in A SED STN SES A i SETTING ANE AE —————— THE GREAT BULL CASE. How Senator Blackburn Won a Long Con tested Hult. If Beriatrr Joo Blackbnrn of Kentuck Ion be deteniod for re-election to th i #oate next winter, he will doubtiess tle down to the practice of law in 7 f silles. Fle wonld make a better in- 86 the bar than he gets for serving His country at Washington. The sena- for’s legal standing in Kentucky has al- | mr Cit Is a Youmg Wildeat lof wearing fur boas | was {will ail ways been student, had va a mind of great tenn takes a subjec antil there is litt] The moet marys burn ever performed aocomn lished “tmll ia : Kentu The cana or glx Fears ogo was ahout $18 0G! pent lnwyers in the pth Hem J SEE ans oy was on t i $Y tary oF Bre Birridg: x fini af y $98 84 I pot divn oonm iE which he w poon he unica the Countess of Castellana, Ti $48 an unmistakable Hongarian, wit} dark hair and eyes, a swarthy complex ion and a foreign accent. Tie Dnke of Mariborowgh was great was 1n ie baronet | i ly disturbed when he read about Sir Oliver de Ovarsas. Both the at the Plaza hotel. The duke was duke and his secretary said no such person called | al | first inclined to seek police protection, but one of his American friends. told him cranks were plentiful here an usually harmless. —New York Journal. An American Tile. The Prince of Wales, on a recent visi to the Duchess of Marlborough and Lor William Beresford, is wepor gaid regarding the youngd ment Migs V - gome to regard the ducal title of Marl borough as an American possession Wi 11 ke' tO wderbilt tha European Idea of Edison. The Berlin Echo fesls there must ba some mistake port that our E NTit It opine 10g 8 Ar. Fr Wl ve boli that next ye petter than in any precedn experiment of rt camipaign nigh puccessinlly be tried. The voters 3 i 1 L i t i are | WOOD'S LIVE MUFFLE Which Hs Fos Tarned, Thee ladies of Pain HPCIUn 7% Hy whe ave A 1} might leery a lesson from F H Wid, a river man who is pow in the city. Mr. Wood has a handsome neck muffler | A tawny skin, but he does not keep it in a bandbox at night. He locks it in a strong cage, for hit boa is a balf grown wildcat, with full grown claws snd teeth. : Wood bas attracted considerable at- futed that theory, however, by partial- | ly taming the savage little beast. Many | scars and scratches on his hands and face bear evidence to the fact that it no easy job to get on speaking with. Mr. Viild Jr., and it 11 rif irs rive #t, terms Ww nn one yw ner 14 stray r approaches, the + near it. If a kitten will £37 nt; his ¥ir ANTITOXINE FOR LOCKJAW By Its Use Doctors Life. re are watching vied dati i i treatment at 1 Rane 11 il 18 Unaer city jo boy's stepfather, J +} | mploged on the Maspet track. Two weeks ago the bx Maspeth to sees Geyer. horses were being exercised, am | a runner known as Boline. The i kicked yonng Revere in tl over the left eye. (ieyer, 18 & tile when he was carried . . ¢rine u hospital Ti ‘ ba a slight « leary and } eal 3 qryel 1 and Rank Versus Dollars, A Of mpiete a American hel Joreigners Hope to Save 8 Hoy's 1 TRACE iy went tu R A CURSE TO EUROPE. | ASTRUGGLEFORLIFE THE SULTAN OF Ti JERE IN HUMAN GUIS { E Nothing Like This Empire Anywhere Flse : on Besth—The Grand Eusuch, or Mas ter of the Harem, the Third Man In the A weak and vacillating man, sinking down under a burden of political com- plexities which he is unsble to master, is Abdu! Hamid II. The sultan of Tur- key has sought $0 evade the responsibil dismissing body who knows anyt toman empire is aware that the pel duty of the grand visier, besides affixing his seal to every dish that goss np to the suituns dining table, iz to stand ready for dismissal at any and all times. He is pnt upto be knocked down. At the YiZier WhS - gare that tne a VY gniesed forall pian mascacres 10 take pl roe Pe x +} ah wid mmitied the massac 5 Ore AT BETAR 10 He spends An alive and i ‘ Heo fears assassinati syaking hatred us habits and urio TE VW hie nt beaot Hie i is Ii Nn ag es ahlish A) A DEW the harem won ; may be nf S he DBosporu Fefr PP TY geries of # A FIEND | well informed on the issues of the cam- . - 'Lhey have had a disastrous cx- " with Democracy, and they are ready to vote for a change whenever the Sypertanity is given them.-—Syracuse The disturbing and damaging influ- ence on business of exciting political ‘contests has been demonstrated so often that every organization which exists in past 25 years has been published. The money taken to Europe by these included within the restrictions of this list reaches the enormous amount of $161,168,000. : A Word of Hope. . Keep up your courage, Cuba, dear, the interest of trade is justified in call- | nig for their abbreviation. Aside from | the evil effects on business, there is the tention asd suspense without any reoc- ‘ganpenise in the way of substantial bene- ‘ts. Two months would be plenty of time to arouse ths voters to a sense of their duty, and three ought to be the | very outside limit. —Kaneas City Star. i : i 1 i For Uncle 8am is thinking. These modern modes seem, somehow, queer, With beaus so shy and shrinking. ay Old fashioned sentiment nu doubt : Is very fine and pretty, But by degrees ‘tis giving cut As folks grow wise and witty. Our old time chivalry, we know, Would fly to pity’s pleading, But then Cervantes long ago Showed such hinge not worth heeding. Today 'midst wedding bells we hear The sordid gold a clinking, But koep up courage, Cuba, dear, For Uncle Bam is thinking Washington Star - mines at the bottom of Pittsburg Dispatch. beth cases. — She's a Morphine Graduate. A Keeley cured woman of Fargo, N. D., has been appointed national lec- tarer of the Keeley league, her present | assignment being to Virginia and North Carolina. She is a ‘‘morphine graduate’ and is said to be the first woman Keeley lecturer. Maybe Babies For Sale. As a remedy for infanticide in Paris M. Louis de Grammont proposes that a baby market be established where par- care of their chil those who will look after them fren may sell them to | WOMAN B° An Ax Wregsd From Her Grasp The Plecky Was Reing Overpowered When Her Mastiff Came to Ser Ald. Then She Ram For Her Father's Gen. . While protecting two children at Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y., the other day young belles of the place, had an excit- ing encounter with a burly negro. Asa sesult she is confined $0 ber bume suf- fering from nervous prostration. Miss Ireland was slone in her home, on the Homestead road, when she mo- ticed Lizsie and John Jarvis, § and 6 years old respectively, children i Philo Jarvis, a neighbor, running toward the sha leoked she was startled by # les r A Nay el A journal at Madrid tries to increase “its circulation by printing its news not on paper, but on cloth. Instead of ink a + 3 y NeW spARpe: i composition is used which readily dis- | solves in a liberal water bath. After absorbing the news the reader merely { places the sheet under one of the public : fountains, for instance, snd thero 15 a smowy handkerchief. : Oxford's Socialist Club. A socialist club has been founded at Oxford university. Yorke Powell, pro- i fessor of history, the successor of the | late Professor Froude, is president of ents too poor or too indifferent to take the well the 18- ald. the club i Ku KRULL William Morris wi poet, will ghortiy dey 1 i " = » . I address. ~~ New York Har in strong personality.”’ They say that, al- ‘though the genial president of the New $0 know its busy streets by beart, yet he “i& in the armor of Chaoncey M. Depew 8 A WERE 20 York Central railroad has lived in that ' gity for many years and was supposed is in the habit of getting lost im them. Depew has been seen in Broadway in the evening on several corasions search- ing vainly for some Dotel where » din- per was 10 be given, and at which be | bad promised to make ove of his famons after dinner speeches. : Ome evening recentiv the Somer of the | American Revolution gave a dinner a¥ | Broadway and an@®ng was Mr *Fia hy the . The CHEER UP, BAL rear ~~ CHEADS, A Bkin Apecialist Is to Graft New Hatr &n as (hicagoe Broker The followis ov g advertise: poceritly in the New Y nt appeared WE DEN SGpeTSE: wth of red De Bra Wanted —A man with & good gv pair who will, for B00 aiiow 18 Ww ferred im 8 scalp grafting operation. A specialist in skin diseases in New Daldheaded men A br" - ~f fhe CBE Sage baud of Wade, Wi0 Jn a BeNYY mustache, but mo Leo. Las offered spectaiiot $3.00 for ob specimen thet the young Woman w i: answered the bell would not let hime into the house Three applicants were reserve 138%, and the was tejegraphed to to fn E nid a , weafiad with sraftad with man be willing t Buns 3 Lao L i ; the American pavy in American waters, and with the vessels to be added will make an impressive showing. It is also asserted that Secretary Herbert contem- plates holding the south Pacific s;uad- ron in the vicinity of Valparaiso, hers, in case of need, it coald be read: i communicated with by cable. —Was'e- ington Cor. Chicago Times Herald. $ | . Londin and 3 Ei Some men make gain a for une whenee proceeds a stream of hberal and Ber an dends fined within mit Vorte of the scanty | TVW vt i Ee iw The swell of pity tod to be eon froviiod ind i - i ah your in Berlitg § s + IN Wks Suu ese Saskia 4 LYNE sod, ' the number of Ale 1 ta
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