Patton PUBL ISHING CO., PATTON Proprietors THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1895. “GEN. BARRISON ON PATRIOVISM. | Ex-President Harrison in writing upon “This Country of Ours” for the December Ladies’ Home Journal, has _ this to say regarding Fourth of July and the stars and stripes: ‘The old- time Fourth of July celebration, with its simple parades and musters, the reading of the Declaration, and the | than supplied the lor in the pa- oration, of that more tack glitter and i - the year rade went ont of fashior Ve allowed our selves to f it be that I we Ql htt ' The old Acclura- and a “itis coming : aid in reinstating it tion hag a prilee in ring toi Has your ry of it? 1 tor he re- ques that (FOeR the onl good, ever read itY Have vou all wotld like our census takers guired to get r Hote and ly made aquainte country children ar with the character and before the school feelings should ment a ; i to love theefag or to of it Ring I schools, ht to y fang from the windows of all sur homes on al [3388381 davs shonld nnecover in the parad EBENSELRD Congr =] nding { | § is Te Od and (orn i: i vi} x a vi: fie =? 5 Lrertrude Keph 1 ' g ef Wy iit ¥ (ite father y tasting among the strangers Who atielnds the} Gress b ners Gning. Mis srry Wolf 4 Joi 4 ! FooCons Dunia DUIS and the ; { in the had at a were sple adid i a FARMING NOTES Of Interest to the Faryviors Who Head t Cooked meal has food for fowls. The whl culent. ant Bean suraw and will ! have lea i Lt 0 the eensiis the States pri DE od 457.000 in 1879 and 517, 000, 000 dozen in 1889, The peculiar flavor of English mut- | "ton is said to be due to the turnips on | “which the sheep are feed while fatten- | w eater 1é 4 to lik el 1; EEES Init WH) a 4 he steer fattened rapidly is more | and tender than the one that has | alm a long time to put on flesh and It is estimated that the potato en! for 1895 amounts to over 282,000 - bushels, against 185,000,000 last year. - The European crop is also a‘very good | one, The show agricultural returns for 1895 the extriordinary decre 518,321 acres under wheat in Great Britain. Twenty years ago there Were 3,500,000 acres of wheat land, and now the figure is less than 1,500,000. Ake The healing pre pe rties of De Witt’s | it is Witch Hy ize] Sal lve are well known. affections and remedy Cures eczema, skin simply a perfe t , W. Hodgkins Courier. of for piles, | De Witt's little you try These groat Say, why don’t Little Early Risers? ‘cure he adache, indi on and pation. They're small, work. C. W. Hodgkins. 1} PLR const hut doa the Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Office in the Good Building. Ww. H. SECHLER, | Attorney - at - Law, EBENSBURCG, R. L.GEORGEL, ATTORNEY LAW, PA Natinnal (ALLITZIN, Solicitor for I. association. B. & {(rerman (ics ANI] FSOIN'S SOP JOHN » SH OL a I» order and Pp rant iy derate. CENTRAL - HOTEL, Crea eamery JOHN BR. (COR Pr 3 5 DELL. Repairing a Spe A Light SOCIAL, READING, c WRITING, KITCHEN { Jr “Johnstown. | retephone 17 | 'OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE AND COXEY'S COMMON- WEAL Pure Rye WwW his skies | 88-1: i ves the best Truman. -87tf from Order your coal mm of any aatisgfacti TOBACCO and CIGARS | The finest {ine in Patton at i Restaorant on Magee avenue, Pa‘rroN, Pa. Bottles and on of § £ § } C.J. FITZPATRICK'S near . R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. AUGUST K. HUBER, STONE MASON, Mellon: Avenue, PATTON, PA, fam pre pared to do all kinds of work in my | Contmets taken and line at reasonable prices, Satisfietion o SH ate *®» furnished when desir wd, ne Liquors, Beck Fic. Phoeni¥ Brewin W f ’ Cn 'c Reep W nd | WA BE | 13 Hastingd, Penna. It JAMES QUANN, 134 and 136 (}) St Johnstown, Pa. PE>0Office in. Ge ‘over 1st National Bank. new Fall and Ww i a Weel ESET I PTET WOR BUTTER AND FAEan bby. <y y 7 * BUTTER seem IES. Western BUTTER PH SUT All BR a Weather ENE AREER BE Thompson, co0OD BUILDING, PATTON, PA. PATTON NSURANGE GENCY Protect Your PROPERTY. PATTERSON & PARNELL, Agents. ood Building Firs rstNation’| Bank Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. a CAPITAL PAID UP, ‘SURPLUS, $15,000. Accounts of rations, Firm als and Hanks a, ie the most . tndivide- ble terms consistent with safe and ———— banking. : Steamship tickets: for sale for all the ines, Foreign Drafts yvable in the cities of the Old Worl All correspondence will have our prompt and personal attention, Interest paid on time deposits. | A.B. PATON, Wa. H. Saxproms, Pre nt Cashier AEE TIE ET RII SIRT RY Sard : a WINLer ress (x10, BT RS [0 S. (yOOD. rior and Few | i uals and Shoes. Corsets which never breaks down on the side. ‘WHILE WE HAVE many BARG AINS to offer you we cannot enumerate them all, but give ns a trial when | in eed of saying in our line. We will Fill 1+ i 1.1 1 a ull me of Flour and Feed: ] and Patton Supply Co. 0,000.00. A WE HAVE now on sale the celibrated Armor Side :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers