VOL. HL—N( ). 2. A a whe Santa Claus. Head- quarters for Christmas Tree Calls i Ormamen ts, Christmas Cards, Mirrors, Knives Musical Goods, Razors, Scissors, Toilet Articles, Cristmas Candy, Etc, Etc. aT out on i we don’t gh 8 JOU betier at¥ies and better » the same mosey then don't buy © from us Remepiber, we don't shoddy. Wa let others do that. as Bove Tenied at wir Vyeconnre Tham fron. Following is an article taken from a journal published in Chioag: cadbed Rrek’ relative to the munafactare of a new kind of a water raain from clay, cof which Mr. PF. McEifresh, who - superintendent of the Patton Cay Manufacturing company 4 Works now being erected in Patton is the inventor, and when the plant is in Operation he will have this product sosde bere “The immense infuence of electricity in our daily life is makiog itself feit in all directions, and while this vast poder is workiog havo with our underground water and gas maine, which have al ways been made of metal. it may som pensate matters from oar point of vie w by making things come the way of the elay industries Wiheveuopnom tn ara actual fentroe. m of the water maine in the streets _— onr great citiew, by induced Or (Alar currents froth the electric Hight and car i Hine circus ds becoming a more serious + prolviers every day “The McEifrest Clay Masufactaring ecmpany, of Penrith, W. Va, offers a | pomitive remedy In the shape of 8 clay ware pipe, to take the pisce of iron | mains in general nee, This w made of | West Virginia fireclay, s plastic or so © called bastard firicday, which is vitre fed and salt gland, snd is of » sal Bcient thickness to stand soy peguired “The pipes are made in three feet Jengthe, and are inserted in each other had! way, jeaving a space of about a of an foch all sround, to be ‘filled with hydraslic cement This method of construction gives us a join eighteen inchs Jong. which will neither jeak nor buys, and, when finished, the “msin is one continous pipe In the ‘irom main pipe the joint is only three inches Jong. Thic has to be Hiked Lo with lead, a metal which has several | drawbacks, and the joint is & very poor _affuir as compared with that of the clay pipe. | “The material of which the pijes are “made being non-rosting. practically | imperishable and snaffectad by cure pemita of electricity, ibe pipes have great i iadvantages over irom. As to thd | non-corrosive character, (ne McEY (of pipe in pee in Philadelphia, Pa. for | pumsping sulpharic iwdd throagh it, wd the neers of it report that it ie met in | the Jemst affoctnd by the acid. | wConnections for service mains are § | made in two ways, sither with saddle {valves and jusrtiond or the pipe can : {be drilled, the hole reamed oot with a ‘alight taper omtwan! and the junction ‘made by insrting a =f metal con , pection and expanding it | ; “A pocent test showed that the pipe stood a prewure of four hundred pounds, and a number of hy dranbic L engineers who bave inspected the pipe. | anunimounly declare that it has wo many advantages it bs bound to saper- goods | yude iron for wnderground mains, th | more so that the price of The pipe da. | anend of being higher oan be put on What wonld make a more the: market for abunt ome-hint jos th io plc of ursitre Whe hi: J un aka art come to the City w oS all kinds of Information. . Weare write control. Re. Nov. 35 1884 fron of similar see Co WM MoEifrest was Tor a long thew a : resident of Califirnia, and 2 was whi there that be oupoived the Bem of using a clay maverisl for making maine for conducting waler, hiv stlention having been attracted 10 Lhe necessity of finding some substitute for irons, by | ithe demand for something of this kind in connection with hydraulic mip ing of which be has node a stady, ! | “We hawe no hesitation in saying x thal {this is ome of the most important ap ‘plications of vitrified clay that bas been made in recent times, and should _ppen & wide and profitable field to the | manufacturers of clay (pes Notiee of ade (f Uizeant U0 Notice is hereby given that 1 have this day purchased the right, lithe an | interest of Eliza Gadlaber in the ston known ss the Eacket Store on Filflh “avenue, in Patton boroogly, Ps have taken sald goods into my posses. APRLEY + sion and will leave them in said stony: room or batlding under my charge and BF Giiiapys HER { AG Bartley, of Magic, Pa, writes: I teal it » duty of mine te isiorm you | and the public that De Witt's Witch Hiasel Salve cured me of a very bad ame of eczema. It also gured my bey Ww Cormick of Wisore: of Carroiltown, asd the Hon & D. oi welche 3 Every od ; ; fair attendance of sttorne ys and Judge 2 Wve smn far Wir aon A dispetel Trams Wasbdngion that the Bribe Sng at revedpds and expend serpent will show month of November the rods were that Fis grirerapd as follows: Customs, $11,485,818; internal revenge, cont ema More : a total of $25,085 500 During the month of November, 1904. the receipts were §19.411.408, snd During the five months of the pres ent feni year the receipis were ap proximately ss follows Castors. $89. 508 36%. intetmal revenve. PLAST 187: mieellaneous, #04798 making » total of $139 480 20 For the Brat fve movrdls in fiscal year 1894. the aggregate receipts were $137,525.39, and during the sane omits in the fiscal year, amounted to $129.48. 417. 193, they i LARGE Al TENDANCE. | All Letracters mad ok Forming Lovtnriry | Present 9 Fabertsim. left Patton in» grest hurry for County Institute, yet they did not bave to make such 3 rash to the train st the shiner prod of the route on thelr redo The gloomy weather, and long tire some wall slong the road made the trig 4 5 Flensbar = rather WERT. The weather continoed so unpleasant during the first part of the weonk that it madle ony county mal appear to We siranger like 3 dismal place, bal when the chad rlesred sway, and ail became betier acqnainted, it presented x more The deficit for the present month of ‘stiraetive appearance. © eo] November will thepfors, smonpt 0 shout $1,1285.000, slthongh Lo-morrow’s refine may change (howe Snares worms what. For the month of November, 1800 the deficit wan $0068 TH, ad for the spre perkod in 9G, §T S208 For the fire five months of the fecal year 1994 the deficit amonnted to $23. 205. 142. and for the same period in 1G it amounted to FIFE 098, as against $17.601,521 for the last five montba Faicave rs Bastiat, The Hon. 8D. Patterson, tbe Hom, J. J. Themnmim snd Mr Alex Britto ter held x menting In Ebeombarg yes terday and decided that Csrmbris oounty farmers’ institotes should be held at Patton February 12.and Fheme borg Felvraary 13. Besides a8 number of distant people of wide repaiiation addresses will be deliversd by toe fol lowing gestiemen: Soperintemdynt Leech, Lawyer MeKenrick and Pro : fessor Gitmon, of Ebensbury. Professor Biter. of Galitein: Profesor Joba Mco- Mr Jobe Foley, Patterson, of Barr township —Jotuas tevwen Democrat Mines Conberetw. A move wis made Saturday sl a miners’ conference held at Philipsbarg representing the miners of that and this wertion. which if saccewelnl, means an advance is wages early next spring to 88 Jest 20000 minees. A compl tee will be sent into the conDective | feid of Prond Top, Maryiand, Poes bontas, 2nd all other sompetitive dis {company has for some time had a line PW to innasgurste a movement in sack district. Action was taken de CRRring ngunst 3 strike or rempension : to make tf effective, agairat sny one delred feovisg io the mnatler unbmw the miners io all the din triode endorwed the movement, Garsd Bntortaiementa. The Hoslipps indisn MeQcine toms pany, under the managemwnt of Dr. White Woll and tbe sousieal orints, Prof W. H. McBride, Charles Mo Betds, 15 the poplar oom eine, and el Stormers, the word's mtortionest, who bekd the boards of the upers iy in this far the past Two Weeks gave 3 & Pav wi Del cellent salieractae, aad Mahal. Firemen's bail 30 and bear they ever einem i a w nigh his weed fey YX YW ave Sean. 5 Eemapid wig fou Slr. Ms Lotte Pringle the seventeen. year-old Geagider of Cotestabie Cesirge ir Prisgle, of Wimers allemsted suicide Priva night a2 18 o'niock In the husk Tard si her bowse, wih Invaeaiitee revudver. This & fw fiand tinge the gird has Aibempled ber Hf the other liows by adnan each ak tempt being caused by ber paronis “wy ooking after her best inlermis A lhmwra’s Prootmaest r Dread ester A PP MebDewald tuiwspen, Chen] alk f the brain aid salder Bas ata. aid was 5 v Mehl oh 47 Posten if Al BUA was apd abet momels years Erie anbver Camry. The reguisr term of curt opered al Ebensbary Monday mornisg, with a Barior om the benoh the dav was deveted Et sealed {RES A large part of Bs pun dng an “ry presented Nini om FR 2 4A of Ive Halt ward swallowed two wire pails 23 inches long, coe day lsat week An effects frome the diet of nails Lock amit Tw I Tos ; # Bie yi , Haven Democrst | BOWeIET, IB pee will sbways be So many teachers in 8 place the sis | of Fhenstarg makes quite an mpres son on the town. The sourt house seemed to be flied with leathers wo that ane present might exclaim, “Teach ers to the right of an tenchers 10 the. loft off ne, teachers in Doel of Gs over {hres hundred” We have sttended 5 number of cORnLY willed, VIX Dever befors Barve wo sn Wo many intel. gent. Sine ieoking teachers swwembled Sonne of the nstrictors we ave limtened to befors, alse some of thom who sotertained ne in the sverchgs | $0 bar wom SITE tore the secnnd tin The ecture on Monday evening was both intermting and ineroctive. The speakor tod many bolted facts sboat the Indians asd adenesd our govern. ment agents of gross mecomioes town the Red Men. The iactarer of the evening ® the son of an Indias chief and his mother was 3 daughter of a Methealist mister The institote was favored on To duy eveniag with seleotionms rendered by Dr. Byron King snd wife Dr. King wa eee of Che most attrsetive featores of the institute. Fis tale and recitals were greatly appreciated by the and) emem and elicited mach spplaces. Surely be wa master in his profession. | The climax of the institute enter tainonents wa reached on Wednesday It is troe that some of sor teschers A poser on maarTEy Homnrd Praytom 3 ke Wiens hurls. be Tremiay evening, of lw week, — off wb. An aiterextion enmedd, Dayton “trac Clark and knonked him down. Or. Bennett was summoned, ed Aid sot oomsbdey bis dangeronsly wound | The valy ohesrver of the Lragedy ws Rev. Bosh, of Mabafey. Dayton Wednesday morning (Gark bas lived thers mors than s yesr and was 5 guilt, pemwable man, Duy “ton worked on the railrosd : ¥ wll alers "ant Mie Ebssrtnnen, Representatives of the Busts Board of Undertaers, whey wore in seed in Harrisburg Friday, CIE shosTiakery in thie State. Sobwe. guently the Board had a meeting and It ix in cASiiming the potdic io reget 50 the tended te have Doves i the hands of day packages. Every yesr ibe depart adopted br laws and rales ail wadertakers Defoe Deosniber Tih, and all why have nome by thet time will be required to odeegs an exams nation, for which a foe of $35 will be etharged Between sight ad pine hindred gudertakeors in the Sate are expected to comply with the aw. The fonmwen will cond $10 mach Bacgess Ninos Not sign Wanrriinte in Allegheny somnty lat Monday an Mage mm the cow uf Fred Babes | ant Ee Tressnes . of the Serangh of West Liberty and refamsd to cued 2 warrant igned iy the president 24 svameh wed groands hal He warrant Fasoadnuiing, Kills Yodirade Heoowars Travis, i a Yiestion, =ateesd 1h rooms ovoupied by Nicholas (lark ara shoe any change in the times in gesersl must De Better for it asd that the town Jim which i sprang into life bad a pood had a conference wh Deputy horney General. Hilda, with reference 10 the sew law povern- ters th postmaster enclosing a large iat week the Part Cor mwe was Jost two years oll Bt owas Deonght nto eitietenon on the vieps of 3 panic and Se onpeatanition wom soverdingly Barroped dn, Laut pamela strung shead coafdent in the knowledge fotore already to gnfolid. snd a The wns arremiedl. The njared man died poblinbers of this paper sud i» wi owned by them it has boss gander the perscdisl management of Mr E Wil Sireate and 24 stemiy XAT, prmitios wrod yp due to Bie cctmervative cneTgy. The postatasier Froeril bas sent bet eof i card, to be posted shout the postoflies, | pooper mailing and stamping of holi- Jifferinon or ignorasee of seaders of holdiy packages, and 5 spite of Pe peated warning sud «fori Jo prevent 5 eas winter seascs Snde the Dead Letver few stored with bolilay gifts Quite a number of waiches which were afi with Mr Hoy, tbe jewsher, for repairs, some Tome age, are i our | possession apd The owners oan have same by SAfiing 85 the Ar & THOMPSON. eonntendgned by the Sarge The CHASTE RR “There no msscn why | the warrant should sot be paid, there 50 aw conferring spon the huge the peower 3% OGRE Warrants. Froom Lovie uve Expos A large pisst w being emeted at Patton, Cambria owsnty, Pa, by the Patton Clay Manufertoring ommpany, | PF. E McEifresh, superintendent, for § the manufacture of vitrified tiay pipe § for water maine, ete, a well ax other ming! day specialties for electri raliways Fire proof building materiss of ail kinds will be made for stroctiorsd iron for nearly two hoor. The orator was grea ings apd Bard Bite provoked much | aaghter. Rev. Jooes brooght out soe fine points in bis Jecture, and | sande ther quite mprvesive, When be hotbed ther in expressions pevnliar to ‘Biome! We woud advise ali who have the cpportanity 10 go and hear Ir will do you good. The speaker of Tharsday evening wks Gute teresting to the old soidiers | and those who are especially Diterestod in reruiniscenoes of the Civ War Dr Painger ia golte & soled charscier in Methodius and renks high = a Jecturer, vet we think Be would have made a much befler mpresseon Spot the leschers if he had chown a sclhect for the evening, however. as was, the varety was reader. Ti & sreming Saleriainmenis wore 32 | patronized and the teachers ex 1 thespmedves as Dedng wel sieamed with That pert of Lhe progran. {mn of the mstroctors Dr. DD Waller, wha is 8 represeniasve man the odocatiossl virches in this detriey dod mest Eppeas 51 nelitole on ew f the death of his we, which ovourred ort time apn. Prof 8 G Smad, fhe grad director at stilate, Con- ducted bin part of the program. with spbifurtivn © al concerned Prof J WW. Lesth oir shergedic sop erintendent, spared po Ne Bor pains fr toadoe this veRr Ss exEribws B80 mst te fhe hawt and cee? Disslrctive to all The temchers. with few ex opti Were in pow Al week The part taken, and the mterest br all preset. was ind good work besng doo tthe comnty. | The dagiay = vy pans in the Cider ent sohioske over SORInlE, Wks Be tainly very commendable. The mai tute always brings Wo our mind heat education x certaudy Sd vanowrnent. Wa wa CHMRRES: Sitar EAR * Ba Hs Yihue rons Bawaasd. Vobome | somber 1. of the {romin Becond came to the (00 RER sanctum: this week [1 is a very news and well printed paper and great credit should be given the poblisher, Joseph Farsbangh May 2 live long sod do oR es. Pay your subecription. op ¥ a vse before his andience is wit, Bomer and sarcaen seermed lo Grape Wine sod Bo Lhe sywlesn. Io Sitfement 3 3 Samet 4 on wih the advert | mo, » te peate’ farnishers and cing BH owill pay voli 20 ook np For Rens. and many » year has gobe ‘WE ARE RELPING of this paper you will see a change in flow without effort, while his odd say- SANTA CLAUS ent of Wolf & Twp. oul our belp--but we have made his aber ght A isrge wie POA and evens roms anitabie Sor a dwelling on FU aves, Patton, Pa For vafiarmaadie wo regards | ing the saose a po of Jan Melon. Mop ER ER Wome Sor Woenkin Porm Weakly pemens see Soesr's Port Unfermeoted Grape sumer To gil ohiner Whines Fad Wiw A good restaurant in pustan particnias Patton, Pa Sar Dest. arson a Cabinet phologTePas #1 nedoved prices during the month of Deowanber gt J. UU Patrel’s guiery on Fifth Rewnme Attend the show on the Flesmsen's ale Thess will be ex at the residence of Huagh Haas { Thearfesd sownship. abot I apd # miles vaet of Putten, on Thoareday, ‘Dew 7H PSE wf o'clock, all the i towing po Derty to wit: Ope cow, 1 foarovesr-obl horse, 1 EX year ald mere. oats by he bas Ba barrow. © ogTEay drs of bob b sheds, 4 and Ritehen fu ‘ : WET I have porcheed (be Le 8 basins SK, STaywe, x Ae Cae Lowe pose Do ing wo Mrs Ada Senne . the above meativoesd goods with rw Bennett, sou sherefore notify oll per sons not wo dstard or meddle with the BAI. Ley: Srasein Oct. 17, 18 Acdidvens postatiice bux 313 for Gifts for the YOUXG AXD OLD. Packed from the Bawment Le meade Thows beizht sod hearts TOYS, BOOKS, AND CAXDIES mast #5 Pabidie Bale . 8d 4 work phic for 1 Tastee Eo Ene, Wm. F. Gable & Co. ALTOONA. PA. sah » oo . i : :
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