€88 Was devomplished 2 T The yearly ; ‘Io- ~cust’ would be as well worth watching.’ —Mechaniza’ Monthly. ——— — ————————— The Cabblers’ Stone. On the side front of the Mulhouse town hall there is hang up a stone call ed the ‘‘Klapperstein’’ or ‘‘Babblers’ Stone.” It bears an Ett in Ger- man, of which the Torlowlne is a trans lation : 1 am called the stone of babblers, . Well known to evil tongues. Any tlle who is of a quarrelsome or sian. Fe Wil be *¥ Ys Pryews aR ™ Dime Museurn. In the wetion. Cal be appoliateu Ww office Witdiont his approval. No one can be punished without the judgment receives his sig- nature, and no one pardoned without his hand. This man—always right, al- ways just——we propose to re-elect now to the presidency. '’—Louisville Courier- Journal : any 3 The Intrusive Tulip Tree. ; The tulip tree appears to be better able to reproduce itself and is evidently more hardy when young than any other of our native trees. Wherever there is a bare or negiected place in Brandywine species of tree immediatel r Within the an 3 > are. twa Gr No Longer AO GATOWIA i 8 CF To burying a suicide at reap, To applying the torturs. .......... aerisnranes To applying the thumlserew..... esis waits To applying the buskins. : To administering the Gehenna torture. ..... 10 Ladd dia To putting a person in the pillcry 3 Tofogging .......on vx .- To branding with a hot iron. To cutting off the nose, the ears orthe Shes ic | ~—Londcm Lancet. ants se —t—————— The Duty on Wheat. In the debate on the tariff set of 1824, Mr. Taylor explained why the duty was placed on wheat in 1816 as 15 per cent, equal, he a. at that time to 283% eents a i snes she: it had been & thi feed und 3 t importation of Bot | Black sen ireven | antral. | Who delight in snails. The observation Io England sheer, are known | of this fact is not new; it dates back | 130 years. It is well known that a large mumbe: of insectivorons birds become grain eat- | ers whenever they find that they cannot | procure their ordinary diet of insects. — | New York World. i Ramnsow In a Clear Sky. | For the second time withis two {| months Santa Earbara wns reeently | treated to a rare and beautiful phenom- ! ‘With a clear sky and dry atmos- brilliant rainbow A y Hey enon. TR. OV fons and Filephant. t of yet: were at least: ur distalice, Wie creases in his skin were said to be 2s. traps. They exhaled a peculiar oder, at tractive to the flies, and when these in- eautionsly ventured within the creases the wily elephant suddenly contracted his skin and massacred them by thoun- sands. — Westminster Review. His Early Educniion Saved Him. ‘In Florida the other day an old darky was brought before a magistrate upon the charge of ‘wantonly and malicious- ly killing a fowl—one hen.” It seems that the murder of the hen was oold i ii iki de TE 0 NING 0 TRERLLANIOPING Bi S20. He A 5) 5 AIDA REI tons tu avull anythiug thal waght give him unnecessary pain, and cne of them, a few days before the end, inventing a pitiful ruse, said to him, “Which of us installer?’ **Why this ceremony?" asked the admiral. “‘Iknow wall what it means. Let the man come and measure me for my coffin.”’—*“The Plymouth 'Road''—C. G. Harper. ‘Bringing Up Children. The son of a very eminent lawyer, while awaiting sentence in the felon’s ‘dock, was asked by the judge, ‘‘So you remember vonr father?” “Parfectly,’” said th wenever 1 entered nth saa, aiaa vy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers