Patton Cour PATTON PUBLISHING CO How Do You know About Advertisi aad Such ng? Tuesday fit write wenty seve 1866, OW IR ! advertising EA {irk town Saturday ANSON Swan ville on Saturd: WwW. WwW. Am mer house W. Edwards, of Altoona, Was 8 guest at the Central hotel Tw A. Kinkead came do an business, say (reorge Ebensburg Frida: A i wix ‘tes 6 Ni rap len { i + journe: Vv without a bottle iain’ gs {olic holer : RAS ED Ng £3] i i 11R and Diarrhoae Remedy “T have used it for SVE in faving thar Major Picton RAVE, myseif Li § wn from family nleagnre Ward Richards, of Corning, + ain JEN our streets Friday Was Been on BP Biag hler, of guest at the Palmer house on ee driptiah to the Is vanr ? If so call COURIER H. D. Clemminger, of Elir stopped at the Comune roial hot day The gee & Lingle fry This kind of weather has del 1 (i116 Patton Coal company paid their men work on the clay plant to a certain extent. Louis Gallou and ‘George W. Schell, | of Hastings were visitors to Patton ¥riday. Lynn Patterson, of Ansonville, vis- his brother Harvey Patterson Saturday. Finest line of heating stoves in Pat- | ton at Cambria Hardware company’s store, -96tf Wm. H. Parnell erty, of Houtzdale, Patton Friday. The carry the finest in this scetion (‘onsiderable this week owing to of hotides advertising and. Wm. were v Hardware line of heatir aatf Hews Is erow ambria the large f.ebanon, Tuesnd: isitors to rombpany fon Pha ! g Was 3 Pp TTON and pay up. a; N.Y. el Satur: 3 AM i ! { ang xl ced fa gn Bal cough . be One Minute -Cough Cure. Better medicine; better. results; het- ter try it. C. w. Hodgkins. / When most needed it is not unusual | for your family ‘physician to be away | from home. ch was the experience | of Mr. J. Y. Schneck, editor of the | Caddo, Ind. Ter, Banner, when his little girl, two years of age, was thraat- ened with a severe attack of crcup. ‘He says: ‘My wife insisted that [ go ayed the sician was out of town F purchased a bottle of Heim: edy, t I will 25 and hamberlain's Cong rh F. Hog- which relieved not be withou Hi cent hott PEE 6X PiEi ad 11 RLOVER 2 Art yb wi A {3443 iil 4 i £5 and that en amonnt ie * companies a H. G. Martin, a traveling sa of Ptah A gristered fat mercial hotel Monday . Kinkead and Al Calhoun, fprhurg, were. guests at the hotel one day Dir. SW. Worrell, ac hig wife and daughter Roma ited at Altoona on Tuesday. HD finger jast HORE jo Fam Bros, of berger, repres Philipshin and M relat on HOTNS H Wea Grimme, Philadelph rests at GINMEreiad Monday. of Pittsburg, of Phil- Hatwick. amatintgg (lentral Aid bY. the only thing that ine, Vis goom pain i eannot be beg jet ra, Nash, ea at Al Tuesda;, SNE PE BY CR MT TS TIE and H. hotel O11 4 assortment f anni (0 1 it rad and wife, © of Mr. and i + (ABU. 5. Patton's an ini ture ho eaday; Snangier Hel The Baptist wishes 7 ly assists exten LOANRE LO 80 kind i } 1.4 ag 8 val held Mors Charlotta 3 the culinary deg fret Ladd hotel, vis sited her tater a ’ § firniiy al I hensb UTE 18s pty # ti3¢ ufnting ‘orrespondent to People Hard and se 51 y ixited at one das f Patton, Mrs. A. ] Lurweiis leading Hastings ; Y 8 Union those who making the festi- manager ee Lenilrag Toh Fini WwW 3k § nating 5th tertain | you will observe Dennis B rkey, 44 of Aug. H Borkes right side was { stri eH With pome eight weegs Ago, is overing. is a rare ca young fe re in this way ord “uf P #4 ye ATS, SOT. Hrs 1 on this | iT wt Vies £ ¥ el 18 pat Hy iM slowly re Je Avenue, that ope 80 Cp : 1323 Eleventh i for the doctor, but as our family phy- Farmers P sel, ALTOONA. WTR 1 ARANETA TRAY » es : “er ara cl and > Bh | \ I \WWVART The -Relia Hastings, Pa. Money to Loan.’ In sums of $200 to 810, 000 on ap- pres wed real estate security. ticulars address J: C. Pa. O4t1 Do You Wear For par- | Pat rick, Patton, i & Like A | : SHOES? at lL warm of Bees (Comes the pe ople \ \{i-woul wld cent lee All-wool hose 18 vents Vien nt Ours On a ——_ 2 . i dose Fong a 2 : t 1 & 1 “> « Be ¥ i Deshmenit Wg,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers