LG Slings VoL. uL —NO. 1. )., PA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1895. RR IR Ae pum PER y EAR. Santa Claus - * quarters for S! DOLLS! Te } Head-' AT DIES + Heard in the Term Commencing at Ebensbirg 3 we MONDAY, DECEMBER aD him Maggie Motia | moe Very Ntcranting Canin Wil Be Up for Trial A Large List. The criminal court calender, ss sub. | mitted by District Attorney Marghy. for the trial of cases in the Cambria eounty criminal court, commend ing | Monday, December 2d, wiil be found below. The following announcement | in also mile: William Alexander Prosecutors and wit- | nesses for the Commonwealth must be | ipresent on the days named below, when cases will be | grand jury; defendan | nesses need not be present ontil the | day named for trial of cases in which they are concerned. Canes for Grand Jury, Monday, Dee 2d. Cammonweaith vs. Howard Giant Masalt and battery; presecutar, O r Nicholas Hoyer and W H Robwrteon, assanlt and battery; Mary E Plum. Pp r John © Herdman, fornication, bas tardy, seduction; Mary A Hecker Paul Hermand, fornication and bus. tardy; Annie Cooper Enoch Miller et al, ott of al, malicious mischiet: Henry MoDerm. | Adam Christmas Tree Girdles and Olaod FP Miles, seduction, fornication Ornan.ents, Christmas Cards, Toys, Books, Novelties, Perfumes, Smokers’ Goods, Games, Notions, Blocks, Albums, ‘Toilet Cases, Mirrors, Knives. Musical Goods, Razors, Scissors, Toilet Articles, Cristmas Candy, Etc., Etc. Opposite School Building. and we n many wa i. ks that we are LEADE yin all ai kins of Ye Se MANGE Te MooN And all other wise men and women LL will tell you that thay are always treated wel At our maninoth store, attention will be shown to | Marine Hpecial persons dealing of the ay, with us who live out Visit us and be convineed, | R BROS. Johnstown, Pa. - 196 Market St. Telephone No. 140, wimo : and bastardy; Etta J Merritt OP , ot al, William Ashcroft «1 ‘al, forcible entry and detalner; J E Glunt O P Galer, conspiracy J EK. Glant hr J Westover fornication and PS Oa seduction; Maple Woodford | ylor, larceny and receiving sien #; J BE Glunt Buisshangh, fornication and Saatly, seduction: Pear! Buterbaough Givo 8 wr, fornication and’ a peda action, Annie Reeder Clementi McGough, fornication and | bastardy: Carrie Ruffing : J K Henderson, pe nloation bastardy: Marion Gibson John Larson, fornication and bas tardy; Mary Fh ley, keeping a disorderly house; Wan: Re ax "Sami ® mera faroany and roeiving; Mary Skut Elizabeth Felix chal recslving stolen goods: William H Mun Joseph and yresented to the | apd their wit- A » Howard, Peghasslome it Jato) Winn David Brown, Harris Case t or Tirtal, Ay Jacob Meier, Bare fuine pretense leaann tid. stir, 4 kiana rans, ® 4 ooh Kate Vorlus fin Christ E Blongh surety M 8B McUarry., ning Midsarry GP Galer “fornication inte nange, John J Wstover, and bastardy e Woodford i T Buterbas gh, fornication and aly Pearl Boterbaugh George Spencer, fornication and hae. tardy: Annie Reeder Clement MeGough, fornication snd i bastardy; Carrie Ruffing J K Henderson, fornication and bas | tardy; Marion Gibson Jo 1 Larson, fornication and bas tardy: Mary Swanson Pani Harmand, fornication and bas- tardy: Annie Cooper Christ E Blough, assault and battery, and aggravate amsnlit and battery; | : Kate Forbes 'M Loather, es wri battery; | Annie Hugh McNulty, assanlt and battery; Margaret McNulty larceny and re Yonkers, ceiving; iving. Jennie origi aga vated assauoit snd bn FE eh — it and bat. vated assault and battery, Sanders et al, larceny and | reat William Mundorfl | Carapaco Goadoquo, alias George | Marine, adultery and bigamy; : De Conna, Cases Tn: Grand Jury, Toesday, Ine. 3d. Commonwealth vs John Bergin and ' James Crawther, burglary; prosecutor, | : Andrew Mammau © John Sabal, entering and larceny: | Frank Murinis 8 M Wilson, assauit and battery and mayhem and felonious assault and | | ratrery: DH CO Warren Adam Smith, escape; Charles Wilt Benjamin Stich, assault and battery cand savated "assault and battery; 3 ME McNeal LG Cwrsuch, assault and battery and avated assault and battery; roaky Albert Kot. assanlt and battery ith intent to kill; William ¥ Cook assaglt and battery; Frank : . Adam Schlereth Willinrn Johnson, larceny and re- Lpedving: Albert Penkala PP Rew, allan Oram Reed, felonioas ! assanit and battery; Jacob Smith John Allison, larceny and receiving, | | Bylvester Rey molds Peter Korte assault and battery with Cintent to kill; William F Cook Jose Long, larceny and receiving; Thomas J Burkhardt Albert Kurtz, felonious assault and battery: Willlam F Cook Danlel BEdminston, Edward Wi iggio, and William Peters, robbery; John Weyyreuth : Barney Boyle, selling lignor without license; Jobn BR Edwards John Bailey et al, larceny and re ONY ing; Jacols Uc sidan i Prancis J Byroe «t al, chief: Michael Me: Anulty Peter Surdl, assault and battery, in- tent to kill; John Toeas Charles A Howe, larceny William € Cover Ferney Howell ot al, battery, James Shilling George McAfee, Vincent Roberts, John Lint and Frank Roberts, burg lary: Charles Musanie ames Kinney, larceny and recsiv. ing, entering with intent: FF 8 Lov Teorge Eeichenmelir, periury, | Vanorsdall Augustine MeConnell, ment; Bdwarids Pdwards David Douglass, gambling, {JAng Willis Kurtz ef nl, cer: William F Cook Jacob Martin ot al, Cook Frank De Conna, perjury; ssmanlt and Hen | amibemied {hanes rol Wilhiar ¥ (leary y Jang J Harris, extortion: John dip 5, A Roscerann, assanlt aad battery; HW Btein i EG Kerr, forgery; Orotipe A Bhiffler i Prank Vislor, murder Harris | John Ward, abortion; Charles Witt | Prank Daily ot al, robbery and rv | cetxing Lorence Haalinge ey Mike Zerrak ot al, DY and re- | | celving; James Bowser malicintm mia. Lmay hem, by bailee; ohatracting of. t John © Herdman, fornication and bastardy: Mary Hecker Clande F Miles, forpicatinn and bas tardy: Etta J Merritt W H Ji Robertson and N Boyer, as ‘sanlt and hatte ry; ; Mary Plummer Trial Tuesday, Dee Aad. dime ph Louther r. assault and baltery; prosecutrix, Ann Louther Mine Korioth, mssanit and battery, and ag ravated awsanll and battery: Mine Filing Hugh MoNuity, assault Cand aggravated assanit Margaret Modality Thomas Yonkers, ceiving, Jennie Spe: rls Flizabwth Felix, pea LER _RNG ancl 1 battery, battery; larceny ving stolen goods; Mundorf! James R Zimmerman, Zupet Skute ssi Elizabeth Sanders, larceny; Mundorf! Ferney Howell et al, assault and bat- ‘tery, and vated assagit and battery; James Shilling George MeAfee, Vincent Roberts John Lint, and Prank Hobe pix. burg: 1 Charles Musants lla Wise et al, larceny; t larceny: William Charles Cases for Trial, Widneaday, Dec. 41h OP Galer et al, and William Asb- croft et al, fur ible entry, prosec utor, J E Glunt O P Galer, conspirac v: J E Glunt 0 P Gal entering with intent, larceny; J E Glunt Howard H Glunt, asssolt und bat- tery, and MEET vated assault and battery; O P Galer Prank De Canno, perjury; Marine George Marine, adultery a + Frank De Canno 3 A Howe, larceny by bales; Joa Goldman F P Reed, alias Crum Reed; felonious Jacob Smith Adium Srrith, escape; Charles Witt W A Rosecrans, assault and battery; 8 W Mein Enoch Miller, Celestine Fresh, Sher- man MeDermott, Henry and Frank Nagle malicious mischief, Creare snd big- David Dooglass, gambling; hance Ling Augustine McConnell, embezzlement; Edward Edwards Barney Boyle, selling liquor without license; John R Edwards David Brown, false pretense; 1 Harris Cases for Trial Tharsday, Dee Sth, Commonwealth vas Lotlis Staley, soon ing a disorderly house; prosecutor, William F Cox Jacob Martin, 3K — P tor Kuriz. Albert Kaortz, William Kurts, Harry Bell and G Frank Wilson, riot; William F Cook | Albert Knrtz and Peter Kurtz; as sanlt and battery with intent to kill; Williaa F Cook Albert Karts, felonious meanit; Wil liam F Cook John Bailey, et al, larceny ‘eelving: Jao ob Goldman Francis J Byrne et al Cmischief, Michael McAnulty Peter Bard, assault and battery with interit to kill John Tovas Joweph Long, larceny and receiving, Thomas Burkhardt IL. G Garsuch, assanit and battery, and avated assault and battery; Garry Odoroskey Benjamin Reich, assanit and battery with intent to kill; M E McNeal George Eichenschr, perjury; Vanorsdall Cases for Trin! Friday, Dec. 6th 8 M Wilson, felonions assault and battery: prosecutor, Thomas Kelly 8 M Wilson, assault and battery, D HCO Warren i James Crawther and John Bergin, burglary; Andrew Manunau John Babol, entering with intent laroeny and recviving; Frank Marinis James Kinney, entering with intent, larcent and peony ing, Prank 8 Love George Miller and James MoGegaan, burglary; T T Sheridan John Allison, larceny and receiving, and’ re. malicious Ben Byvivester Reynolds W Shifter E (i Kerr, forgery Girorge by bailow; Myrtle Lynch, larceny Cecilia Fox Cases for Trin Satueday, Ded, Tha, William Johnson, larceny and re ceiving, prosecutor, Albwird Paloka lan Fdminston, Edward Wiggin, wrt William Peters, robbery ona Weorveeuth fosar 4 Haeri AM Palme v4 fu Yds a pxlaoriion inhemloment James Vee A potogy Fh Na Br tiv make an dy as to fhe soaraily c week owing to the caused by the holiday Fromm now anlil New Api Years Is gener: (ally known us the printers’ harvest i i : Try Truman's coal. -87tf and re. MeDermatt ert John Aipf, 1 : Ltnona, Pa, for his kinduesa in ing this post and instituting it crowded’ condition | advertisements. L06AL 10 GENER NEWS 4 iat £% Si * 2 : I'he “Patton Conrier™ Enters ou Its Third Year, AT IS TWO YEARS OLD i And Har Reseivad the Menrty Sauppart of © the Pasiness Men of Patton. A period of two years han elapsed 'sinee the publication of the first issoe of the Patron Courike, and in enter- ing upon its third year with this moe the publishers trust that in the future, ‘as In the past, they may be able to overcome all vicissitudes which may befall them, and keep this youthfal, | ‘but we trust, indispensible journal up BN'S STORE Ms i : IRIED TO WRECK & LC AND on | me Wives - Seri Taw Poilewiog dain Papnd Wine on ihe True ba dail 4 Bhs rsh. A man ie gives Bie visions ae Jule | Seis 4 heres Chabbert is in andl at Ebenstiarg ¢ tated recentiv ar | who is charged with having caomed the with attepapting 0 wrk a8 trsing i AE SpA eens ot eed pigs mes a Taken From the Intel wa Eremmmerst. Jobe Ward, the tang man who was “of Barnesbors, snd tthe Cresem and Coalport railrog death of Lizzie Dugan, the on Thursday evening. | girl, by an attend abortion, oa Salon « When the tealn reached a point i, to Johsstown by Hheriff Coulter Mon: | abbrt distince past Frugality, on the day mom ng and srranged before un way to Irvona, between 8 and 7 o'clock, 8 the engineer suw a Inrge pile of Lies on the track abead. He managed to stop Lthe train lust ss the obstruction wis reached, und no damage was dont, There was a belief that tne ties had | been placed there very recently, and a y started out to search with the | sbert Cpemuit hatl the pan sow Bere was captured. On being brought to Ebensburg and ih custod ¥| to” derman. He pleaded not guilty to the charge thy hy attorney, W. H. Sechier, Bax, iW, accompanied Ward asd the sherill ity, in behalf of kis clint waived + apd the yOUnDg man Wa oom: court without bail. The ‘im to Ebensbarg ou Moo ‘ah {mitt ‘dday © The E to the standard to which it has eve : y ch i ver taken before ‘hguire Jones be adositted | Ciazion, aspired. It is pleasing to note that the Cot RiER has so many watchful friends who are interested in its welfare, and who | have extended it encouragement and patronage. Merchants and business men appreciate the advantages given them in advertising in & paper, which daring the brief period of its ex. istence, has risen to the dignity of & piace in the field of journalisnh, and their support bas been most aocept- | ably appreciated by the publishers of the COURIER. The first desire of the COURIER Was to found an jostitution with a view of futare usefulness and in that it has met that he placed the ties thers, but would | not tell his motive, He was committed to jall to await & trial at eourt. The Fimt Mastered In On Batardiuy allernoon wiclock the post of the . Grand Army of the Beyublic btely organised in Pat rand officers in- ton Wak iostered | stalled by Capt Robert Jobnsom, of Altoona. The name of the new post Y will be Lieut. Peter Kaylor Post, No. | 838 GG. ALR Following are the HAD. | of the officers installed: Communder, A. J. Jackson, Patton; senior vice commander, Thomas C. Miller, Chest | ame ae, den > from FT lookir & and with a degree of success gratifying Springs; junior vice-commander, Geo. | willis alike to publishers and patrons. W. Tibbens, Patton; adjutant, W. H. builds, It shall be the constant sim of this H. Bell, Patton; surgeon, Patrick B. peer rps paper to keep fully abresst of the times, 884 0 give to its readers each week a pewspapor creditable to Patton and the region in which it is published. A Good Advert, : C. W. Hodgkins, the hustling pro- prietor of the Patton Pharmacy, corner of Beech and Fifth avenues opposite the school building, is agsin to the front this week with an at- tractive advertisement on the first page of the Cormier. Mr. Hodgkins has the very largest stock of holiday goods in this section of Cambria county to. select from. He has two large store | rooms completely filled and can farn- ish any kind of a present desirable. He is a staunch believer in legitimate advertising by the use of printers’ ink, as you will always see his “ad” in every issue of this paper, and therefore en joys a nice trade, The CoURIER heart | ily recommends Mr. Hodgkins to ite vast number of readers An Enterpricing Jeweler, Commencing with laut week's issue of this paper lke Wartelsky, the leading jeweler of this part of Cambria county, who is sitanted at Hastings, Pa, pub o lished a large and attractive “ad” in| the Covminir. Mr. Wartelsky has an extrionrdinary fine line of beautiful holiday goods, consisting of watches, silverware, jewelry, and fancy novel. ‘ties. While passing by his store recently a representative of this paper was invited in and can vouch for see- ing the finest line he his season. Read his large “ad” on the Y ou will be treated O. Ko Now Tallaring Fatablishmeal, A new merchant tailoring establish. comber 1st, to be conducted by Messrs. LF. Ward and OC. C. MeKelvy, two well-known and prosperous business men of New Cumberland, W. Va These gentiomen come W Patton well | recommended 8s being fost-class tailors will conduct a large business bore, It will pay you to walt amd see them before purchasing else whiire, and Change of Business, Mr. Andrew Fokenrade, of Carroll town, has purchased frou the sasignes of John W. Sharbuugh the business property of Mr place and to-day {Thursday | move his store, postoffios and business All His stoners as well a8 new otes wil the ness heretofore carried on by him will Caminita Frseman, for that fold Fay weadoy will known hwalion, vr] and poercantile busi Tw enlarged. : Thanks Extended. HEAxgUARTERs Listy. PETER Kavia Power Noo 823. tL AR The thanks of this post are hereby tendersd to Comrade Johnson, of Lieut. Steph Potts Post, No 82, G. A. R, ary due ¥ By order of the A.J. Jaoks WwW. HH Bru, Adjutas it is & truth in med amallest dose that perf ‘the beat. De Witt's LJ are the smallest pills | cure, and are the ber | kina. af pews this 3 Lever sen in C At Hastings opera house every : this week. fitrh page and then go and see him. mown this Sharbaugh in that will nei . suitable Xeno, {"hewt Springs; chaplain, Jobs anty, Patton, Wilson, Fatton: 0 Crowell, quartermaster-sergoant, John Tate, Patton; sergeunt-major, P. Keitl, Hoi- idaysburg. . AL thie Firemew's « Mit, Dr. Hualipya lodisn Medicine conspany, with his party of high classed actors and musical artists, opened in the Pire- i men's ball on Monduy night, Novem evenk. qaartermaster, B. M. tend. officer of the day, C. Patton; officer Of the guard, D. C. Little, Chest Springs; White Wolf, representing the sj ber 35th, where the company will bogs forth for two weeks, giving high cred, ited entertainments each evening. TH members of the company include Pro FP. McBride, solo pianist; Charke By McBride, violinbt; Richard Pyn | comedian, and Master Willie Mortinwe “Tne Boy Wonder.” Their entertal ments have been excellent so far, & bak a change of programme is given ot WE BR’ ‘night. i Su Ereeliont Couspany. ne i “The Convi:t's Daughter’ wis pr | anted by the Seward company atm opers house last night to a large we jence. The plece gave good satin ‘tion and is really better than has bet SA. seen in this city ss presented by hig 0 prived companies. The Sewand 00 [pany has beer pisying to big how Leach night and they deserve. them is one of the best Tejugie eal li thin city. —Elmirm Prices, 14, Rand? Will mmr Again. the Pr On December Ist company Will commence shipping coal from the ment will be opened in Patton on De Ash No 3 which hus been of nearly a year. This ° | the employ tent of 10 the company who will in Patton as the m two milles west of Ran branch, Spoeckad Fut Miss Mary opepe lisse wo will be at BN Thursiay, | aoe her, Ls A Inrgy Pal fis ing tr Mage
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