THE PATTOI 4 ATATES " 5 NO), we | 0% : PATTON, IE COOK, 3 DOES NOT CHEW GUM, , Thciterestor John ld. Burk if twe 4 3OpNE OF ACTIVITY | maken it diffioah for the torobors to 50] WARD IS A MU Written by Mary A. C. Patterson in L.A. 'W, hor a a io 5 fn Vous : : = - zo o At the Patton Clay Manunfactaring Com The pleasant fall wreath has been Is Held Responsible For Bulletin and Good Roads. . ) fo oi Shishi ; pany’ a Operations Ni w Boling Bail vars f ~ alle Pow tia cisry Epp BEERS Death Others Ara a i 3 : Son Acas Ai . reer $11 ha ivvba . i ; Y imizm 3 $n St e does not hold her CAr- fare i1 i [er ivi : ‘ Reader ERASE COUR : GARETT the school meoniar, and a grow 4 nym he : ATES D2Ogan wno dis aw] 3 } ¥ R wa % ORTESE YO iin ris ory 3d 5 $1 guar : 2 month while ¢losin ner pun OF Walls ? royal ry srry Pera ¢} nh : y ® no rx nen BO Rr AE be [ wh oq yy OTLANL ing for the { 83118] fictor ' 1 . She does not chew scream nor ump on the of a mouse: she can even (Hissgct 3. dead in the direction yo one if her talents lie it branch of science % large proportion of the new women | lle borou ride a wheel. If the new woman wears two-story frame he use 0G} wel) Car pel 3 Its now which the n expect late ‘ 2 jury Hes i ‘bloomers, and is the right kind of new The interest of J h Strinko in al Ab ‘work upon the construction of the on in the term, alter iepapiis have persons Lo them anknows, in the CriKe, . | woman, she does not doff her long-| ett fs sah SE I had more practice iri their studies. EE previons LSE) skirted cost and leather legging while having thereon a two-story plank |Sressed as s . 2 ow: The programs for this year’s County ard, was suspected aa calling on a friend, and stalk round the house. Mineral rights reserved. 1 Thode genilomen ve at Jad Institute, which were issued last week | parlor in shirt waist and silk stockings, | The interest of Jan Skovran in a lot | °°" i apectiol © Dek to the teachers and directors, promises | | especially if gentlemen are present. If or piece of land in Carroll township, 47°F and oe, oe ey co tO give us & very interesting and in- | | she has not yet adopted bloomers, she }4ying erected a one-story plank ormer whic t, one | | structive session. The Patton teachers, | does not wear a white or light-colored | hone. Mineral rights reserved. story ii huighs, Hie latter 0ceapYing 8 | with one exception, have never attend- | undergarment and a ‘skirt of satine Or | The interest of William parker in al} | PPe | ed Institute in this county, hence they | |other, fimey summer goods, tritamed | the col in or upon 200 acres and 1 ee or Eg re asa, | ill no doubt ind many sérange facos, i he nT g ribbons. Instead, she has a perches of land in Carroll township, and learn many new facts concerning : tal v Onpon arrival g ork will be "aT : ord . he £3 ¥Y Stead mopar do asaatoy black quilted underskirt, or one made 1... amount the y he insinded i hoy opah kK will be rap~ | 0 hools and teachers of Cambria Yards crime has caused great excite of satine corded rcund the bottom t pel vaenbria dt Clearfield Rallrond | hy PO shed 10 ¢ Hip tion, and itis con- | ner ment in Spang er and Wilmore, *here keep it down, and over it a flannel « mbanyv by Charles Kar 1 William = d Ba! ¥ Pt » » at pH £2 Sin iy It wonld add greatly to the att sion both he’. and th girl Were AI WIL serge dress skirt. She does noteall out icCombi ARSE BOTH RA will have beeri finished hy the middie | ep. cow school building to bave the H€¢ gave her the poison in, Hello, Tom!’ on meeting : re 2h the engine grounds cleared or its prapose had been socom- ance, but bows as graceft y a8 if of Yhxat pats i F Si house 3s il ; i} i, the winter setsin. The school building | Plished ie sent her to her relatives in afternoon promenade, we treads her he ilo i g article is taken from 8 WeHen = GeIng Si Fit : 3 OTH iH, 18. ane the moat attractive structire im or +, i company with a young Way among arriagos and vehicles of all / Magazine all xd Briek,”’ tl e official also m: king rapid strides, and 8/4 the Borough of Patton. and when ite | 12dy who was in the secret. Ward, in kinds i ; g 8 ns Le rl ing riding in he ath her's riage, behing Chi pa: . Hon of the kilns, wh 1 4% Plesann HL ith the building, it will stand second lien wa ‘as on his hands, disappeared. the staid old wn of many years \ large plant is being erected at Pat- number but two, and Will OCCUPY 8 wana of its Kind in the counter Miss Dugan ‘was an orphan, 23 years experience, The _out- ate woman ton, Cambria = county, y BY the space at ihe west ana: o "the building. Several pupil ave heen absent | 01d, and was univers: teamed, used to get ‘‘ratt actu npany WOTK. b : deat} street’ where a great many teams © . ‘McEifresh, superintendent, for gressed sullicientl) CG perinit OF L0€: jasonnt of sickness. Wel a that the Mlalse excitement umore, wena passing, and required the services the manufactu f vitrified clay pipe m ACLurs 01 1aelr Own DNC 0WIRT | parents during the Institute week will Winter Ereursion Tickets of a polieceman or two to gui pr; 107 Walor MaMa, otc., 38 Wel &a olner Bun Fu OU naa constructed. [ arrange the adairs of home, relative to | On November ; . : : adv orale lat the Pennsvivanis J r RYE Ee s+ plact rie railowrav i : 1.0 Oe mine 0aR ai {2} } Aes n safely over. { LA 3 5 - Cats i ii ¥ b J) . : oy ; 4 : o CiRit ing 52 apy 8D iad futies a hn Tea iim f 3 company 5d The new woman accepts an invita- TIFe-prooi. holding materiig ali jTennen ti : 2 Sne SWERY equires the servies of the pupil rite principal tic Ket offices PATTON tion to ride with her best young mar IES Wikis en te alibi an ing - . re ye ee 2 that after Institute the schéol work | tickets to all prominent wint and whirls away on a wheel, instead of DULGINER, Wal-Coping, 1 OW par: Lia) TW Hr "> may not be retarded by egular at-|in Na Virginia. N in a buggy with her mother or aunt tions and ins Block nd large ne rest Wa Wii aad irom We, oa... miess caused by sickness. onth Caroli a Georgie. F act as chaperon, much to the the latter. ‘She keeps an arm’s length, ™Aain. pipe, as described on another Which DRIGIDG. Lo give Lo roaan OV! patrone of the schools to visit the | nsual low rate. 1 cai | or at least the y width f the | rieile Fars Age $111 Dr IAL Hi74 from Ci pes i C0 i LF y { ; Pla 148 § : hrsdld 1 5 : an s hserve th work - tik af the Penusy vania ¥ : between them, and can turn round angi AU90E8 WO ifciag Bib und bien oi : a Ti by the teachers and pupils YOY lite many connections, speed away home ifhe is not as discreet ameter, ih Wp toxin gnt Fh : al Ib ew persons have visited the school gvorite line for and proper as he shou This stute i ; a C. W. HODGKINS, of affairs i8 much i helpful for both - than th & Beech Aves, . Patton, Pa. She is “bon comrade’ : languid, delicate, piece of ornamental used to be, A Wore and a has disappear simmer. xuehont i We TiN YN FY |pAaiiiaiag HANKSEIV RR ey Showid and 3 LE yv.eompetition eo L And all other wise men will tell you that ilhey ! way: ooas. Altoona: treated woe il at our manimot 18 “gs Be LALA ik fie dmanacs; P Special atte tion wi be CWI WO | rogcal m persons dealing wi i u of the city. Visit us and be convineed, The large saw C Mm ER B RO ~ Clark, at Glen Campbell, Indiana coan- evening ah twa evenings follow shootin 5 : rig : f -y > ll A ty, was totally wiroved by dre ME; Frida) nd tnraay, unger h \ shooting match for turks ¥8, Chi0R i Basser iA COW, WB 5 Y J x a (4 . y . x . . 4 . 1 ¥ } 1.3 # #3 i CPEs vi 5 ¥ “ 4 vy i £71 Hr - Monday morning, tonetit ho at 10608 Of the apts? Qing Sonie's ens, et Wi De Nad 2 me I's f h Bulg es ~t BULIE) Ry ’ V 1. 8 1d) Johnstown, Pa. several thousand feet of sawed 01 "Patten, for the benefi £) in the borough of Patton on Satur Monday establishing the grad for . . . y . 3 . 33 . ; 3 fy ‘vy 12 wes ! The canse of the fire is a mystery, and organ 1d. 11 are cordially invited afternoon <verybody is invited to le w 2 on bh avenue, from Seech 1256 Market 8t. Telephone No. 140, St : : ‘ ’ 5 ’ 24 —_ vec ta tha ph OON. ho or ! : : the loss will be very heavy. to hy . oe present. ue to ridge across Dry run. (
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