$55 13 Hung Chang Took = it Tonk the Farniture, WL ee =o A most interesting reper nese ral iroads as farnisted 10 ith (he scare 3s the insanity of : motive the Perw iis, 8 meniber of the Un) ys ran from 1 ighy ir. MM — merchant, | Hawn, and he gi low vs Por in : sap tansds lpbored | ‘dnt «nil vu giurs He secured a dent of the first trip by seam It id trne thst the latest returns ol sim the AD : : “a : foc two revoivers and barricaded Hoog Chang : department show deeiing i iF *i use) ix his house. He then began' ‘As director general of the road be CI nditioa of crip. The Iw sting at every passing object. Mrs. | wan given a special car. - This was far- October estimates indicate a falling off | began . pounding (Lars a8 A pew f wr this ¥oAT iS = Merwin escaped from the house. The' ished with elaborate chairs, Jounges, | Of 5.7 points sinoo the 1st of September | before the schioss ard in f : the music at every change of Sgure | meanise began shooting at passing 111i-' tables, etc., upholstered in silk and | last, and the total yield will evidently | Lastgarten. : | The coach figare is a novelty which the mets Central snburban trains, and when satin. Li on his first trip was profuse | be far short : im ; 1m debutantes and young besux are dili- Wis friends tried to reason with him in his expressions of admiration. Upos | short of the phenoeenal ost i ir- gently practimag. Three couples rise at: copied by from bebind trees; be would fire at, his retuin to Tien-tain his - satisfaction | Bat if the soutiern planters will have ponderous ¢ the blast of shorn. They are joined W9 nal them. Ten poli men came along, but had reached such a point that he ordered | deficient return in the quantity of cot- | also as fanny as the lictors who, in ser- brightly colored ribbon reias apd thes | Ll ey bad to oot an ler cover . | all the furniture, gotta etc., to be | ton, they will not have to sell their prod- ; ried array. preceded Cazictacos whem, dance twice sbout the roum, being fal WE PAY THE FREIGHT. ndge r.yae of the circuit bench, removed to his ymmen. To the disap- uct at the low prices prevailing last ! be made the great entry $9 a festival iz.’ Jowed by as many couples as the top-of | medi ll is an 1ucimaio friend of Merwin, ' pointment of the great viceroy, the spe- | year. The gens advance in the peices ! the amphitheater. Add scgether all the a coach cad MeITY. When six groupsof | Seven Titles Pusshssed of oat of G35 total with him, but the manise cial featares of the car—the luxuriows of cotton during the last siz months | bugles the srdinary lioman being beans this description, or sess. ars an the loos | Ll ey vases New ted, *‘/ndge, can you stop a bul-' bed—was left behind, as it had been (which are now about double the prices ! throtgh a Efetime; blew them all to. the music changes rapidly from two steg During the Jie oa years. eh 9 nod: A at him. His aimwas al- built futo the car. The directors learned | that prevailed ia most of 1834) will! gether; give-a Niagara 4a phalanx ef” to waltz, polka and York, changes wich | has sent §75.008.1 to Earepe fur. Favs Lad Hae wonid peer cantiously a lesson and the viceros's hew privale t very largely. if pot’ folly corapensate } cymbals; strike with ome hammer hm the dancers must instantly follow. b ade; at tot will sed 1, ” - ‘ § a ont of the wo wa, wail Burglars! car has farpiture that cantol be IRIGY ko) tyi : Pesan , £24 3 : Tie rf the 2 gig : vs 3 3 . # 2 RS & MH S00 AILOLR & lites 1 LAT ed. ——Philadelpiia TERS : bib : in a £23 as msEane 1 ‘ Ho bi. a Ih officis InIeri fenof 1 , ; hin, physi an €;.» ‘ - . Rvp a 4 a 2 =a xan * = - A 1 Tu ££ ou Eg § Ei ga of Mar! Kaw Oriesns Is Binking. ETS ‘RA Li 1 ; ! halcony in his nighienart, a reve gulf ui i: fa each band, and began nnd: more than 8 ye mp the direction ¢ i: taps LarTove ave Rares nave #11 nu ¥ ¥OTry Pel 1} rend zon the dal p main La Mississipp - ¢ 3 gmt.) Alar trans Pines - Fiera One Millio Workers. A call has anal convent aral ion New York delegates, Tepres people, ino YOOK ATL, deiphia, mora ahi cities : : Ga Was 02% ¢ Jom I'd 1 : : — Willian Tire Poy Father 10 the Man.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers