oy WILL 0:RLEION as ie {Cp sigs wre we mid 2 shop An" thorns cag Fur Baal San, 0 Res! Aes ehovis with be deder en An so wp An’ bok the train an’ b a bm Tie childnn py chiar An’ if my pan An’ BY Ti rn bac 4 flown Ar’ An’ w hen An if the vour correct Wes rR hy Aid We went Eek Prono i Fels Piri # a x a oi ww a sn! pk pitts evi agh Fraeleny 1d 1 Tre shot Vag ay Prose Awrvistinn} fe Ulhiris rious Soy an 2) oof Hint, pbst vw Bins ‘ein Ail conten: wa eC Een SAR ine the cory dug we sewer ly praetor nme aR prow war al oan ys ord it ve the ow 3 hed CASH owedde r ave th put tea Woo dno aoe wv we bl desiree That § wes nit a first class sviph An when 1 1. He Hews av Au’ weld the Bi 100 sailor things o erred ; 3 tite Tek that asad to iF that Bante {lnas ir tad my 4 “ern fairy tales they wom weve Bars or TF tenth of - was ail a duxaghtey : jute 8 litle sight to langh nt if they ean ¥ £y wn the i] Cred oy I wasn fire, wy way dress np as Santa Ulsas wot teilin ther the ranse pretty mid, 4 ehihg an’ ciad in harry gach, with whiskers oom i ralyze the gwxperience] sign, An’ had some aleightails bright sn’ pew x bangin on BY YTS An po ers tall of Christ ares things to add ants nr LIEN, An Ww oh the strongest adder 10 wo thst 3 5 tL I entered in the chitioey Wp an * fim bere doskn. My goviness sakes! Who ever besrd of mols An timely look? vol ail $5 once, An suddenly 1 #tnek * fen sowaitin' 1 “fie Girar ‘pa Beli SRL 8 ApIHLR i'd traveled far, of tread ov An’ w 18 BLY pan ul reind ; 7 fe bw chi bis fh greed f Ys fathend p HH 1 wosld throw the myself 2% Yas 16 be brown, : sadn’ get ap or dE ard the nose wn ran distresin’ feed Wo know bir by his feet 1 what 1 had tried # snbet to SrR Wak, an’ chimneys in if 1? iy ad ias presents down, | wedn’t come An’ there 1 hong for quite awhile, with {ary in ur heart, Until they brought a mason in, who took the bricks npmrt An’ thoogh thoy made the children stop, an’ went Tomy of $0 bead I knowed what they was whiokin of an’ what they probly saad, An’ v hen the prrnin’ did appear an natn those orurred, They set aronnd the table there forbid to say a word, Asaferin’ so 10 laugh mt oe, graft, An’ hagin’ An’ then a fear cols iD my eye. an aleaia that I'd be for their presents, too-—1 knowed it weil enough. IKE 8 dunce I went an’ dog ihe presents ont an’ gies ‘em £3: to ara i says « * + 1¢ Manta {Clans i» what yoo all ‘a fake,’ 4 atse y pr ‘try things } Ye brow fur mistake real an’ po a8 An’ then they np an’ dasoed around an’ Kissed me, ome by Lue, nie an’ uz 5 thie sand 1 YE An’ made me like ‘ew more an’ wore in epite of all the whole, who always took my part, ‘An’ one, the prettiest of Bhe smiles’ nn’ sayy: ints fn thls re the notewcrthy your’ s shooting at Bisley was the work dove also ack gxcellent results in Rou: jaania, where the noteworthy merit of | 3 5 mokeless possders seems to be practi- : cally nlved. ~Neow Yark Sun. i KA Lubeck's Show, that the specimen used had been | year and a half. The problem of | “v's Gran'pa ! good kins, © by the English smokelest biar r called rifieite. The same powder ago ; tion this year of the products of the pountries with which the old Hansa town has always traded—Finland, Ros- | nig sin, Denmark, Norway and Sweden The Kiel navy yard has an important _ wxhibit. Proving Its Worth, A business boom that can grow and ‘right hen through the hob og. 0 is the gennine article and has | mont. gome to stay. The wise man appreciates oo, © harder than the blamed old chimney just had done, Fd bre imenmiwred we with thanks thear pranks Srp, We know hima by his heart’ Tt a oh mr 3. ASI SRS oman Rather Moun. “Speaking of dinners.’ mid Haw reminds me of something I over d in theses very rooms Bot Two nighie 1 siways knew Smooks wae of » saving nature, but the follow was downright mean.’ “*How’ & that?’ waked BinfTkins in differently, SWisll, like it was this Toeslsy i night Snacks came In and began talking fwith Webb | on Satarday,” sad Spooks | Lubeck i is quietly holding an exhibi- | ‘1 hear you re going awar Hi¥en anrwered Webb ‘For three months’ “+ And what are yoo dong tonsrrow ht ¥ Wednesday.’ said Webh °'l have no cogagement for Wednesday.’ + * And the next night? * “That's Thursday. lakes on that day.’ tx Dear, dear! That's a pity, «, with a good bluff at dis cnt to take Fn i ee Betis Bud this, and is managing his affairs scoord- | en ingly. —Detroit Free Press. A Saal kh, TAN HS A Change of Sentiment. In the light of lator news a revolsion | evel, 5 of feeling in favor of the Chiness vege _ tarinns is cetiing in and the rat eate rs | are undor suspicion again. —LLIcAge | bay, nea Tribano i Grains of wheat have been foo | the sun dried bricks of Egypt ;. dati ng fram at lsat B i FPapiritn Santa, the | pra ws Holy 5p Ler r quarters at 8 ‘bal hese Large reaintyineil ¢ perwstary dotics was {prem Dekiekass Cteawe. The pails ; many | WREn Prt I never believed tiuas % ot din potieies of w In th nad 1m | oy that « 2 oy | eawipeian FrArE, © | in onmny, My PRRITLL Whe 8} EmEery sexier [twas je Minonr try |= Yrs a am | tout AoE NE ors aa Chwue wear denny | ment of Mien, | regarded tin ation we wars tu malay in us Izienel} Pann ite | good many | went eurrioel Ht Reswy forage, . Shney amd gli i Sew ¥ lie dest keer Banks Bemer Yaenny v. Nan fava 0 Ae share be pe : tn fn hewn ged sr gt hm Peen gt de BE 85 Peto HE the Yelations beliteen vovdial and day wokson wrty compatible with the sitety senand and he perfor of crmiitied. Small foraging parties seomred the cotpiry shemt snd gathered op a epaly nr RerE and Phas where % the srroy Bard tet and malt that reucheed us at Sf CATE 8 ri and pan were 1 kw ont evasta ned wines, mt Eons ar = ENE ard 2 Pou toleradie regular Rage NE PET Oe Ehlers STEEL BITE i thie wien to Hung fe hae ee Gass paper i yi wed, and 1aETR Cowpens tn Righ Nearly every Shen #0 Lhat tke { recipient com ad pee | what tha boys called a '"Suuday @n meeting” appeRIanon I dine with the | was Bot regolir, those | arrive A Or ORIn ARG A $m Rae 1 Sovee IoD & Weed of & Texw : ; for poh fem pomar Ceall Chratmas Xmas, 0 servies sod Tost 5 ox rire ae ty the dup in 8 Hiroe of Hw Wey, FRE Dedaie gp ht g reed Ww EX A Lode Yishun Aol mn Kasam i 3 5 5 wiki mg By el Vl RET vi oe avy ATELY BERGY OB depths of the hanwiRercs ie iy hundred dread fx 0 gh md that 3 ak thirie bE thers fro $a Hoan rere CAA ayaa vn Cand hang teen wy LF E ym. 2 Aus 0 they Wall, bred bites ap ee sas 3% Karey wed Pos» fx sells be net an o thipgs om 1 win 1 be an Rm. for thoven Be 55 Ls The Troe Christmas Spirit. iT% Sad aL A ana hres wu oN a Bhi aN DAG I i derats ana we wi Heaansaber the Poor. pom Bor (Thriss " ; PRE Sis REALE Er ET RE rset Ine alse To sit Oo ron dni, Jee, Woedooune, © hristones of serpow with redsed Poe gE 2 Sirding Dt ad Mrs Hemans ans SANTA FE ROAD. ani ing Facts Reesiled Relating (oe the Buibd- ing of the Rreterm The Trad] Before in| yo of 4 Fh. ph odo hes XT a: sited in She. RiGee fren rap im pra fiery want dluem id Yew er apy intrusos freon the porth sod sees. Arial Anaeri- swe bs repand the Spanish pessoas By Mavis with an Srriaaeid nating al evvatutmen HE Cy ae unt ul wn Ey El | por. nil 5 k tise Mexia Jedymtind Noa ore | of t Asmrioan deme dt Seas Peary Taw Bh 34 the & “fet IRA wiih mune ernie 0 with foe Sars anal Ril stained Over SLR IR hy six Ten TER 3 ¥ sate nat 3 ou On resol Santa Fe tw veered Ti BR haaiew the vlains Jew TO 4 4 thers were Uist sasas now eka Tn iy pomimen of bh pete 8 thay MI Loe Oras Bone WY capa gw ¥ eR : BIR a Pema (are este Wea Er SRR 10 AY ada direaiy ne th ABT 3 ak Par London, On the ¥isteris Simts re Trail Tederes. | 3 3 x days ware regpmimint To Lomdon with “Ory Gop or Tallawstone Faure. blew 0 the Yalow X hy they ie ry Bey are foeally re. | Geciegteat | 2 with the dimes I ask them for —Dee ie A A WP AR itl IN seers whi go up the ratlwar® pie of the hog Jone back: axl the a about DEER Pokies snd Cheong to Hangobow hay. sttuin their greatest height and a met] moos over #0 feet in height | gweeps srvecetibly 3p i shallow and | fonnel shaved eetmary, often prodocing | tresmendond Tavs the surrounding | ponntry | hens ots samme, mosey dike,” opm Fhe areal dxpeesded in surdesstye peesrmelag su be posh Ene te CS Hekate Som ine mntes before 1% rrr iv heard : ; il the wall ty weter. tall we toe labward of a are hein g aE 5 seit rand the 5 Joe sin at vis prem om the laffely k. hw | i Ee Tee) oak #% fia fons ue SATE wag of the 1 Livan : x pd fiaiiy x DarTYas » advan a ETRE 3 RleT Lares are etiret. Par gs by Last lf ; ARDY Ca, regia kan of hondeed soare inter The i grea pak, REO Ee hefty thee CRA Ton experiment ne Tease i fino Dag LYRE. Ee a tie wn a few a mgs,” aid img man yesterday, sth] 10 ie 3 trail that anh Be Bow Calnane bo caiind Burlap Johesens lpoanes he Wak Dever KNOW £0 wonr a pair of boots, hat alesse Pept Bie font seal up io borings Clie cane vax packed] harms 1 took dioner—ackd porn brea! and beron—with him, sed thn mad down for a smoke Won't yo 5 Jot ax wn ds your kin omnes de, wiper he asked Crt faanly, Tid i tiara liy enrprised Bir aed 3 piling aay 8 Sipe. i sl pad om tn OOF WES, Eg WRK Ara Swn 4 omding WBEB Then be wept send Bae ANE + Sac 2 Cat Aes pin Hiamasd away 88 Cons Rand sap. WW) S——— r Shey Eh a ac YR EER RELA bh ty make hens WM waste ora iY peal 8 3 They do re mat work a fonr wen woudl They rut up the dirt, and when the rain comes | sia oe TL “Then 1 nnderstond that he wae as ing the bogs 1o'belp him mine fas Francoise: Post A High Priced Hangman. LIntre gost says Chat some Pears as Clarion {aRte Liat pan ter wanfed 10 pain ay Dadbhier, the pXalioner, 36 be exiibtted in a papers of Parican notabilithes He ddat beosuwy Moms Deibier de mpandded francs for the privilege of famsoas’ | Dangman wo hing i AC PRE “Whe man Ra og RE em A £8 tassel ae ta » Razry. Crna bee poe we butba Res | that adlon 41 me Wasp wv sorry, Wr, hut Burris Chamti ni Waiter No, any te moet me for a pint leman Tn wot always EE New ¥ =® Won ¥ ! Yom ve spilled i wma Knowledge ad Hones Ray pSoane people Dave mare money than they know what to do with Taggs—They sed to know what © ur Pres P Press. s Grardie originally meant to onil over, 86 besos or peas woaki be examined to rebbien Weelif's rane Bible says that “Gideon ER For Jsndrott 4 an exoeliant preparation fs mule of two copees of powdered | borax. ap onooe of powdered camphar and two goarss of boaling water. that Bows fram the of Kiangsi, = 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers