev We have your size in these make a small payment when AE os BLS. Good wilrm men ox * hea uly ; Or r Yes. Ope hike 1 1 at TEX, 4 0% 4. 5.8 & 2 yh kaRe ig By gid i ah " Dur rhase. oe OT Dol, VOU DAY Soe same wry x 5 x * 2 oy gras ie WALT gn Be ahs moe. ® it's 0 NRE VE % Lia aA the other 4c 1. S BELL. The Clothier. Terms. Overcoats Our hark bea {} an assortment © eS storm coats for worth that amt er coat at $8 i wil} offer 1s hat — MHarses, Brudbes, Saddles, Collars Xenm amd Whips, Tees (Mis Fie Repairing a Specialty. E J SEVERIN, Prop’, PATTON. PA,
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